

  • 更新日志
  • 6. 之LaserOdometry
    • 6.1 参数配置
    • 6.2 话题订阅
    • 6.3 IMU数据处理
    • 6.4 点云数据处理
      • 6.4.1 点云数据
      • 6.4.2 公式推导
        • 帧间运动
        • GN非线性优化
        • 累计运动
        • IMU信息修正
      • 6.4.3 坐标变换
      • 6.4.4 迭代优化
        • 通用设置
        • 边缘点处理
        • 平面点处理
      • 6.4.5 求解运动
      • 6.4.6 运动累计与优化
      • 6.4.7 结果发布
  • 更新日志


同步更新地址知乎:LOAM SLAM原理之源代码分析附公式推导
有细节性出入!!主要是细节部分的解疑,问题讨论部分,建议前往知乎阅读,此博客只是原始版本(还不是因为大家讨论得太少了,修改都在知乎上进行了 )

  • 2020-12-07
  • 2020-10-11
  • 2020-10-09

6. 之LaserOdometry

6.1 参数配置


  • 每次激光扫描周期 scanPeriod = 0.1s
  • 输入与输出激光帧的比值 ioRatio = 2
  • 最大迭代次数 maxIterations = 25
explicit LaserOdometry(float scanPeriod = 0.1, uint16_t ioRatio = 2, size_t maxIterations = 25);


  • 迭代优化时平移量阈值 deltaTAbort = 0.1
  • 迭代优化时旋转量阈值 deltaRAbort = 0.1

6.2 话题订阅


    // advertise laser odometry topics
    _pubLaserCloudCornerLast = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/laser_cloud_corner_last", 2);
    _pubLaserCloudSurfLast = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/laser_cloud_surf_last", 2);
    _pubLaserCloudFullRes = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("/velodyne_cloud_3", 2);
    _pubLaserOdometry = node.advertise<nav_msgs::Odometry>("/laser_odom_to_init", 5);


  LaserOdometry::LaserOdometry(float scanPeriod, uint16_t ioRatio, size_t maxIterations):
    BasicLaserOdometry(scanPeriod, maxIterations),
    // initialize odometry and odometry tf messages
    _laserOdometryMsg.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";
    _laserOdometryMsg.child_frame_id  = "/laser_odom";

    _laserOdometryTrans.frame_id_       = "/camera_init";
    _laserOdometryTrans.child_frame_id_ = "/laser_odom";


    // subscribe to scan registration topics
    _subCornerPointsSharp = node.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
      ("/laser_cloud_sharp", 2, &LaserOdometry::laserCloudSharpHandler, this);

    _subCornerPointsLessSharp = node.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
      ("/laser_cloud_less_sharp", 2, &LaserOdometry::laserCloudLessSharpHandler, this);

    _subSurfPointsFlat = node.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
      ("/laser_cloud_flat", 2, &LaserOdometry::laserCloudFlatHandler, this);

    _subSurfPointsLessFlat = node.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
      ("/laser_cloud_less_flat", 2, &LaserOdometry::laserCloudLessFlatHandler, this);

    _subLaserCloudFullRes = node.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
      ("/velodyne_cloud_2", 2, &LaserOdometry::laserCloudFullResHandler, this);

    _subImuTrans = node.subscribe<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>
      ("/imu_trans", 5, &LaserOdometry::imuTransHandler, this);

6.3 IMU数据处理


  void LaserOdometry::imuTransHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& imuTransMsg)
    _timeImuTrans = imuTransMsg->header.stamp;

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> imuTrans;
    pcl::fromROSMsg(*imuTransMsg, imuTrans);
    _newImuTrans = true;

进一步更新IMU数据信息,参考之前的分析5.4.4 打包IMU数据,有

获取点云中最后一个点时激光相对于获取开始点时的激光的 非匀速运动 位置偏移 开始点对应的IMU局部坐标系imuShiftFromStart
获取点云中最后一个点时激光相对于获取开始点时的激光的 非匀速运动 速度偏移 开始点对应的IMU局部坐标系imuVelocityFromStart

void BasicLaserOdometry::updateIMU(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> const& imuTrans)
   assert(4 == imuTrans.size());
   _imuPitchStart = imuTrans.points[0].x;
   _imuYawStart = imuTrans.points[0].y;
   _imuRollStart = imuTrans.points[0].z;

   _imuPitchEnd = imuTrans.points[1].x;
   _imuYawEnd = imuTrans.points[1].y;
   _imuRollEnd = imuTrans.points[1].z;

   _imuShiftFromStart = imuTrans.points[2];
   _imuVeloFromStart = imuTrans.points[3];

这样就OK了,接下来就是考虑如何使用它了,在6.4 点云数据处理中再详细解释吧。

6.4 点云数据处理

6.4.1 点云数据


  • 1.获取点云数据的时间_timeSurfPointsFlat
  • 2.转换点云格式fromROSMsg
  • 3.去除无效点removeNaNFromPointCloud
  • 4.设置标志位_newSurfPointsFlat
  void LaserOdometry::laserCloudFlatHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& surfPointsFlatMsg)
    _timeSurfPointsFlat = surfPointsFlatMsg->header.stamp;

    pcl::fromROSMsg(*surfPointsFlatMsg, *surfPointsFlat());
    std::vector<int> indices;
    pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*surfPointsFlat(), *surfPointsFlat(), indices);
    _newSurfPointsFlat = true;


    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr _cornerPointsSharp;      ///< sharp corner points cloud
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr _cornerPointsLessSharp;  ///< less sharp corner points cloud
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr _surfPointsFlat;         ///< flat surface points cloud
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr _surfPointsLessFlat;     ///< less flat surface points cloud
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr _laserCloud;             ///< full resolution cloud


  bool LaserOdometry::hasNewData()
    return _newCornerPointsSharp && _newCornerPointsLessSharp && _newSurfPointsFlat &&
      _newSurfPointsLessFlat && _newLaserCloudFullRes && _newImuTrans &&
      fabs((_timeCornerPointsSharp - _timeSurfPointsLessFlat).toSec()) < 0.005 &&
      fabs((_timeCornerPointsLessSharp - _timeSurfPointsLessFlat).toSec()) < 0.005 &&
      fabs((_timeSurfPointsFlat - _timeSurfPointsLessFlat).toSec()) < 0.005 &&
      fabs((_timeLaserCloudFullRes - _timeSurfPointsLessFlat).toSec()) < 0.005 &&
      fabs((_timeImuTrans - _timeSurfPointsLessFlat).toSec()) < 0.005;


  void LaserOdometry::process()
    if (!hasNewData())
      return;// waiting for new data to arrive...

    reset();// reset flags, etc.

