
基于《懂你英语》:Level 4 Unit 3 Part 1 Dialog-Quitting a Job

今天的主题是:Resigning from Your Job 世界那么大,我想去看看

There are three things we are going to talk about in this lesson:
1.exammining your reasons.
2.making a plan.
3.how to resign gracefully.

Part 1:辞职的原因有哪些

rash decision = 仓促的决定
Think before you leap. = 三思而后行
weigh the pros and crons of sth. = 权衡某事的利弊

1.1 积极辞职

The first reason is to find a better opportunity.

be content with sth. = 对......满意/满足

When analyzing and evaluating your situation,you need to calculate the possibility of change into the equation.

Another positive reason for resigning is that you may want to pursue an advanced degree.
Continuing your education is a great way to help you enhacne your skills,knowledge,and give you more career options.

The third positive reason for resigning is you can take a temporary break.
You'll return from your break with a different perspective,which is likely to boost your job performance.

1.2 消极辞职

One negative reason for resigning is that you are underpaid and overworked.

Another big reason to resign is that you don't like your coworkers or boss.
Sometimes disliking your coworkers might even prevent you from succeeding in the workspace.
If you're in an unhealthy work situation,it's hard to even get out of bed in the morning.

Don't just quit because you feel undervalued or underpaid.

Part 2:辞职的规划

If you don't have a backup plan and decide to resign,you may suffer finacially.

budget = 精打细算
For example:
You will have to budget your savings until you can find another job.

advance a cause = 推动某项事业
advacne your interest = 促进你的利益
take through sth. / talk sth. through = 详细讨论
talk through one's hat = 胡说八道
predicament = 困境、窘境
Job opening = 工作机会

Part 3:如何优雅地辞职

First,you need to decide waht day you will leave,and give notice ahead of time.

abide by sth. = 遵守、依存
can't abide sth. = 无法忍受某事

Second,let your direct manager know first,not your colleagues.

A resignation letter = 辞职性

Third,prepare for an exit interview to explian why you are leaving.
an exit interview = 离职面谈

If you were unhappty with your job,you should have shared these issues while you were employed.

Be professional,cooperative,and positive.

momentary bliss = 短暂的狂喜
launch into sth. = 康概陈词
For example:
She lauched into a verbal attack into his handling of the media.

endorsement = 支持
land a job = 找到工作
For example:
You boss' endorsement may be critical in helping you land future jobs.

hadover = 工作交接
