笃学奖-Topic1-A14672Andy Gu- Uband精读

Day 1~2

1. enlist  v.

[with obj.] engage (a person or their help or support)  


e.g. The company enlisted the help of independent consultants.


2. the other day 不久前的某天(某晚、某夜、某个星期); 几天以前[见other]

3. session

a. N-COUNT A session is a meeting of a court, legislature, or other official group.

开庭; 会议[also 'in' N]

例:After two late night sessions, the Security Council has failed to reach agreement.


b. N-COUNT A session of a particular activity is a period of that activity. 一场 (活动)

例:The two leaders emerged for a photo session.  两位领导人出场参加了合影。

4. restive

/ˈrestɪv/  adjective  

(of a person) unable to keep still or silent and becoming increasingly difficult to control, especially because of impatience, dissatisfaction, or boredom

焦躁不安的; 躁动的; 不耐烦的。

e.g. The audience grew restive.   观众变得不耐烦了。

5. panel

/ˈpænəl/  noun

a small group of people brought together to discuss, investigate, or decide upon a particular matter, especially in the context of business or government

(尤用于商业或行政管理的)小组; 专题讨论小组; 委员会:

e.g. an interview panel. 面试小组。

6. cut to the chase   开门见山;提到关键问题;转入(或切入)正题

7. flattery

/ˈflætərɪ/ noun

pl.-ies)[mass noun] excessive and insincere praise, especially that given to further one's own interests (尤指为获更多私利而说的)溢美之词, 奉承话, 谄媚:

e.g. She allowed no hint of flattery to enter her voice 她不容自己的声音里流露出丝毫的谄媚之意

e.g. [count noun]the honours and flatteries which governments poured on to the maverick ruler.



/ˈflætə(r)/  verb

[with obj.] lavish insincere praise and compliments upon (someone), especially to further one's own interests (尤指为获更多的私利而)吹捧, 对(人)滥用溢美之词; 奉承, 讨好, 谄媚:

e.g. She was flattering him in order to avoid doing what he wanted.

为了不遂他心愿, 她对他大肆吹捧。

8. butter someone up

informal flatter or otherwise ingratiate oneself with someone

〈非正式〉奉承某人, 巴结某人。

9. lay it on thick

a. [口语] 夸张;过分地说 | 乱吹捧;露骨地恭维;过分责备;做得过分(如过分奉承、赞扬、责备、辩解等)[亦作 lay it on with a trowel]

b. =lay it on [见lay]

e.g. He may have told us so but does he really have to lay it on so thick?


10. manipulative

/məˈnɪpjʊlətɪv/ adjective

1. characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person 操纵的, 控制的:

e.g. She was sly, selfish, and manipulative. 她狡猾、自私, 老要操纵他人。

11. in-box  

/ˈɪnbɒks/  noun

Computingthe window in which an individual user's received email messages and similar electronic communications are displayed  【计算机】(电子邮件)收件箱。

12. mile

adverb [as submodifier](miles) informalby a great amount or a long way

〈非正式〉在很大程度上; 以很大距离:

e.g. The second tape is miles better.


13. singularly

/ˈsɪŋgjʊləlɪ/   adverb

in a remarkable or noticeable way 明显地, 显眼地:

e.g. You have singularly failed to live up to your promises 你显然没有履行你的诺言

[as submodifier]six houses built from a singularly unattractive deep red brick.


14. gratify

/ˈgrætɪfaɪ/  verb

(-ies,-ied) [with obj.](常作be gratified)give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction  给(人)快意; 使满意:

I was gratified to see the coverage in May's issue  我看到5月份那一期的报道觉得很满意

[as adj.gratifying] The results were gratifying.  结果令人满意。

反:ungratifying 不令人满意的

e.g. Equally, to be thanked for your time is singularly ungratifying.

■indulge or satisfy (a desire)

纵情(于); 沉湎(于); 满足(欲望):

e.g. Not all the sexual impulses can be gratified.


15. fiend

/fiːnd/  noun

informal a person who is extremely keen on or addicted to something

〈非正式〉…迷; 嗜好成癖的人:

e.g. The restaurant's owner is a wine fiend.


16. sign-off

/ˈsaɪnɒf/  noun

1. the conclusion of a letter, broadcast, etc.

(信件、广播等的)结尾, 结束语, 结束。

e.g. When we were done with thanking, we had to keep writing until half way down the second page before signing off.

17. promptly


1. ADV If you do something promptly, you do it immediately. 立即 [ADV with v]

例:Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep.


