

  • Abbreviation
  • Lecture 1 - Introduction and Word Vectors
    • NLP
    • Word2vec
      • Use two vector in one word: centor word context word.
      • softmax function
      • Train the model: gradient descent
    • Show some achievement with code(5640-h0516)
    • QA
  • Lecture 2 Word Vectors,Word Senses,and Neural Classifiers
    • Bag models (0245)
    • Gradient descent (0600)
      • stochastic gradient descent SGD TOBELM (0920)
    • more details of word2vec(1400)
      • SG use center to predict context
        • SGNS negative sampling [ToBLO]
      • CBOW opposite.
    • Why use two vectors(1500)
    • Why not capture co-occurrence counts directly?(2337)
    • SVD(3230) [ToL]
    • Count based vs direct prediction
    • Encoing meaning components in vector differences(3948)
    • GloVe (4313)
    • How to evaluate word vectors Intrinsic vs. extrinsic(4756)
      • Analogy evaluation and hyperparameters (intrinsic)(5515)
      • Word vector distances and their correlation with human judgements(5640)
    • Data shows that 300 dimensional word vector is good(5536)
    • The objective function for the GloVe model and What log-bilinear means(5739)
    • Word senses and word sense ambiguity(h0353)
  • Lecture 3 Gradients by hand(matric calculus) and algorithmically(the backpropagation algorithm) all the math details of doing nerual net learning
    • Need to be learn again, it is not totally understanded.
    • Named Entity Recognition(0530)
    • Simple NER (0636)
      • How the sample model run (0836)
    • update equation(1220)
    • jacobian(1811)
    • Chain Rule(2015)
    • do one example step (2650)
    • image-20220214193417520
    • Reusing Computation(3402)
      • ds/dw
    • Forward and backward propagation(5000)
    • An example(5507)
    • Compute all gradients at once (h0005)
    • Back-prop in general computation graph(h0800)[ToL]
    • Automatic Differentiation(h1346)
    • Manual Gradient checking : Numeric Gradient(h1900)
  • Lecture 4 Dependency Parsing
    • Two views of linguistic structure
      • Constituency = phrase structure grammar = context-free grammars(CFGs)(0331)
      • Dependency structure(1449)
    • Why do we need sentence structure?(2205)
    • Prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity.(2422)
      • San Jose cops kill man with knife
    • Coordination scope ambiguity(3614)
    • Adjectival/Adverbial Modifier Ambiguity(3755)
    • Verb Phrase(VP) attachment ambiguity(4404)
    • Dependency Grammar and Dependency structure(4355)
      • Will add a fake ROOT for handy
    • Dependency Grammar history(4742)
    • The rise of annotated data Universal Dependency tree(5100)
      • Tree bank(5400)
    • how to build parser with dependency(5738)
    • Dependency Parsing
      • Projectivity(h0416)
    • Methods of Dependency Parsing(h0521)
    • Greedy transition-based parsing(h0621)
    • Basic transition-based dependency parser (h0808)
    • MaltParser(h1351)[ToL]
    • Evaluation of Dependency Parsing (h1845)[ToL]
  • Lecture-5 Languages models and Recurrent Neural Networks(RNNs)
    • A neural dependency parser(0624)
    • Distributed Representations(0945)
    • Deep Learning Classifier are non-linear classifiers(1210)
    • Simple feed-forward neural network multi-class classifier (1621)
    • Neural Dependency Parser Model Architecture(1730)
    • Graph-based dependency parsers (2044)
    • Regularization && Overfitting (2529)
    • Dropout (3100)[ToL]
    • Vectorization(3333)
    • Non-linearities (4000)
    • Parameter Initialization (4357)
    • Optimizers(4617)
    • Learning Rates(4810)
    • Language Modeling (5036)
    • n-gram Language Models(5356)
    • Sparsity Problems (5922)
    • Storage Problems(h0117)
    • How to build a neural language model(h0609)
    • A fixed-window neural Language Model(h1100)
    • Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)(h1250)
    • A Simple RNN Language Model(h1430)
  • Lecture 6 Simple and LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks.
    • The Simple RNN Language Model (0310)
    • Training an RNN Language Model (0818)
      • Teacher Forcing
    • Evaluating Language Models (2447)[ToL]
    • Language Model is a system that predicts the next word(3130)
    • Other use of RNN(3229)
      • Tag for word
      • Used for classification(3420)
      • Used to Language encoder module (3500)
      • Used to generate text (3600)
    • Problems with Vanishing and Exploding Gradients(3750)[IMPORTANT]
      • Why This is a problem (4400)
    • Long Short Term Memory RNNS(LSTMS)(5000)[ToL]
    • Bidirectional RNN (h2000)
  • Lecture-7 Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention
    • Machine Translation(0245)
      • What do you need (1200)
    • Decoding for SMT(1748)
    • What is Neural Machine Translation(NMT)(2130)
    • Seq2seq is more than MT(2600)
    • (2732)[ToL]
    • Multi-layer RNNs(3323)
    • Greedy decoding(4000)
    • Exhaustive search decoding(4200)
    • beam search decoding(4400)
    • How do we evaluate Machine Translation(5550)
