
单选题 (每题1分,共12道题)

1、 [单选] X项目团队中的部分团队成员同时还要承担Y项目的工作,X项目估算活动历时必须用到下面哪一项?
Some members of the project X team also undertake the work of project Y at the same time. Which of the following items should be used for estimating activities of project X?

  •  A:历时上其它项目中类似活动的历时; The duration of similar activities in other projects in the past;
  •  B:项目Y的进度计划; schedule of project Y;
  •  C:资源日历; resource calendar;
  •  D:成员所在职能部门经理的意见。 comments from the functional managers of the members.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:资源日历是项目团队成员(资源)的工作日历,项目经理通过了解资源日历,才能够知道每个资源可用的时间,避开与其它项目工作的冲突。 见9.2.1.2。


2、 [单选] 下面都是项目经理职位带来的权力,除了:
All the following ar
