英语流利说 Level4 Unit1 Part4-The World's Population

The World's Population

The world's population is growing.世界人口正在增长。

There are now over 7 billion people in the world.现在世界上有70多亿人

During the 20th century, the population grew from 1.65 billion to 6 billion.在20世纪,人口从16.5亿增长到60亿

It's now growing at a rate of around 1.1 percent per year.现在它以每年1.1%的速度增长。

That means an increase of about 80 million per year.这意味着每年大约增加8千万。

By 2024, the population is expected to be around 8 billion people.到2024年,人口预计将达到80亿左右。

The growth rate used to be higher.过去的增长率更高

In the late 1960s, the rate of growth was about 2 percent.在20世纪60年代末,增长率约为2%。

Since then the growth rate has declined.从那时起,增长率开始下降

It is estimated that the growth rate would be less than 1 percent by 2020.据估计,到2020年,这一增长率将低于1%。

By the year 2050, the growth rate should be even less.据估计,到2020年,这一增长率将低于1%。

Even with a declining growth rate, the population will continue to grow.即使增长率下降,人口仍将继续增长。

But it will grow at a slower rate.但它将以更慢的速度增长。

In the past 50 years, the world's population has more than doubled.在过去的50年里,世界人口增长了一倍多。

It has doubled from around 3 billion in 1960, to more than 7 billion in 2011.这个数字从1960年的30亿增长了一倍,到2011年已经超过70亿

The rate of growth varies by country.增长率因国家而异。

The growth rate in India is more than twice that of China.印度的增长率是中国的两倍多。

And the growth rate inNigeria, which is in Africa, is more than twice India's growth rate.在非洲的尼日利亚,增长率是印度的两倍多

Russia, on the other hand, has had a negative growth rate in some years.另一方面,俄罗斯在过去几年中一直处于负增长。

When a country has a negative growth rate, its population isdescreasing.当一个国家出现负增长时,它的人口就会减少

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