20190228 navigate



v. 1. when someone navigates a ship or an aircraft somewhere, they decide which course to follow and steer it there. you can also say that a ship or an aircraft navigates somewhere. 为(船只、飞机)导航,确定…的航行方向,(船只、飞机等)驶向  V n   /  V prep/adv  /  V

2. when a ship or boat navigates an area of water, it sails on or across it. (船只)航行于,横渡 V n  /  V prep

3. when someone in a car navigates, they decide what roads the car should be driven along in order to get somewhere. (驾车者)确定行车路线 V  /  V prep/adv  /  V way prep  /  also V n

4. when fish, animals, or insects navigate somewhere, they find the right direction to go and travel there. (鱼、动物、昆虫)找到正确的行动方向 V adv/prep  /  also V

5. if you navigate an obstacle, you move carefully in order to avoid hitting the obstacle or hurting yourself.小心翼翼地绕过(障碍) V n  /  V way prep  /  V prep/adv

6. if you manage to navigate a difficult situation, you deal with it successfully. 驾驭,成功应付(困难处境)V n  /  V through n 

to understand or deal with something complicatd




1. People are willing to pay large sums of money to immigration lawyers because they can help them navigate the complex immigration system.

2. Realtors/Estate agents can make a decent living because they can help new home-buyers navigate the complex and often confusing process of purchasing a property.

3. Advisers from banks and consultancies are also jostling to help FOS navigate what many consider their biggest challenge: ensuring a smooth transition to the next generation. 银行或咨询公司的顾问们争先恐后地帮家族办公室(为富裕家庭管理财富的私人机构)应对许多人认为最大的挑战——确保向下一代平稳过渡。

jostle v. 争抢,争夺(关注、奖赏),推挤 FOS  family offices

4. For several months this year, students from Johns Hopkins University and members of Living Classrooms, a local NGO, operated an "identity clinic" for anyone who walked in. Visitors tended to be ex-convicts who had lost their documents. Some were homeless, some were recovering addicts. A few were all three. Volunteers helped them navigate the bureaucracy required recognition. 霍普金斯大学生和当地一家非营利组织的成员发起了一项持续数月的“身份诊所”活动,对所有人开放。参与活动的人包括了有前科的犯人、无家可归的人和瘾君子,有些人三者皆是。志愿者们帮助他们应对官僚体制,这需要得到认可。

bureaucracy /,bjʊ(ə)'rɒkrəsɪ/ n. 官僚制度 



Only half of the students had navigated the reading work as the list was extremely obscure. (自己)

Only half of the students completed the assignment because the reading list was unusually obscure to navigate. (参考翻译)

分析:navigate没有“完成”的含义,属于自己理解错误。书单晦涩难懂,很那弄明白,obscure to navigate。另外,作业用assignment更好。


this outlook helped her to navigate through her late years with success. (安度晚年)

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