PMI-PMP®远程模考三 错题:32



  1. 总题数:200
  2. 答题数:200
  3. 正题:168
  4. 错题:32
  5. 未答:0

单选题 (每题1分,共29道题)

6、 [单选] 在某建设工程项目的地基开挖过程中,对于因气候原因造成的进度拖后风险,项目经理采取了风险接受的策略。由于在施工期间下特大雨,工程不得不停工3天。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the foundation excavation of a construction project, the project manager adopts risk acceptance strategy for the delay risk caused by climate reasons. Due to the extremely heavy rain during the construction period, the project has to be suspended for 3 days.

  •  A:使用应急储备
    To use emergency reserves
  •  B:把项目工期延长3天
    To extend the project duration by 3 days
  •  C:要求保险公司赔偿
    To make a claim to the insurer
  •  D:与团队成员开会讨论处理方案
    To meet and discuss with team members for handling solutions

正确答案:A 你的答案:B



11、 [单选] 在开发一个新产品时,耐久性测试是关键路径上的一项重要活动。然而,测试设施被一个优先级较高的项目占用,且占用时间比原计划长。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
In the development of a new project the endurance testing is an important activity on the critical path. However, the last facility is occupied by a higher project. Which is taking longer than initially planned. What should the project manager do text?

  •  A:为延迟的项目开展根本原因分析
    Perform a root cause analysis for the delayed project
  •  B:审查风险登记册中的适当响应
    Review the risk register for the appropriate response
  •  C:将延期情况通知项目相关方
    Inform the project stakeholders about the delay
  •  D:将问题上报给高级管理层
    Escalate the issue to senior management

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:项目经理应该事先考虑此项重要风险。风险登记册中的应有相应的应对计划,因此在风险发生时要做审查风险登记册的应对计划。 选项A:延迟原因已明确,多此一举。选项C和D:项目经理应该努力解决问题,而不是直接通知项目相关方。


13、 [单选] 廉价的进口商品已经严重影响公司的业务。公司组建一支项目团队,开发新产品方案,希望在目前的$1亿营业收入基础上有所提高。项目团队起草了两套产品方案:产品A有40%的可能性将收入提高到$1.5亿,但有 30%可能性因保证索赔使收入会降低至$6000万.还有30%可能性对收入无影响。 产品B有50%的可能性将收入提高到$1.3亿,但有 20%可能性因保证索赔和诉讼使收入会降低至$8000万.还有30%的可能性收入将保持不变。
A company’s business has been seriously impacted due to cheaper imports. The company creates a project team to explore new product options to increase the revenue from the current value of $100 million. The project team drafts two product options:Produce A has a 40%chance of increasing revenue to $150 million and a 30% chance of reducing revenue to $60 million due to warranty claims. It also has a 30% chance that there will be no impact on revenue. Product B has a 50%chance of increasing revenue to $130 million and 20% chance of reducing revenue to $80 million due to warranty claims and litigation. There is a 30% chance that revenue will remain the same. Which produce provides the best EMV?

  •  A:方案A, EMV为$1.08亿
    Option A with EMV of $108 million
  •  B:方案B, EMV为$1.11亿
    Option B with EMV of $111 million
  •  C:方案A, EMV为$1.11亿
    Option A with EMV of $111 million
  •  D:方案B, EMV为$1.08亿
    Option B with EMV of $108 million

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参见 PMBOK第6版 中决策树分析方案 A:EMV=40%*1.5+30%*0.6+30%*1=$1.08亿,方案 B:EMV=50%*1.3+20%*0.8+30%*1=$1.11亿


26、 [单选] 某项目需要制造和安装一种设备。该设备已经在国外的工厂完成制造工作。按照原定计划,设备将于两周内运抵现场,用于安装。根据最近出现的一些情况,项目经理认为设备可能不能按期运抵现场。此时应该怎么做?
One project needs to manufacture and install an equipment. This equipment has been manufactured in a foreign factory. According to the established plan, the equipment is expected to arrive at the project site within two weeks and will be installed there. According to what happened lately, the project manager considers that the equipment may not arrive at the site on schedule. What should he do right now?

