1. 英英释义:someone or something that has the same size, value, importance, or meaning as someone or something else
例句:I am from Shanxi, China, the Chinese geographical equivalent of Ohio.
2. 为什么选这个词?
比如,你的老家是山西,对中国不熟悉的美国人可能没什么概念。想要让他快速对山西的地理位置有所了解,你可以说: I am from Shanxi, China, the Chinese geographical equivalent of Ohio.(“我来自中国山西,在地理上相当于美国的俄亥俄州。”)
这就是“equivalent”好用之处,它能够帮助我们快速解释一件事的大概,让沟通更高效。当我们想表示“A 是 B 的对应物”“A 相当于 B”时就可以用到它。除了在介绍自己的老家时用“equivalent”屡试不爽外,在介绍一些中国的品牌、机构、现象的时候都可以用“equivalent”。
滴滴就是“the Chinese equivalent of Uber/Lyft”;
微博就是“the Chinese equivalent of Twitter”;
京东就是“the Chinese equivalent of Amazon”;
《梁祝》就是“the Chinese equivalent of Romeo and Juliet”;
深圳的南山区或者北京的中关村就是“the Chinese equivalent of Silicon Valley”
从这几个例子可以看出,“equivalent”背后其实是一种换位思维,用对方较为熟悉的概念来帮助他们认识新事物。常见的格式是在 equivalent 前加一个形容词,表示“A在某方面与B相对应”。
《经济学人》在一篇讲俄罗斯电信的文章中就用到了两次 equivalent: Mr Durov, who founded VK, Russia’s equivalent of Facebook, before emigrating, says Telegram has seen no significant drop inengagement.(一句话介绍了 VK 是什么:VK 就是俄罗斯的 Facebook。)
Russia has no equivalent of China’s automatic “great firewall”—it updates its blacklists manually—but such a possibility is “growing ever closer”, wrote Sarkis Darbinyan ofRoskomsvoboda, a digital-rights group.(如果某物并没有对应物,我们就可以说xx has no equivalent of…)
搭配:have/ There is / It is/ direct /exact /nearest /approximate/ modern equivalent
//the Chinese equivalent of
//xx has no equivalent of
//the civil administrator of the West Bank and his equivalent in Gaza 职位对等
Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years’ salary for a government worker. 句型
You can use equivalent to emphasize the great or severe effect of something
His party has just suffered the equivalent of a near-fatal heart attack.比喻 句型
Studying advanced physics is the equivalent of banging your head against the wall. 比喻 句型
同义词:equivalent, equal, counterpart, correspondent, twin, peer, parallel
This word has no equivalent in French.
There is no English equivalent for ‘bon appétit’ so we have adopted the French expression.
I am from Shanxi, China, the Chinese geographical equivalent of Ohio.