MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(客户端架构 part2 of vgui)




 * PAP Engine ( -- )

 * $Id system.h

 * @link -- for the canonical source repository

 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013-2014 viticm( [email protected] )

 * @license

 * @user viticm<[email protected]/[email protected]>

 * @date 2014-3-26 11:26:48

 * @uses vgui base system




#include <OgreRoot.h>

#include <imm.h>

#include "CEGUIString.h"

#include "vengine/ui/system.h"

#include "vgui/config.h"

/** ogre and cegui { **/

namespace Ogre {

class Root;

}; //namespace Ogre

namespace CEGUI {

class System;

class OgreCEGUIRenderer;

class FalagardActionButton;

class EventArgs;

class Window;

}; //namespace CEGUI

namespace vgui_script {

class Base;

}; //namespace vgui_script

/** }ogre and cegui **/

namespace vgui_window {

class Manager;

}; //namespace vgui_base

namespace vgui_icon {

class Manager;

}; //namespace vgui_icon

namespace vgui_string {

class System;

}; //namespace vgui_string

namespace vgui_creature {

namespace head_board {

class System;

}; //namespace head_board

}; //namespace vgui_creature

namespace vgui_base {

class System : public vengine_ui::System {




   virtual ~System();

   static System* getself();

 public: //implement from abstract class

   virtual void on_windowsize_change(uint32_t message,

                                     WPARAM wparam, 

                                     LPARAM lparam); //窗口大小改变事件

   virtual void injectinput(); //如果事件结果为true则获取了输入

   virtual bool messageprocess(HWND hwnd, 

                               uint32_t message, 

                               WPARAM wparam, 

                               LPARAM lparam); //文字输入消息

   virtual bool is_mousehover(); //鼠标是否在UI上空


   virtual bool is_mousehover_chatboard(int64_t x, int64_t y); 


   virtual STRING get_chatboard_hyplink_content(int64_t x, int64_t y);


   virtual vengine_ui::CreatureHeadBoard* create_creature_headboard();


   virtual void add_behit_board(bool _double, 

                                const char* info, 

                                float startx, 

                                float starty, 

                                uint8_t type, 

                                uint8_t movetype);

   virtual bool is_windowshow(const char* name, 

                              const char* childname = NULL);

   virtual bool close_allwindow();


   virtual void fakeobject_show(const char* windowname, const char* name);


   virtual void fakeobject_destroy(const char* windowname, 

                                   const char* name);




   virtual void debug_push_chatstring(const char* name, 

                                      const char* message);

   virtual void debug_save_fonttexture();


   virtual void change_dragflag(bool flag);

   virtual bool is_dragend();



   virtual STRING parsestring_varparam(const char* id, ...);

   virtual void parsestring_nocolor(const STRING& in, 

                                    STRING& out, 

                                    bool control = false);

   virtual STRING parsestring_nocolor_varparam(const char* id, ...);

   virtual STRING parsestring_no_varparam(const char* id);

   virtual STRING parsestring_nocolor_no_varparam(const char* id);


   virtual STRING get_talktemplate(const STRING& key, uint16_t index);

   virtual STRING modify_chattemplate(const STRING& temp, 

                                      const STRING& talker, 

                                      const STRING& target);

   virtual STRING get_talkrand_helpmessage(); //聊天随机提示消息


   virtual bool is_IME_editbox_active(const char* windowname);

   virtual int32_t get_current_IMEstate(); //获取当前输入法状态

   virtual STRING get_IME_editbox_string(const char* name); //获得输入内容


   virtual bool inject_iteminfo(

       vengine_game::ItemTransferSystem::element_t* element);

   virtual void on_pushescape();

   virtual bool is_paopao_active();

   virtual uint32_t lumination_ogrecolor(uint32_t ogrecolor, 

                                         int32_t lumination);

   virtual int32_t ogrecolor_lumination(uint32_t ogrecolor);


   virtual bool check_stringfilter(

       const STRING& in, 

       const vengine_ui::filtertype_enum type = vengine_ui::kFilterTypeNone);