  •  A:立即将这个问题和推迟情况通知客户
    To inform the client of this issue and delay immediately
  •  B:确定这一事件对项目成本和进度的影响
    To ascertain the impact of this event on project cost and progress
  •  C:使用风险储备从当地购买设备,以便按时开始安装
    To use risk reserves to purchase the equipment from local manufacturer, in order to start installation on schedule
  •  D:召开团队会议,制订变通方案
    To hold a team meeting and to work out a workaround plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



31、 [单选] 在高科技产品开发中,为了保证产品成功,在产品最终定型之前,通常要进行大量的测试工作。这种做法被认为是高科技产品开发项目风险管理的有效方法,尽管增加测试会增加项目成本。这属于哪种风险应对策略?
In the development of hi-tech products, to ensure that the product is commercially successful, a number of tests is usually carried out before the final type approval. This practice is believed to be an effective instrument for the risk management of hi-tech product development project, even though more tests means higher project cost. Which kind of risk response strategy does this belong to?

  •  A:风险接受
    Risk acceptance
  •  B:风险转移
    Risk transfer
  •  C:风险规避
    Risk avoidance
  •  D:风险缓解
    Risk mitigation

正确答案:D 你的答案:D



36、 [单选] 在项目施工阶段,供应商处发生火灾,导致原材料的供应延迟了一周,项目经理已识别到延迟的风险并包含在计划当中,发生这个事件之后,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
During the project's construction phase, a supplier has a fire and the supply of raw material is delayed by a week, The project manager identified the risk of a delay and inclued it in the plan .After the occurrence of the event, what should the project manager do first?

  •  A:执行风险响应计划
    Carry out risk response planning
  •  B:由于材料延误,要求项目延期
    Ask for an extension of the project due to delay
  •  C:更新项目基准
    Update the project baseline
  •  D:更新风险登记册
    Update the risk register

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:所属知识领域:项目风险管理。所属过程组:监控过程组。解析:项目经理已经识别了延误的风险,并将该风险应对纳入了计划,当该风险发生时执行风险应对计划即可,监控风险包括实施风险应对计划,B不符合题意,C该风险的应对措施已经纳入计划,当该风险发生时无需更当该风险发生时无需更新基准,D风险登记册中已包括该风险,无需更新风险登记册。考点:监督风险。出处:PMBOK第6版 中 11.7。


56、 [单选] 你是建设一个生猪养殖厂项目的经理。当地居民和环保团体反对该项目。他们已经提供了一系列数据显示厂里焚烧的内脏和猪尸体将产生有害的甚至有毒的气体,对当地居民有危害。他们威胁要将公司告上法庭。你发现你的大量时间花费在平息他们的担忧。在花费大量时间和精力之后,你说服管理层同意将项目迁至一个新的镇外的厂址。这是以下哪种风险反应的例子:
You are the project manager for the construction of a hog rendering plant. Local residents and environmental groups are opposed to this project. They have produced reams of data showing that the volume of entrails and carcasses burned at the site will cause noxious-and possibly toxic-fumes to which the residents will be exposed. They have threatened to take your company to court. You find you are spending most of your time trying to work with these groups to alleviate their concerns. After so much time and effort in these meetings, you convince management to move this project to a different site outside town. This is an example of which of the following risk responses?

