hdu 4961 Boring Sum

Boring Sum

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 698    Accepted Submission(s): 346

Problem Description
Number theory is interesting, while this problem is boring.

Here is the problem. Given an integer sequence a 1, a 2, …, a n, let S(i) = {j|1<=j<i, and a j is a multiple of a i}. If S(i) is not empty, let f(i) be the maximum integer in S(i); otherwise, f(i) = i. Now we define bi as a f(i). Similarly, let T(i) = {j|i<j<=n, and a j is a multiple of a i}. If T(i) is not empty, let g(i) be the minimum integer in T(i); otherwise, g(i) = i. Now we define c i as a g(i). The boring sum of this sequence is defined as b 1 * c 1 + b 2 * c 2 + … + b n * c n.

Given an integer sequence, your task is to calculate its boring sum.


The input contains multiple test cases.

Each case consists of two lines. The first line contains an integer n (1<=n<=100000). The second line contains n integers a 1, a 2, …, a n (1<= a i<=100000).

The input is terminated by n = 0.


Output the answer in a line.


Sample Input
1 4 2 3 9


Sample Output
In the sample, b1=1, c1=4, b2=4, c2=4, b3=4, c3=2, b4=3, c4=9, b5=9, c5=9, so b1 * c1 + b2 * c2 + … + b5 * c5 = 136.




 1 /**

 2 给出一个数列:a[i],然后

 3 b[i]:表示在 i 前面的项,如果有a[i]的倍数(要最靠近i的),那么b[i]就等于这个数,如果没有那么b[i] = a[i];

 4 c[i]:表示在 i 后面的项,如果有a[i]的倍数(要最靠近i的),那么c[i] 就等于这个数,如果没有那么c[i] = a[i];

 5 **/

 6 #include<iostream>

 7 #include<stdio.h>

 8 #include<cstring>

 9 #include<cstdlib>

10 #include<vector>

11 using namespace std;


13 int a[100002],b[100002],c[100002];

14 vector<int>Q[100002];

15 int hash1[100002];

16 int main()

17 {

18     int n;

19     int MAX,MIN,k;

20     for(int i=2;i<=100000;i++)

21         for(int j=i;j<=100000;j=j+i)

22         Q[i].push_back(j);

23     while(scanf("%d",&n)>0)

24     {

25         if(n==0)break;

26         for(int i=1; i<=n; i++){

27             scanf("%d",&a[i]);

28             b[i] = c[i] = a[i];

29         }

30         memset(hash1,0,sizeof(hash1));

31         hash1[a[1]] = 1;

32         for(int i=2;i<=n;i++)

33         {

34             if(a[i]==1){

35                 b[i] = a[i-1];

36                 continue;

37             }

38            k = Q[a[i]].size();

39            MAX = -1;

40            for(int j=0;j<k;j++)

41             if(hash1[Q[a[i]][j]]!=0 && MAX<hash1[Q[a[i]][j]])

42             MAX = hash1[Q[a[i]][j]];


44             if(MAX == -1);

45             else b[i] = a[MAX];

46             hash1[a[i]] = i;

47         }

48         memset(hash1,0,sizeof(hash1));

49         hash1[a[n]] = n;

50         for(int i=n-1;i>=1;i--)

51         {

52             if(a[i]==1) { c[i] = a[i+1]; continue;}

53             MIN = 111111111;

54             k = Q[a[i]].size();

55             for(int j=0;j<k;j++)

56                 if(hash1[Q[a[i]][j]]!=0 && MIN>hash1[Q[a[i]][j]])

57                 MIN = hash1[Q[a[i]][j]];

58             if(MIN ==111111111 );

59             else c[i] = a[MIN];

60             hash1[a[i]] = i;

61         }

62         __int64 sum = 0;

63         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)

64             sum = sum+((__int64)b[i])*c[i];

65         printf("%I64d\n",sum);

66     }

67     return 0;

68 }

