expect script

Expect script introduction(from wiki): 

 Expect is a Unix automation and testing tool, written by Don Libes as an extension to the Tcl scripting language, for interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck,rlogin, tip, ssh, and others. It uses Unix pseudo terminals to wrap up subprocesses transparently, allowing the automation of arbitrary applications that are accessed over a terminal. With Tk, interactive applications can be wrapped in X11 GUIs.

It is difficult to script the ssh and scp, passwd command into the shell script because of these cant get input from redirect file or something else,  while the expect is excellent to do it.

The below expect shell to explain how to use expect script:


set server   [lindex $argv 0]

set account  [lindex $argv 1]

set password [lindex $argv 2]

set destination [lindex $argv 3]

set build [lindex $argv 4]

if { $server == "-h" ||  $server == "" } {

   spawn echo "paramter order : server : account : password : destinatioin : build"



spawn echo "server      : $server"

spawn echo "account     : $account"

spawn echo "password    : $password"

spawn echo "destination : $destination"

spawn echo "build       : $build"

spawn echo "start to run the deployment======================================================>"

spawn ssh $account@$server "mkdir -p worker/$destination; echo 'create dictinary'"

expect {*password}

send  "raas\r"

spawn scp -r $build $account@$server:worker/$destination

expect {*password:}

send  "raas\r"

expect eof

spawn ssh $account@$server "echo 'run2'; cd worker/$destination; sh pyADPWorker.sh"

expect {*password}

send  "raas\r"

expect eof 
