\documentclass{article} : 表示引入类article,article是最常用的LaTex类,也有其它的类如book或 report. 也可以是引入其它模板如ieeeaccess。
\title{First document} : 写文章题目
\author{Hubert Farnsworth} : 写文章作者
\date{February 2014} : 写创作日期
通过 在文章主体中使用 \maketitle命令将 题目、作者日期输入到固定地方。如下:
我们可以在文档中通过使用% 来加入注释,注释在编译后不会显示出来:
LaTex不能自动管理图片,所以我们需要在里面引入一个包\usepackage{graphicx} ,之后便可在使用\includegraphics{…}和 \graphicspath{…} 命令插入图片。其中graphicspath{ {images/} }用于告诉LeTax放图片的路径。然后通过 \includegraphics{图片名}可真正插入图片,图片名可带、也可不带扩展名。
\centering %表示图片位于中间
\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{mesh} %插入图片
\caption{a nice plot} % 给图片标题
\label{fig:mesh1} % 标记图片,后面可通过该标记引用该图片
As you can see in the figure \ref{fig:mesh1}, the
function grows near 0. Also, in the page \pageref{fig:mesh1}
is the same example.
通过命令 \item 可使用列表,而通过在不同环境中使用 \item 来实现不同的列表,可以使用有序列表或无序列表。(Environments are sections of our document that you want to present in a different way to the rest of the document. They start with a \begin{…} command and end with an \end{…} command.)
LATEX allows two writing modes for mathematical expressions: the inline mode and the display mode. The first one is used to write formulas that are part of a text. The second one is used to write expressions that are not part of a text or paragraph, and are therefore put on separate lines.
也就是说有两种个格式,一个融于文本内的inline mode ,一是独占一行的display mode。
重要提示: equation* environment is provided by an external package, consult the amsmath article. 即使用\usepackage{amsmath}
摘要环境: \begin{abstract}…\end{abstract}
如果只是想换新的一行,而不是新的段落, 使用“\”或者“\newline”。
另外想使用左对齐,右对齐、居中什么的,可以使用center, flushleft and flushright。
\chapter{…}表示章,\section{…}表示节 , \subsection{…}表示子节。
\begin{tabular}{ c c c }
cell1 & cell2 & cell3 \\
cell4 & cell5 & cell6 \\
cell7 & cell8 & cell9
\begin{tabular}{ | c | c | c | } %文字居中,自适应宽度
\begin{tabular}{ | m{5em} | m{1cm}| m{1cm} | } %固定宽度,单位可以是pt,cm,mm,em等。m表示上下居中
\begin{tabular}{ | m{5em}<{\centering} | m{1cm<{\centering}}| m{1cm}<{\centering} | } %固定宽度的同时文字居中
\begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c| }
cell1 & cell2 & cell3 \\
cell4 & cell5 & cell6 \\
cell7 & cell8 & cell9 \\
这里的操作和图片你的操作一样,区别在于将图片环境换为表格环境,即图片使用\begin{figure}…\end{figure},而表格使用\begin{table} …\end{table}
Table \ref{table:data} is an example of referenced \LaTeX{} elements.
\begin{tabular}{||c c c c||}
Col1 & Col2 & Col2 & Col3 \\ [0.5ex]
1 & 6 & 87837 & 787 \\
2 & 7 & 78 & 5415 \\
3 & 545 & 778 & 7507 \\
4 & 545 & 18744 & 7560 \\
5 & 88 & 788 & 6344 \\ [1ex]
\caption{Table to test captions and labels}
To create the table of contents is straightforward, the command \tableofcontents does all the work for you:
\title{Sections and Chapters}
\author{Gubert Farnsworth}
\date{ }
This is the first section.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit. Etiam lobortisfacilisis sem. Nullam nec mi et
neque pharetra sollicitudin. Praesent imperdietmi nec ante.
Donec ullamcorper, felis non sodales...
\section*{Unnumbered Section}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Unnumbered Section}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Etiam lobortis facilisissem. Nullam nec mi et neque pharetra
sollicitudin. Praesent imperdiet mi necante...
\section{Second Section}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Etiam lobortis facilisissem. Nullam nec mi et neque pharetra
sollicitudin. Praesent imperdiet mi necante...
Sections, subsections and chapters are automatically included in the table of contents. To manually add entries, for example when you want an unnumbered section, use the command \addcontentsline as shown in the example.
author = "Albert Einstein",
title = "{Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. ({German})
[{On} the electrodynamics of moving bodies]",
journal = "Annalen der Physik",
volume = "322",
number = "10",
pages = "891--921",
year = "1905",
DOI = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/andp.19053221004"
author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin",
title = "The \LaTeX\ Companion",
year = "1993",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, Massachusetts"
author = "Donald Knuth",
title = "Knuth: Computers and Typesetting",
url = "http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/\~{}uno/abcde.html"
%Includes "References" in the table of contents
%Title, date an author of the document
\title{Bibliography management: BibTeX}
%Begining of the document
\section{First Section}
This document is an example of BibTeX using in bibliography management. Three items are cited: \textit{The \LaTeX\ Companion} book \cite{latexcompanion}, the Einstein journal paper \cite{einstein}, and the Donald Knuth's website \cite{knuthwebsite}. The \LaTeX\ related items are \cite{latexcompanion,knuthwebsite}.
%Sets the bibliography style to UNSRT and imports the
%bibliography file "refs.bib".
要注意的是,有时参考文献标题中存在公式符号,而在google 学术中复制下来的BibTex格式中的公式可能是有问题,会造成编译报错,要注意检查。
title={$ A\^{} 2$-Nets: Double Attention Networks},
author={Chen, Yunpeng and Kalantidis, Yannis and Li, Jianshu and Yan, Shuicheng and Feng, Jiashi},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11579},
title={$A^{2}$-Nets: Double Attention Networks},
author={Chen, Yunpeng and Kalantidis, Yannis and Li, Jianshu and Yan, Shuicheng and Feng, Jiashi},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11579},
title={{$A^{2}$}-Nets: Double Attention Networks},
author={Chen, Yunpeng and Kalantidis, Yannis and Li, Jianshu and Yan, Shuicheng and Feng, Jiashi},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.11579},