走进开源项目 - urlcat 源码分析

《走进开源项目 - urlcat》中,对项目整体进行了分析,对如何做开源也有了进一步的了解,该篇再深入研究下 urlcat 源码。


// 常规写法一
const API_URL = 'https://api.example.com/';

function getUserPosts(id, blogId, limit, offset) {
  const requestUrl = `${API_URL}/users/${id}/blogs/${blogId}/posts?limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}`;
  // send HTTP request

// 常规写法二
const API_URL = 'https://api.example.com/';

function getUserPosts(id, blogId, limit, offset) {
  const escapedId = encodeURIComponent(id);
  const escapedBlogId = encodeURIComponent(blogId);
  const path = `/users/${escapedId}/blogs/${escapedBlogId}`;
  const url = new URL(path, API_URL);
  url.search = new URLSearchParams({ limit, offset });
  const requestUrl = url.href;
  // send HTTP request

// 使用 urlcat 之后的写法
const API_URL = 'https://api.example.com/';

function getUserPosts(id, limit, offset) {
  const requestUrl = urlcat(API_URL, '/users/:id/posts', { id, limit, offset });
  // send HTTP request

源码共 267 行,其中注释占了近 110,代码只有 157 行。注释跟代码接近 1:1 ,接下来我们逐段分析。


import qs, { IStringifyOptions } from 'qs';

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
export type ParamMap = Record;
export type UrlCatConfiguration =
  Partial & { objectFormat: Partial> }>

该项目是在 qs 项目的基础上并使用 typescript 进行开发,其中定义了 2 个类型,有几个不太了解知识点 typeRecodePartialPick

interface 与 type 的区别

  • 相同点:都可以描述对象或者函数,且可以使用 extends 进行拓展
  • 不同点:

    • type 可以声明基本类型别名,联合类型,和元组等类型,但 interface 不行

      // 基本类型别名
      type Name = string | number;
      // 联合类型
      interface Common {
          name: string;
      interface Person extends Common {
        age: T;
        sex: string;
      type People = {
        age: T;
        sex: string;
      } & Common;
      type P1 = Person | People;
      // 元组
      type P2 = [Person, People];
    • 跟 typeof 结合使用

      const name = "小明";
      type T= typeof name;

Record 的用途

Reacord 是 TypeScript 的一种工具类。

// 常规写法
interface Params {
    [name: string]: any;

// 高级写法
type Params = Recode

Partial 的用途


interface DataModel {
  name: string
  age: number
  address: string

let store: DataModel = {
  name: '',
  age: 0,
  address: ''

function updateStore (
  store: DataModel,
  payload: Partial
):DataModel {
  return {

store = updateStore(store, {
  name: 'lpp',
  age: 18

Pick 的用途

从类型 Type 中,挑选一组属性组成一个新的类型返回。这组属性由 Keys 限定, Keys 是字符串或者字符串并集。

interface Person {
  name: string
  age: number
  id: string

// 幼儿没有id
type Toddler = Pick


 * Builds a URL using the base template and specified parameters.
 * @param {String} baseTemplate a URL template that contains zero or more :params
 * @param {Object} params an object with properties that correspond to the :params
 *   in the base template. Unused properties become query params.
 * @returns {String} a URL with path params substituted and query params appended
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * urlcat('http://api.example.com/users/:id', { id: 42, search: 'foo' })
 * // -> 'http://api.example.com/users/42?search=foo
 * ```
export default function urlcat(baseTemplate: string, params: ParamMap): string;

 * Concatenates the base URL and the path specified using '/' as a separator.
 * If a '/' occurs at the concatenation boundary in either parameter, it is removed.
 * @param {String} baseUrl the first part of the URL
 * @param {String} path the second part of the URL
 * @returns {String} the result of the concatenation
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * urlcat('http://api.example.com/', '/users')
 * // -> 'http://api.example.com/users
 * ```
export default function urlcat(baseUrl: string, path: string): string;

 * Concatenates the base URL and the path specified using '/' as a separator.
 * If a '/' occurs at the concatenation boundary in either parameter, it is removed.
 * Substitutes path parameters with the properties of the @see params object and appends
 * unused properties in the path as query params.
 * @param {String} baseUrl the first part of the URL
 * @param {String} path the second part of the URL
 * @param {Object} params Object with properties that correspond to the :params
 *   in the base template. Unused properties become query params.
 * @returns {String} URL with path params substituted and query params appended
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * urlcat('http://api.example.com/', '/users/:id', { id: 42, search: 'foo' })
 * // -> 'http://api.example.com/users/42?search=foo
 * ```
export default function urlcat(
  baseUrl: string,
  pathTemplate: string,
  params: ParamMap
): string;

 * Concatenates the base URL and the path specified using '/' as a separator.
 * If a '/' occurs at the concatenation boundary in either parameter, it is removed.
 * Substitutes path parameters with the properties of the @see params object and appends
 * unused properties in the path as query params.
 * @param {String} baseUrl the first part of the URL
 * @param {String} path the second part of the URL
 * @param {Object} params Object with properties that correspond to the :params
 *   in the base template. Unused properties become query params.
 * @param {Object} config urlcat configuration object
 * @returns {String} URL with path params substituted and query params appended
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * urlcat('http://api.example.com/', '/users/:id', { id: 42, search: 'foo' }, {objectFormat: {format: 'RFC1738'}})
 * // -> 'http://api.example.com/users/42?search=foo
 * ```
export default function urlcat(
  baseUrlOrTemplate: string,
  pathTemplateOrParams: string | ParamMap,
  maybeParams: ParamMap,
  config: UrlCatConfiguration
): string;

export default function urlcat(
  baseUrlOrTemplate: string,
  pathTemplateOrParams: string | ParamMap,
  maybeParams: ParamMap = {},
  config: UrlCatConfiguration = {}
): string {
  if (typeof pathTemplateOrParams === 'string') {
    const baseUrl = baseUrlOrTemplate;
    const pathTemplate = pathTemplateOrParams;
    const params = maybeParams;
    return urlcatImpl(pathTemplate, params, baseUrl, config);
  } else {
    const baseTemplate = baseUrlOrTemplate;
    const params = pathTemplateOrParams;
    return urlcatImpl(baseTemplate, params, undefined, config);

这部分代码是利用 TypeScript 定义重载函数类型,采用连续多个重载声明 + 一个函数实现的方式来实现,其作用是为了保证在调用该函数时,函数的参数及返回值都要兼容所有的重载。





// 核心方法
function urlcatImpl(
  pathTemplate: string,
  params: ParamMap,
  baseUrl: string | undefined,
  config: UrlCatConfiguration
) {
    // 第一步 path('/users/:id/posts', { id: 1, limit: 30 }) 返回 "/users/1/posts" 和 limit: 30
  const { renderedPath, remainingParams } = path(pathTemplate, params);
    // 第二步 移除 Null 或者 Undefined 属性
  const cleanParams = removeNullOrUndef(remainingParams);
    // 第三步 {limit: 30} 转 limit=30
  const renderedQuery = query(cleanParams, config);
    // 第四步 拼接返回 /users/1/posts?limit=30
  const pathAndQuery = join(renderedPath, '?', renderedQuery);

    // 第五步 当 baseUrl 存在时,执行完整 url 拼接
  return baseUrl ? joinFullUrl(renderedPath, baseUrl, pathAndQuery) : pathAndQuery;


做开源并不一定要造个更好的轮子,但可以让这个轮子变得更好。通过该项目,也发现自己在 TypeScript 方面的不足,继续学习,再接再厉。



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