Unity3D iPhone & UnityRemote Game Development List

These Unity iPhone resources are from blogs  in the Unity community and from the Unity Wiki and forums.  I’ve collected them here in hopes that a developer seeking to build a game using the Unity Game Engine could easily access them without having to look all over the web.  Please feel free to suggest any Unity iPhone resources that I may have overlooked.  The General Resources list for Unity3D and the Unity Scripting Resources have more general Unity related resources.

  1. iPhone Getting Started with the UnityRemote from the Unity 3D Wiki is indispensable- this is a very detailed introduction to getting your Unity App for iPhone and Unity Remote Running
  2. Unity iPhone Newbie Guide
  3. Certificates and Provisioning and Unity Remote How it worked for me
  4. Penelope- Unity iPhone Demo at the Appstore
  5. Unity3D Features -iPhone Publishing
  6. Unity3D  iPhone Examples – from the Unity web site with source code
  7. Unity3D iPhone Enhancement- adds many features to the Unity iPhone Toolkit including keyboard and access to the camera
  8. a Cocoa based front end for Unity3D  iPhone Applications- from the team over at Blurst
  9. Found via UnityTutorials.com- Unity3D Newbie Guide 4 Lessons so Far
  10. My UnityRemote tag archives
  11. iPhone Getting Started with UnityRemote- from the Unity Wiki
  12. Unity3D and the iPhone SDK- from Ethicalgames.com- authors of Unity3D for Flash Developers series and theUnity3D Cheat Sheet
  13. Unity3D for iPhone -My thoughts from Unity3D Zero to Hero
  14. Unity3D iPhone Pong example project- w/ sample code
  15. Developing for the iPhone -video and slides from Unite 2008
  16. iPhone Touch Phase Mini Tutorial
  17. Unity3D iPhone Touch Animation Tutorial
  18. Three Thing to Remember-iPhone/Unity3D advice from PixelPlacement.com
  19. Smooth Out iPhone’s Accelorometer- via pixelplacement.com
  20. iPhone Easy Button Handling- from the Unity Update Method -via pixelplacement.com
  21. Performing an Ad-Hoc Distribution build with Unity3D iPhone- building for beta testers
  22. UV Animations in Unity3D iPhone
  23. Application Verification Failed- No UnityRemote Love
  24. Vector art for Unity3D iPhone Developers- from learnunity3d.com
  25. 0xE800003A ApplicationVerification Failed- from Codebreaker
  26. Limitations of Unity3D  iPhone- from the Unity3D forums
  27. Unity3D iPhone Development forum
  28. Unity3d iphone unityremote Newbie Guide
  29. My Unity3D iPhone/ UnityRemote Delicious Links
  30. error 0xE8000036 – this means the app that you are trying to install has already been installed- Uninstall application by going to the phone home screen and holding down on the icon until they jiggle and the little “x” shows up in the upper right hand corner- click the “x” (duh!”)
  31. How to put a custom Icon in your Unity iPhone App- Forum discussion – The Utility Build Script that they mention is listedbelow
  32. Unity3D iPhone Build Script- For keeping your custom icon and if you have the pro version splash screen.  If you get an Error about the Editor then you’ll need to right-click and reimport the iPhone Build Script script in your project folder
  33. FingerManager Script for iPhone Touch handling
  34. iPhoneTextureImportSettings- Util from unify wiki
  35. Finger dodge Source – From unity community
  36. FirstPerson Controller Script implemented  for the iPhone from unity forums
  37. Wrangling GUIs with Unity iPhone From GTProductions
  38. UnityiPhone on Mahalo
