SQL语法可以参考 菜鸟教程 或者微软官方的SQL示例
--最基础的查询语句, select * from table_name
select * from studentTable
--条件查询 select * from table_name where 条件
select * from studentTable where studentTable.gradeID = 5
3.条件查询 between and
--条件查询 select * from table_name where 条件
select * from studentTable where studentTable.cityID between 1 and 7 --查找 studentTable.cityID 在 1-7 范围内的行
4.多条件查询 and
--多条件查询 select * from table_name where 条件 and 条件
select * from studentTable where studentTable.cityID between 1 and 7 and studentTable.gradeID = 7
--多条件查询 select * from table_name where 条件 and 条件 studentTable.name like '%七%' studentTable.name中含有字符 七 的行 %为通配符 匹配0 - 多个字符
select * from studentTable where studentTable.cityID between 1 and 7 and studentTable.name like '%七%'
--条件查询 + 提取需要列 select table_name.列名1, table_name.列名2 from table_name where 条件
select studentTable.name as 姓名, gender as 性别, address as 地址 from studentTable where studentTable.gradeID = 5
--联合查询 两个表的数据组合
select * from studentTable
inner join cityTable on cityTable.id = studentTable.cityID --将cityTable.id 等于 studentTable.cityID的两个表的行合并成一行
--联合查询 多个表的数据组合
select studentTable.id as 学生编号, studentTable.name as 姓名, genderTable.name as 性别,
gradeTable.name as 班级, (provinceTable.province + cityTable.cityName + isNull(studentTable.address, '')) as 家庭地址
from studentTable
inner join cityTable on cityTable.id = studentTable.cityID
inner join provinceTable on cityTable.provinceID = provinceTable.id
inner join genderTable on genderTable.id = studentTable.gender
inner join gradeTable on gradeTable.id = studentTable.gradeID
--嵌套查询 可以在查询语句结果的基础上多次进行筛选嵌套
select * from
(select studentTable.id as 学生编号, studentTable.name as 姓名, genderTable.name as 性别,
gradeTable.name as 班级, (provinceTable.province + cityTable.cityName + isNull(studentTable.address, '')) as 家庭地址
from studentTable
inner join cityTable on cityTable.id = studentTable.cityID
inner join provinceTable on cityTable.provinceID = provinceTable.id
inner join genderTable on genderTable.id = studentTable.gender
inner join gradeTable on gradeTable.id = studentTable.gradeID) as t1
where 性别 = '男'
--对查询结果排序 order by 列名
select * from studentTable where cityID = 7
order by studentTable.id desc --desc 递减排序
--对查询结果分组, 然后使用count(*) 统计各个分组的行数
select cityID, count(*) as 数量 from studentTable
group by cityID
group by cityID 会对相同的cityID值的行划分成一组,如下图cityID为7的共有4行,这四行划分成了一组,也就是只能显示一行,因此这个表中只能显示cityID列 和 聚合函数生成的列,不能显示姓名这样的列(四个姓名显示谁的?)