   virtual bool check_stringcode(const STRING& in, STRING& out);


   virtual bool check_string_fullcompare(const STRING& in, 

                                         const STRING& filtertype = "all", 

                                         bool use_alltable = true);

   virtual STRING get_debugstring();


   virtual void openwindow(const STRING& name);

   virtual void closewindow(const STRING& name);

   virtual void togglewindow(const STRING& name);

   virtual bool has_inputfocus();


   virtual bool add_chathistory_message(int32_t id,

                                        const char* windowname, 

                                        const char* message, 

                                        int32_t type = -1, 

                                        uint32_t disappeartime = 0);

   virtual void replacestring_usefilter(

       const STRING& in, 

       STRING& out, 

       vengine_ui::filtertype_enum filtertype = vengine_ui::kFilterTypeChat);

   virtual STRING check_stringvalid(const char* string);

   virtual bool reload_windowscript(const STRING& windowname);

   virtual void uirender_toggleshow();


   virtual void init(void*);

   virtual void release();

   virtual void tick();


   virtual bool is_ctrlinfo_enable();

   virtual void set_ctrlinfo_enable(bool enable);


 public: //action buttons

   vgui_icon::Manager* get_iconmanager();


   bool handle_action_dragdrop_started(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

   //鼠标进入,显示super tooltip

   bool handle_actionbutton_mouseenter(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

   //鼠标离开,隐藏super tooltip

   bool handle_actionbutton_mouseleave(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);


   bool handle_actionbutton_parenthidden(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

   //mesh window开始显示

   bool handle_meshwindow_shown(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

   //mesh window隐藏

   bool handle_meshwindow_hiden(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

 public: //超链接

   bool handle_hyperlink_active(const CEGUI::EventArgs &event);

   bool handle_hyperlink_leftactive(const CEGUI::EventArgs &event);

   bool handle_hyperlink_rightactive(const CEGUI::EventArgs &event);

   bool handle_hyperlink_inactive(const CEGUI::EventArgs &event);



   bool handle_elementdelete(const CEGUI::EventArgs &event);

   //chat history 点击infoelement的通知

   bool handle_chathistory_infoelement_click(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

   //chat history 鼠标在infoelement的通知

   bool handle_chathistory_infoelement_movein(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

   bool handle_chathistory_infoelement_moveout(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);

   //click sound 对应按钮点击后播放声音

   bool handle_pushbutton_clicksound(const CEGUI::EventArgs& event);


   Ogre::Root* ogreroot_;

   CEGUI::System* cegui_system_;

   CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer* cegui_render_;

   vgui_script::Base* script_;

   vgui_window::Manager* windowmanager_;

   vgui_icon::Manager* iconmanager_;

   vgui_string::System* stringsystem_;

   vgui_creature::head_board::System* creature_headboard_system_;

   CEGUI::String buttonname_indragging_; 

   bool is_dragend_;

   HCURSOR draggingcursor_;

   bool active_paopao_;

   bool is_ctrlinfo_enable_; //是否激活按住Ctrl键激活系统设置中所见所得功能




   static System* self_;


   void on_dragbegin(CEGUI::FalagardActionButton* dranggingbutton_);


   void on_dragend(CEGUI::Window* targetwindow);


}; //namespace vgui_base




  下面开始讲这部分的内容,最近在忙着写plain framework的参考手册,所以也就无暇来做之前的这些知识分享。而且客户端的部分,我觉得把这些重要接口展示给大家,大家如果能完全了解的话对于设计方面就已足够了,至于源码我会在讲解完这些接口后放出,所以大家不会担心。

  基础系统提供了比较全面的UI操作接口,包括界面的显示与界面事件的控制。里面牵扯到几个重要的系统,包括OGRE、CEGUI、CEGUI RENDER、SCRIPT、窗口管理器、图标管理器、字符串管理器、角色面板管理器等等。


  最近在忙着整理plain framework框架的文档,但是文章被移出了首页,如果有兴趣的朋友不妨看看:
