GNU make manual 翻译( 一百六十三)


6.6 Appending More Text to Variables


Often it is useful to add more text to the value of a variable already

defined.  You do this with a line containing `+=', like this:

     objects += another.o

This takes the value of the variable `objects', and adds the text

`another.o' to it (preceded by a single space).  Thus:

     objects = main.o foo.o bar.o utils.o

     objects += another.o

sets `objects' to `main.o foo.o bar.o utils.o another.o'.

   Using `+=' is similar to:

     objects = main.o foo.o bar.o utils.o

     objects := $(objects) another.o

but differs in ways that become important when you use more complex


   When the variable in question has not been defined before, `+=' acts

just like normal `=': it defines a recursively-expanded variable.

However, when there _is_ a previous definition, exactly what `+=' does

depends on what flavor of variable you defined originally.  *Note The

Two Flavors of Variables: Flavors, for an explanation of the two

flavors of variables.

6.6 给变量追加更多文本


objects += another.o

这将获得变量objects得值,然后把another.o 追加到它后面(前面放一个空格)。因此:

objects = main.o foo.o bar.o utils.o
objects += another.o

设置 `objects' 为 `main.o foo.o bar.o utils.o another.o'。

Using `+=' 等同于:

objects = main.o foo.o bar.o utils.o

objects := $(objects) another.o


当上述问题中的变量没有被定义的时候,+=就像通常的=: 一样,它定义了一个递归的变量。但是当变量已经有了定义,+=要做的依赖于你事前定义此变量所用的风格。关于变量两种风格,参照 *Note the Tow Flavors of Variables: Flavors

