
I’m not that type of person who likes how parents don’t give their kids a door…..their room is their room! They need their own privacy! A bathroom isn’t the only place! If you have kids and you don’t give them some sort of freedom, then your too controlling! You need to accept the fact your kid is becoming their own person and they will one day start asking for more space….she’s not “just 15”….that’s a teenager that knows she wants privacy! If youre the type of person who says “do you pay the house bills??? Do you do this??? Do you do this? This? This?”….they’re kids!!!!!! They don’t need to do anything! Your the one who provides food, shelter and I wish~ a door! Why do you keep the door??? What do you think they are hiding? If you hiding the door because you think your daughter is….”exploring” herself then that’s her buisness! She’s growing up! Give her privacy! If she has a bf~ then don’t let the guy up there. If you are gonna give her a door then give boundaries~ Meet her half way! Don’t always be the one to be last man standing! She should be able to come to you and talk and negotiate! If you keep saying no, she’ll start not relying on you for questions ans answers and you’ll wonder why she doesn’t come to you. If you’re worried she’s playing games on her phone, computer~ take it away at night and lock it up! That’s the only thing I can think of why a teen would want a door~ to play games while your sleeping! Turn off the wifi at night so they can’t use it but only at daytime. Parental controls are a real thing. It’s not that hard. That’s what my parents did and I had a door~and they didn’t take my door away. I’m still bugged out as to why parents take away doors in the first place and never even allowed their kid to see a door on their wall from the getgo!