      • BLEU
    • NMT perhaps the biggest success story of NLP Deep Learning(h00000)
    • Attention(h1300)
  • Lecture 8 Final Projects; Practical Tips
    • Sequence to Sequence with attention(0235)
    • Attention: in equations(0800)
    • there are several attention variants(1500)
    • Attention is a general Deep Learning technique(2240)
    • Final Project(3000)
  • Lecture-9 Self- Attention and Transformers
    • Issues with recurrent models (0434)
      • Linear interaction distance
      • Lack of parallelizability(0723)
    • If not recurrence
      • Word window models aggregate local contexts (1031)
      • Attention(1406)
    • Self-Attention(1638)
    • Self-attention as an nlp building block(2222)
    • Fix the first self-attention problem
      • sequence order (2423)
        • Position representation vector through sinusoids(2624)
          • Sinusoidal position representations(2730)
          • Position representation vector from scratch(2830)
      • Adding nonlinearities in self-attention(2953)
    • Barriers and solutions for Self-Attention as building block(2945)
    • The transformer encoder-decoder(3638)
      • key query value(4000)
      • Multi-headed attention (4322)
    • Residual connections(4723)
    • Layer normalization(5045)
    • Scaled fot product(5415)
  • Lecture 10 - Transformers and Pretraining
    • Word structure and subword models(0300)
    • The byte-pair encoding(0659)
    • Motivating word meaning and context(1556)
    • Pretraining whole models(2000)
    • this model haven't met overfitting now, you can save some data to test it.(2811)
    • transformers for encoding and decoding (3030)
    • Pretraining through language modeling(3400)
    • Stochastic gradient descent and pretrain/finetune(3740)
    • Model pretraining has three ways (4021)
      • Decoder(4300)
    • Generative Pretrained Transformer(GPT) (4818)
    • GPT2(5400)
    • Pretraining Encoding(5545)
      • (Bert)(5654)
    • Bidirectional encoder representations from transformers(h0100)
    • Limitations of pretrained encoders(h0900)
    • Extensions of BERT(h1000)
    • Pretraining Encoder-Decoder (h1200)
      • T5(h1500)
    • GPT3(h1800)
    • Lecture 11 Question Answering
    • What is question answering(0414)
    • Beyond textual QA problems(1100)
    • Reading comprehension(1223)
    • Standord question answering dataset (1815)
    • Neural models for reading comprehension(2428)
    • LSTM-based vs BERT models (2713)
    • BiDAF(3200)
      • Encoding(3200)
      • Attention(3400)
      • Modeling and output layers(4640)
    • BERT for reading comprehension (5227)
    • Comparisons between BiDAF and BERT models(2734)
    • Can we design better pre-training objectives(h0000)
    • open domain question answering(h1000)
    • DPR(H1400)
    • DensePhrase:Demo(h1800)
  • Lecture 12 - Natural Language Generation[ToL]
    • What is neural language generation?(0300)
    • Components of NLG Systems(0845)
      • Basic of natural language generation(0916)
      • A look at a single step(1024)
      • then select and train(1115)
    • Decoding(1317)
      • Greedy methods(1432)
      • Greedy methods get repetitive(1545)
      • why do repetition happen(1613)
      • How can we reduce repetition (1824)[ToL]
      • People is not always choose the greedy methods(1930)
      • Time to get random: Sampling(2047)
      • Decoding : Top-k sampling(2100)
      • Issues with Top-k sampling(2339)
      • Decoding: Top-p(nucleus)sampling(2421)
      • Scaling randomness: Softmax temperature (2500)[ToL]
      • improving decoding: re-balancing distributions(2710)
      • Backpropagation-based distribution re-balancing(3027)
      • Improving Decoding: Re-ranking(3300)[ToL]
      • Decoding: Takeaways(3540)
    • Training NLG models(4114)
      • Maximum Likelihood Training(4200)
      • Unlikelihood Training(4427)[ToL]
      • Exposure Bias(4513)[ToL]
      • Exposure Bias Solutions(4645)
      • Reinforce Basics(4900)
      • Reward Estimation(5020)
      • reinforce's dark side(5300)
      • Training: Takeways(5423)
    • Evaluating NLG Systems(5613)
    • Types of evaluation methods for text generation(5734)
      • Content Overlap metrics(5800)
      • A simple failure case(5900)
      • Semantic overlap metrics(h0100)
      • Model-based metrics(h0120)
        • word distance functions(h0234)
        • Beyond word matching(h0350)
      • Human evaluations(h0433)
        • Issues(h0700)
      • Takeways(h0912)
    • Ethical Considerations(h1025)
  • Lecture 13 - Coreference Resolution
    • What is Coreference Resolution?(0604)
    • Applications (1712)
    • Coreference Resolution in Two steps(1947)
    • Mention Detection(2049)
      • Not quite so simple(2255)
    • Avoiding a traditional pipeline system(2811)
    • Onto Coreference! First, some linguistics (3035)
      • not all anaphoric relations are coreferential (3349)
    • Anaphora vs Cataphora(3610)
    • Taking stock (3801)
    • Four kinds of coreference Models(4018)
