2018-11-05 backbone


英英释义:courage and determination 

例句:He has a crush on Sarah, but doesn't have the backbone to ask her out. 

"backbone" 是名词,最基本的意思是“脊柱” “脊骨”,也常被引申表示为“支柱”(比如支柱产业中的支柱“)和”勇气/胆量“。我们今天学习它作” 胆量“的意思。它作”胆量“时是不可数名词,可以替换我们常用的”courage". 


He has a crush on Sarah, but doesn't have then backbone to ask her out.(“ have a crush on sb” 是固定表达,意思是迷恋某人

~ Crush


Nobody not the Chongqing bus had the backbone to intervene and prevent the middle-edge woman from assaulting the driver. If somebody did, the story would have turned out very differently. 

2014年美国波士顿学院前棒球选手发起了风靡全球的ALS 冰桶挑战(ice Bucket Challenge),要求参与者在网络上发布自己被冰水浇遍全身的视频,然后该参与者便可以要求其他人来参与这一活动,活动规定,被邀请者要么在24小时内接受挑战,要么就选择为对抗“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症”捐出100美元。


He has enough backbone to take up the Ice Bucket Challenge. 

1. 翻译


Lacking the backbone, he gave up the scholarship application at the last minute. 

2. 造句


~造句:She has enough backbone to take up the challenge of her new role and responsibility. 

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