1.7Pain +Reflection = Progress.
There is no avoidingpain, especially if you’re going after ambitious goals. Believe it or not, youare lucky to feel that kind of pain if you approach it correctly, because it isa signal that you need to find solutions so you can progress. If you candevelop a reflexive reaction to psychic pain that causes you to reflect on itrather than avoid it, it will lead to your rapid learning/evolving.22After seeing how much more effective it is to face the painful realities thatare caused by your problems, mistakes, and weaknesses, I believe you won’t wantto operate any other way. It’s just a matter of getting in the habit of doingit.
Most people have a toughtime reflecting when they are in pain and they pay attention to other thingswhen the pain passes, so they miss out on the reflections that provide thelessons. If you can reflect well while you’re in pain (which is probably toomuch to ask), great. But if you can remember to reflect after it passes, that’svaluable too. (I created a Pain Button app to help people do this, which Idescribe in the appendix.)
The challenges you facewill test and strengthen you. If you’re not failing, you’re not pushing yourlimits, and if you’re not pushing your limits, you’re not maximizing yourpotential. Though this process of pushing your limits, of sometimes failing andsometimes breaking through—and deriving benefits from both your failures andyour successes—is not for everyone, if it is for you, it can be so thrillingthat it becomes addictive. Life will inevitably bring you such moments, andit’ll be up to you to decide whether you want to go back for more.
If you choose to pushthrough this often painful process of personal evolution, you will naturally“ascend” to higher and higher levels. As you climb above the blizzard of thingsthat surrounds you, you will realize that they seem bigger than they really arewhen you are seeing them up close; that most things in life are just “anotherone of those.” The higher you ascend, the more effective you become at workingwith reality to shape outcomes toward your goals. What once seemed impossiblycomplex becomes simple.
a. Go to the pain rather than avoid it. If you don’t let up onyourself and instead become comfortable always operating with some level ofpain, you will evolve at a faster pace. That’s just the way it is.
Every time you confrontsomething painful, you are at a potentially importantjuncturein your life—you have the opportunity to choose healthy and painful truthor unhealthy but comfortable delusion. The irony is that if you choose thehealthy route, the pain will soon turn into pleasure. The pain is the signal!Like switching from not exercising to exercising, developing the habit ofembracing the pain and learning from it will “get you to the other side.”
[if !supportLists]a. [endif]直面痛苦而不是回避。如果你坚持不妥协,干之若诒,你会快速进化。这就是进化的方式。
By “getting to the otherside,” I mean that you will become hooked on:
• Identifying,accepting, and learning how to deal with your weaknesses,
• Preferringthat the people around you be honest with you rather than keep their negativethoughts about you to themselves, and
• Beingyourself rather than having to pretend to be strong where you are weak.
l 识别,接受,学会和自己的弱点相处
l 去伪存真,渴望真诚
b. Embrace tough love.In my ownlife, what I want to give to people, most importantly to people I love, is thepower to deal with reality to get what they want. In pursuit of my goal to givethem strength, I will often deny them what they “want” because that will givethem the opportunity to struggle so that they can develop the strength to getwhat they want on their own. This can be difficult for people emotionally, evenif they understand intellectually that having difficulties is the exercise theyneed to grow strong and that just giving them what they want will weaken themand ultimately lead to them needing more help.23
Of course most peoplewould prefer not to have weaknesses. Our upbringings and our experiences in theworld have conditioned us to be embarrassed by our weaknesses and hide them.But people are happiest when they can be themselves. If you can be open withyour weaknesses it will make you freer and will help you deal with them better.I urge you to not be embarrassed about your problems, recognizing that everyonehas them. Bringing them to the surface will help you break your bad habits anddevelop good ones, and you will acquire real strengths and justifiableoptimism.
This evolutionaryprocess of productive adaptation and ascent—the process of seeking, obtaining,and pursuing more and more ambitious goals—does not just pertain to howindividuals and society move forward. It is equally relevant when dealing withsetbacks, which are inevitable. At some point in your life you will crash in abig way. You might fail at your job or with your family, lose a loved one,suffer a serious accident or illness, or discover the life you imagined is outof reach forever. There are a whole host of ways that something will get you.At such times, you will be in pain and might think that you don’t have thestrength to go on. You almost always do, however; your ultimate success willdepend on you realizing that fact, even though it might not seem that way atthe moment.
This is why many peoplewho have endured setbacks that seemed devastating at the time ended up as happyas (or even happier than) they originally were after they successfully adaptedto them. The quality of your life will depend on the choices you make at thosepainful moments. The faster one appropriately adapts, the better.24No matter what you want out of life, your ability to adapt and move quickly andefficiently through the process of personal evolution will determine yoursuccess and your happiness. If you do it well, you can change yourpsychological reaction to it so that what was painful can become something youcrave.