    • Traditional pronominal anaphora resolution:Hobbs's naive algorithm(4130)
    • Knowledge-based Pronominal Coreference(4820)
    • Coreference Models: Mention Pair(5624)
      • Mention Pair Test Time(5800)
      • Disadvantage(5953)
    • Coreference Models: Mention Ranking(h0050)
    • Convolutional Neural Nets(h0341)
    • What is convolution anyway?(h0452)
    • End-to-End Neural Coref Model(h1206)
    • Conclusion (h2017)
  • Lecture 14 - T5 and Large Language Models
    • T5 with a task prefix(0800)
    • Others
      • STSB
      • Summarize
    • T5 change little from original transformer(1300)
    • what should my pre-training data set be?(1325)
    • Then is how to train from a start(1659)
    • pretrain(1805)
    • choose the model(2412)
    • pre-training objective(2629)
    • different structure of data source(2822)
    • Multi task learning (3443)
    • close the gap between multi-task training and this pre-training followed by separate fine tuning(3621)
    • What if it happens there are four times computes as much as before (3737)
    • Overview(3840)
    • What about all of the other languages?(mT5)(4735)
    • XTREME (5000)
    • How much knowledge does a language model pick up during pre-training?(5225)
    • Salient span masking (5631)
    • Do large language models memorize their training data(h0100)
    • Can we close the gap between large and small models by improving the transformer architecture(h1010)
    • QA(h1915)
  • Lecture 15 - Add Knowledge to Language Models
    • Recap: LM(0232)
    • What does a language model know?(0423)
    • The importance of know ledge-aware language models(0700)
    • Query traditional knowledge bases(0750)
    • Query language models as knowledge bases(0955)
    • Compare and disadvantage(1010)
    • Techniques to add knowledge to LMs(130)
    • Add pretrained embeddings(1403)
    • Aside: What is entity linking?(1516)
    • Method 1: Add pretrained entity embeddings(1815)
      • How to we incorporate pretrained entity embeddings from a different embedding space?(2000)
    • ERNIE: Enhanced language representation with informative entities(2143)
      • strengths & remaining challenges(2610)
    • Jointly learn to link entities with KnowBERT(2958)
    • Use an external memory(3140)
      • KGLM(3355)
      • Local knowledge and full knowledge
      • When should the model use the external knowledge(3600)
    • Compare to the others(4334)
    • More recent takes: Nearest Neighbor Language Models(kNN-LM)(4730)
    • Modify the training data(5230)
    • WKLM(5458)
    • Learn inductive biases through masking(5811)
    • Salient span masking(5927)
    • Recap(h0053)
    • Evaluating knowledge in LMS(h0211)
      • LAMA(h0250)
      • The limitations (h0650)
    • LAMA_UnHelpful Names(LAMA-UHN)
      • Developing better prompts to query knowledge in LMS
      • Knowledge-driven downstream tasks(h1253)
    • Relation extraction performance on TACED(h1400)
    • Entity typing performance on Open Entuty
    • Recap: Evaluating knowledge in LMs(h1600)
    • Other exciting progress & what's next?(h1652)
  • Lecture 17 - Model Analysis and Explanation
    • Motivation
      • what are our models doing(0415)
      • how do we make tomorrow's model?(0515)
      • What biases are built into model?(0700)
      • how do we make in the following 25years(0800)
    • Model analysis at varying levels of abstraction(0904)
    • Model evaluation as model analysis(1117)
    • Model evaluation as model analysis in natural language inference(1344)
      • What if the model is simple using heuristics to get good accuracy?(1558)
    • Language models as linguistic test subjects(2023)
    • Careful test sets as unit test suites: CheckListing(3230)
    • Fitting the dataset vs learning the task(3500)
    • Knowledge evaluation as model analysis(3642)
    • Input influence: does my model really use long-distance context?(3822)
    • Prediction explanations: what in the input led to this output?(4054)
    • Prediction explanations: simple saliency maps(4230)
    • Explanation by input reduction (4607)
    • Analyzing models by breaking them(5106)
    • Are models robust to noise in their input?(5518)
    • Analysis of "interpretable" architecture components(5719)
    • Probing: supervised analysis of neural networks(h0408)
    • Emergent simple structure in neural networks(h1019)
    • Probing: tress simply recoverable from BERT representations(h1136)
    • Final thoughts on probing and correlation studies(h1341)
    • Recasting model tweaks and ablations as analysis(h1406)
      • Ablation analysis: do we need all these attension heads?(h1445)
    • What's the right layer order for a transformer?(h1537)
    • Parting thoughts(h1612)
  • Lecture 18 - Future of NLP + Deep Learning
    • General Representation Learning Recipe(0312)
    • Large Language Models and GPT-3(0358)
      • Large Language models and GPT-3(0514)
      • What's new about GPT-3
  • There are three lessons left, They will be finished in the review when I come back from Lee.


