

  • Training and Evaluation of Logistic Regression on Encrypted Data
    • Download the coronary heart disease dataset
    • Initialize dataset
    • Training a Logistic Regression Model
    • Encrypted Evaluation
    • Training an Encrypted Logistic Regression Model on Encrypted Data

Training and Evaluation of Logistic Regression on Encrypted Data

Download the coronary heart disease dataset

使用同态加密和Logistic Regression对冠心病(coronary heart disease ,CHD)进行预测

male age education currentSmoker cigsPerDay cigsPerDay BPMeds prevalentStroke prevalentHyp diabetes totChol sysBP diaBP BMI heartRate glucose TenYearCHD
1 39 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 195 106 70 26 97 80 77 0

Initialize dataset


import torch
import tenseal as ts
import pandas as pd
import random
from time import time

# those are optional and are not necessary for training
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


def split_train_test(x, y, test_ratio=0.3):
    idxs = [i for i in range(len(x))]
    # delimiter between test and train data
    delim = int(len(x) * test_ratio)
    test_idxs, train_idxs = idxs[:delim], idxs[delim:]
    return x[train_idxs], y[train_idxs], x[test_idxs], y[test_idxs]

def heart_disease_data():
    data = pd.read_csv("./data/framingham.csv")
    # 删除有空值的样本
    data = data.dropna()
    # 删除"education", "currentSmoker", "BPMeds", "diabetes", "diaBP", "BMI"这些特征
    data = data.drop(columns=["education", "currentSmoker", "BPMeds", "diabetes", "diaBP", "BMI"])
    # balance data
    grouped = data.groupby('TenYearCHD')
    data = grouped.apply(lambda x: x.sample(grouped.size().min(), random_state=73).reset_index(drop=True))
    # 提取标签
    y = torch.tensor(data["TenYearCHD"].values).float().unsqueeze(1)
    data = data.drop("TenYearCHD", 'columns')
    # 数据归一化
    data = (data - data.mean()) / data.std()
    x = torch.tensor(data.values).float()
    return split_train_test(x, y)

def random_data(m=1024, n=2):
    # data separable by the line `y = x`
    x_train = torch.randn(m, n)
    x_test = torch.randn(m // 2, n)
    y_train = (x_train[:, 0] >= x_train[:, 1]).float().unsqueeze(0).t()
    y_test = (x_test[:, 0] >= x_test[:, 1]).float().unsqueeze(0).t()
    return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test

# You can use whatever data you want without modification to the tutorial
# x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = random_data()
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = heart_disease_data()

print("############# Data summary #############")
print(f"x_train has shape: {x_train.shape}")
print(f"y_train has shape: {y_train.shape}")
print(f"x_test has shape: {x_test.shape}")
print(f"y_test has shape: {y_test.shape}")


############# Data summary #############
x_train has shape: torch.Size([780, 9])
y_train has shape: torch.Size([780, 1])
x_test has shape: torch.Size([334, 9])
y_test has shape: torch.Size([334, 1])

Training a Logistic Regression Model


class LR(torch.nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, n_features):
        super(LR, self).__init__()
        self.lr = torch.nn.Linear(n_features, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        out = torch.sigmoid(self.lr(x))
        return out

n_features = x_train.shape[1]
model = LR(n_features)
# use gradient descent with a learning_rate=1
optim = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1)
# use Binary Cross Entropy Loss
criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss()

# define the number of epochs for both plain and encrypted training

def train(model, optim, criterion, x, y, epochs=EPOCHS):
    for e in range(1, epochs + 1):
        out = model(x)
        loss = criterion(out, y)
        print(f"Loss at epoch {e}: {loss.data}")
    return model

model = train(model, optim, criterion, x_train, y_train)
def accuracy(model, x, y):
    out = model(x)
    correct = torch.abs(y - out) < 0.5
    return correct.float().mean()

plain_accuracy = accuracy(model, x_test, y_test)
print(f"Accuracy on plain test_set: {plain_accuracy}")

def accuracy(model, x, y):
    out = model(x)
    correct = torch.abs(y - out) < 0.5
    return correct.float().mean()

plain_accuracy = accuracy(model, x_test, y_test)
print(f"Accuracy on plain test_set: {plain_accuracy}")