6.4.2 公式推导 帧间运动

使用3.3 坐标变换的定义,继续推导。
对于一帧点云数据,有第一个 p s p_s ps最后一个 p e p_e pe,以及任意时刻的点 p t p_t pt
首先将任意时刻 t t t的点重新投影到统一时刻 t s t_s ts得到对应的点 p ~ s t \widetilde{p}_{st} p st,因此有关系

p t = R s : t p ~ s t + T s : t p_t=R_{s:t}\widetilde{p}_{st}+T_{s:t} pt=Rs:tp st+Ts:t


p ~ s t = R s : t − 1 ( p t − T s : t ) \widetilde{p}_{st}=R_{s:t}^{-1}(p_t-T_{s:t}) p st=Rs:t1(ptTs:t)

可以看到,我们需要求解的就是每个时刻 t t t对应的变换关系 R s : t R_{s:t} Rs:t T s : t T_{s:t} Ts:t,根据匀速运动假设,实际只需要求解第一个点和最后一个点的变换关系 R s : e R_{s:e} Rs:e T s : e T_{s:e} Ts:e,并且在迭代优化中使用的是矩阵 R s : t − 1 R_{s:t}^{-1} Rs:t1,考虑将该矩阵元素使用欧拉角表示。

这里考虑清楚为什么使用 R s : t − 1 R_{s:t}^{-1} Rs:t1矩阵,而不是 R s : t R_{s:t} Rs:t矩阵。

那么,根据坐标系定义,使用左乘、旋转坐标轴先Z再X后Y得到旋转矩阵 R Z X Y R_{ZXY} RZXY,有
R s : t − 1 = R Z X Y = R r y R r x R r z = [ c y c z − s x s y s z c y s z + s x s y c z − s y c x − c x s z c x c z s x s y c z + s x c y s z s y s z − s x c y c z c y c x ] R_{s:t}^{-1}=R_{ZXY}=R_{ry}R_{rx}R_{rz}= \begin{bmatrix} cycz-sxsysz& cysz+sxsycz &-sycx \\ -cxsz & cxcz& sx \\ sycz+sxcysz & sysz-sxcycz & cycx \end{bmatrix} Rs:t1=RZXY=RryRrxRrz=cyczsxsyszcxszsycz+sxcyszcysz+sxsyczcxczsyszsxcyczsycxsxcycx
那么,对于矩阵 R s : t R_{s:t} Rs:t,有

R s : t = ( R Z X Y ) − 1 = R − r z R − r x R − r y R_{s:t}=(R_{ZXY})^{-1}=R_{-rz}R_{-rx}R_{-ry} Rs:t=(RZXY)1=RrzRrxRry


寻找最优的旋转矩阵 R s : t − 1 R_{s:t}^{-1} Rs:t1平移量 T s : t T_{s:t} Ts:t,使得所有点云特征点到特征区域的距离最小。


f ( p ~ s t ) = f ( R s : t − 1 ( p t − T s : t ) ) = f ( R s : t − 1 , p t , T s : t ) = f ( R s : t − 1 , T s : t ) = d f(\widetilde{p}_{st}) =f(R_{s:t}^{-1}(p_t-T_{s:t}))=f(R_{s:t}^{-1},p_t,T_{s:t})=f(R_{s:t}^{-1},T_{s:t})= d f(p st)=f(Rs:t1(ptTs:t))=f(Rs:t1ptTs:t)=f(Rs:t1Ts:t)=d

定义 R s : t − 1 R_{s:t}^{-1} Rs:t1对应的欧拉角分别为 r x , r y , r z rx,ry,rz rx,ry,rz即是

R s : t − 1 = R Z X Y = R r y R r x R r z R_{s:t}^{-1}=R_{ZXY}=R_{ry}R_{rx}R_{rz} Rs:t1=RZXY=RryRrxRrz

T s : t T_{s:t} Ts:t分量分别为 t x , t y , t z t_x,t_y,t_z tx,ty,tz,即是

T s : t = [ t x ; t y ; t z ] T_{s:t}=[t_x;t_y;t_z] Ts:t=[tx;ty;tz]

∂ f ∂ ( r x , r y , r z , t x , t y , t z ) = [ ∂ f ∂ r x , ∂ f ∂ r y , ∂ f ∂ r z , ∂ f ∂ t x , ∂ f ∂ t y , ∂ f ∂ t z ] \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{(rx,ry,rz,t_x,t_y,t_z)}}=[ \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{rx}},\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{ry}},\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{rz}}, \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{t_x}},\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{t_y}},\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{t_z}}] (rx,ry,rz,tx,ty,tz)f=[rxf,ryf,rzf,txf,tyf,tzf]
现在以 r x rx rx, t x t_x tx举例说明,其他分量 r y , r z , t y , t z ry,rz,t_y,t_z ry,rz,ty,tz等同理
∂ f ∂ r x = ∂ f ∂ p ~ s t ∂ p ~ s t r x = [ l a , l b , l c ] ∂ R s : t − 1 ∂ r x ( p t − T s : t ) = [ l a , l b , l c ] ∂ R s : t − 1 ∂ r x p t − [ l a , l b , l c ] ∂ R s : t − 1 ∂ r x T s : t \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{rx}}= \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{\widetilde{p}_{st}}} \frac{\partial{\widetilde{p}_{st}}}{rx}= [la,lb,lc] \frac{\partial{R_{s:t}^{-1}}}{\partial{rx}} (p_t-T_{s:t})= [la,lb,lc] \frac{\partial{R_{s:t}^{-1}}}{\partial{rx}} p_t-[la,lb,lc] \frac{\partial{R_{s:t}^{-1}}}{\partial{rx}}T_{s:t} rxf=p stfrxp st=[la,lb,lc]rxRs:t1(ptTs:t)=[la,lb,lc]rxRs:t1pt[la,lb,lc]rxRs:t1Ts:t

∂ f ∂ t x = ∂ f ∂ p ~ s t ∂ p ~ s t t x = [ l a , l b , l c ] ∂ [ R s : t − 1 ( p t − T s : t ) ] ∂ t x = [ l a , l b , l c ] R s : t − 1 [ − 1 ; 0 ; 0 ] \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{t_x}}= \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{\widetilde{p}_{st}}} \frac{\partial{\widetilde{p}_{st}}}{t_x}= [la,lb,lc] \frac{\partial{[R_{s:t}^{-1}(p_t-T_{s:t})]}}{\partial{t_x}}= [la,lb,lc]R_{s:t}^{-1}[-1;0;0] txf=p stftxp st=[la,lb,lc]tx[Rs:t1(ptTs:t)]=[la,lb,lc]Rs:t1[1;0;0]

式中, ∂ f ∂ p ~ s t \frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{\widetilde{p}_{st}}} p stf为梯度方向,对于点和直线,自然是垂直直线的方向,对于点和平面,自然是法向量方向。
式中, ∂ R s : t − 1 ∂ r x \frac{\partial{R_{s:t}^{-1}}}{\partial{rx}} rxRs:t1就是矩阵对欧拉角的微分,推导如下

∂ R s : t − 1 ∂ r x = ∂ R Z X Y ∂ r x = ∂ [ c y c z − s x s y s z c y s z + s x s y c z − s y c x − c x s z c x c z s x s y c z + s x c y s z s y s z − s x c y c z c y c x ] ∂ r x = [ − c x s y s z c x s y c z s x s y s x s z − s x c z c x c x c y s z − c x c y c z − c y s x ] \frac{\partial{R_{s:t}^{-1}}}{\partial{rx}}= \frac{\partial{R_{ZXY}}}{\partial{rx}}= \frac{\partial{\begin{bmatrix} cycz-sxsysz& cysz+sxsycz &-sycx \\ -cxsz & cxcz& sx \\ sycz+sxcysz & sysz-sxcycz & cycx \end{bmatrix}}}{\partial{rx}}= \begin{bmatrix} -cxsysz& cxsycz &sxsy \\ sxsz & -sxcz& cx \\ cxcysz & -cxcycz & -cysx \end{bmatrix} rxRs:t1=rxRZXY=rxcyczsxsyszcxszsycz+sxcyszcysz+sxsyczcxczsyszsxcyczsycxsxcycx=cxsyszsxszcxcyszcxsyczsxczcxcyczsxsycxcysx GN非线性优化


min ⁡ x 1 2 ∣ ∣ F ( x ) ∣ ∣ 2 2 \min_{x}\frac{1}{2}||F(x)||^2_2 xmin21F(x)22

F ( x + Δ x ) ≈ F ( x ) + J ( x ) Δ x F(x+\Delta{x})\approx{F(x)+J(x)\Delta{x}} F(x+Δx)F(x)+J(x)Δx

