Your funds transfer has been delayed

Hello from Amazon.

Your funds transfer in the amount of 9,422.88 USD has been delayed because the credit or debit card information registered to your  seller account is invalid. This information may be invalid because the card has expired or the billing address may have changed.

Your credit or debit card helps to authenticate you for payment of your sales proceeds into your bank account. Your card may also be used to charge you for any outstanding Amazon fees.

After you have updated your seller account with a valid card, the funds in your seller account will be available for transfer to your bank account in accordance with your transfer schedule. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, or Diner's Club.

To update the credit or debit card information on your seller account:

1. Log in to your seller account. You will see a message prompting you to update your credit card.
2. Click "Update" to provide your current credit or debit card information. Be sure to enter all information exactly as it appears on your card. Click "Continue."
3. Enter the billing address associated with the card and click "Continue," or click "Use this address" to select an existing billing address.
4. Choose to get paid immediately or on the next scheduled transfer date.
5. Click “Submit.”

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Amazon Services