  •  A:被动接受
    Passive acceptance
  •  B:主动接受
    Active acceptance
  •  C:缓解风险
  •  D:回避风险

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:注意:你需要明确风险是什么?是居民将公司告上法庭?是工厂产生有毒气体,危害了当地居民?出处:PMBOK第6版 中11.5.2.1 规避 解析: 1. 题干表明,风险为公司很可能因有毒气体危害居民而被告上法庭; 2. 规避是指采取行动来消除威胁,或保护项目免受威胁的影响。适用于发生概率较高,且具有严重负面影响的高优先级威胁。 出处:


71、 [单选] 项目选择委员必须在项目 A 和项目 B 之间做出选择,项目 A 的投资回报期为 21 个月,项目B 的成本为 175000 美元,第一年的预期正现金流为 75000 美元,之后每季度的正现金流为 50000美元,项目经理应选择哪一个?
The project selection committee must make a choice between project A and Project B, project A has an investment return period of 21 months, the cost of Project B is $175000, the expected positive cash flow for the first year is $75000, and the positive cash flow for each quarter is 50000 USD, which should the project manager choose?

  •  A:项目 A 或项目 B,因为两个项目投资回报期一样
    Project A or project B, as two project investment return periods
  •  B:项目 B,因为项目 A 的投资回报期更长
    Project B because the investment return period for project A is longer
  •  C:项目 A,因为项目 B 的投资回报期更长
    Project A, because Project B has a longer investment return period
  •  D:项目 B,因为项目 B 的投资回报期更短
    Project B because the investment return period for Project B is shorter

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:所属知识领域:项目成本管理。所属过程组:规划过程组。解析:在进行项目选择的商业讨论中,投资回收期指标是一个选择方法,根据题意,项目 A 的回收期是 21 个月,项目 B 的回收期是 18 个月(12 个月加上两个季度 6 个月),所以选 D。考点项目回收期。出处:PMBOK第6版 中 7.1


72、 [单选] 在识别和了解项目风险过程中,项目团队希望通过图形化方式表现风险。这些关键元素包括决策、不确定元素、因果关系和目标。团队应使用哪种类型的风险图解技术?
While working to identify and understand risk in the project, the project team would like to graphically represent risks by displaying essential including decisions, uncertainties, causality and objectives. The team should use what type of risk diagramming technique?

  •  A:章程图
    Charter diagram
  •  B:帕累托图
    Pareto diagram
  •  C:德尔菲图
    Delphi diagram
  •  D:影响图
    Influence diagram

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析: 数据分析之影响图,作为风险定量分析的工具:用图形方法表示变量与结果之间的因果关系、事件时间顺序以及其他关系。另外,四个选项中只有影响图可显示因果关系。


79、 [单选] 在项目执行过程中,指定供应商的仓库发生火灾,导致无法按计划为项目提供所需产品。为了不影响项目顺利执行,项目经理决定从原定备用供应商那里.采购所需产品。项目经理的做法属于?
During the project execution, in case of fire accident in the warehouse of the designated supplier, making it impossible to provide the required products as per the plan. To avoid affecting the smooth execution of the project, the project manager decides to purchase the required products from the original alternative supplier. What kind of his practice belongs to?

  •  A:执行权变措施
    Execute contingency action
  •  B:执行弹回计划
    Perform resilience plan
  •  C:执行应急计划
    Execute response plan
  •  D:执行风险转移
    Perform risk transfer

正确答案:C 你的答案:B



80、 [单选] 在管理当前项目的时候,非常重要的一点是要运用从以往项目上积累的经验教训来提高项目管理的水平。因此在结束项目或阶段程序中,回顾下列哪项是比较重要的?
When managing current projects, it is important to use lessons learned from previous projects to improve the organization’s project management process. Therefore, in Close Project or Phase, it is important to review the-

  •  A:曾发生过的中等程度的风险
    Secondary risks that occurred
  •  B:风险核对单
    Checklists for risk identification
  •  C:工作分解结构词典
    WBS dictionary
  •  D:团队成员简历
    Team members’ curriculum vitae

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析: 风险核对单。


81、 [单选] 项目经理了解到主题专家(SME)正在考虑离开公司,该专家资源在其主题领域拥有深厚知识,很难被替代,为确保主题专家能在整个项目期间留在项目中,项目经理与主题专家的经理讨论可能的措施,这些措施应记录在哪些文件中?
The project manager learned that the subject matter expert (SME) was considering leaving the company, the expert resource has deep knowledge in its subject area and is difficult to replace, to ensure that the subject matter expert can remain in the project throughout the project, the project manager discusses possible measures with the manager of the subject matter, and what documents should be recorded in these measures?

