How to print only the selected grid rows

XtraGrid, XtraPrinting Library, eXpress Persistent Objects

This property The XtraGrid control provides the GridView.OptionsPrint.PrintSelectedRowsOnly property which allows to accomplish this task. This property is available since version 2009 vol 1.0. ( Print (export) only selected rows and their details )

With earlier versions of the XtraGrid control you can use the following solution:
1. Create a filtered data table, which contains only those rows, which are selected in the grid.
2. Programmatically create a new grid control.
3. Assign the settings of the source grid to the dynamically created grid.
4. Bind the dynamically created grid to the filterd data.
5. Print the dynamically created grid via the PrintingSystem component.


[C#]Open in popup window

using System.Data; using DevExpress.XtraGrid; using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid; // step #1 private DataTable GetTableOfSelectedRows(GridView view) { DataTable resultTable = new DataTable(); DataTable sourceTable = null; if(view.DataSource is DataView) sourceTable = ((DataView)view.DataSource).Table; else if(view.DataSource is BindingSource) { object dv = ((BindingSource)view.DataSource).List; sourceTable = ((DataView)dv).Table; } if(sourceTable != null) { resultTable = sourceTable.Clone(); foreach(int rowHandle in view.GetSelectedRows()) { DataRow row = view.GetDataRow(rowHandle); resultTable.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); } resultTable.AcceptChanges(); } return resultTable; } // steps ##2 and 3 private GridControl CloneGrid(GridControl sourceGrid) { GridControl resultGrid = new GridControl(); resultGrid.MainView = new GridView(resultGrid); resultGrid.MainView.Assign(sourceGrid.MainView, false); Controls.Add(resultGrid); resultGrid.Visible = false; return resultGrid; } // step #4 private GridControl GetGridWithSelection(GridControl grid) { GridControl clonedGrid = CloneGrid(grid); DataTable clonedTable = GetTableOfSelectedRows(grid.MainView as GridView); clonedGrid.DataSource = clonedTable; return clonedGrid; } // step #5 private void PrintGrid() { if(gridView1.SelectedRowsCount == 0) printableComponentLink1.Component = gridControl1; else printableComponentLink1.Component = GetGridWithSelection(gridControl1); printableComponentLink1.CreateDocument(); printableComponentLink1.ShowPreview(); }

[VB.NET]Open in popup window

Imports DevExpress.XtraGrid Imports DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid ' step #1 Private Function GetTableOfSelectedRows(ByVal view As GridView) As DataTable Dim resultTable As New DataTable If TypeOf view.DataSource Is DataView Then Dim sourceTable As DataTable = CType(view.DataSource, DataView).Table resultTable = sourceTable.Clone() Dim rowHandle As Integer For Each rowHandle In view.GetSelectedRows() Dim row As DataRow = view.GetDataRow(rowHandle) resultTable.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray) Next rowHandle resultTable.AcceptChanges() End If Return resultTable End Function ' steps ##2 and 3 Private Function CloneGrid(ByVal sourceGrid As GridControl) As GridControl Dim resultGrid As New GridControl resultGrid.MainView = New GridView(resultGrid) resultGrid.MainView.Assign(sourceGrid.MainView, False) Controls.Add(resultGrid) resultGrid.Visible = False Return resultGrid End Function ' step #4 Private Function GetGridWithSelection(ByVal grid As GridControl) As GridControl Dim clonedGrid As GridControl = CloneGrid(grid) Dim clonedTable As DataTable = GetTableOfSelectedRows(grid.MainView) ' clonedGrid.DataSource = clonedTable Return clonedGrid End Function ' step #5 Private Sub PrintGrid() If GridView1.SelectedRowsCount = 0 Then PrintableComponentLink1.Component = GridControl1 Else PrintableComponentLink1.Component = GetGridWithSelection(GridControl1) End If PrintableComponentLink1.CreateDocument() PrintableComponentLink1.ShowPreview() End Sub

See Also:
Printing the XtraGrid in the online documentation
