关于Spring Data Jpa 自定义方法实现问题

Spring Data Jpa 自定义方法的实现

最近项目中用到了Spring Data JPA,在里面我继承了一个PagingAndSortingRepository的接口,期望的是利用Spring Data JPA提供的便利。

同时我也希望自己有一个能定义自己方法的接口,因为单纯靠Spring Data JPA中提供的功能还是有很多业务逻辑实现不了,我必须自己实现。

那么问题来了:Spring Data JPA好处就是让我们省去了实现接口的过程,按照他们给的命名规范他们会自动实现我们的业务逻辑,那我们自己实现的接口要怎么注入到其中呢?



package com.mhc.dao; 
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; 
import com.mhc.entity.Person;
public interface DeviceCategoryDaoCustom {
 public Person getsFather(Person person); 


public interface DeviceCategoryDao extends
  PagingAndSortingRepository, DeviceCategoryDaoCustom {  



package com.mhc.dao; 
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
import javax.transaction.Transactional; 
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository;
import org.springframework.data.repository.NoRepositoryBean;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; 
import com.mhc.entity.Person;
class DeviceCategoryDaoImpl implements DeviceCategoryDaoCustom {
 public Person getsFather(Person person) {
  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  Person father = new Person();
  father = person.getParentPerson();
  return father;




同时加上@Repository把他加入到Bean里面,这样下次用这个方法的时候Repository会自动找到他的(话说Spring团队真心NB)。然后我们交给spring托管、测试。。。。。Ok 真心赞

Spring Data Jpa自定义方法关键字

关键字 方法名举例 对应的SQL
And findByNameAndAge where name = ? and age = ?
Or findByNameOrAge where name = ? or age = ?
Is findByNameIs where name = ?
Equals findByNameEquals where name = ?
Between findByAgeBetween where age between ? and ?
LessThan findByAgeLessThan where age < ?
LessThanEquals findByAgeLessThanEqual where age <= ?
GreatorThan findByAgeGreaterThan where age > ?
GreatorThanEquals findByAgeGreaterThanEqual where age >= ?
After findByAgeAfter where age > ?
Before findByAgeBefore where age < ?
IsNull findByNameIsNull where name is null
IsNotNull,NotNull findByNameIsNotNull,findByNameNotNull where name is not null
Not findByNameNot where name <>?
In findByAgeIn where age in (?)
NotIn findByAgeNotIn where age not in (?)
NotLike findByNameNotLike where name not like ?
Like findByNameLike where name like ?
StartingWith findByNameStartingWith where name like ‘?%'
EndingWith findByNameEndingWith where name like ‘%?'
Containing,Contains findByNameContaining,findByNameContains where name like ‘%?%'
OrderBy findByOrderByAgeDesc order by age desc
True findByBossTrue where boss = true
False findByBossFalse where boss = false
IgnoreCase findByNameIgnoreCase where UPPER(name) = UPPER(?)


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