
// Command pattern -- Real World example

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Command.RealWorld

   // MainApp test application

   class MainApp
     static void Main()
       // Create user and let her compute
      User user = new User();

      user.Compute('+', 100);
      user.Compute('-', 50);
      user.Compute('*', 10);
      user.Compute('/', 2);

       // Undo 4 commands

       // Redo 3 commands

       // Wait for user

   // "Command"

   abstract class Command
     public abstract void Execute();
     public abstract void UnExecute();

   // "ConcreteCommand"

   class CalculatorCommand : Command
     char @operator;
     int operand;
    Calculator calculator;

     // Constructor
     public CalculatorCommand(Calculator calculator,
       char @operator, int operand)
       this.calculator = calculator;
       this.@operator = @operator;
       this.operand = operand;

     public char Operator
       set{ @operator = value; }

     public int Operand
       set{ operand = value; }

     public override void Execute()
      calculator.Operation(@operator, operand);

     public override void UnExecute()
      calculator.Operation(Undo(@operator), operand);

     // Private helper function
     private char Undo( char @operator)
       char undo;
         case '+': undo = '-'; break;
         case '-': undo = '+'; break;
         case '*': undo = '/'; break;
         case '/': undo = '*'; break;
         default : undo = ' '; break;
       return undo;

   // "Receiver"

   class Calculator
     private int curr = 0;

     public void Operation( char @operator, int operand)
         case '+': curr += operand; break;
         case '-': curr -= operand; break;
         case '*': curr *= operand; break;
         case '/': curr /= operand; break;
        "Current value = {0,3} (following {1} {2})",
        curr, @operator, operand);

   // "Invoker"

   class User
     // Initializers
     private Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
     private ArrayList commands = new ArrayList();

     private int current = 0;

     public void Redo( int levels)
      Console.WriteLine("\n---- Redo {0} levels ", levels);
       // Perform redo operations
       for ( int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
         if (current < commands.Count - 1)
          Command command = commands[current++] as Command;

     public void Undo( int levels)
      Console.WriteLine("\n---- Undo {0} levels ", levels);
       // Perform undo operations
       for ( int i = 0; i < levels; i++)
         if (current > 0)
          Command command = commands[--current] as Command;

     public void Compute( char @operator, int operand)
       // Create command operation and execute it
      Command command = new CalculatorCommand(
        calculator, @operator, operand);

       // Add command to undo list
