The Ultimate Reveal of the Essence of Beauty”Hua Yuan Written March 2005Revised July 2019

The Ultimate Reveal of the Essence of Beauty”


First of all, we talk about the globalization of aesthetics, the commonality and the difference and inclusiveness of culture and art ." difference "and" inclusiveness "are emphasized by contemporary culture, which is determined by the specific information intermediary attribute of the space-time orientation of culture and art. On the contrary, scientific aesthetics should emphasize its globalization, so that the essence of scientific beauty seems to be in an awkward situation, but the fact is not so. Abstract definition is different from the level of concrete aesthetic object or beautiful thing, which is also a problem of space-time orientation, which is located in the logical level of aesthetic theory.Although a few Western people in the 20th century had the idea of deaesthetics and aesthetic narrow artistry, and academic circles also had some disciplinary phenomena of deaesthetics, the sign of "return of aesthetics" appeared in recent decades. This return is not a return to traditional aesthetics, but a comprehensive aesthetics after the aesthetic divergence of the West in the 19th century.The true scientific aesthetic essence theory should contain and control the aesthetic essence of modern and contemporary aesthetic schools at home and abroad, such as philosophy, literature, science, technology and design. As a scientific aesthetics, there are two levels, one is natural science, the other is humanities. True scientific aesthetics can not be separated from philosophy, but it can not rely too much on philosophy, otherwise it will not become true scientific aesthetics.

The essence of the four-dimensional multi-line monist framework with comprehensive, systematic, holistic and precise maneuverability is called the essence of scientific beauty. The ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty (frame text version) is deepened by "the extreme of design "(Huayuan's 1989 university graduation thesis) and" the standard of beauty "(thesis frame CD version). It condenses the author's efforts for 30 years since graduating from college. What is the essence of beauty, what is the standard of beauty, is a controversial issue in the history of aesthetics, even in the history of human civilization, and can also be said to be a difficult problem in the history of human civilization. The ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty (frame text version) this book or this multimedia, with extremely rigorous logic, from a multi-directional dynamic point of view, with the open frame scientific and original solution to the essence of beauty, what is the standard of beauty this eternal problem. This book or multimedia is a kaleidoscope of beauty, a window to reflect on why people are alive, why human society has a window of thought of love, a window of scientific research academic value with the function of inspiring jade, and a window to solve ancient problems in the history of aesthetics and even human civilization. If this book or this multimedia view is based on respect for and development of aesthetic disciplines and theoretical and practical achievements in the history of human civilization, if it is based on argumentation science, logic in the process of reasoning, Then the Goldbach conjecture in the history of aesthetics —— the true scientific nature of beauty and the standard of beauty, even if finally solved, the theoretical foundation of the history of aesthetics and even the history of human civilization has finally been laid. Like computers, people's aesthetic world sometimes should have a refreshing, longevity, with the times of anti-virus software ," the ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty "this book or this multimedia is an aesthetic anti-virus software, especially in the pursuit of a new era of high quality and good life.The ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty is not so much a reflection on the social progress of the author's life as a witness to a magnificent and great age.

The ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty answers questions about philosophy, aesthetics, literary theory and so on. The following is a list:

1. the nature and standards of beauty,

2. whether practice is the "only" criterion for testing truth,

3. the logical starting point, central meaning and internal motive force of aesthetics,

4. the common source of the classification of the "three blocks" of modern and contemporary Chinese aesthetics and the five major aesthetic schools,

5. philosophical games to the aesthetic discipline itself narrow sense of artistry and deaesthetics and other related concepts,

6. the respect of human nature, the elimination of human alienation and the related problems of broad sense art,

7. the coincidence and tacit understanding of the "three definite" and the new and old three theories that reveal the laws of nature,

8. how to resolve the dilemma of relativity and evolutionary universality, instrumental rationality and value rationality,

9. the fundamental difference between man and animal,

10.The origin and occurrence of beauty,

11. The controversial question of the scientific nature of aesthetic education, which is highly practical in aesthetics,

12. Is the beauty of women a good thing for a rich aesthetic like that of the Tang Dynasty in China, or a good question for a single thin like that of Western models in previous years,

Is the golden section ratio an absolute beauty ratio,

13. The aesthetic history of the question of whether the nude statues of Rodin's old prostitute are beautiful or ugly,

14. The question of what is the beauty of love and marriage in worldly life,

15. The controversial relationship between pleasure, pain and beauty in the history of aesthetics,

16. The agnosticism since Hume and Kant and the related issues of freedom as self-discipline in aesthetics,

17. The question in Hegelian aesthetics of what is the end of art,

18. The question of what has happened to the new Wang Yangming fever in recent years,

19. Whether the contradiction between the typical theory and the experience theory reflected in the modern and contemporary debates in China can be unified,

20. Questions relating to the questioning of a proactive attitude towards life by the youth representative Pan Xiao in the late 1970s,

21. The question of how elegant customs correctly discriminate and answer the question of whether abstract music and fine arts have content,

22. Questions relating to the content and form of beauty in the aesthetic debate,

23. The question of whether the prevailing demand for diversity in non-legacy conservation is in contradiction with the aesthetic standards of beauty in the scientific nature of beauty,

24. The question of how to understand the two concepts of beauty and aesthetic object and their relationship,

25. The concept of "living for feeling ", emphasized by some aesthetic scholars, and the beauty of socio-professional ethics, or the" fear of moral rule of law "," violence "," sex "," perversion "," grotesque "and other arts of the broad art,

26. The question of how to unify the theoretical differences of several major schools of personality psychology at home and abroad,

27. The question of whether minimalism, as a paradigm of style, can govern standards of aesthetic form,

28. Whether works of art must be works of beauty,

29. Questions of the aesthetic and artistic circles concerning the definition and boundaries of art,

30. Whether the artistic beauty raised by the aesthetic world must be higher than the natural beauty, such as whether the real panda beauty of the zoo or the toy panda is more beautiful,

31. The fundamental difference between natural and social sciences, including aesthetics,

32. The question of whether individuality and characteristic are important in aesthetics, or the more important contradiction of the beauty of the typicality of species,

33. Whether there are problems in the aesthetic debate about the beauty of science, the beauty of science and technology and the beauty of the corresponding industrial design,

34. Questions relating to the nature of the beauty of war,

35. The question posed by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato about the concept of beauty itself,

36. Why did modern science not produce difficult problems in China, raised by scientific historian Joseph Needham

37. The question of why the substitution of religion by four old professors at Peking University was inconclusive,

38. The question of what is going on in the debate between literary and artistic theorists and aesthetic circles about image thinking,

39. Whether the main trend of Chinese aesthetic practice and the mainstream of western aesthetic language can be unified,

40. Problems related to the construction of aesthetic human destiny community, the construction of national culture and the embodiment of the spirit of the times

41. Questions on the Internet in recent years about Hegel's argument that there is no philosophy in ancient China

42. Issues related to the essence of beauty, such as quantum, network, blockchain and the corresponding body aesthetics, post-human era and unmanned aesthetic criticism,

It is not the intention of the author of this book or this multimedia thirty years ago that the essential problem of beauty is the cornerstone of the building of aesthetics.

Some people dissatisfied with this book or this multimedia author, you have answered all the questions, what do others rely on to write articles to do reports? The author can not fully grasp the meaning of this rhetorical question, but the author has to say that many of the above paragraphs have been "answered" in order to solve the problem of the essence of beauty that has never been solved. This is a very normal phenomenon of scientific research and an inevitable development of social progress. Ask the author's friends to ask their own questions? Besides, the author answers some of the questions listed above and a question of whether the answer is correct or not, which depends on the logic and facts of the book, which is what the friend should pay attention to. Of course, this unsolved mystery can not be solved overnight, the details and related survival problems are quite complex. To really solve the problem, we need to grasp and make long-term plans as a whole. This is another level of things. This is the main reason why the book has not been published for nearly 30 years to this day. The cartoon image of an aesthetician proves that the aesthetic theory of science has been self-contained before May 1995. For more information, please refer to this book, this multi-media author's anthology of poems of the same name, the comic book of aestheticians.

The ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty (frame text version) is divided into five parts, The first is the prelude, Includes catalogues, author profiles, content tips and instructions and self-ordering; The second part is the frame collection of scientific aesthetics, Mainly around the essence of the theory of beauty preliminary development on the scientific aesthetic theory of the framework of a total of 135 episodes; The third part is selected for Hua Yuan's aesthetic poems, A selection of poems from 1989 to 2017, A total of 119. Poetry is divided into two parts, Some tend to be aesthetic, The other part explains the scientific beauty in the form of poetry, Both are poetic and picturesque around beauty; The fourth part is the art diagram, A total of 198, Of 102 artwork, Structure diagram 8 and author's art works selected 88. This part mainly takes the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign related art works as an example, Including the author's own works of art, Explain and exemplify the scientific aesthetic view with the concrete image of art works and schematics; The last one is the end and appendix, The appendix includes the author's information on the American Essence Research Project published on Google's website in Chinese and English in 1997 and the draft preparation of the Foundation, which was created with the core intellectual property rights of the American essence final revelation.

Aesthetics comes from philosophy, but it will eventually go to science. As a scientific aesthetics, it should be evaluated by the evaluation standard of scientific theory. According to many experts and scholars, the reference criteria for solving the problem of beauty essence or beauty essence should be seen from the following aspects: first, experts believe that if the position is Chinese mainland, the statement should be so, it must be conducive to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the realization of the goal of "two hundred years ", the peaceful development of the world, scientific democracy and ecological civilization, and the implementation of the beautiful Chinese thought and concept; Second, it is necessary to have specific applied practical value, to be close to the times, to be operable, to be specific to aesthetic applied disciplines and human aesthetic practices to play a guiding role in the principles of aesthetic essence theory, which should not only conform to the development laws of military, political, rule of law, morality, education, scientific research, industry and commerce, religion and other forms of broad-sense art, but also conform to the development laws of literature, music, fine arts, dance, drama, architectural gardens, arts and crafts, film and television, network, interactive games and other forms of narrow-sense art; Third, to be more in line with natural logic and social logic, to be able to accept the isomorphic analogy of micro-macro-space and the test of human history and human culture, the scientific research form of beauty essence theory revealed by it should be simpler in itself, and its connotation of beauty essence theory should be more universal, including compatibility with Chinese and foreign dynasties and modern and contemporary beauty essence theory.

Under the reference of benign cycle of space-time positioning,the information intermediary of unity of opposites between integrity and conciseness is Huayuan’s aesthetic theory of scientificity.If this book or multimedia argument is scientific and reasonable, then scientific beauty essence theory can egrityalso be said to be the definition of beauty and the concept of beauty. The concept of beauty and the essence of beauty are the synthesis of three definite and six-in-one, which is the synthesis of six key words of "space-time orientation "," virtuous circle "," integrity "," conciseness "," information" and "intermediary ".The judgment of beauty of things can not be carried out without the limitation and reference of the above six key words, because the relationship of the six key words is multiplicative, and the virtuous circle is similar to the circle of vision outside the cross seen when shooting at aim. It is the key link of the qualitative nature of the judgment of beauty. Because the virtuous circle transcends the society, nature and even the universe that man can perceive, including the virtuous circle of the human natural body itself. The essence of beauty is generally referred to as beauty in argumentation, beauty is not equal to beauty or aesthetic object.Under the reference of benign cycle of space-time positioning,the information intermediary of unity of opposites between integrity and conciseness is Huayuan’s aesthetic theory of scientificity.The core points of this book are explained in fifteen small points.

About object and regularity.Don't forget that the word "beauty" created by human beings is purposeful, and its purpose is to lead mankind to a benign and sustainable path. The aesthetic dilemma of relativity and evolutionary universality is solved with the necessary directional reference of the virtuous circle of room and choice space. Regularity can also be understood as objectivity. The objectivity of the essence of beauty includes not only material existence, but also human physiological, psychological, ideological, and the relationship between subject and object. The law can be divided into natural law and social law. The demand of social group includes representative individual demand can be said to be subjective and irregular?Many natural scientists, literary theorists and aestheticians believe that true is not necessarily equal to beauty. Internally, the truth of beauty must not only have a premise of "space-time positioning ", but also another premise, that is ," virtuous circle ". Because beautiful things like a person should not only have the foot of "space-time positioning ", but also the other foot called" virtuous circle ", which is not equal to truth, truth is regularity. The essence of beauty can be referred to as beauty or quoted "beauty itself ". Plato's "beauty itself" in quotation marks should or can be understood as the "essence of beauty" under the premise of the positioning of Huayuan's scientific aesthetics, so that the natural beauty of beauty and beauty, the broad artistic beauty and narrow artistic beauty, and the philosophical aesthetics, literary aesthetics, science and design aesthetics referred to by scientists and engineers should be abstracted by the true scientific nature of beauty. The orientation of time and space corresponds to the tendency of practice, the virtuous circle corresponds to the tendency of grasping "quality ", and" quantity "corresponds to the grasp of" quantity "in dialectics.Everyone, every group has the right to a virtuous circle, just as everyone, every group is lonely in the final analysis, the "evil" side of everyone, every group has become the starting point of beauty in the division of labor, in distance isolation, in love and art, including broad and narrow art network, this starting point is also the foothold in the final analysis, because this "evil" has also been transformed into "good" in time and space ".

About subject and guidance.Beauty is purposeful, whether intentional or unintentional, whether it is the object or the subject, its purpose is to lead mankind to a virtuous circle, the meaning and value of beauty is reflected in the virtuous circle of human material and spiritual life, such as ascension, balance and pacification. The aesthetic psychological activities corresponding to "beautiful things "," aesthetic objects" and "essence of beauty" are generally called aesthetic sense. Aesthetic sense is the aesthetic psychological activities such as the feeling of the information intermediary of beautiful things or aesthetic objects. Aesthetic activity should be analyzed concretely in human brain. It not only contains the aesthetic sense of traditional aesthetics, but also contains the aesthetic object or beautiful thing of selectivity, memory, nature and so on.The aesthetic sense of subjectivity understood by traditional aesthetics can be compared with that of computer. If the pure aesthetic sense of traditional aesthetics is computer display and sound, then other selectivity, memory, natural aesthetic objects, beautiful things, intelligence quotient, emotional quotient and so on are computer processors, memory, hard disk and so on. Of course, aesthetic human brain activity is more than many times more complex than computer, this analogy is used to discuss simplification, visualization.The perception psychology of aesthetic activities is related to these concepts, including aesthetic emotion, attitude, cognition, experience, taste, value, experience, judgment and so on.For example, the aesthetic attitude is the conscious and unconscious space to keep a certain distance from the aesthetic object or the beautiful thing after understanding the corresponding law of beauty, and the aesthetic attitude can also be understood as the attention of the four-dimensional multi-layer multi-line one-dimensional choice. It is the selectivity, purpose and transcendence of the subject psychology. Aesthetic attitude has the spatial dispersion tendency of static intuition, similar to blue sky and white clouds, behind the wind and rain spring and autumn is the green earth and blue sea.As for aesthetic taste, we should mention Hume's general aesthetic view of taste, which is also the customary aesthetic psychological activity under the reference of space-time orientation and virtuous circle, and also the inertia of aesthetic psychology in the development.Aesthetic sense is to complement, cut into the multi-level information intermediary including virtual diffusion to contain, to improve, to enhance the beauty of the aesthetic corresponding to the different levels of beauty, is the popular daily life aesthetics, the attitude theory interpretation and technology fusion content can also be classified in the scope of aesthetic research.

About the source of beauty.Nature and human society are the two sources of beauty, nature is the first source, society is the second source ," beauty "occurs in the information level of physical and chemical time and space ," beauty" develops in the cycle of four-dimensional, multi-layer, multi-line and one-dimensional life ecology. Beauty is gradually perfected in the balance of a broad and narrow art.

About information mediation.Aesthetic creativity is the characteristic of beauty and the first requirement of "information intermediary "." creativity" is embodied in "six places" in scientific beauty theory and settled on "information intermediary ". The ultimate foothold of beauty essence is the most important of the three stages of information, beauty and beauty occurrence, development and perfection or the most primitive starting stage of physical and chemical level. It is the starting point of beauty and beauty and the foothold of beauty and beauty.In addition to the living feet of you and me, space-time positioning also includes different levels of non-life similar personification of its reference. For example, the change of aesthetic feeling under the change of certain time and space orientation is that aesthetic feeling is transformed into beautiful thing or aesthetic object. Whether the theory of the occurrence of information beauty from the physical and chemical aspects of the universe can dominate the theory of other factions lies in the comprehensive force, the control force, the generalization force and the compatibility force of the concept of information intermediary. The dialectics of deficiency and reality, yin and yang, contradiction and unity can only be called beauty under the premise of space-time orientation and directionality and quantitative reference, and the beauty of its corresponding information intermediary.Beautiful things or aesthetic objects include two categories: natural beauty and artistic beauty, in which artistic beauty is divided into broad sense artistic beauty and narrow sense artistic beauty. It has the tendency of understanding, reflecting and rationalizing the aesthetic of broad sense art, and has the tendency of feeling, experience and sensibility to the aesthetic of narrow sense art.Information and value are the symbols of the new era, and the value in social development comes from information. Although the theory of labor is not unreasonable, the problem is that the core direction of labor is the concept of information.Beauty can also be interpreted as follows: it is an information intermediary, an information intermediary that finds a suitable correspondence, as Mr. Shen Congwen said in his love letter :" I have traveled many bridges, seen many times of clouds, drunk many kinds of wine, but only loved one of the best ages ." At the right time, in the right position to meet the right you, this correspondence is the objectivity of choice, the law of beauty is similar to the grasp of love beauty, do not care about possession, But lies in four-dimensional multi-line one-dimensional distance company and together. There has been such a question on WeChat ," A Dream of Red Mansions "where the most attractive? Some people answer: knowing that it is an empty, do not care about the end, in life alone, all rights, wealth and love will be an empty, understand is understood, but persistent, this book or this multimedia author believes that this is the value of life, this is the most attractive place of "A Dream of Red Mansions ", referring to the above understanding of life, positioning the beauty of the individual subject is like peeling onions layer by layer can only be empty, but positioning the object of human society beautiful things and aesthetic objects, including individuals, the continuity of family society, It also includes the information intermediary that can go deep into the virtuous circle in the brain, the same layer by layer, give the impression that should be hopeful, positive understanding of life, that is, space-time positioning and virtuous circle under the reference of human beings can reasonably grasp the regularity.

About the beauty thing, the esthetic object, the esthetic feeling this kind of information intermediary and the will relations. Energy can be divided into two, one is energy, the other is information, information is the arrangement and combination of all things in the universe, it is a multi-directional and multi-level arrangement and combination, and information is the "manager" of energy, which is a side form of energy. Man is the product of the nature of the universe. In addition to the human body, there is a rich spiritual world, but the human spiritual world can not exist independently from the said material world.The spiritual world is always subject to the material world. The movement of the spiritual world, such as human physiology, psychology and aesthetics, is actually a way of movement in the objective material world, and also a way of information intermediary existence.In the same way, the inner activity of biological electricity in the spiritual world of human beings is the same as that in the material world of the universe, and the law of movement of the two is unified. Human life is short, human life is smaller than the universe.The will in Nietzsche's philosophy, which was regarded as "the Bible" by Hitler and his Nazi party, was the precursor of the birth of tragedy, although sometimes it was reasonable to emphasize the will of nature.But the concepts of "will to survive "," will to reproduce" and "will to power" are not deep enough. The purpose of "will" should be for the information intermediary of beautiful things, aesthetic objects and aesthetic sense.

About truth, goodness, beauty and falsehood, evil and ugliness.In this way ," truth "has the tendency of understanding category ," good" has the tendency of behavior ethics category, and "beauty" has the tendency of information category. Of course, the three categories of "truth, goodness and beauty" are three categories under the reference of dynamic space-time positioning.The dynamic "truth, goodness and beauty" that can be transformed from each other is directed by a virtuous circle. As for the dynamic relationship between "truth, goodness and beauty" and "false evil and ugliness ", please refer to the relevant papers of this book.

About the quantification of beauty.The quantitative standard of judging the beauty of things is the contradiction between integrity and simplicity, which is simply called "Jane ". The title of this book or multimedia author's 1989 university thesis is "the extreme of design-" Jane ". It is important to note that this quoted" Jane "means the limitation of quantitative criteria in the positioning, qualitative and quantitative determination of aesthetic judgment. Although the development of science and technology, human production efficiency is higher and more convenient, this is a general trend, but the unity of integrity and simplicity is not the same as the minimalist style popular in recent decades. The unity of integrity and simplicity can sometimes be understood as the unity of complexity and purpose. The "simple" of quantitative reference, which is the unity of the contradiction between integrity and conciseness, can not exist independently from the space-time orientation of the essence of scientific beauty theory and the qualitative reference of virtuous circle, otherwise the beauty of things is difficult to judge. The style of minimalism is static, isolated, single-layer, a style paradigm, which is different from the quantitative reference of "simple" in the judgment of the beauty of things which is unified by the contradiction between integrity and simplicity ." simple "is the quantitative reference of the dynamic judgment of the beauty of things with four-dimensional, multi-line and one element. Is the password in electronic product encryption not the unity of complexity and purpose on the basis of relative individual virtuous circle? Simple and easy to guess the password you can say is a good password? This is a very persuasive analogy. From the works of modern artists such as Van Gogh, Monk, Picasso, Dali, Lucian Freud, Fry to modern and contemporary famous fashion designer Alexander McQueen and modern and contemporary famous architects Le Corbusier, Zaha Hadid and so on, their strange, grotesque, complex and unconventional style beyond traditional works is unique and refreshing, leaving mankind with precious spiritual wealth, because no matter how much propaganda the public opinion and the correct and anti academic evaluation play, they have become realistic works, left an irreplaceable stroke on the road of human art history and cultural history, and some of their works of art objectively also contribute to the diversification of the style of modern and contemporary art works and artistic aesthetics, breaking the single and single-layer modern style and eliminating the aesthetic fatigue of art. Looking at the history of modern and contemporary art, we can find that modern and modern minimalism, especially modern, has inadvertently become the background of these artists' works mentioned above. This also proves that the works of the above artists are highlighted by the modern art represented by minimalism in the era of industrialization. There are many similar examples, including the traditional arts and crafts of the East, the traditional antiques are delicate and delicate, and their precise and luxurious overall style is displayed under the corresponding concise background.Not to mention Chinese porcelain, as far as traditional painting is concerned, Huang Binhong's traditional Chinese painting style is one of the specific examples.The complex and simple things involve the style of beauty and the corresponding standard level. The core problem of this book or this multimedia discussion is the essence of beauty. The scientific aesthetic theory holds that the essence of beauty is finally settled on the key point of information intermediary. This is what we want to emphasize repeatedly.To cite another example of human physiology, it has been scientifically proven that only one third of women's breasts are used to suckle babies and are glandular tissues used to produce milk, while the other two thirds are not practical, but only to highlight the characteristics of women.

About the qualitative problem of beauty. Let's first talk about "benign "," conscience "," conscience" are not equal to "virtuous circle" problem. The "virtuous circle" in the aesthetic theory of science aesthetics has five aesthetic characteristics: leading promotion, balancing complementarity, multi-layer multi-linear, transcending transformation and perfecting nature. The center of gravity of "virtuous circle" is above "cycle "," cycle" is more objective, more comprehensive, more considerate, more directional. The "virtuous circle" should grasp the aesthetic object dynamically with the space-time orientation of the trigger point, so as to show its scientific and reasonable aesthetics. For example, how to explain the rationality of noble beauty in the war of justice by aesthetics. In the past, some aesthetic experts classified the war of justice as noble beauty, so the problem came. If the noble beauty is used in the evaluation of war, it will often lead to an unbalanced public opinion. In this way, human society will become more and more rough, simple force to solve many problems of human society, and human society will probably fall into and collapse into human hell from the sublime of the absolute spirit of Hegel, Because too much of the word "sublime" is an abnormal phenomenon in itself, the more it is used, the more empty and directional the content is missing, and the history of human history and even the history of life tells us. Four-dimensional multi-layer multi-line monism is a great framework for the development of human society and even the natural ecological development.Whether the above natural environment and special period aesthetic phenomena and aesthetic objects should be evaluated. If we leave the space-time positioning under the four-dimensional multi-layer multi-line and one-dimensional framework, we should use the single-line practical level of "benign "," conscience" and "conscience" to evaluate the aesthetic, to grasp its scientific and reasonable is not some ironic. The understanding of the essence of war beauty should be assigned to the scope of broad military art, which has the characteristics of rationality and integrity as other broad arts. Where is the beauty of war? Some people say "victory ", others say" the objectification of human essential power ", in this "victory" is not the winner as the king, the loser as the aggressor? Flesh and flesh flying, without a trace of human color of the war can be said to be the object of the power of human nature? Are the two understandings of the nature of war beauty too abstract? The essence of war beauty is the information intermediary of the whole virtuous circle, which refers to the contest between wisdom and courage. In some aspects, war is not victory and defeat, but justice or not, and the winner is not necessarily the beauty. Positioning the loser is the eternal victory of justice, the present failure is temporary, positioning the winner is the victory of the virtuous circle of justice, leaving the general direction of the virtuous circle, alone with "victory "," the objectification of the essential power of man" to explain the beauty of war is one-sided, thin, single-line narrow view. Back to the beginning of this paragraph ," benign "," conscience "," conscience "can also be understood, they correspond to some of the main color of the moral level of Chinese traditional folklore said, popular can no longer be popular" conscience ". The promotion of "conscience" with the promotion of Wang Yangming heat in recent years. There are many good things in Chinese history, such as Yangming Heartology, which need to be excavated. From the aesthetic point of view, Yangming psychology, put it in the era of social stability, political harmony, the rule of law clear, its moral practice level of social value is more worthy of our praise. From the problem that "benign "," conscience" and "conscience" are not equal to "virtuous circle ", we feel the transcendental side of truth regularity in the non-practice level of the essence of beauty, which in turn proves the possibility that the essence of beauty is truly revealed.

On the unity of the "three blocks" of contemporary aesthetics. Can the "three big blocks" aesthetics be unified? The first of the three major blocks is philosophical aesthetics, the second is literary aesthetics, and the third is science, technology and design aesthetics. This three-point method is not only applicable to domestic, although there are different levels of subdivision in foreign situations, but the overall framework is much the same, because the aesthetic discipline of human society that has entered the information age has become a global humanities. Positioning the "three big blocks" aesthetics in the broad sense of art is itself the research object of scientific beauty or the aesthetic object of a broad sense of art, and it is also a kind of orientation and order reference at the subject level.Huayuan's scientific aesthetics believes that only by truly grasping the essential problems of beauty in the mystery of ancient times, finding the common "birthplace" of aesthetic objects, beautiful things and aesthetic sense and related "three blocks" aesthetics, do not forget the characteristic characteristics of concrete aesthetics and seek common ground. Although the western medicine has the partial grasp, the accurate treatment method, but the traditional Chinese medicine also has the overall grasp, the balance conditioning superiority. The problem is that the aesthetic regression and high-level synthesis in recent years may be more important. Like other scientific research, aesthetics should be divided and combined. This is what we often call analysis and synthesis in scientific research, which is also the empirical and corollary of science on the basis of classification. Philosophical aesthetics has the tendency of methodology selectivity and guidance, literary aesthetics has the tendency of subject virtual, aesthetic transcendence, spiritual civilization, science, technology and design aesthetics have the tendency of object rationality, frame ontology and material civilization. The theory of scientific aesthetics is a higher level of abstraction on the bottom-up synthesis and experience of the above three blocks."Rare confused" is also to be divided into two?We are not opposed to some places to be confused, we are opposed to this must not be malignant beauty things, aesthetic objects, the essence and beauty of beauty, master and objectivity and so on are all rare confusion.Aesthetic sense corresponds to value, value and aesthetic sense is looking for the essence of beauty, beautiful things and aesthetic objects.What is the social value and significance of aesthetics on the basis of the existing one-sided and one-sided study of aesthetic psychology that leads to the increasing ugliness of aesthetic phenomena, difficult aesthetic practice and works of art often described by mass media?

on "thinking "," intuition "," information intermediary" and human nature. Some concepts, categories and other terms in aesthetics have many advantages, but the use of inaccurate, inappropriate or lack of corresponding command is a problem, which is one of the reasons why the essence of beauty is difficult to reveal. Information intermediary can resolve aesthetic academic disputes such as "image thinking" and "image intuition ", rationality and sensibility in broad sense and narrow sense art, blend epistemology and experience theory, lead the correspondence of aesthetic categories such as harmony and conflict, control the corresponding aesthetic essence of philosophy aesthetics, literature aesthetics, science aesthetics, design aesthetics, etc., and break through some literal isolation of" bamboo "," bamboo "in heart" and "bamboo" in Tao "in the eyes. Is this kind of literal alienation, or is it human, Is the concept of" natural humanization "in Li Zehou's early aesthetics and" human naturalization "in his later aesthetics covered by the key word" virtuous circle "in the theory of scientific aesthetic aesthetics? Pull away, this fight stops.

On the location of space-time and "scattered sand ". Some people will ask ," space-time positioning "will lead to" scattered sand "? Beautiful things or aesthetic objects only exist in the specific space-time positioning, so the key word "space-time positioning" in the essence of scientific aesthetic beauty theory is easily related to the "scattered sand" of society at the theoretical level. The key is the understanding of space-time positioning, which is sometimes located at the overall and group level, and sometimes at the local and personal angles, which is particularly clear. Space-time positioning and division of labor and cooperation are intrinsically related, and division of labor and cooperation is a remarkable feature of human society. Space-time positioning should not only take into account the virtuous circle of individual material and spirit, but also consider the sustainable development of group and society.

About the essence of beauty and the essence of culture. The essence of beauty is basically similar to that of culture. Although the object of aesthetic research is beyond the scope of cultural research, aesthetics itself belongs to the content of culture. So how do you understand the concept of culture? Some people say that it is the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical development, and others say that culture is the social phenomenon of cultural people. The author feels that the two definitions are not specific, imprecise, unscientific, and unlike the real definition, the two general cultural definitions have no "positioning "," qualitative" restrictions, and no "quantitative" concept. The author thinks that the definition of culture should be "artificial information intermediary ", and the information intermediary of human tendency, which is unified by the contradiction between integrity and simplicity under the reference of space-time orientation and virtuous circle, should be the scientific concept of culture. In addition to the comparative tendency of space and region, culture has the promotion of virtuous circle and complementary dialogue, which is also a social phenomenon of artificial beauty.

About aesthetic education.Let's talk about how to scientifically understand the practical aesthetic education in aesthetics, and really scientifically understand the essence of beauty, and the debate on what is aesthetic education will naturally be resolved. Aesthetic education should be a way to guide and train the successors and builders of the society, whether body or heart, who can adapt well to the progress and development. Aesthetic education should be to cultivate people who can grasp the contradictory relations of entering WTO and surpassing the world, reason and sensibility, making a living and happy life, loving one and loving oneself, etc. Aesthetic education should be to cultivate people with personality qualities and basic qualities such as gratitude, self-improvement, dedication and innovation.Although modern education has the interactive trend of teachers and students, which is different from big aesthetic education and small aesthetic education, it can be summed up as the aesthetic object of the educator and the aesthetic object. Aesthetic education problem details are very complex, here is not detailed.

Evaluation of the achievements of humanistic scientific research.Gao Jianping published the article "Psychological Power and the Guiding Power of Beauty" in the eighth issue of the journal of literature and history knowledge in 2015." In recent years, we have often seen some strong practices that deny all other studies under the banner of "science ," which is obviously undesirable ." Most aesthetic workers think that their theories are scientific and meet the requirements of social and humanistic development, so this sentence will arouse some associations, it is also a little sensitive, indeed, there are many problems in domestic and foreign aesthetic circles. In recent years, some leaders have reintroduced the concept of "initial mind" in the Book of Ethics, which also has a corresponding guiding role in the development of aesthetics.Mr. Gao Jianping's words are positive and negative. Whether at the management level or the researcher's level, the phenomenon of "you are right, I am right, everyone is right" is also problematic. Some scholars think that Kant's natural artistic creation genius and Hume's somewhat agnostic artistic criticism and appreciation view stir up problems such as what beauty is and what art is. Are these scientific phenomena similar to "you are right, I am right, everyone is right" and similar "muddy water" theory equal to humanistic theory? Is humanistic theory far from science? Whether Plato's concept of "beauty itself" more than 2000 years ago is subjective or objective, whether the proposal of beauty itself has the limitations of the times ," beauty itself "should be regarded as the source and original intention of true scientific aesthetics. Science is divided into natural science and humanities, but humanities is not equal to muddy science, even if the initial subject has muddy stage, but science, including humanities, will eventually be clear and clear, this is the true nature of science. Under the banner of "science ", the so-called" you, I, everyone "scientific research phenomenon and aesthetic theory can not be recognized by society and history. The aesthetic achievements of ancient and modern times and all over the world are as profound and profound as the achievements of human civilization. But we should have such a correct attitude and dialectical view, locate the same level, and explore the essential law of beauty.

About the standard of competition.Jingmei is a popular aesthetic website hosted by the multimedia author of this book, teacher Huayuan. The existing "Jingmei net "(www is still a general framework model opened in 2004. If it can be formally opened, including Jingmei App, the website and App frame model, database should be revised and updated according to the requirements of the new functions of the project.The information intermediary of virtuous circle is the ontology of Huayuan scientific aesthetic theory. The quality of "competitive beauty" is "competitive beauty" under the premise of space-time orientation as the primary reference.Because there are inevitably regrets, pain and defects in life, only "beauty" can alleviate some, appease some, make up for some, and in "competitive beauty" it is easier to find beauty and highlight the existence of beauty, whether in material or spiritual, so "competitive beauty" has its profound social and humanistic significance. For example, Zhu Ziqing's work ——" back "is a high quality work with the same theme and the same orientation. Can you say that the works similar to" back "have no quantitative comparability, no necessity, no aesthetic importance under the same theme and the same orientation? In terms of comfort and balance ," Jingmei "is a person who has no appearance and looks, a person who has no management ability, a person who has no comprehensive score, a person who has no economic freedom, a person who has no quality of life and health, and so on. In a sense ," competitive beauty "is based on self-improvement than law-abiding, than science, than fitness, than comity, than harmony, than love, than responsibility, than dedication.

Recently, the author of this book or this multimedia has consulted some experts and scholars who have given Huayuan's scientific aesthetic theory a more objective and rational evaluation. The author summarizes the following eleven points :(for details of the following eleven points, please refer to the second part of this book, the innovation of Huayuan's scientific aesthetic essence)

1. Space-time Positioning and the Highest and Most Complete Human Value Reference "virtuous circle ": A little

2. virtuous circle information intermediary ontology: a little

3." Space-time Positioning "should be the first reference principle of aesthetics: a little

4. Transcendence and Space-time Positioning: A little

Five Existing Problems of 5. Aesthetics and the Final Reveal of Beauty Essence: A Brief Introduction

6. Beauty's End: Information Intermediary

7. Natural and Man-made Information Intermediaries: Slightly

Broad and narrow art of 8. coexistence and complementarity: a little

9. the value neutrality of space-time orientation: a little

10. Potential forms and information brokering: slightly

11. Scientific Beauty about the Nature of Beauty Similar to Beauty itself in Positioning: A little

The above is the author's summary of the expert's eleven comments, of course, not experts, the author said even if, ultimately depends on logic, see facts, see feelings, see feelings, see experience. Because the reader's eyes are bright, logic and facts are the key, the expert's evaluation and the author's summary are only for reference and prompt, The view of this book or this multimedia and the above 11:00 evaluation are correct or not. Finally, it depends on the scientific and rational logical argumentation of this book or this multimedia.