--对查询结果分组, 然后使用count(*) 统计各个分组的行数
select cityID, count(*) as 数量 from studentTable
group by cityID having cityID > 7 --having 限定cityID范围 只对范围内的cityID进行分组
聚合函数 | 功能 |
avg(列名) | 求列中各项的平均值 |
count(列名) | 获取列的行数 |
max(列名) | 获取列中的最大值 |
min(列名) | 获取列中最小值 |
sum(列名) | 获取列中各项之和 ,SUM 只能用于数字列。 Null 值会被忽略。 |
stdev(列名) | 返回指定列中所有值的标准偏差 |
stdevp(列名) | 返回指定列中所有值的总体标准偏差 |
var(列名) | 返回指定列中所有值的方差 |
varp(列名) | 返回指定列中所有值的总体统计方差 |
select * from studentTable
select count(cityID) from studentTable
--聚合函数参数前加 distinct 关键字后,重复的列只统计一次
select count(distinct cityID) from studentTable
select *, count(*) over() as 总行数 from studentTable
select *, count(*) over(partition by cityID) as 总行数 from studentTable
先获取 select * from studentTable 的查询结果,然后根据cityID对查询结果分组,最后对每组的行数进行count(*)统计并将数据变成一列添加到查询结果中
select *, count(*) over(order by cityID) from studentTable
先获取 select * from studentTable 的查询结果,然后根据 cityID 列的值进行排序分组(order by 有起始行和结束行参数,这里没有填默认为第一行到当前行),最后对每组的行数进行count(*)统计并将数据变成一列添加到查询结果中
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id) as 行序号 from studentTable
--向表 studentTable 中插入数据 数据顺序 (gradeID, name, gender, cityID, address)
insert into studentTable(gradeID, name, gender, cityID, address)
Values(8,'法外狂徒张三', 1, 1, '寡妇村')
--向表 studentTable 中插入多条数据 数据顺序 (gradeID, name, gender, cityID, address)
insert into studentTable(gradeID, name, gender, cityID, address)
Values(8,'法外狂徒张三', 1, 1, '寡妇村'),
(5,'法外狂徒李四', 0, 1, '鳏夫村')
--删除 studentTable 表中 名字是 法外狂徒张三的列
delete from studentTable where studentTable.name = '法外狂徒张三'
--将studentTable 表中 studentTable.name = '法外狂徒李四' 的行的 gender更新为1
update studentTable set studentTable.gender = 1 where studentTable.name = '法外狂徒李四'
--联合查询 多个表的数据组合
select studentTable.id as 学生编号, studentTable.name as 姓名, genderTable.name as 性别,
gradeTable.name as 班级, (provinceTable.province + cityTable.cityName + isNull(studentTable.address, '')) as 家庭地址
from studentTable
inner join cityTable on cityTable.id = studentTable.cityID
inner join provinceTable on cityTable.provinceID = provinceTable.id
inner join genderTable on genderTable.id = studentTable.gender
inner join gradeTable on gradeTable.id = studentTable.gradeID
--创建视图 studentInfoTable
create view studentInfoTable
select studentTable.id as 学生编号, studentTable.name as 姓名, genderTable.name as 性别,
gradeTable.name as 班级, (provinceTable.province + cityTable.cityName + isNull(studentTable.address, '')) as 家庭地址
from studentTable
inner join cityTable on cityTable.id = studentTable.cityID
inner join provinceTable on cityTable.provinceID = provinceTable.id
inner join genderTable on genderTable.id = studentTable.gender
inner join gradeTable on gradeTable.id = studentTable.gradeID
如果想要修改视图,将创建视图的关键字 create 改为 alter 即可
--创建存储过程 该存储过程有一个参数 @gradeName 类型为 nvarchar(20)
create proc GetStudentsInfoFromGrade
@gradeName nvarchar(20) --参数 班级名称
select * from studentInfoTable where 班级 = @gradeName
exec GetStudentsInfoFromGrade '一年级一班'
如果想要修改存储过程,将创建存储过程的关键字 create 改为 alter 即可
数据透视,起始就是行列转换,例如想要看每个班级中男女个数,可以将性别 男 女作为列名,班级作为行名。
select 班级, count(case when 性别 = '男' then 学生编号 end) as 男,
count(case when 性别 = '女' then 学生编号 end) as 女 from studentInfoTable
group by 班级 --分组
order by 班级 desc --排序
select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id) as 行序号 from studentTable
create proc GetStudentInfoPage
@pageIndex int, --要查询的页序号
@pageSize int --页大小
select * from (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id) as 行序号 from studentTable) as t1 --嵌套查询
where 行序号 between (@pageIndex-1)*@pageSize+1 and @pageIndex*@pageSize --根据页序号和页大小确定筛选条件
--查询第二页 一页两个数据
exec GetStudentInfoPage 2, 2