
Starting Sunday, users of Chinese online services including WeChat, Taobao and Alipay will be able to delete their accounts whenever they like.
从9月24日起,微信、淘宝、支付宝等网络产品用户将可随时随地 注销账户

  • 隐私条款 privacy policy
  • 隐私设置 privacy settings
  • 使用条款 terms and conditions

Fengyun-4A satellite, the first of China's second-generation geostationary orbiting weather satellites, was put into operation Monday, said the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence.

WeChat, the most popular instant messaging application in China, replaced its composite logon picture, which uses an image of Earth taken in 1972 by the crew of NASA's Apollo 17 spacecraft, with an image recently taken by the Fengyun 4A satellite until Thursday.

  • “蓝色弹珠” Blue Marble
  • 静止轨道气象卫星 geostationary orbiting weather satellites
  • 军民融合战略 military-civilian integration strategy
  • 极轨气象卫星 polar orbiting weather satellite

China released on Tuesday an overall plan on the development and management of national parks, which calls for the strictest measures to protect the country's natural beauty and pass it on to generations to come.

  • 生态环境损害责任终身追究制 lifelong responsibility system for bioenvironment damage
  • 自然资源有偿使用 paid use for natural resources
  • 生态保护区 ecological reserve

Russia's Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States said that they have agreed to cooperate on building a station on the lunar orbit.

In a joint statement, signed in Adelaide, Australia, the two agencies declared their intention to cooperate on organizing scientific missions on the lunar orbit and on the moon surface, including building the Deep Space Gateway station.

超国民待遇 super-national treatment

  • 超优惠税收政策 super-preferential tax policies
  • 境内旅游 domestic tourism
    出境旅游 outbound tourism
  • 免税店 duty-free store


  • "洗澡蟹"式海归 "bathing-crab" returnee
  • 降落伞儿童 parachute children
  • 全额奖学金 full scholarship
  • 常春藤盟校 Ivy League schools
  • 在就业竞争中处于下风 lose out in job competition

工匠精神 spirit of the craftsman
工艺传承 inheritance of craftsmanship
精益求精 tirelessly seek improvement
享誉世界 enjoy international recognition


The exit of the UK from the European Union may give rise to "Euro-English" - a new language tailored to the cultures and needs of continental European societies, according to a study.

  • 受……的冲击 suffer impacts from
  • 悔脱 Regrexit
  • 语言创造艺术 art of language invention