- -
[ToL] To learn
[ToLM] To learn more
[ToLO] To learn optionally
(0501) 05 min 01s
(h0501) 1 hour 05 min 01s
(hh0501) 2 hour 05 min 01s

Lecture 1 - Introduction and Word Vectors

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Convert one-hot encoding to distributed representitions

Ont hot can’t represent the relation between word vectors,it is too big


Ignore the position of word of context

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Use two vector in one word: centor word context word.

softmax function

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Train the model: gradient descent

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There is a term to calculate the gradient descent. (39:50-56:40)

result is :CS224N NLP_第8张图片


Review derivation and the following especially.

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Show some achievement with code(5640-h0516)

  • We can do vector addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, etc.


Why are there center word and context word(h0650)

To avoid one vector dot product himself in some situation???

Even synonyms can be merged into a vector(h1215)

Which is different from lee ,He says synonyms use different.

Lecture 2 Word Vectors,Word Senses,and Neural Classifiers

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Bag models (0245)

The model makes the same predictions at each position.

Gradient descent (0600)

Not usually use because of the big calculation.

step size: not too big nor too small

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stochastic gradient descent SGD TOBELM (0920)

Take part of the corpus

billion faster.

Maybe even get better result.

But it is stochastic, either you need sparse matrix update operations to only update certain rows of full embedding matrices U and V, or you need to keep around a hash for vectors.(1344)ToL

more details of word2vec(1400)

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SG use center to predict context

SGNS negative sampling [ToBLO]

use logistic function instead of softmax and take sampling of corpus

CBOW opposite.

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Why use two vectors(1500)

Sometime it will dot product with itself.