29 December 2018, According to China Central Television, President Xi Jinping's speech at the CPPCC New year's Tea Party held the view that "people are the greatest politics, Consensus is the "driving force ". How does philosophy and aesthetics understand this view? How to understand the "heart" here. We can interpret "human heart" as "human nature ", Human nature can be understood and analyzed from both vertical and horizontal perspectives, Mr. Wang combines the psychological foundations of Freud, Watson, and Maslow, and self-fulfilling needs, In the article "Human Spirit Structure and Its Logic and Principle ", we creatively put forward that human spirit structure includes six structural levels, "Desire for the world: satisfying the principles of logic and bitterness "; "Emotional world: the logic of pleasure and the principle of love and hate "; Scientific logic and truth-false principle of cognitive world; "Evaluation of the world: normative logic and principles of reality "; "Moral world: the logic of virtue and the principle of good and evil "; "Transcendental world: investigating pole logic and principle ". These six structural levels are from the vertical perspective of individual demand psychology to develop human nature. This longitudinal analysis of human psychology, Li Longqiang, a law professor, has a similar view in his article Human Nature, Beauty and Art, The development of human nature from a horizontal perspective is that the true, good, beautiful and false evil ugliness of human nature can be transformed into each other in a certain time and space, social environment and certain conditions, It's like two sides of a coin, This horizontal expansion of human nature is the duality of human nature, The dynamic intersection of the psychological structure of human needs and the duality of human nature determines the complexity of society and the corresponding uncertainty, It also determines the long nature of improving the overall quality and realm of human society. Some people say that art is greater than beauty and that art is divided between artistic beauty and artistic ugliness, This view is mechanical, It obliterates the corresponding social significance and function of aesthetics and beauty, In the past, people often criticized metaphysics as including this mechanical aesthetic view, Beauty is relative, It exists in motion, In ascension, In the virtuous cycle, This is also the practical aesthetic theory can exist in the Chinese aesthetic world, And not easy to replace the relatively correct and reasonable logical internal cause. The above-mentioned false evil ugliness can be transformed into truth, goodness and beauty under certain conditions and circumstances, It's like two sides of a coin, To add an image analogy, It's similar to the front and back of a three-leaf fan, The front is the air, the back is the air, Different directions, So the wind gives us a frame structure, A DNA spiral frame similar to the life code, Beauty is coherent, Beauty is the most vivid and constant, In short, beauty develops in contradiction, It's impossible in social and human history, At least not on the whole, Even if there is a local leapfrog development phenomenon, This is also a pre-air-like invisible foundation tamping as a prerequisite. Don't confuse the two logical concepts of subject theory and ontology, Because the subject theory is only the latter in the unity of nature and man. The reason why initiative is great, It is because it follows the corresponding law of virtuous circle will, including human society and human body's physiology and psychology. Whatever Confucius thought in Chinese culture, How sacred was the science, technology, culture and art of the ancient Chinese Song Dynasty, the free and democratic thought and the corresponding system of the western society, They all have corresponding shortcomings and the opposite of their purpose, That's what human history and facts have proved, There is no doubt. We're not concerned about "right" or "wrong ", We are concerned about how to better progress and development here and now. There is a tendency in literary criticism, Idealist writers are weak, Nowadays, literary criticism is seeking procedural consensus. Some believe that only procedural criticism, To get an artistic consensus, This view is worthy of tolerance and reflection. The duality of human needs psychology and human nature is the greatest politics and the greatest aesthetics, It also determines the necessity and importance of "space-time positioning ", which refers to the first positioning premise in the essence of scientific beauty. Aesthetics includes beauty, beauty, beauty and other related aesthetic laws, Only firmly grasp the "virtuous circle" of the general direction, the overall goal, It will eventually lead us out of the swamp, Set foot on solid and reliable land. The strongest and most reliable confidence should be the confidence of scientific theory.

What are the conditions? What are the conditions? In the final analysis, it is the most concerned of modern and contemporary philosophers, which involves the core reference of the key word "virtuous circle" of scientific aesthetic theory, and the "virtuous circle" involving some pragmatism. Of course, the virtuous circle reference is more than pragmatism color, but rational empirical color, pragmatism color is only the additional reference of illustrative meaning. Nature and natural ecology are the most original paradigm of human society. The aesthetic should take human beings as the priority reference and balance the development with a virtuous circle of a four-dimensional, multi-layer, multi-line and one-dimensional framework. Hua Yuan, author of this book or multimedia, believes that this reference to the balanced development of the virtuous circle should be the condition of the condition repeatedly asked by modern and contemporary philosophers. This is what the saying and pragmatists call "no way ". In short ," virtuous circle" is the highest belief in scientific aesthetic theory. The space-time orientation of subjective tendency without objective tendency of virtuous circle may not be related to aesthetic sense.This kind of Huayuan scientific aesthetics and the essence of beauty with a little bit, a little bit, pragmatism, whether it locates the "capital" or "labor" side in the media, is realistic and reasonable. At least in the last few hundred years, someone asked the author of the book what hundreds or thousands of years later? Hundreds or thousands of years later, the contradiction of human society should be solved by the productivity represented by science and technology, and the repeated simple labor affairs tend to be replaced by the intelligent robot of information data. In the social sciences, in the humanities, Huayuan's scientific aesthetics and the essence of beauty should be correct, unless we, a rational civilized society, return to the era of solving problems with weapons and violence similar to World War II. Just as the alienation of human society is difficult to avoid, this is a long-term process, which is also the necessity and unavoidable nature of the nature of beauty.With the material and spiritual transfer of the global labor contradiction, the contradiction of political ideology in the world is gradually pointing to the virtuous circle in the similar scientific aesthetics with certain practical color to solve the problem.With the improvement of productivity level, the arrival of information society, the continuous improvement of multi-layer and multi-line social organizations and the application and realization of artificial intelligence refinement, from the original satisfaction of material life to the satisfaction of spiritual life.