  •  A:人力资源计划
    Human resources planning
  •  B:风险登记册
    Risk Register
  •  C:风险管理计划
    Risk management Plan
  •  D:组织分解结构
    Organizational Breakdown Structure

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



92、 [单选] 项目经理要求风险经理开展每月的定量风险分析。风险经理应该提交什么?
The project manager asks the risk manager to conduct a monthly quantitative risk analysis. What should the risk manager present?

  •  A:蒙特卡洛累积图
    Monte Carlo cumulative char
  •  B:风险重新评估
    Risk reassessment
  •  C:概率和影响矩阵
    Probability and impact matrix
  •  D:根据概率和影响等级来识别风险
    Identified risks with probability and impact ratings

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:实施定量风险分析的输出是风险登记册的更新,包括项目的概率分析即蒙特卡洛累积图。 BD是工具不是输出,并且不是定量风险的工具。 C是定性风险分析使用的工具和输出。


97、 [单选] 你刚被指派负责某项目,该项目正处于项目计划阶段风险管理团队负责人向你报告已完成风险识别工作,该负责人对项目存在很多风险表示很担心,为了有效地管理项目风险,项目经理下一步的工作将如何开展?
Recently, you have been assigned to take charge of a project. This project is in the planning phase. The leader of the risk management team reports to you that he has completed risk identification. This leader is very concerned that the project may have a lot of risks. In order to manage the project risks effectively, what should the project manager do next?

  •  A:通过风险分析确定哪些风险最值得管理
    To identify which risks are the most worthy of managing by performing risk analysis
  •  B:为已识别的风险编制有效的应对计划
    To prepare an effective response plan for identified risks
  •  C:开展风险分析工作,进一步了解风险
    To perform risk analysis, in order to further understand such risks
  •  D:为各项风险指定责任人
    To appoint the responsible persons for individual risks

正确答案:C 你的答案:A



104、 [单选] 一项目经理正在定量计算其项目的风险。她的几名专家都不在身边,但是她想把他们放进来。这该怎么办?
A project manager is quantifying risk for her project. Several of her experts are offsite, but wish to be included. How can this be done?

  •  A:用互联网作为工具,采用蒙特卡罗分析
    Use Monte Carlo analysis using the Internet as a tool.
  •  B:采用关键路径法
    Apply the critical path method.
  •  C:决定纠正措施的备选方案
    Determine options for recommended corrective action.
  •  D:采用 Delphi 技术
    Apply the Delphi Technique.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:Delphi 技术在取得技术问题、项目或产品的范围或风险的专家意见时最为常用。


105、 [单选] 异常的天气状况危及到一个关键可交付成果的时间线,在这个时候,下列哪一份项目文件对项目经理有帮助?
Which of the following project documents is helpful to the project manager when the abnormal weather conditions endanger a timeline of key deliverables?

  •  A:风险登记册
    Risk register
  •  B:工作分解结构
    Work breakdown structure
  •  C:项目进度
    Project progress
  •  D:风险分解结构
    Risk breakdown structure

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:所属知识领域:项目风险管理。所属过程组:规划过程组。解析:异常天气作为一个风险被记录在风险登记册中,已识别的风险应对措施也被记录在风险登记册中,所以选 A


106、 [单选] 项目准备收尾时,团队成员识别出一个新风险,作为项目经理,应该怎么做?
At the project closing, team members identify a new risk. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:通知项目相关方
    To notify the project stakeholder
  •  B:实施风险减轻策略
    To notify the project stakeholder
  •  C:实施定性风险分析
    To perform qualitative risk analysis
  •  D:制订权变计划
    To draw up a contingency plan

正确答案:C 你的答案:D



109、 [单选] 为了制定一份前后一致的风险管理计划,项目经理需要考虑哪些因素?
What will the project manager need to consider in preparing a coherent risk management plan?