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The first one is positive word and the last is negative word (2800)

negative word is being sampled cause the center word will turn up on other occasions, when it does, there will have other sampling, and it will learn step by step.

Why not capture co-occurrence counts directly?(2337)

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SVD(3230) [ToL]


use svd to get lower dimensional representations for words

CS224N NLP_第17张图片(3451)

Count based vs direct prediction

CS224N NLP_第18张图片(3900)

Encoing meaning components in vector differences(3948)

This is to make addition subtraction available for word vectors.

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GloVe (4313)

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let dot product minus log of the co-occurrence

How to evaluate word vectors Intrinsic vs. extrinsic(4756)

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Analogy evaluation and hyperparameters (intrinsic)(5515)

Word vector distances and their correlation with human judgements(5640)

Data shows that 300 dimensional word vector is good(5536)

The objective function for the GloVe model and What log-bilinear means(5739)

Word senses and word sense ambiguity(h0353)

One word different mean different vector.

then a word can be the sum of them all

It will work good but not bad (h1200)

the vector is so sparse that you can separate out different senses (h1402)

Lecture 3 Gradients by hand(matric calculus) and algorithmically(the backpropagation algorithm) all the math details of doing nerual net learning

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Need to be learn again, it is not totally understanded.

Named Entity Recognition(0530)

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Simple NER (0636)

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How the sample model run (0836)

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update equation(1220)

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Chain Rule(2015)

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do one example step (2650)


hadamard product ToL

Reusing Computation(3402)

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Forward and backward propagation(5000)

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An example(5507)

a = x+y

b = max(y,z)

f = ab

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Compute all gradients at once (h0005)


Back-prop in general computation graph(h0800)[ToL]

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Automatic Differentiation(h1346)

Many tools can calculate automaticly.CS224N NLP_第37张图片

Manual Gradient checking : Numeric Gradient(h1900)

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Lecture 4 Dependency Parsing

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Two views of linguistic structure

Constituency = phrase structure grammar = context-free grammars(CFGs)(0331)

Phrase structure organizes words into nested constituents

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Dependency structure(1449)

Dependency structure shows which words depend on (modify, attach to,or are arguments of)

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Why do we need sentence structure?(2205)

Can not express meaning by just one word.

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Prepositional phrase attachment ambiguity.(2422)

There is some sentence to show it:

San Jose cops kill man with knife

Scientists count whales from space

The board approved [its acquisition] [by Royal Trustco Ltd.] [of Toronto] [for $27 a share] [at its monthly meeting].

Coordination scope ambiguity(3614)

**Shuttle veteran and longtime NASA executive Fred Gregory appointed to board **

Doctor: No heart, cognitive issues

Adjectival/Adverbial Modifier Ambiguity(3755)

Students get [first hand job] experience Students get first [hand job] experience

Verb Phrase(VP) attachment ambiguity(4404)

Mutilated body washes up on Rio beach to be used for Olympics beach volleyball.

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Dependency Grammar and Dependency structure(4355)

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Will add a fake ROOT for handy

Dependency Grammar history(4742)

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The rise of annotated data Universal Dependency tree(5100)

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Tree bank(5400)

Its too slow to write a grammar by hand but its still worth,cause it can used in another place but not only nlp .

how to build parser with dependency(5738)

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Dependency Parsing

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Methods of Dependency Parsing(h0521)

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Greedy transition-based parsing(h0621)

Basic transition-based dependency parser (h0808)

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[root] I ate fish

[root I ate] fish

[root ate] fish

[root ate fish]

[root ate]



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Evaluation of Dependency Parsing (h1845)[ToL]

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Lecture-5 Languages models and Recurrent Neural Networks(RNNs)

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A neural dependency parser(0624)

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Distributed Representations(0945)

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Deep Learning Classifier are non-linear classifiers(1210)

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Deep Learning Classifier’s non-linear classifiers:

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Simple feed-forward neural network multi-class classifier (1621)

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Neural Dependency Parser Model Architecture(1730)

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Graph-based dependency parsers (2044)

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Regularization && Overfitting (2529)

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Dropout (3100)[ToL]

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Non-linearities (4000)

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Parameter Initialization (4357)

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Learning Rates(4810)

It can be slow as the learning go on.