Next, we briefly talk about whether the major schools of methodology-oriented philosophy and aesthetics can reach a consensus, including the aesthetics of some philosophical tendencies in the "three big schools" at home and abroad. Scholars and aesthetic enthusiasts who agree that beauty is subjective and that beauty comes from objective beauty may have some "political correctness" stand or psychological tendency to escape reality.The popular "political correctness" in Europe and the United States is a kind of theory of broad artistic aesthetic evaluation at the practical level. As a catchphrase of generalized art evaluation at the practical level, there must be some irrational and incomplete elements of the group. In depth or exaltation, whether the objective school of the object that tends to be beautiful, whether it is the unity of subject and object, or the subjective school of aesthetic object that tends to be felt by the subject of beauty, The context of these people's views may be related to the political correctness of society and capital, the possibility of internal connection, or the subconscious influence between them. Clearly, history has proved that "society" has the deficiency of "society" and "capital" has the advantage of "capital ". On the other hand, it also needs scientific logic and rational thinking to support it. As far as the aesthetic theory of Huayuan's science is concerned, there are aesthetic objects with strong subjectivity in beauty, and objectivity in the subjectivity of the higher-level virtuous circle of the subjective aesthetic. Subjective and objective are the relative conclusions of space-time orientation and virtuous circle. The information intermediary includes the potential information intermediary which can penetrate into the human brain similar to "dream" image "and" bamboo in the chest "sensibility and the potential information intermediary corresponding to the human conceptual language. The essence of beauty can be compared with Plato's "beauty itself" in ancient Greece and the "Tao" in the philosophy of Laozhuang in ancient China ". But the essence of beauty is not equal to "beauty itself" and "Tao ". The essence of beauty is a scientific concept and definition of the regularity of beauty. It should be the most basic concept and definition of aesthetics. It is similar to the cornerstone of Marxist philosophy.If the cornerstone problem is not solved, it is associated with this sentence ," the foundation is not firm, the ground is shaking ", and another word is associated here, that is ," sit and talk about the way ". What does this mean, derogatory or positive? If it is derogatory, it shows that there are many people in the society who oppose the academic phenomenon that can not really solve the problem in the construction of basic theory and avoid the problem of gnawing. In this way, the "sitting and talking" who solve the practical problems with the real praise to the point are not similar, and this phenomenon has become a joke of those who avoid the problem in the construction of basic theory.Whether the ultimate revelation of the essence of beauty is equal to the "beauty itself" and "Tao" of ancient Greece and ancient China, whether the essence of beauty becomes a difficult problem for the ages is the accumulation and ability of scientific and technological humanistic knowledge or the limitation of the times and so on. The derogatory criticism of "sitting and talking" may be only partial, but practice is important, but it can not negate the importance of theory. After the founding of the country, the achievements of two bombs and one star can not be done alone without theoretical guidance. We would like to say a few fair words for those who really devote themselves to the construction of basic theory. The derogatory criticism of "sitting and talking" puts some basic theory construction workers who really solve practical problems into the group of people who make up their numbers.Whether it is practice first or truth first, the essence of beauty has its great theoretical value. In June 2019, Merkel, Germany's current president, who was the initiator of the two world wars, repeatedly stressed the point of sustainable development and virtuous circle direction at a meeting, whether in terms of natural ecological environment or economic politics, Xinhua reported. The author thinks that in the early stage of the development of human history, because of the human nature, the rule of law, the productive forces, the limitations of the times and so on, your virtuous circle may be their vicious circle and other chaotic phenomena.Here also think of the above mentioned questions, including the practice of Kant, Hegel and other theorists, whether the focus of their work is inclined to practice or theoretical? This problem involves the correct space-time positioning of scientific research, including the study of humanistic theory, that is, practice is the general purpose, but positioning some space-time, theory is more important than practice.Always some, at least some real things, if the mass of energy =* the square of the speed of light, then beauty is equal to the product of the content and the integrity of simplicity under the reference of time and space. Otherwise, beauty and beauty will not exist. With this book multimedia advertising language to end this paragraph ," is not a heavenly book like a heavenly book, a thousand years difficult to wait, from the original intention to win the original intention, the essence of beauty, beauty standards ."

A hundred flowers bloom refers to the concrete beautiful thing, the concrete esthetic object, the hundred laws return to refer to the beauty regularity, the beauty essence stipulation, the philosophy, the social science esthetics beauty essence theory opens the hundred flowers bloom should be in order to finally find the true scientific beauty essence, finally presents the hundred flowers blossom is not scientific but artistic, is the narrow sense art, this kind of orientation esthetics artistry phenomenon is not the esthetics original intention. Scientific and rational laid a solid aesthetic foundation, the ultimate disclosure of the essence of beauty can better benign development, long-term confusion, aesthetics or aesthetics? Only on the basis of reality, rationality, demonstration and logic, can the building of aesthetic industry influence and promote the benign development of human civilization, so that the superstructure of aesthetic building can be higher and higher, and the interior decoration and design of each floor of the building can be more and more perfect.

The book or multimedia is mainly created for teaching. It can be used as teaching aids for aesthetic education in scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, secondary vocational schools and senior middle schools, or as self-study materials for all teachers in institutions of higher learning, secondary schools and primary schools. As long as you are interested in aesthetic education or literary theory, you can use this book or this multimedia as a reference.

This book or this multimedia picture property right statement: because of the time rush, if has the property right question please contact this book or this multimedia author voluntarily, in order to remit the manuscript fee, this matter has nothing to do with the publishing house.

Modern and contemporary art picture collection: due to time reasons and copyright issues, this book or multimedia involving modern and contemporary domestic and foreign picture works are rare. If you have a picture that is close to this book or this multimedia message, please contact the author if you want to update it, include it in your series of books, new media and TV feature films. This book or multimedia will be more realistic and more acceptable.

This book or multimedia can be published more than 20 years ago, but considering the social, political and many factors that need to be improved in detail in this book or multimedia argumentation, and the complexity of the content of this book or multimedia and the breadth and depth of the problems involved in this subject, Most of this book or the second multimedia book is still a frame structure, without detailed textual research and complete development I hope readers, aesthetic colleagues and teachers understand.

Hua Yuan

Written March 2005

Revised July 2019

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