18. rattle on


例句: Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at the opening ceremony.


19. scorching

/ˈskɔːtʃɪŋ/  adjective

very hot  炎热的:

e.g. The scorching July sun.  7月炙热的太阳。

■(of criticism) harsh; severe (批评)严厉的; 尖刻的。

informalvery fast 〈非正式〉飞快的:

e.g. She set a scorching pace.  她迈开飞快的脚步。

20. subject line 邮件主题

21. scorching wit and sense 超群的智慧和理解力

22. women in business 商界女性

23. half way down 到中间位置

e.g. when we walked half way down the road 当路走到一半的时候

Day 3~4


笃学奖-Topic1-A14672Andy Gu- Uband精读_第1张图片
笃学奖-Topic1-A14672Andy Gu- Uband精读_第2张图片


1.On various occasions she haspersuaded me to dothings for her, just as she

hasenlistedthousands of others.



笃师精讲:Enlist: to persuade someone to help you to do sth:谋求(某人的帮助)

Enlist sb’s help/service(常见词组,建议内化成积极储备)

They hoped to enlist the help of the public in solving the crime.他们希望寻求公众协助破案。

2.Why would I give up a Saturday on the basis ofwatching a clip of a similar conference a year earlier?



I wish youwouldbe quiet for a minute.我希望你会安静一会儿。

3.There is no danger of ever laying it on too thick. There is no level at which flattery stops working, according to a study by Jennifer Chatman of the University of California,Berkeley.

过分的恭维完全没关系,用力夸奖永远错不了根据一份来自加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的Jennifer Chatman所做的一项研究显示恭维在任何类型程度上的赞美不会失去作用能起到效果

笃师精讲:Lay on:原来意思是涂抹(颜料等),其实是呼应前段butter it up: butter大家都知道是黄油的意思,用作动词是涂黄油,衍伸为甜言蜜语,讨好奉承。此处用lay on则是呼应黄油涂再厚也不嫌多。如果童鞋们一时之间体会不到,也不用着急,联系上下文总能推断出来,这不,下一句作者就进一步解释了:什么级别的好话都不会不奏效=黄油涂再厚也不为过。

4.In addition to being flattering, the perfect please has to make you feelnot only wanted, but also needed. I read the email and said yes at once. I knew how manipulative it was, but I could not help myself.


笃师精讲:want只是想要,但不是必须,不是没有他就不能活了: I want to go to the moon.  need是必需,通常说是必需品,生活中少不了他: I need to eat.

5.And rather than ask if I had enjoyed it, it would have been better to attest how much they had enjoyed having me.



6. If only you wouldjoin our panel on xxx. We have a lot of clever but worthy people talking, and we need your genius to liven it up. Please say yes.


e.g.整个句子堪称经典。首先,If only you would语气相当礼貌客气。其次,用your genius夸奖对方能力。再次,突出we need即让对方感觉自己不可或缺,提升对方的自我存在感。

最后,Please say yes.真切恳请。简直无人能拒啊~

If only you would这样的表达方式相当值得一学,基本上属于客气的最高级别:如果您能…就太好了。很多时候会看到if打头的句子,如If you could please follow me. /If you could please open the box for me.用于比较正式的场合,是一种礼貌用语。比Please follow me要客气舒缓的许多。

7.Thank you for bringing the evening to life and foryour scorching wit and sense. You are our own Tina Fey.

我:感谢你为今晚赋予生气,感谢你超群的智慧和理解力。你是我们的Tina Fey.

笃师:您的才思敏捷让整晚活动熠熠生辉,衷心感谢!您就是我们的Tina Fey.

笃师精讲:蒂娜·菲(英文名:Elizabeth Tina Fey),1970年5月18日出生于宾夕法尼亚州上达比,美国剧作家、喜剧演员、演员、制片人。曾经是《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live,缩写SNL,又称周末夜现场)的灵魂人物。SNL是美国一档于周六深夜时段直播的喜剧小品类综艺节目。


1.go on at length详细的给出。。长篇大论

2.cut to the chase开门见山

3.butter people up 巴结某人 to flatter(口语)恭维,奉承She liked to butter up every new boss she had.

4.singularly ungratifying显然完全不令人满意

5.get sb to do sth/make sb do sth让某人做某事

6.run into sb偶遇某人

7.incline to do sth倾向于做。。

8.too vague to be convincing太模糊以至于不能令人信服

9.be done with doing sth完成。。事

10.rattle on喋喋不休的说

11.fail to do its job起不到作用没能实现预期目的

Day 5


Day 6


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