J ( x ) T J ( x ) Δ x = − J ( x ) T F ( x ) J(x)^TJ(x)\Delta{x}=-J(x)^TF(x) J(x)TJ(x)Δx=J(x)TF(x)
式中, J ( x ) J(x) J(x) F ( x ) F(x) F(x)关于 x x x的一阶导数。也就是 J = ∂ F ∂ ( r x , r y , r z , t x , t y , t z ) J=\frac{\partial{F}}{\partial{(rx,ry,rz,t_x,t_y,t_z)}} J=(rx,ry,rz,tx,ty,tz)F F F F是由一系列 f f f组成的方程组 累计运动

根据之前的推导,实际求解的是矩阵 R s : t − 1 R_{s:t}^{-1} Rs:t1中的值,在使用时需要添加负号、更改变换顺序才能得到最终的 R s : t R_{s:t} Rs:t

我们最后使用的是 R s : t R_{s:t} Rs:t,也就是时刻不断增加时对应的变换关系,而不是 R s : t − 1 R_{s:t}^{-1} Rs:t1

那么有累计运动_transformSum(对应 R r z R r x R r y R_{rz}R_{rx}R_{ry} RrzRrxRry)和帧间运动_transform(对应 R r y R r x R r z R_{ry}R_{rx}R_{rz} RryRrxRrz),对于旋转部分,有
R s : t − 1 = R Z X Y = R r y R r x R r z R_{s:t}^{-1}=R_{ZXY}=R_{ry}R_{rx}R_{rz} Rs:t1=RZXY=RryRrxRrz

R s : t = ( R Z X Y ) − 1 = R − r z R − r x R − r y R_{s:t}=(R_{ZXY})^{-1}=R_{-rz}R_{-rx}R_{-ry} Rs:t=(RZXY)1=RrzRrxRry

R Y X Z = [ c y c z + s x s y s z c x s z − s y c z + s x c y s z − c y s z + s x s y c z c x c z s y s z + s x c y c z c x s y − s x c x c y ] R_{YXZ}= \begin{bmatrix} cycz+sxsysz& cxsz &-sycz+sxcysz \\ -cysz+sxsycz & cxcz& sysz+sxcycz \\ cxsy & -sx & cxcy \end{bmatrix} RYXZ=cycz+sxsyszcysz+sxsyczcxsycxszcxczsxsycz+sxcyszsysz+sxcyczcxcy


R ′ = R t r a n s f o r m R t r a n s f o r m S u m = [ c y c z + s x s y s z c x s z − s y c z + s x c y s z − c y s z + s x s y c z c x c z s y s z + s x c y c z c x s y − s x c x c y ] [ c y c z + s x s y s z c x s z − s y c z + s x c y s z − c y s z + s x s y c z c x c z s y s z + s x c y c z c x s y − s x c x c y ] R'=R_{transform}R_{transformSum}= \begin{bmatrix} cycz+sxsysz& cxsz &-sycz+sxcysz \\ -cysz+sxsycz & cxcz& sysz+sxcycz \\ cxsy & -sx & cxcy \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} cycz+sxsysz& cxsz &-sycz+sxcysz \\ -cysz+sxsycz & cxcz& sysz+sxcycz \\ cxsy & -sx & cxcy \end{bmatrix} R=RtransformRtransformSum=cycz+sxsyszcysz+sxsyczcxsycxszcxczsxsycz+sxcyszsysz+sxcyczcxcycycz+sxsyszcysz+sxsyczcxsycxszcxczsxsycz+sxcyszsysz+sxcyczcxcy
可以得到更新后的累计旋转角度 r x , r y , r z rx,ry,rz rx,ry,rz,这里举例说明 r x rx rx

r x = − a r c s i n ( R 3 , 2 ′ ) = − a r c s i n ( c x s y ∗ c x s z − s x ∗ c x c z − c x c y ∗ s x ) rx = -arcsin(R'_{3,2})=-arcsin(cxsy*cxsz-sx*cxcz-cxcy*sx) rx=arcsin(R3,2)=arcsin(cxsycxszsxcxczcxcysx)

r y = − a r c t a n ( R 3 , 1 ′ / R 3 , 3 ′ ) ry = -arctan(R'_{3,1}/R'_{3,3}) ry=arctan(R3,1/R3,3)

r z = − a r c t a n ( R 1 , 2 ′ / R 2 , 2 ′ ) rz = -arctan(R'_{1,2}/R'_{2,2}) rz=arctan(R1,2/R2,2) IMU信息修正


  • rx, ry, rz存放使用激光点云计算累计的从0时刻到tend的旋转 w e R l ^{e}_{w}R_{l} weRl
  • imu测量的得到点云中第一个点时旋转角度 w s R i ^{s}_{w}R_{i} wsRi
  • imu测量的得到点云中最后一个点时旋转角度 w e R i ^{e}_{w}R_{i} weRi


w e R l ′ = w e R i × i n v ( w s R i ) × w e R l ^{e}_{w}R'_{l}={^{e}_{w}R_{i}}×inv({^{s}_{w}R_{i}})×{^{e}_{w}R_{l}} weRl=weRi×inv(wsRi)×weRl

w e R l = R Y X Z , w e R i = R Y X Z , i n v ( w s R i ) = R Z X Y {^{e}_{w}R_{l}}=R_{YXZ},{^{e}_{w}R_{i}}=R_{YXZ},inv({^{s}_{w}R_{i}})=R_{ZXY} weRl=RYXZ,weRi=RYXZ,inv(wsRi)=RZXY

w e R l ′ = w e R i ∗ i n v ( w s R i ) ∗ w e R l = [ c y c z + s x s y s z c x s z − s y c z + s x c y s z − c y s z + s x s y c z c x c z s y s z + s x c y c z c x s y − s x c x c y ] × [ c y c z + s x s y s z − c y s z + s x s y c z s y c x c x s z c x c z − s x − s y c z + s x c y s z s y s z + s x c y c z c y c x ] × [ c y c z + s x s y s z c x s z − s y c z + s x c y s z − c y s z + s x s y c z c x c z s y s z + s x c y c z c x s y − s x c x c y ] ^{e}_{w}R'_{l}={^{e}_{w}R_{i}}*inv({^{s}_{w}R_{i}})*{^{e}_{w}R_{l}}= \begin{bmatrix} cycz+sxsysz& cxsz &-sycz+sxcysz \\ -cysz+sxsycz & cxcz& sysz+sxcycz \\ cxsy & -sx & cxcy \end{bmatrix}× \begin{bmatrix} cycz+sxsysz& -cysz+sxsycz &sycx \\ cxsz & cxcz& -sx \\ -sycz+sxcysz & sysz+sxcycz & cycx \end{bmatrix}× \begin{bmatrix} cycz+sxsysz& cxsz &-sycz+sxcysz \\ -cysz+sxsycz & cxcz& sysz+sxcycz \\ cxsy & -sx & cxcy \end{bmatrix} weRl=weRiinv(wsRi)weRl=cycz+sxsyszcysz+sxsyczcxsycxszcxczsxsycz+sxcyszsysz+sxcyczcxcy×cycz+sxsyszcxszsycz+sxcyszcysz+sxsyczcxczsysz+sxcyczsycxsxcycx×cycz+sxsyszcysz+sxsyczcxsycxszcxczsxsycz+sxcyszsysz+sxcyczcxcy