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Language Modeling (5036)

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n-gram Language Models(5356)

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Sparsity Problems (5922)

Many situation didn’t occur so it will be zero

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Storage Problems(h0117)

How to build a neural language model(h0609)

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A fixed-window neural Language Model(h1100)

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Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)(h1250)

x1 -> y1

Wx1 x2 -> y1

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A Simple RNN Language Model(h1430)

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Lecture 6 Simple and LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks.

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The Simple RNN Language Model (0310)

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Training an RNN Language Model (0818)

RNN takes more time.

Teacher Forcing

penalize when dont take its advise

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But how do we get the answer?

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Evaluating Language Models (2447)[ToL]

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Language Model is a system that predicts the next word(3130)

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Other use of RNN(3229)

Tag for word

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Used for classification(3420)

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Used to Language encoder module (3500)

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Used to generate text (3600)

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Problems with Vanishing and Exploding Gradients(3750)[IMPORTANT]

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Why This is a problem (4400)

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We can give him a limit.

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Long Short Term Memory RNNS(LSTMS)(5000)[ToL]

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Bidirectional RNN (h2000)

We need information from the word after

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Lecture-7 Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention

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Machine Translation(0245)

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What do you need (1200)

you need parallel corpus,Then you need alignment

Decoding for SMT(1748)

Try many possible sequences.

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What is Neural Machine Translation(NMT)(2130)

Neural Machine Translation(NMT) is a way to do Machine Translation with a single end-to-end neural net work.

The neural network architecture is called sequence-to-sequence model(aka seq2seq) and it involves RNNs

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Seq2seq is more than MT(2600)

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Multi-layer RNNs(3323)

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Lower-level basic meaning

Higher-level overall meaning

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Greedy decoding(4000)

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Exhaustive search decoding(4200)

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beam search decoding(4400)

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How do we evaluate Machine Translation(5550)


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NMT perhaps the biggest success story of NLP Deep Learning(h00000)


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Lecture 8 Final Projects; Practical Tips

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Sequence to Sequence with attention(0235)

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Attention: in equations(0800)

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there are several attention variants(1500)

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Attention is a general Deep Learning technique(2240)

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Final Project(3000)

Lecture-9 Self- Attention and Transformers

Issues with recurrent models (0434)

Linear interaction distance

Sometimes it is too far too learn from the words.

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Lack of parallelizability(0723)

GPU can count parallelizable but RNN lacks that.

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If not recurrence

Word window models aggregate local contexts (1031)

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Self-attention as an nlp building block(2222)

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Fix the first self-attention problem

sequence order (2423)

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Position representation vector through sinusoids(2624)

Sinusoidal position representations(2730)
Position representation vector from scratch(2830)

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Adding nonlinearities in self-attention(2953)

Barriers and solutions for Self-Attention as building block(2945)

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The transformer encoder-decoder(3638)

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key query value(4000)

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Multi-headed attention (4322)


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Residual connections(4723)

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Layer normalization(5045)

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Scaled fot product(5415)

Lecture 10 - Transformers and Pretraining

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Word structure and subword models(0300)

transform transformerify


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The byte-pair encoding(0659)

Subwords model learn the structure of word. The byte-pair between it and dont learn structure.


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Motivating word meaning and context(1556)

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Pretraining whole models(2000)

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Wordv2vec dont consider context but we can use LSTM to achieve that.

Mask some data and pretrain the model with them.

this model haven’t met overfitting now, you can save some data to test it.(2811)

transformers for encoding and decoding (3030)

Pretraining through language modeling(3400)

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Stochastic gradient descent and pretrain/finetune(3740)

Model pretraining has three ways (4021)

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Decoder can see the history, the Encoder can also the future.

Encoder-Decoder maybe is the better.