Encrypted Evaluation

model(x_test) compare with y_test

x_test = x_test.decrypt()
y_test = y_test.decrypt()
model(x_test) compare with y_test

def encrypted_evaluation(model, enc_x_test, y_test):
    t_start = time()
    correct = 0
    for enc_x, y in zip(enc_x_test, y_test):
        # encrypted evaluation
        enc_out = model(enc_x)
        # plain comparaison
        out = enc_out.decrypt()
        out = torch.tensor(out)
        out = torch.sigmoid(out)
        if torch.abs(out - y) < 0.5:
            correct += 1
    t_end = time()
    print(f"Evaluated test_set of {len(x_test)} entries in {int(t_end - t_start)} seconds")
    print(f"Accuracy: {correct}/{len(x_test)} = {correct / len(x_test)}")
    return correct / len(x_test)

encrypted_accuracy = encrypted_evaluation(eelr, enc_x_test, y_test)
diff_accuracy = plain_accuracy - encrypted_accuracy
print(f"Difference between plain and encrypted accuracies: {diff_accuracy}")
if diff_accuracy < 0:
    print("Oh! We got a better accuracy on the encrypted test-set! The noise was on our side...")


Training an Encrypted Logistic Regression Model on Encrypted Data

pred = model(x_train)
loss = loss(pred ,y_test)
acc = model(x_test) compare with y_test
pred = model(enc_x_test)
loss = loss(predm,enc_y_test)
acc = model(x_test) compare with y_test

import torch
import tenseal as ts
import pandas as pd
import random
from time import time

# those are optional and are not necessary for training
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


def split_train_test(x, y, test_ratio=0.3):
    idxs = [i for i in range(len(x))]
    # delimiter between test and train data
    delim = int(len(x) * test_ratio)
    test_idxs, train_idxs = idxs[:delim], idxs[delim:]
    return x[train_idxs], y[train_idxs], x[test_idxs], y[test_idxs]

def heart_disease_data():
    data = pd.read_csv("./data/framingham.csv")
    # 删除有空值的样本
    data = data.dropna()#
    # 数据归一化
    data = (data - data.mean()) / data.std()
    x = torch.tensor(data.values).float()
    return split_train_test(x, y)

def random_data(m=1024, n=2):
    # data separable by the line `y = x`
    x_train = torch.randn(m, n)
    x_test = torch.randn(m // 2, n)
    y_train = (x_train[:, 0] >= x_train[:, 1]).float().unsqueeze(0).t()
    y_test = (x_test[:, 0] >= x_test[:, 1]).float().unsqueeze(0).t()
    return x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test

# You can use whatever data you want without modification to the tutorial
# x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = random_data()
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = heart_disease_data()

print("############# Data summary #############")
print(f"x_train has shape: {x_train.shape}")
print(f"y_train has shape: {y_train.shape}")
print(f"x_test has shape: {x_test.shape}")
print(f"y_test has shape: {y_test.shape}")

class LR(torch.nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, n_features):
        super(LR, self).__init__()
        self.lr = torch.nn.Linear(n_features, 1)
    def forward(self, x):
        out = torch.sigmoid(self.lr(x))
        return out

n_features = x_train.shape[1]
model = LR(n_features)
# use gradient descent with a learning_rate=1
optim = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1)
# use Binary Cross Entropy Loss
criterion = torch.nn.BCELoss()

# define the number of epochs for both plain and encrypted training

def train(model, optim, criterion, x, y, epochs=EPOCHS):
    for e in range(1, epochs + 1):
        out = model(x)
        loss = criterion(out, y)
        print(f"Loss at epoch {e}: {loss.data}")
    return model

model = train(model, optim, criterion, x_train, y_train)
def accuracy(model, x, y):
    out = model(x)
    correct = torch.abs(y - out) < 0.5
    return correct.float().mean()

plain_accuracy = accuracy(model, x_test, y_test)
print(f"Accuracy on plain test_set: {plain_accuracy}")

def accuracy(model, x, y):
    out = model(x)
    correct = torch.abs(y - out) < 0.5
    return correct.float().mean()

plain_accuracy = accuracy(model, x_test, y_test)
print(f"Accuracy on plain test_set: {plain_accuracy}")

