二话不说,上个 docker-compose.yml 为敬!
version: "3" services: apisix-dashboard: image: apache/apisix-dashboard:2.10.1-alpine restart: always volumes: - ./dashboard_conf/conf.yaml:/usr/local/apisix-dashboard/conf/conf.yaml ports: - "4000:9000" networks: apisix: apisix: image: apache/apisix:2.12.1-alpine - ./apisix_log:/usr/local/apisix/logs - ./apisix_conf/config.yaml:/usr/local/apisix/conf/config.yaml:ro depends_on: - etcd ##network_mode: host - "4080:9080/tcp" - "4091:9091/tcp" - "4443:9443/tcp" - "4092:9092/tcp" etcd: image: bitnami/etcd:3.4.15 - etcd_data:/bitnami/etcd environment: ETCD_ENABLE_V2: "true" ALLOW_NONE_AUTHENTICATION: "yes" ETCD_ADVERTISE_CLIENT_URLS: "" ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_URLS: "" - "2379:2379/tcp" networks: driver: bridge volumes: etcd_data:
可以修改 apisix-dashboard 的 port 和 apisix 的 port。apisix 容器的 9080 端口对应的就是其内部 OpenRestry 监听的端口,这个要选择好,后面反代的端口就是这个。
etcd 就不用修改什么了,默认就好。
apisix: node_listen: 9080 # APISIX listening port enable_ipv6: false allow_admin: # http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_access_module.html#allow - # We need to restrict ip access rules for security. is for test. admin_key: - name: "admin" key: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1 role: admin # admin: manage all configuration data # viewer: only can view configuration data - name: "viewer" key: 4054f7cf07e344346cd3f287985e76a2 role: viewer enable_control: true control: ip: "" port: 9092 etcd: host: # it's possible to define multiple etcd hosts addresses of the same etcd cluster. - "http://etcd:2379" # multiple etcd address prefix: "/apisix" # apisix configurations prefix timeout: 30 # 30 seconds plugin_attr: prometheus: export_addr: ip: "" port: 9091
这里需要修改 admin_key,座位 AdminAPI 的认证 key
conf: listen: host: # `manager api` listening ip or host name port: 9000 # `manager api` listening port allow_list: # If we don't set any IP list, then any IP access is allowed by default. - etcd: endpoints: # supports defining multiple etcd host addresses for an etcd cluster - "http://etcd:2379" # yamllint disable rule:comments-indentation # etcd basic auth info # username: "root" # ignore etcd username if not enable etcd auth # password: "123456" # ignore etcd password if not enable etcd auth mtls: key_file: "" # Path of your self-signed client side key cert_file: "" # Path of your self-signed client side cert ca_file: "" # Path of your self-signed ca cert, the CA is used to sign callers' certificates # prefix: /apisix # apisix config's prefix in etcd, /apisix by default log: error_log: level: warn # supports levels, lower to higher: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal file_path: logs/error.log # supports relative path, absolute path, standard output # such as: logs/error.log, /tmp/logs/error.log, /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr access_log: logs/access.log # supports relative path, absolute path, standard output # such as: logs/access.log, /tmp/logs/access.log, /dev/stdout, /dev/stderr # log example: 2020-12-09T16:38:09.039+0800 INFO filter/logging.go:46 /apisix/admin/routes/r1 {"status": 401, "host": "", "query": "asdfsafd=adf&a=a", "requestId": "3d50ecb8-758c-46d1-af5b-cd9d1c820156", "latency": 0, "remoteIP": "", "method": "PUT", "errs": []} authentication: secret: secret # secret for jwt token generation. # NOTE: Highly recommended to modify this value to protect `manager api`. # if it's default value, when `manager api` start, it will generate a random string to replace it. expire_time: 3600 # jwt token expire time, in second users: # yamllint enable rule:comments-indentation - username: admin # username and password for login `manager api` password: admin - username: user password: user plugins: # plugin list (sorted in alphabetical order) - api-breaker - authz-keycloak - basic-auth - batch-requests - consumer-restriction - cors # - dubbo-proxy - echo # - error-log-logger # - example-plugin - fault-injection - grpc-transcode - hmac-auth - http-logger - ip-restriction - jwt-auth - kafka-logger - key-auth - limit-conn - limit-count - limit-req # - log-rotate # - node-status - openid-connect - prometheus - proxy-cache - proxy-mirror - proxy-rewrite - redirect - referer-restriction - request-id - request-validation - response-rewrite - serverless-post-function - serverless-pre-function # - skywalking - sls-logger - syslog - tcp-logger - udp-logger - uri-blocker - wolf-rbac - zipkin - server-info - traffic-split
这里需要修改的是 users 中的账号和密码作为登陆的凭证
以上内容都可以在官方的 apisix_docker 仓库中的 example 找到。apisix github
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