因此可以得到角度 r x , r y , r z rx,ry,rz rx,ry,rz,这里以 r x rx rx为例

r x = − a r c s i n ( − s x ) = − a r c s i n [ w e R l ′ ( 3 , 2 ) ] ≈ − a r c s i n ( [ — — — — — — c x s y × ( c y c z + s x s y s z ) − s x × ( c x s z ) + c x c y × ( − s y c z + s x c y s z ) c x s y × ( − c y s z + s x s y c z ) − s x × ( c x c z ) + c x c y × ( s y s z + s x c y c z ) c x s y × ( s y c x ) − s x × ( − s x ) + c x c y × ( c y c x ) ] × [ — c x s z — — c x c z — — − s x — ] ) rx = -arcsin(-sx)=-arcsin[^{e}_{w}R'_{l}(3,2)]\approx -arcsin(\begin{bmatrix} —& — & — \\ — & — & — \\ cxsy×(cycz+sxsysz)-sx×(cxsz)+cxcy×(-sycz+sxcysz) & cxsy×(-cysz+sxsycz)-sx×(cxcz)+cxcy×(sysz+sxcycz) & cxsy×(sycx)-sx×(-sx)+cxcy×(cycx) \end{bmatrix}× \begin{bmatrix} —& cxsz &— \\ — & cxcz& — \\ — & -sx & — \end{bmatrix}) rx=arcsin(sx)=arcsin[weRl(3,2)]arcsin(cxsy×(cycz+sxsysz)sx×(cxsz)+cxcy×(sycz+sxcysz)cxsy×(cysz+sxsycz)sx×(cxcz)+cxcy×(sysz+sxcycz)cxsy×(sycx)sx×(sx)+cxcy×(cycx)×cxszcxczsx)



6.4.3 坐标变换

累计运动_transformSum(对应 R r z R r x R r y R_{rz}R_{rx}R_{ry} RrzRrxRry)和帧间运动_transform(对应 R r y R r x R r z R_{ry}R_{rx}R_{rz} RryRrxRrz)

  • 累计运动_transformSum(对应 R r z R r x R r y R_{rz}R_{rx}R_{ry} RrzRrxRry)在代码中体现为
  • 帧间运动_transform(对应 R r y R r x R r z R_{ry}R_{rx}R_{rz} RryRrxRrz)在代码中体现为

p ~ s t = R s : t − 1 ( p t − T s : t ) \widetilde{p}_{st}=R_{s:t}^{-1}(p_t-T_{s:t}) p st=Rs:t1(ptTs:t)

//变换到 第一个点坐标系 inv(R)(Xt - T)= X
void BasicLaserOdometry::transformToStart(const pcl::PointXYZI& pi, pcl::PointXYZI& po)
   // 相对第一个点的时间偏移
   float s = (1.f / _scanPeriod) * (pi.intensity - int(pi.intensity));

   po.x = pi.x - s * _transform.pos.x();
   po.y = pi.y - s * _transform.pos.y();
   po.z = pi.z - s * _transform.pos.z();
   po.intensity = pi.intensity;

   Angle rx = -s * _transform.rot_x.rad();
   Angle ry = -s * _transform.rot_y.rad();
   Angle rz = -s * _transform.rot_z.rad();
   rotateZXY(po, rz, rx, ry);

p t = R s : t p ~ s t + T s : t p_t=R_{s:t}\widetilde{p}_{st}+T_{s:t} pt=Rs:tp st+Ts:t

  • 变换到 第一个点坐标系 inv(R )(Xt - T)= X
  • 变换到 最后一个点坐标系 Xt= RX + T
  • 非匀速运动进行恢复
  • 使用IMU测量信息补偿
size_t BasicLaserOdometry::transformToEnd(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr& cloud)
   size_t cloudSize = cloud->points.size();

   for (size_t i = 0; i < cloudSize; i++)
      pcl::PointXYZI& point = cloud->points[i];

      float s = (1.f / _scanPeriod) * (point.intensity - int(point.intensity));
      //变换到 第一个点坐标系 inv(R)(Xt - T)= X
      point.x -= s * _transform.pos.x();
      point.y -= s * _transform.pos.y();
      point.z -= s * _transform.pos.z();
      point.intensity = int(point.intensity);

      Angle rx = -s * _transform.rot_x.rad();
      Angle ry = -s * _transform.rot_y.rad();
      Angle rz = -s * _transform.rot_z.rad();
      rotateZXY(point, rz, rx, ry);
      //变换到 最后一个点坐标系 Xt= RX + T
      rotateYXZ(point, _transform.rot_y, _transform.rot_x, _transform.rot_z);
      point.x += _transform.pos.x() - _imuShiftFromStart.x();
      point.y += _transform.pos.y() - _imuShiftFromStart.y();
      point.z += _transform.pos.z() - _imuShiftFromStart.z();
      // 下面是使用IMU测量信息补偿
      rotateZXY(point, _imuRollStart, _imuPitchStart, _imuYawStart);
      rotateYXZ(point, -_imuYawEnd, -_imuPitchEnd, -_imuRollEnd);
   return cloudSize;

6.4.4 迭代优化 通用设置


   if (!_systemInited)


      _transformSum.rot_x += _imuPitchStart;
      _transformSum.rot_z += _imuRollStart;

      _systemInited = true;

根据之前的推导5.4.4 打包IMU数据,得到了点云数据中的速度偏移 _imuVeloFromStart,因此去除非匀速运动信息,得到估计运动的初值

   _transform.pos -= _imuVeloFromStart * _scanPeriod;


   if (lastCornerCloudSize > 10 && lastSurfaceCloudSize > 100)

根据之前的分析LOAM SLAM之论文原理解读,这里设置最近邻索引Vector欧式距离Vector,并进行变量初始化。

  • 边缘点需要2个最近邻点
  • 平面点需要3个最近邻点
      std::vector<int> pointSearchInd(1);
      std::vector<float> pointSearchSqDis(1);
      std::vector<int> indices;

      pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*_cornerPointsSharp, *_cornerPointsSharp, indices);
      size_t cornerPointsSharpNum = _cornerPointsSharp->points.size();
      size_t surfPointsFlatNum = _surfPointsFlat->points.size();



  • 最大迭代次数为_maxIterations
      for (size_t iterCount = 0; iterCount < _maxIterations; iterCount++)
      // 迭代优化
  • 运动估计值收敛
         float deltaR = sqrt(pow(rad2deg(matX(0, 0)), 2) +
                             pow(rad2deg(matX(1, 0)), 2) +
                             pow(rad2deg(matX(2, 0)), 2));
         float deltaT = sqrt(pow(matX(3, 0) * 100, 2) +
                             pow(matX(4, 0) * 100, 2) +
                             pow(matX(5, 0) * 100, 2));
         if (deltaR < _deltaRAbort && deltaT < _deltaTAbort)


    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr _laserCloudOri;      // < point selection 运动估计时使用的所有特征点:包含平面点和边缘点
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr _coeffSel;           // < point selection coefficients 运动估计时特征点对应的系数:包含平面点和边缘点


// pointSel当前特征点  tripod1,2,3最近邻点,次近邻点,三近邻点
pcl::PointXYZI pointSel, pointProj,tripod1,tripod2,tripod3; 边缘点处理

这里需要对每个边缘点寻找最近邻的点,然后求取点到直线的距离,并且为6.4.2.1 帧间运动方程组中的系数做准备,这个时候需要干一件事,那就是将点云数据进行坐标系变换,统一变换到第一个点对应的坐标系

transformToStart(_cornerPointsSharp->points[i], pointSel);