class EncryptedLR:
    def __init__(self, torch_lr):
        self.weight = torch_lr.lr.weight.data.tolist()[0]
        self.bias = torch_lr.lr.bias.data.tolist()
        # we accumulate gradients and counts the number of iterations
        self._delta_w = 0
        self._delta_b = 0
        self._count = 0
    def forward(self, enc_x):
        enc_out = enc_x.dot(self.weight) + self.bias
        enc_out = EncryptedLR.sigmoid(enc_out)
        return enc_out
    def backward(self, enc_x, enc_out, enc_y):
        out_minus_y = (enc_out - enc_y)
        self._delta_w += enc_x * out_minus_y
        self._delta_b += out_minus_y
        self._count += 1
    def update_parameters(self):
        if self._count == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("You should at least run one forward iteration")
        # update weights
        # We use a small regularization term to keep the output
        # of the linear layer in the range of the sigmoid approximation
        self.weight -= self._delta_w * (1 / self._count) + self.weight * 0.05
        self.bias -= self._delta_b * (1 / self._count)
        # reset gradient accumulators and iterations count
        self._delta_w = 0
        self._delta_b = 0
        self._count = 0
    def sigmoid(enc_x):
        # We use the polynomial approximation of degree 3
        # sigmoid(x) = 0.5 + 0.197 * x - 0.004 * x^3
        # from https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/462.pdf
        # which fits the function pretty well in the range [-5,5]
        return enc_x.polyval([0.5, 0.197, 0, -0.004])
    def plain_accuracy(self, x_test, y_test):
        # evaluate accuracy of the model on
        # the plain (x_test, y_test) dataset
        w = torch.tensor(self.weight)
        b = torch.tensor(self.bias)
        out = torch.sigmoid(x_test.matmul(w) + b).reshape(-1, 1)
        correct = torch.abs(y_test - out) < 0.5
        return correct.float().mean()    
    def encrypt(self, context):
        self.weight = ts.ckks_vector(context, self.weight)
        self.bias = ts.ckks_vector(context, self.bias)
    def decrypt(self):
        self.weight = self.weight.decrypt()
        self.bias = self.bias.decrypt()
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)


# parameters
poly_mod_degree = 8192
coeff_mod_bit_sizes = [40, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 40]
# create TenSEALContext
ctx_training = ts.context(ts.SCHEME_TYPE.CKKS, poly_mod_degree, -1, coeff_mod_bit_sizes)
ctx_training.global_scale = 2 ** 21

t_start = time()
enc_x_train = [ts.ckks_vector(ctx_training, x.tolist()) for x in x_train]
enc_y_train = [ts.ckks_vector(ctx_training, y.tolist()) for y in y_train]
t_end = time()
print(f"Encryption of the training_set took {int(t_end - t_start)} seconds")

normal_dist = lambda x, mean, var: np.exp(- np.square(x - mean) / (2 * var)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * var)

def plot_normal_dist(mean, var, rmin=-10, rmax=10):
    x = np.arange(rmin, rmax, 0.01)
    y = normal_dist(x, mean, var)
    fig = plt.plot(x, y)
# plain distribution
lr = LR(n_features)
data = lr.lr(x_test)
mean, var = map(float, [data.mean(), data.std() ** 2])
plot_normal_dist(mean, var)
print("Distribution on plain data:")

# encrypted distribution
def encrypted_out_distribution(eelr, enc_x_test):
    w = eelr.weight
    b = eelr.bias
    data = []
    for enc_x in enc_x_test:
        enc_out = enc_x.dot(w) + b
    data = torch.tensor(data)
    mean, var = map(float, [data.mean(), data.std() ** 2])
    plot_normal_dist(mean, var)
    print("Distribution on encrypted data:")

eelr = EncryptedLR(lr)
encrypted_out_distribution(eelr, enc_x_train)

eelr = EncryptedLR(LR(n_features))
accuracy = eelr.plain_accuracy(x_test, y_test)
print(f"Accuracy at epoch #0 is {accuracy}")

times = []
for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
    # if you want to keep an eye on the distribution to make sure
    # the function approxiamation is still working fine
    # WARNING: this operation is time consuming
    # encrypted_out_distribution(eelr, enc_x_train)
    t_start = time()
    for enc_x, enc_y in zip(enc_x_train, enc_y_train):
        enc_out = eelr.forward(enc_x)
        eelr.backward(enc_x, enc_out, enc_y)
    t_end = time()
    times.append(t_end - t_start)
    accuracy = eelr.plain_accuracy(x_test, y_test)
    print(f"Accuracy at epoch #{epoch + 1} is {accuracy}")

print(f"\nAverage time per epoch: {int(sum(times) / len(times))} seconds")
print(f"Final accuracy is {accuracy}")

diff_accuracy = plain_accuracy - accuracy
print(f"Difference between plain and encrypted accuracies: {diff_accuracy}")
if diff_accuracy < 0:
    print("Oh! We got a better accuracy when training on encrypted data! The noise was on our side...")