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Generative Pretrained Transformer(GPT) (4818)

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Pretraining Encoding(5545)


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Bert will mask some words, ask what have I mask

Bidirectional encoder representations from transformers(h0100)


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Limitations of pretrained encoders(h0900)

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Extensions of BERT(h1000)

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Pretraining Encoder-Decoder (h1200)


The model even dont know how many words are masked

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In the pretraining the model learned a lot, but it is not always good


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Lecture 11 Question Answering

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What is question answering(0414)

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There are lots of practical applications(0629)

Beyond textual QA problems(1100)

Reading comprehension(1223)

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They are useful for many practical applications

Reading comprehension is an important tested for evaluating how well computer systems understand human language

Standord question answering dataset (1815)

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Neural models for reading comprehension(2428)

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LSTM-based vs BERT models (2713)

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Modeling and output layers(4640)

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BERT for reading comprehension (5227)

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Comparisons between BiDAF and BERT models(2734)

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Can we design better pre-training objectives(h0000)

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open domain question answering(h1000)

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Lecture 12 - Natural Language Generation[ToL]

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What is neural language generation?(0300)

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Mache Translate

Dialogue Systems //siri


Visual Description

Creative Generation //story

Components of NLG Systems(0845)

Basic of natural language generation(0916)

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A look at a single step(1024)

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then select and train(1115)

teacher forcing need to be leaned

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Greedy methods(1432)

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Greedy methods get repetitive(1545)

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why do repetition happen(1613)

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How can we reduce repetition (1824)[ToL]

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People is not always choose the greedy methods(1930)

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Time to get random: Sampling(2047)

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Decoding : Top-k sampling(2100)

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Issues with Top-k sampling(2339)

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Decoding: Top-p(nucleus)sampling(2421)

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Scaling randomness: Softmax temperature (2500)[ToL]

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improving decoding: re-balancing distributions(2710)

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Backpropagation-based distribution re-balancing(3027)

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Improving Decoding: Re-ranking(3300)[ToL]

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Decoding: Takeaways(3540)

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Training NLG models(4114)

Maximum Likelihood Training(4200)

Are greedy decoders bad because of how they’re trained?

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Unlikelihood Training(4427)[ToL]

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Exposure Bias(4513)[ToL]

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Exposure Bias Solutions(4645)

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Reinforce Basics(4900)

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Reward Estimation(5020)

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reinforce’s dark side(5300)

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Training: Takeways(5423)

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Evaluating NLG Systems(5613)

Types of evaluation methods for text generation(5734)

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Content Overlap metrics(5800)

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A simple failure case(5900)

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Semantic overlap metrics(h0100)

Model-based metrics(h0120)

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word distance functions(h0234)

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Beyond word matching(h0350)

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Human evaluations(h0433)

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Ethical Considerations(h1025)

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Lecture 13 - Coreference Resolution

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What is Coreference Resolution?(0604)

Identify all mentions that refer to the same entity in the world

Applications (1712)

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Coreference Resolution in Two steps(1947)

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Mention Detection(2049)

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Not quite so simple(2255)

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It is the best donut.

I want to find the best donut.

Avoiding a traditional pipeline system(2811)

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End to End[ToL]

Onto Coreference! First, some linguistics (3035)

Coreference and Anaphor

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not all anaphoric relations are coreferential (3349)

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Anaphora vs Cataphora(3610)

One look its reference before it the other is after it.

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Taking stock (3801)

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Four kinds of coreference Models(4018)

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Traditional pronominal anaphora resolution:Hobbs’s naive algorithm(4130)

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Knowledge-based Pronominal Coreference(4820)

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Hobb’s method can not really solve the questions, the model should really understand the sentence.

Coreference Models: Mention Pair(5624)

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Mention Pair Test Time(5800)

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Coreference Models: Mention Ranking(h0050)

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Convolutional Neural Nets(h0341)

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What is convolution anyway?(h0452)

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Summarize what we have usually use pooling

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Max pooling is usually better.

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End-to-End Neural Coref Model(h1206)

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Conclusion (h2017)

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Lecture 14 - T5 and Large Language Models

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T5 with a task prefix(0800)



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T5 change little from original transformer(1300)

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what should my pre-training data set be?(1325)

Get from open source data source and then wipe them and get c4 1500

Then is how to train from a start(1659)

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choose the model(2412)

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They use the encoder-Decoder model, It turns out it works well.

They dont change hyper paramenters because of the cost

pre-training objective(2629)

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Choose different train method

different structure of data source(2822)

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Multi task learning (3443)

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close the gap between multi-task training and this pre-training followed by separate fine tuning(3621)

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What if it happens there are four times computes as much as before (3737)

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What about all of the other languages?(mT5)(4735)

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Same model different corpus.