  • 使用KD树 _lastCornerKDTree查找最近邻点索引pointSearchInd和对应的欧式距离pointSearchSqDis
  • 得到最近邻点的Scan索引 即是激光发射束id closestPointScan
  • 通过对点云索引增加减少,在相邻激光束查找次近邻点,注意空间相邻的激光束,id相差为2,因此这里使用了2.5作为判断依据
  • 得到当前特征点在激光束中的最近邻点_pointSearchCornerInd1次近邻点_pointSearchCornerInd2
            // 每5次迭代重新提取特征点
            if (iterCount % 5 == 0)
               pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*_lastCornerCloud, *_lastCornerCloud, indices);
               // 使用KD树查找最近邻点以及对应的距离
               _lastCornerKDTree.nearestKSearch(pointSel, 1, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);

               int closestPointInd = -1, minPointInd2 = -1;
               // 距离需要满足最低的阈值要求
               if (pointSearchSqDis[0] < 25)
                  closestPointInd = pointSearchInd[0];
                  // 得到最近邻点的Scan索引 即是激光发射束id
                  int closestPointScan = int(_lastCornerCloud->points[closestPointInd].intensity);

                  float pointSqDis, minPointSqDis2 = 25;
                  // 在相邻激光束查找次近邻点
                  // _lastCornerCloud中同一线束上的点索引相近
                  // 点云索引增加的线束中查找
                  for (int j = closestPointInd + 1; j < cornerPointsSharpNum; j++)
                     // 空间相邻的激光束,id相差为2,因此这里使用了2.5作为判断依据
                     if (int(_lastCornerCloud->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan + 2.5)
                     // 计算两个三维点的距离,欧式距离
                     pointSqDis = calcSquaredDiff(_lastCornerCloud->points[j], pointSel);
                     // 得到相邻激光束中次近邻点,更新距离minPointSqDis2  坐标minPointInd2
                     if (int(_lastCornerCloud->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan)
                        if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2)
                           minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                           minPointInd2 = j;
                  // 点云索引增加的线束中查找
                  for (int j = closestPointInd - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                     // 空间相邻的激光束,id相差为2,因此这里使用了2.5作为判断依据
                     if (int(_lastCornerCloud->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan - 2.5)
                     // 计算两个三维点的距离,欧式距离
                     pointSqDis = calcSquaredDiff(_lastCornerCloud->points[j], pointSel);
                     // 得到相邻激光束中次近邻点,更新距离minPointSqDis2  坐标minPointInd2
                     if (int(_lastCornerCloud->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan)
                        if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2)
                           minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                           minPointInd2 = j;
               // 得到当前特征点在激光束中的最近邻点_pointSearchCornerInd1、次近邻点_pointSearchCornerInd2
               _pointSearchCornerInd1[i] = closestPointInd;
               _pointSearchCornerInd2[i] = minPointInd2;


		| i j k |
		|a1 b1 c1|
		|a2 b2 c2|


i  --  pointSel
j  --  tripod1
l  --  tripod2
			// 成功找到次近邻点索引
            if (_pointSearchCornerInd2[i] >= 0)
               // 分别对应点 i , j
               tripod1 = _lastCornerCloud->points[_pointSearchCornerInd1[i]];
               tripod2 = _lastCornerCloud->points[_pointSearchCornerInd2[i]];

               float x0 = pointSel.x;
               float y0 = pointSel.y;
               float z0 = pointSel.z;
               float x1 = tripod1.x;
               float y1 = tripod1.y;
               float z1 = tripod1.z;
               float x2 = tripod2.x;
               float y2 = tripod2.y;
               float z2 = tripod2.z;
               // 注意向量的方向 z  -y  x
               // ijl平行四边形的面积
               float a012 = sqrt(((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1))
                                 * ((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1))
                                 + ((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1))
                                 * ((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1))
                                 + ((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1))
                                 * ((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1)));
               // jl的长度
               float l12 = sqrt((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2) + (z1 - z2)*(z1 - z2));
               // ijl平面法向量和jl方向向量叉乘,注意单位向量。
               // 叉乘的x分量  由点远离直线向外,d增大的方向
               float la = ((y1 - y2)*((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1))
                           + (z1 - z2)*((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1))) / a012 / l12;
               // 叉乘的y分量
               float lb = -((x1 - x2)*((x0 - x1)*(y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2)*(y0 - y1))
                            - (z1 - z2)*((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1))) / a012 / l12;
               // 叉乘的z分量
               float lc = -((x1 - x2)*((x0 - x1)*(z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2)*(z0 - z1))
                            + (y1 - y2)*((y0 - y1)*(z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2)*(z0 - z1))) / a012 / l12;
               // 面积/高 = 点到线的距离
               float ld2 = a012 / l12; // Eq. (2)

               // TODO: Why writing to a variable that's never read?
               pointProj = pointSel;
               pointProj.x -= la * ld2;
               pointProj.y -= lb * ld2;
               pointProj.z -= lc * ld2;

               float s = 1;
               // 距离d越大,权重s越小
               if (iterCount >= 5)
                  s = 1 - 1.8f * fabs(ld2);

               coeff.x = s * la;
               coeff.y = s * lb;
               coeff.z = s * lc;
               coeff.intensity = s * ld2;
               if (s > 0.1 && ld2 != 0)
            } 平面点处理

这里需要对每个平面点寻找最近邻次近邻(与最近邻位于同一线束)以及第三近邻的点,然后求取点到平面的距离,并且为6.4.2.1 帧间运动方程组中的系数做准备,这个时候需要干一件事,那就是将点云数据进行坐标系变换,统一变换到第一个点对应的坐标系

	transformToStart(_surfPointsFlat->points[i], pointSel);


  • 使用KD树 _lastSurfaceKDTree查找最近邻点索引pointSearchInd和对应的欧式距离pointSearchSqDis
  • 得到最近邻点的Scan索引 即是激光发射束id closestPointScan
  • 通过对点云索引增加减少,在相邻激光束查找次近邻点第三近邻点,注意空间相邻的激光束,id相差为2,因此这里使用了2.5作为判断依据
  • 得到当前特征点在激光束中的最近邻点_pointSearchCornerInd1次近邻点_pointSearchCornerInd2、第三近邻点_pointSearchSurfInd3
            if (iterCount % 5 == 0)
               // 使用KD树查找最近邻点以及对应的距离
               _lastSurfaceKDTree.nearestKSearch(pointSel, 1, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);
               int closestPointInd = -1, minPointInd2 = -1, minPointInd3 = -1;
               // 距离需要满足最低的阈值要求
               if (pointSearchSqDis[0] < 25)
                  closestPointInd = pointSearchInd[0];
                  // 得到最近邻点的Scan索引 即是激光发射束id
                  int closestPointScan = int(_lastSurfaceCloud->points[closestPointInd].intensity);

                  float pointSqDis, minPointSqDis2 = 25, minPointSqDis3 = 25;
                  // 在相邻激光束查找次近邻点
                  // 点云索引增加的线束中查找
                  for (int j = closestPointInd + 1; j < surfPointsFlatNum; j++)
                     // 空间相邻的激光束,id相差为2,因此这里使用了2.5作为判断依据
                     if (int(_lastSurfaceCloud->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan + 2.5)
                     // 计算两个三维点的距离,欧式距离
                     pointSqDis = calcSquaredDiff(_lastSurfaceCloud->points[j], pointSel);
                     // 得到相邻激光束中次近邻点,与当前点位于同一激光束,更新距离minPointSqDis2  坐标minPointInd2
                     if (int(_lastSurfaceCloud->points[j].intensity) <= closestPointScan)
                        if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2)
                           minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                           minPointInd2 = j;
                        // 不同线束则作为 第三近邻点 更新距离minPointSqDis3  坐标minPointInd3
                        if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis3)
                           minPointSqDis3 = pointSqDis;
                           minPointInd3 = j;
                  // 点云索引减少的线束中查找
                  for (int j = closestPointInd - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                     // 空间相邻的激光束,id相差为2,因此这里使用了2.5作为判断依据
                     if (int(_lastSurfaceCloud->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan - 2.5)
                     // 计算两个三维点的距离,欧式距离
                     pointSqDis = calcSquaredDiff(_lastSurfaceCloud->points[j], pointSel);
                     // 得到相邻激光束中次近邻点,与当前点位于同一激光束,更新距离minPointSqDis2  坐标minPointInd2
                     if (int(_lastSurfaceCloud->points[j].intensity) >= closestPointScan)
                        if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2)
                           minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                           minPointInd2 = j;
                        // 不同线束则作为 第三近邻点 更新距离minPointSqDis3  坐标minPointInd3
                        if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis3)
                           minPointSqDis3 = pointSqDis;
                           minPointInd3 = j;
               // 得到当前特征点在激光束中的最近邻点_pointSearchCornerInd1、
               // 次近邻点(同一线束中)_pointSearchCornerInd2、第三近邻点(相邻线束)_pointSearchSurfInd3
               _pointSearchSurfInd1[i] = closestPointInd;
               _pointSearchSurfInd2[i] = minPointInd2;
               _pointSearchSurfInd3[i] = minPointInd3;


