
Build tree: $(O)

I output/
I Global output directory
I Can be customized for out-of-tree build by passing O=<dir>
I Variable: O (as passed on the command line)
I Variable: BASE_DIR (as an absolute path)


Build tree: $(O)/build

I output/
I build/
I buildroot-config/
I busybox-1.22.1/
I host-pkgconf-0.8.9/
I kmod-1.18/
I build-time.log
I Where all source tarballs are extracted
I Where the build of each package takes place
I In addition to the package sources and object les, stamp les
are created by Buildroot
I Variable: BUILD_DIR


Build tree: $(O)/host

I output/
I host/
I usr/lib
I usr/bin
I usr/sbin
I usr/<tuple>/sysroot/bin
I usr/<tuple>/sysroot/lib
I usr/<tuple>/sysroot/usr/lib
I usr/<tuple>/sysroot/usr/bin
I Contains both the tools built for the host (cross-compiler, etc.)
and the sysroot of the toolchain
I Variable: HOST_DIR
I Host tools are directly in host/usr
I The sysroot is in host/<tuple>/sysroot/usr
I <tuple> is an identi er of the architecture, vendor, operating
system, C library and ABI. E.g:
I Variable for the sysroot: STAGING_DIR



Build tree: $(O)/staging

I output/
I staging/
I Just a symbolic link to the sysroot, i.e. to
I Available for convenience



Build tree: $(O)/target

I output/
I target/
I bin/
I etc/
I lib/
I usr/bin/
I usr/lib/
I usr/share/
I usr/sbin/
I ...
I The target root lesystem
I Usual Linux hierarchy
I Not completely ready for the target: permissions, device les,
I Buildroot does not run as root: all les are owned by the user
running Buildroot, not setuid, etc.
I Used to generate the nal root lesystem images in images/
I Variable: TARGET_DIR



Build tree: $(O)/images

I output/
I images/
I zImage
I armada-370-mirabox.dtb
I rootfs.tar
I rootfs.ubi
I Contains the nal images: kernel image, bootloader image,
root lesystem image(s)



Build tree: $(O)/graphs

I output/
I graphs/
I Visualization of Buildroot operation: dependencies between
packages, time to build the di erent packages
I make graph-depends
I make graph-build
I Variable: GRAPHS_DIR
I See the section Analyzing the build later in this training.


Build tree: $(O)/legal-info

I output/
I legal-info/
I manifest.csv
I host-manifest.csv
I licenses.txt
I licenses/
I sources/
I ...
I Legal information: license of all packages, and their source
code, plus a licensing manifest
I Useful for license compliance
I make legal-info