  •  A:客户的风险态度以及组织过程资产
    Customer risk attitude and organization process assets
  •  B:项目管理计划和事业环境因素
    Project management plan and enterprise environmental factor
  •  C:风险登记册和范围说明书
    Risk register and scope statement
  •  D:潜在响应列表和项目管理计划
    List of potential responses and the project management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:C



116、 [单选] 由于一台设备设计规格中的某一项被忽略了而导致项目延期,而赶制此项需要更长的交货期。为避免这种情况的发生,项目经理在项目规划期间应完成下列哪一项?
A project is delayed because one item in the equipment specification has been ignored. It will require a longer lead time to catch up. To avoid this situation, the project manager should have done which of the following in project planning?

  •  A:制定应急计划
    prepare a contingency plan
  •  B:选择更为可靠的供应商
    select a more reliable supplier
  •  C:在识别风险过程上花费更多的努力
    spend more efforts on the process of risk identification
  •  D:确保该项不在关键路径上
    ensure that the item is a not on the critical path

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



129、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个软件开发项目的执行工作。在执行过程中,发生了一个风险应对计划中没有包括的风险。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project manager is managing the execution of a software development project. During the execution process, a risk that is not included in the risk response plan happens. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用应急储备来解决风险的后果
    To solve the risk consequence with emergency reserves
  •  B:把风险的实际情况报告给管理层
    To report the actual situation of the risk to the management
  •  C:召开团队会议讨论权变措施
    To hold a team meeting to discuss workaround
  •  D:不理会这个风险,既然计划中没有包括
    To ignore this risk, because this risk is not included in the plan.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



130、 [单选] 一家公司的仓储设施受到风暴影响,这对项目的完成日期和里程碑产生不利影响。项目经理应查阅哪一份文件来找到将解决这种情况的这些人员角色和职责?
A company’s storage facilities are affected by storms. This negatively impacts the project’s completion date and milestones. What document should the project manager consult to find the roles and responsibilities of those people who will resolve the situation?

  •  A:相关方管理计划
    Stakeholder management plan
  •  B:风险管理计划
    Risk management plan
  •  C:资源管理计划
    Resource management plan
  •  D:沟通管理计划
    Communication management plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:1.根据题目描述,项目经理需要确定应对风险的责任人及职责,这些内容在风险管理计划中 2.风险管理计划中,确定了每个活动的领导者和支持者,以及风险管理团队的成员,并明确其职责


131、 [单选] 由于专家对项目需求的意见不一致,项目现在存在落后于进度的风险,项目经理应该怎么做?
A project is at risk of falling behind schedule due to experts’ differences of opinion over project requirements. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:将问题上报给项目发起人。
    Escalate it to the project sponsor.
  •  B:安排一次会议,审查项目范围。
    Schedule a meeting to review project scope.
  •  C:提交变更请求。
    Submit a change request.
  •  D:妥协,同时关注项目目标。
    Compromise, with focusing on project goals.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C



134、 [单选] 在一个软件开发项目中,开发人员发现一个可以提高速度的新工具。项目经理分析发现这种新工具能够缩短当前开发阶段20%,并节省10%的项目成本。在变更控制委员会批准之后,项目经理修订了项目进度。这属于哪种风险应对类型?
During a software development project, a developer discovers a new tool that could increase development speed. The project manager’s analysis finds implementing the new tool could shorten the current development phase by 20% and save 10% of the project’s cost. After approval from the change control board, the project manager revises the project schedule. What is the type of risk response?