i  ---  pointSel
j  ---  tripod1
l  ---  tripod2
m  ---  tripod3

叉乘公式a x b=(b1c2-b2c1,c1a2-a1c2,a1b2-a2b1)


            // 没有找到次近邻,第三近邻点的话 索引为-1
            if (_pointSearchSurfInd2[i] >= 0 && _pointSearchSurfInd3[i] >= 0)
               tripod1 = _lastSurfaceCloud->points[_pointSearchSurfInd1[i]];
               tripod2 = _lastSurfaceCloud->points[_pointSearchSurfInd2[i]];
               tripod3 = _lastSurfaceCloud->points[_pointSearchSurfInd3[i]];
               //jlm形成的平面法向量 x -y z 由点远离平面的方向,距离增大的方向
               float pa = (tripod2.y - tripod1.y) * (tripod3.z - tripod1.z)
                  - (tripod3.y - tripod1.y) * (tripod2.z - tripod1.z);
               float pb = (tripod2.z - tripod1.z) * (tripod3.x - tripod1.x)
                  - (tripod3.z - tripod1.z) * (tripod2.x - tripod1.x);
               float pc = (tripod2.x - tripod1.x) * (tripod3.y - tripod1.y)
                  - (tripod3.x - tripod1.x) * (tripod2.y - tripod1.y);
               //法向量 点乘j点坐标  取负号 是中间量
               float pd = -(pa * tripod1.x + pb * tripod1.y + pc * tripod1.z);
               float ps = sqrt(pa * pa + pb * pb + pc * pc);
               pa /= ps;
               pb /= ps;
               pc /= ps;
               pd /= ps;
               //得到距离, 立体面积/低面积 = 高,距离d
               float pd2 = pa * pointSel.x + pb * pointSel.y + pc * pointSel.z + pd; //Eq. (3)??

               // TODO: Why writing to a variable that's never read? Maybe it should be used afterwards?
               pointProj = pointSel;
               pointProj.x -= pa * pd2;
               pointProj.y -= pb * pd2;
               pointProj.z -= pc * pd2;

               float s = 1;
               // 距离d越大,权重s越小
               if (iterCount >= 5)
                  s = 1 - 1.8f * fabs(pd2) / sqrt(calcPointDistance(pointSel));

               coeff.x = s * pa;
               coeff.y = s * pb;
               coeff.z = s * pc;
               coeff.intensity = s * pd2;
               if (s > 0.1 && pd2 != 0)

6.4.5 求解运动

通过特征点以及特征点和特征区域的关系,可以构建方程组6.4.2.1 帧间运动),每次迭代时求解该方程组得到运动增量6.4.2.2 GN非线性优化),最终运动估计收敛。运动求解时使用了防止非线性优化解退化的方法,详见LOAM SLAM原理之防止非线性优化解退化。
对所有满足要求的特征点可以构建方程得到方程组系数矩阵,参考6.4.2.1 帧间运动

         // 估计运动时,使用的特征点数量足够
         int pointSelNum = _laserCloudOri->points.size();
         if (pointSelNum < 10)

         Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 6> matA(pointSelNum, 6);
         Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> matAt(6, pointSelNum);
         Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 6> matAtA;
         Eigen::VectorXf matB(pointSelNum);
         Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> matAtB;
         Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> matX;

         for (int i = 0; i < pointSelNum; i++)
            const pcl::PointXYZI& pointOri = _laserCloudOri->points[i];
            coeff = _coeffSel->points[i];

            float s = 1;

            float srx = sin(s * _transform.rot_x.rad());
            float crx = cos(s * _transform.rot_x.rad());
            float sry = sin(s * _transform.rot_y.rad());
            float cry = cos(s * _transform.rot_y.rad());
            float srz = sin(s * _transform.rot_z.rad());
            float crz = cos(s * _transform.rot_z.rad());
            float tx = s * _transform.pos.x();
            float ty = s * _transform.pos.y();
            float tz = s * _transform.pos.z();
            // 前面已经推导了,可以参考等式一起看 ** 帧间运动**
            float arx = (-s * crx*sry*srz*pointOri.x + s * crx*crz*sry*pointOri.y + s * srx*sry*pointOri.z
                         + s * tx*crx*sry*srz - s * ty*crx*crz*sry - s * tz*srx*sry) * coeff.x
               + (s*srx*srz*pointOri.x - s * crz*srx*pointOri.y + s * crx*pointOri.z
                  + s * ty*crz*srx - s * tz*crx - s * tx*srx*srz) * coeff.y
               + (s*crx*cry*srz*pointOri.x - s * crx*cry*crz*pointOri.y - s * cry*srx*pointOri.z
                  + s * tz*cry*srx + s * ty*crx*cry*crz - s * tx*crx*cry*srz) * coeff.z;

            float ary = ((-s * crz*sry - s * cry*srx*srz)*pointOri.x
                         + (s*cry*crz*srx - s * sry*srz)*pointOri.y - s * crx*cry*pointOri.z
                         + tx * (s*crz*sry + s * cry*srx*srz) + ty * (s*sry*srz - s * cry*crz*srx)
                         + s * tz*crx*cry) * coeff.x
               + ((s*cry*crz - s * srx*sry*srz)*pointOri.x
                  + (s*cry*srz + s * crz*srx*sry)*pointOri.y - s * crx*sry*pointOri.z
                  + s * tz*crx*sry - ty * (s*cry*srz + s * crz*srx*sry)
                  - tx * (s*cry*crz - s * srx*sry*srz)) * coeff.z;

            float arz = ((-s * cry*srz - s * crz*srx*sry)*pointOri.x + (s*cry*crz - s * srx*sry*srz)*pointOri.y
                         + tx * (s*cry*srz + s * crz*srx*sry) - ty * (s*cry*crz - s * srx*sry*srz)) * coeff.x
               + (-s * crx*crz*pointOri.x - s * crx*srz*pointOri.y
                  + s * ty*crx*srz + s * tx*crx*crz) * coeff.y
               + ((s*cry*crz*srx - s * sry*srz)*pointOri.x + (s*crz*sry + s * cry*srx*srz)*pointOri.y
                  + tx * (s*sry*srz - s * cry*crz*srx) - ty * (s*crz*sry + s * cry*srx*srz)) * coeff.z;

            float atx = -s * (cry*crz - srx * sry*srz) * coeff.x + s * crx*srz * coeff.y
               - s * (crz*sry + cry * srx*srz) * coeff.z;

            float aty = -s * (cry*srz + crz * srx*sry) * coeff.x - s * crx*crz * coeff.y
               - s * (sry*srz - cry * crz*srx) * coeff.z;

            float atz = s * crx*sry * coeff.x - s * srx * coeff.y - s * crx*cry * coeff.z;

            float d2 = coeff.intensity;

            matA(i, 0) = arx;
            matA(i, 1) = ary;
            matA(i, 2) = arz;
            matA(i, 3) = atx;
            matA(i, 4) = aty;
            matA(i, 5) = atz;
            matB(i, 0) = -0.05 * d2;