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XTREME (5000)

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How much knowledge does a language model pick up during pre-training?(5225)

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Salient span masking (5631)

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Instead of mask randomly, it mask username please date, etc.

Do large language models memorize their training data(h0100)

It seems it did

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They need to see examples, they need to see particular examples fewer times in order!

Can we close the gap between large and small models by improving the transformer architecture(h1010)


in these test, they change some architecture such as RELu.

there actually were very few, if any modifications that improved performance meaningfully.

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Lecture 15 - Add Knowledge to Language Models

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Recap: LM(0232)

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What does a language model know?(0423)

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Thing may right in logic but wrong in fact.

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The importance of know ledge-aware language models(0700)

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Query traditional knowledge bases(0750)

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Query language models as knowledge bases(0955)

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Compare and disadvantage(1010)

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Techniques to add knowledge to LMs(130)

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Add pretrained embeddings(1403)

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Aside: What is entity linking?(1516)

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Method 1: Add pretrained entity embeddings(1815)

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How to we incorporate pretrained entity embeddings from a different embedding space?(2000)

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ERNIE: Enhanced language representation with informative entities(2143)

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strengths & remaining challenges(2610)

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Jointly learn to link entities with KnowBERT(2958)

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Use an external memory(3140)

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Local knowledge and full knowledge

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When should the model use the external knowledge(3600)

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Compare to the others(4334)

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More recent takes: Nearest Neighbor Language Models(kNN-LM)(4730)

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Modify the training data(5230)

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Learn inductive biases through masking(5811)

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Salient span masking(5927)

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Evaluating knowledge in LMS(h0211)


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The limitations (h0650)

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LAMA_UnHelpful Names(LAMA-UHN)

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** They delete something that may caused by co-occurrence **

Developing better prompts to query knowledge in LMS

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Knowledge-driven downstream tasks(h1253)

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Relation extraction performance on TACED(h1400)

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Entity typing performance on Open Entuty

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Recap: Evaluating knowledge in LMs(h1600)

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Other exciting progress & what’s next?(h1652)

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Lecture 17 - Model Analysis and Explanation

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what are our models doing(0415)

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how do we make tomorrow’s model?(0515)

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What biases are built into model?(0700)

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how do we make in the following 25years(0800)

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Model analysis at varying levels of abstraction(0904)

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Model evaluation as model analysis(1117)

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Model evaluation as model analysis in natural language inference(1344)

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What if the model is simple using heuristics to get good accuracy?(1558)

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Language models as linguistic test subjects(2023)

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Careful test sets as unit test suites: CheckListing(3230)

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Fitting the dataset vs learning the task(3500)

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Knowledge evaluation as model analysis(3642)

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Input influence: does my model really use long-distance context?(3822)

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Prediction explanations: what in the input led to this output?(4054)

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Prediction explanations: simple saliency maps(4230)

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Explanation by input reduction (4607)

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Analyzing models by breaking them(5106)

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They add a nonsense sentence at the end and the prediction changed.

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Change the Q also make the prediction changed

Are models robust to noise in their input?(5518)

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It seems not.

Analysis of “interpretable” architecture components(5719)

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Probing: supervised analysis of neural networks(h0408)

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the most efficient layer is in the middlwe.

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deeper, more abstract

Emergent simple structure in neural networks(h1019)

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Probing: tress simply recoverable from BERT representations(h1136)

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Final thoughts on probing and correlation studies(h1341)

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Not causal study

Recasting model tweaks and ablations as analysis(h1406)

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Ablation analysis: do we need all these attension heads?(h1445)

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What’s the right layer order for a transformer?(h1537)

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Parting thoughts(h1612)

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Lecture 18 - Future of NLP + Deep Learning

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General Representation Learning Recipe(0312)

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Certain properties emerge only when we scale up the model size!

Large Language Models and GPT-3(0358)

Large Language models and GPT-3(0514)

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What’s new about GPT-3

CS224N NLP_第420张图片

CS224N NLP_第421张图片

CS224N NLP_第422张图片

There are three lessons left, They will be finished in the review when I come back from Lee.
