Go通过内存池技术来管理内存的分配(这是一种流行病),为了更好的适应对内存的管理需求,采用了和 CPU缓存同样的设计,分成了三类:线程单独的缓存mcache、中心缓存 mcentral (管理Span)、堆页 mheap ,而上面的三种策略其实也和这三类缓存有着各种联系。
Golang对象在进行内存分配的时候,通常会根据大小划分为微小对象、小对象和大对象三类,它分别对应着三种分配方式,即调用 tiny malloc、small alloc、large alloc三类内存分配函数。一般来说,mcache 负责tiny malloc、small alloc 的分配,妆 mcache 中没有空闲内存块也即无法分配内存时,就需要mcentral 或 mheap 来分配内存,而此时会尝试触发 GC; large alloc 在在堆页上分配内存,所以必然会启动尝试GC。
// gcShouldStart returns true if the exit condition for the _GCoff
// phase has been met. The exit condition should be tested when
// allocating.
// If forceTrigger is true, it ignores the current heap size, but
// checks all other conditions. In general this should be false.
func gcShouldStart(forceTrigger bool) bool {
return gcphase == _GCoff && (forceTrigger || memstats.heap_live >= memstats.gc_trigger) && memstats.enablegc && panicking == 0 && gcpercent >= 0
// startCycle resets the GC controller's state and computes estimates
// for a new GC cycle. The caller must hold worldsema.
func (c *gcControllerState) startCycle() {
c.scanWork = 0
c.bgScanCredit = 0
c.assistTime = 0
c.dedicatedMarkTime = 0
c.fractionalMarkTime = 0
c.idleMarkTime = 0
// If this is the first GC cycle or we're operating on a very
// small heap, fake heap_marked so it looks like gc_trigger is
// the appropriate growth from heap_marked, even though the
// real heap_marked may not have a meaningful value (on the
// first cycle) or may be much smaller (resulting in a large
// error response).
if memstats.gc_trigger <= heapminimum {
memstats.heap_marked = uint64(float64(memstats.gc_trigger) / (1 + c.triggerRatio))
// Re-compute the heap goal for this cycle in case something
// changed. This is the same calculation we use elsewhere.
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_marked + memstats.heap_marked*uint64(gcpercent)/100
if gcpercent < 0 {
memstats.next_gc = ^uint64(0)
// Ensure that the heap goal is at least a little larger than
// the current live heap size. This may not be the case if GC
// start is delayed or if the allocation that pushed heap_live
// over gc_trigger is large or if the trigger is really close to
// GOGC. Assist is proportional to this distance, so enforce a
// minimum distance, even if it means going over the GOGC goal
// by a tiny bit.
if memstats.next_gc < memstats.heap_live+1024*1024 {
memstats.next_gc = memstats.heap_live + 1024*1024
// Compute the total mark utilization goal and divide it among
// dedicated and fractional workers.
totalUtilizationGoal := float64(gomaxprocs) * gcGoalUtilization
c.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded = int64(totalUtilizationGoal)
c.fractionalUtilizationGoal = totalUtilizationGoal - float64(c.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded)
if c.fractionalUtilizationGoal > 0 {
c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded = 1
} else {
c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded = 0
// Clear per-P state
for _, p := range &allp {
if p == nil {
p.gcAssistTime = 0
// Compute initial values for controls that are updated
// throughout the cycle.
if debug.gcpacertrace > 0 {
print("pacer: assist ratio=", c.assistWorkPerByte,
" (scan ", memstats.heap_scan>>20, " MB in ",
work.initialHeapLive>>20, "->",
memstats.next_gc>>20, " MB)",
" workers=", c.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded,
"+", c.fractionalMarkWorkersNeeded, "\n")
// start forcegc helper goroutine
func init() {
go forcegchelper()
// forcegcperiod is the maximum time in nanoseconds between garbage
// collections. If we go this long without a garbage collection, one
// is forced to run.
// This is a variable for testing purposes. It normally doesn't change.
var forcegcperiod int64 = 2 * 60 * 1e9
// Always runs without a P, so write barriers are not allowed.
func sysmon() {
// If a heap span goes unused for 5 minutes after a garbage collection,
// we hand it back to the operating system.
scavengelimit := int64(5 * 60 * 1e9)
if debug.scavenge > 0 {
// Scavenge-a-lot for testing.
forcegcperiod = 10 * 1e6
scavengelimit = 20 * 1e6
这里首先要介绍 Golang 中的三个基本的概念:G, M, P即:
G: Goroutine 执行的上下文环境。
M: 操作系统线程。
P: Processer。进程调度的关键,调度器,也可以认为约等于CPU。
一个 Goroutine 的运行需要G+P+M三部分结合起来。知道了这些,你再看源码注释中,的P,M之类的才不会蒙圈,基本的术语还是清楚明白。上面的代码注释清晰,这里不再赘述,对照着前面的说明就可以明白这些。