求取非线性优化解的增量,参考6.4.2.2 GN非线性优化

         matAt = matA.transpose();
         matAtA = matAt * matA;
         matAtB = matAt * matB;

         matX = matAtA.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(matAtB);


         if (iterCount == 0)
            Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 6> matE;
            Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 6> matV;
            Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 6> matV2;

            Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver< Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 6> > esolver(matAtA);
            matE = esolver.eigenvalues().real();
            matV = esolver.eigenvectors().real();

            // matV2 = matV;
            matV2 = matV.transpose();

            isDegenerate = false;
            float eignThre[6] = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 };
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
               if (matE(0, i) < eignThre[i])
                  for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                     matV2(i, j) = 0;
                  isDegenerate = true;
            // matP = matV.inverse() * matV2;
            matP = matV.transpose().inverse() * matV2;

         if (isDegenerate)
            Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, 1> matX2(matX);
            matX = matP * matX2;


		 // 更新解分量
         _transform.rot_x = _transform.rot_x.rad() + matX(0, 0);
         _transform.rot_y = _transform.rot_y.rad() + matX(1, 0);
         _transform.rot_z = _transform.rot_z.rad() + matX(2, 0);
         _transform.pos.x() += matX(3, 0);
         _transform.pos.y() += matX(4, 0);
         _transform.pos.z() += matX(5, 0);
         // 判断解是否有效
         if (!pcl_isfinite(_transform.rot_x.rad())) _transform.rot_x = Angle();
         if (!pcl_isfinite(_transform.rot_y.rad())) _transform.rot_y = Angle();
         if (!pcl_isfinite(_transform.rot_z.rad())) _transform.rot_z = Angle();

         if (!pcl_isfinite(_transform.pos.x())) _transform.pos.x() = 0.0;
         if (!pcl_isfinite(_transform.pos.y())) _transform.pos.y() = 0.0;
         if (!pcl_isfinite(_transform.pos.z())) _transform.pos.z() = 0.0;
         // 解的增量
         float deltaR = sqrt(pow(rad2deg(matX(0, 0)), 2) +
                             pow(rad2deg(matX(1, 0)), 2) +
                             pow(rad2deg(matX(2, 0)), 2));
         float deltaT = sqrt(pow(matX(3, 0) * 100, 2) +
                             pow(matX(4, 0) * 100, 2) +
                             pow(matX(5, 0) * 100, 2));
         // 增量过小,可以考虑停止迭代
         if (deltaR < _deltaRAbort && deltaT < _deltaTAbort)

6.4.6 运动累计与优化


根据之前的推导6.4.2.1 帧间运动,实际求解的是矩阵 R s : t − 1 R_{s:t}^{-1} Rs:t1中的值,在使用时需要添加负号、更改变换顺序才能得到最终的 R s : t R_{s:t} Rs:t。下面函数的具体分析参考6.4.2.3 累计运动

   Angle rx, ry, rz;
                      -_transform.rot_y.rad() * 1.05,
                      rx, ry, rz);


// c为Sum,l为Cur
// 先Y再X后Z,左乘旋转坐标轴矩阵  从《世界》坐标系转换到《激光》坐标系
// Rcur*Rsum然后根据矩阵元素求解角度
void BasicLaserOdometry::accumulateRotation(Angle cx, Angle cy, Angle cz,
                                            Angle lx, Angle ly, Angle lz,
                                            Angle &ox, Angle &oy, Angle &oz)
   float srx = lx.cos()*cx.cos()*ly.sin()*cz.sin()
      - cx.cos()*cz.cos()*lx.sin()
      - lx.cos()*ly.cos()*cx.sin();
   ox = -asin(srx);

   float srycrx = lx.sin()*(cy.cos()*cz.sin() - cz.cos()*cx.sin()*cy.sin())
      + lx.cos()*ly.sin()*(cy.cos()*cz.cos() + cx.sin()*cy.sin()*cz.sin())
      + lx.cos()*ly.cos()*cx.cos()*cy.sin();
   float crycrx = lx.cos()*ly.cos()*cx.cos()*cy.cos()
      - lx.cos()*ly.sin()*(cz.cos()*cy.sin() - cy.cos()*cx.sin()*cz.sin())
      - lx.sin()*(cy.sin()*cz.sin() + cy.cos()*cz.cos()*cx.sin());
   oy = atan2(srycrx / ox.cos(), crycrx / ox.cos());

   float srzcrx = cx.sin()*(lz.cos()*ly.sin() - ly.cos()*lx.sin()*lz.sin())
      + cx.cos()*cz.sin()*(ly.cos()*lz.cos() + lx.sin()*ly.sin()*lz.sin())
      + lx.cos()*cx.cos()*cz.cos()*lz.sin();
   float crzcrx = lx.cos()*lz.cos()*cx.cos()*cz.cos()
      - cx.cos()*cz.sin()*(ly.cos()*lz.sin() - lz.cos()*lx.sin()*ly.sin())
      - cx.sin()*(ly.sin()*lz.sin() + ly.cos()*lz.cos()*lx.sin());
   oz = atan2(srzcrx / ox.cos(), crzcrx / ox.cos());

之前使用了IMU测量的非匀速运动偏移量_imuShiftFromStart,见5.4.2 近似匀速运动模型部分。因此得到真实运动,此为激光坐标系下的表示。

   Vector3 v(_transform.pos.x() - _imuShiftFromStart.x(),
             _transform.pos.y() - _imuShiftFromStart.y(),
             _transform.pos.z() * 1.05 - _imuShiftFromStart.z());


rotateZXY(v, rz, rx, ry);
Vector3 trans = _transformSum.pos - v;

使用IMU测量信息对估计的旋转进行修正,参考6.4.2.4 IMU信息修正

   //(rx, ry, rz, imuPitchStart, imuYawStart, imuRollStart, imuPitchLast, imuYawLast, imuRollLast, rx, ry, rz);
   //rx, ry, rz存放累计的到tend的旋转,imu分别存放到开始和到结束的旋转,是imu的测量数据。
   //目的:纠正精确化rx, ry, rz的值,imuEnd*inv(imuStart)*Sum表示在估计的里程计中附加IMU测量的旋转量。
   pluginIMURotation(rx, ry, rz,
                     _imuPitchStart, _imuYawStart, _imuRollStart,
                     _imuPitchEnd, _imuYawEnd, _imuRollEnd,
                     rx, ry, rz);


void BasicLaserOdometry::pluginIMURotation(const Angle& bcx, const Angle& bcy, const Angle& bcz,
                                           const Angle& blx, const Angle& bly, const Angle& blz,
                                           const Angle& alx, const Angle& aly, const Angle& alz,
                                           Angle &acx, Angle &acy, Angle &acz)
   float sbcx = bcx.sin();
   float cbcx = bcx.cos();
   float sbcy = bcy.sin();
   float cbcy = bcy.cos();
   float sbcz = bcz.sin();
   float cbcz = bcz.cos();

   float sblx = blx.sin();
   float cblx = blx.cos();
   float sbly = bly.sin();
   float cbly = bly.cos();
   float sblz = blz.sin();
   float cblz = blz.cos();

