[大译] Tech companies are starting to use Kotlin for coding 科技公司开始使用Kotlin语言


news source新闻来源: mpanies-like-google-square-and-atlassian-are-sprinting-to-use-kotlin-the-fastest-growing-programming-language-according-to-github-sq-googl-team-pvtl-cof/

Kotlin is ranked number 1 fastest growing language by GitHub, and named one of the five most loved languages by Stack Overflow. It was created in 2010 by JetBrains to fix "pain points" in Java. With Kotlin, programmers need not to spend as much time on syntax as with Java, and the code will be shorter. Now, it is used in companies including Google, Square, Pinterest, Pivotal, and Atlassian.

Kotlin被GitHub评为增长最快的编程语言,并被 Stack Overflow 评为五个最受欢迎的语言之一。2010年JetBrains开发了这个语言,为了改善Java的痛点。用Kotlin,程序员不需要像用Java一样花那么多时间在syntax上,而且写出来代码会更短一些。目前,包括Google,Square,Pinterest,Pivotal和Atlassian在内的科技公司都已经开始使用这个语言。

[大译] Tech companies are starting to use Kotlin for coding 科技公司开始使用Kotlin语言_第1张图片

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