English Task 777

In this task you must find a book. Turn to the 7th page, the word and write a story about that word in 7 lines.


1 Shoplifting is an ancient technique of great heritage and difficulty.

2 It requires extreme agility and courage. The average person takes

3 less than a second to learn how to shoplift, but has

4 an 80 percent chance of failure. Famous shoplifters can

5 be observed performing the act at local retailers and stores, especially

6 those with items of high value. If you wanted to feel the true aura of a

7 world class shoplifter, your local prison holds countless exemplars.

在这项任务中,你必须找到一本书。 转到第7页,单词并在7行中写下关于该单词的故事。



2它需要极端的敏捷和勇气。 普通人需要


4 80%的失败几率。 着名的扒手可以


6那些具有高价值的物品。 如果你想感受一个真正的光环


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