   float salx = alx.sin();
   float calx = alx.cos();
   float saly = aly.sin();
   float caly = aly.cos();
   float salz = alz.sin();
   float calz = alz.cos();
   // 参考** IMU信息修正**
   float srx = -sbcx * (salx*sblx + calx * caly*cblx*cbly + calx * cblx*saly*sbly)
      - cbcx * cbcz*(calx*saly*(cbly*sblz - cblz * sblx*sbly)
                     - calx * caly*(sbly*sblz + cbly * cblz*sblx) + cblx * cblz*salx)
      - cbcx * sbcz*(calx*caly*(cblz*sbly - cbly * sblx*sblz)
                     - calx * saly*(cbly*cblz + sblx * sbly*sblz) + cblx * salx*sblz);
   acx = -asin(srx);

   float srycrx = (cbcy*sbcz - cbcz * sbcx*sbcy)*(calx*saly*(cbly*sblz - cblz * sblx*sbly)
                                                  - calx * caly*(sbly*sblz + cbly * cblz*sblx) + cblx * cblz*salx)
      - (cbcy*cbcz + sbcx * sbcy*sbcz)*(calx*caly*(cblz*sbly - cbly * sblx*sblz)
                                        - calx * saly*(cbly*cblz + sblx * sbly*sblz) + cblx * salx*sblz)
      + cbcx * sbcy*(salx*sblx + calx * caly*cblx*cbly + calx * cblx*saly*sbly);
   float crycrx = (cbcz*sbcy - cbcy * sbcx*sbcz)*(calx*caly*(cblz*sbly - cbly * sblx*sblz)
                                                  - calx * saly*(cbly*cblz + sblx * sbly*sblz) + cblx * salx*sblz)
      - (sbcy*sbcz + cbcy * cbcz*sbcx)*(calx*saly*(cbly*sblz - cblz * sblx*sbly)
                                        - calx * caly*(sbly*sblz + cbly * cblz*sblx) + cblx * cblz*salx)
      + cbcx * cbcy*(salx*sblx + calx * caly*cblx*cbly + calx * cblx*saly*sbly);
   acy = atan2(srycrx / acx.cos(), crycrx / acx.cos());

   float srzcrx = sbcx * (cblx*cbly*(calz*saly - caly * salx*salz) - cblx * sbly*(caly*calz + salx * saly*salz) + calx * salz*sblx)
      - cbcx * cbcz*((caly*calz + salx * saly*salz)*(cbly*sblz - cblz * sblx*sbly)
                     + (calz*saly - caly * salx*salz)*(sbly*sblz + cbly * cblz*sblx)
                     - calx * cblx*cblz*salz)
      + cbcx * sbcz*((caly*calz + salx * saly*salz)*(cbly*cblz + sblx * sbly*sblz)
                     + (calz*saly - caly * salx*salz)*(cblz*sbly - cbly * sblx*sblz)
                     + calx * cblx*salz*sblz);
   float crzcrx = sbcx * (cblx*sbly*(caly*salz - calz * salx*saly) - cblx * cbly*(saly*salz + caly * calz*salx) + calx * calz*sblx)
      + cbcx * cbcz*((saly*salz + caly * calz*salx)*(sbly*sblz + cbly * cblz*sblx)
                     + (caly*salz - calz * salx*saly)*(cbly*sblz - cblz * sblx*sbly)
                     + calx * calz*cblx*cblz)
      - cbcx * sbcz*((saly*salz + caly * calz*salx)*(cblz*sbly - cbly * sblx*sblz)
                     + (caly*salz - calz * salx*saly)*(cbly*cblz + sblx * sbly*sblz)
                     - calx * calz*cblx*sblz);
   acz = atan2(srzcrx / acx.cos(), crzcrx / acx.cos());


   // Xw = R' Xl +T'矩阵为 , 平移量直接相加
   // 从《激光》坐标系到《世界》坐标系,角度取《负》号 ,先Z再X后Y,左乘 旋转坐标轴
   _transformSum.rot_x = rx;
   _transformSum.rot_y = ry;
   _transformSum.rot_z = rz;
   _transformSum.pos = trans;



具体内容如下,推导见6.4.3 坐标变换

size_t BasicLaserOdometry::transformToEnd(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZI>::Ptr& cloud)
   size_t cloudSize = cloud->points.size();

   for (size_t i = 0; i < cloudSize; i++)
      pcl::PointXYZI& point = cloud->points[i];

      float s = (1.f / _scanPeriod) * (point.intensity - int(point.intensity));
      //变换到 第一个点坐标系 inv(R)(Xt - T)= X
      point.x -= s * _transform.pos.x();
      point.y -= s * _transform.pos.y();
      point.z -= s * _transform.pos.z();
      point.intensity = int(point.intensity);

      Angle rx = -s * _transform.rot_x.rad();
      Angle ry = -s * _transform.rot_y.rad();
      Angle rz = -s * _transform.rot_z.rad();
      rotateZXY(point, rz, rx, ry);
      //变换到 最后一个点坐标系 Xt= RX + T
      rotateYXZ(point, _transform.rot_y, _transform.rot_x, _transform.rot_z);
      point.x += _transform.pos.x() - _imuShiftFromStart.x();
      point.y += _transform.pos.y() - _imuShiftFromStart.y();
      point.z += _transform.pos.z() - _imuShiftFromStart.z();
      // 下面是使用IMU测量信息补偿
      rotateZXY(point, _imuRollStart, _imuPitchStart, _imuYawStart);
      rotateYXZ(point, -_imuYawEnd, -_imuPitchEnd, -_imuRollEnd);
   return cloudSize;


   // 为下一次 运动估计 做准备

   lastCornerCloudSize = _lastCornerCloud->points.size();
   lastSurfaceCloudSize = _lastSurfaceCloud->points.size();

   if (lastCornerCloudSize > 10 && lastSurfaceCloudSize > 100)

6.4.7 结果发布


// publish odometry transformations
    geometry_msgs::Quaternion geoQuat = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromRollPitchYaw(transformSum().rot_z.rad(),

    _laserOdometryMsg.header.stamp            = _timeSurfPointsLessFlat;
    _laserOdometryMsg.pose.pose.orientation.x = -geoQuat.y;
    _laserOdometryMsg.pose.pose.orientation.y = -geoQuat.z;
    _laserOdometryMsg.pose.pose.orientation.z = geoQuat.x;
    _laserOdometryMsg.pose.pose.orientation.w = geoQuat.w;
    _laserOdometryMsg.pose.pose.position.x    = transformSum().pos.x();
    _laserOdometryMsg.pose.pose.position.y    = transformSum().pos.y();
    _laserOdometryMsg.pose.pose.position.z    = transformSum().pos.z();


_laserOdometryTrans.stamp_ = _timeSurfPointsLessFlat;
    _laserOdometryTrans.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(-geoQuat.y, -geoQuat.z, geoQuat.x, geoQuat.w));
    _laserOdometryTrans.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(transformSum().pos.x(), transformSum().pos.y(), transformSum().pos.z()));


    // publish cloud results according to the input output ratio
    if (_ioRatio < 2 || frameCount() % _ioRatio == 1)
      ros::Time sweepTime = _timeSurfPointsLessFlat;
      publishCloudMsg(_pubLaserCloudCornerLast, *lastCornerCloud(), sweepTime, "/camera");
      publishCloudMsg(_pubLaserCloudSurfLast, *lastSurfaceCloud(), sweepTime, "/camera");

      transformToEnd(laserCloud());  // transform full resolution cloud to sweep end before sending it
      publishCloudMsg(_pubLaserCloudFullRes, *laserCloud(), sweepTime, "/camera");



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有细节性出入!!主要是细节部分的解疑,问题讨论部分,建议前往知乎阅读,此博客只是原始版本(还不是因为大家讨论得太少了,修改都在知乎上进行了 )

  • 2020-12-07
  • 2020-10-11
  • 2020-10-09