  •  A:开拓
  •  B:接受
  •  C:增强
  •  D:转移

正确答案:A 你的答案:A



141、 [单选] 工作分解结构建立后,项目经理通过头脑风暴发启动了识别风险过程。该过程指出了一些潜在风险. 项目经理应该怎么做?
After the work breakdown structure is crested, the project manager starts the Identify Risks Process using the brainstorming technique. During this process, some potential risks are raised. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:更改项目范围以回避风险
    Change the project scope to avoid the risks.
  •  B:接受风险并将其预期值纳入项目预算
    Accept the risks and include their expected value to the project budget.
  •  C:确定潜在响应
    Define potential responses.
  •  D:实施变通方案以回避风险
    Implement workarounds to avoid the risks.

正确答案:C 你的答案:C



149、 [单选] 项目经理正在考虑项目风险和制约因素,然后组织了一次与高级员工召开的头脑风暴,了解当前流程,项目经理向部门经理讲述了业务影响相关问题,并审查了风险和制约的因素,在咨询信息技术部门的一名方案架构师的意见后,项目经理要求获得输入和评估。项目经理使用的是哪种工具和技术?
A project manager look at the project’s risk and constrains and then organizes a brainstorming session with senior staff to understand the current processes. The project manager speaks with department managers regarding business impacts ,and reviews risks and constraints. Consulting with a solution architect in the information technology department ,the project manager asks for inputs and assessments. What tool and technique is the project manager using?

  •  A:风险登记册模板
    Risk register template
  •  B:专家判断
    Expert judgment
  •  C:组织过程资产
    Organizational process assets
  •  D:外部分析
    External analysis

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:见 PMBOK6/专家判断。项目经理应选择相关专家,邀请他们根据以往经验和专业知识指出可能的风险。


155、 [单选] 在项目即将进人收尾阶段时,项目经理发现了一项原来没有考虑到的新风险。该风险一旦发生,可能给最终的可交付成果带来重要影响,甚至可能使其不能被客户接受。项目经理应该怎么做?
When the project is about to close, the project manager has identified a new risk that was not considered previously. Should this risk occur, it may cause a significant impact on the final deliverables, and may even make it unacceptable to the client. Then, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:把该风险的影响通知管理层和客户
    To inform the management and client of the impact of such risk
  •  B:进行定性风险分析
    To perform qualitative risk analysis
  •  C:制定风险缓解措施
    To work out risk mitigation action
  •  D:增加应急储备
    To increase emergency reserves

正确答案:B 你的答案:C



166、 [单选] 以下哪一项最好地说明了在信息有限地情况下进行的成本或周期预测的特点?
Which of the following statements best characterizes a cost or duration estimate developed with a limited amount of information?

  •  A:它应该是需要的管理储备规划的一部分
    It should be part of the planning for the needed management reserve.
  •  B:它是识别风险的输入项
    It is an input to identify risks.
  •  C:它是识别风险的输出项
    It is an output to identify risks.
  •  D:它是项目风险优先排序中必须考虑的因素
    It must be factored into the list of prioritized project risks.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



181、 [单选] 准确和无误差的数据是量化风险分析的基本要求。以下哪一项是你应该用来考察对项目风险理解程度的?
Accurate and unbiased data are essential for qualitative risk analysis. Which of the following should you use to examine the extent of understanding of project risk?

  •  A:数据精确评级
    Data precision ranking
  •  B:对项目假设的检验
    Project assumptions testing
  •  C:敏感性分析
    Sensitivity analysis
  •  D:影响图
    Influence diagrams

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK第6版 中 风险数据质量评估,评估风险数据对风险管理的有用程度的一种技术。它考察人们对风险的理解程度


191、 [单选] 离完成分配的任务只剩 30 天时,一名项目团队成员离开公司。可惜的是,没有可用的替代资源。项目经理在项目进度计划中包含一个应急储备金。为了计算剩余的应急储备金,项目经理应该使用什么技术?
From the completion of assigned tasks only 30 days, a project team members leave the company. Unfortunately, there is no available alternative resources. Project manager includes a contingency reserve in the project schedule. In order to calculate the remaining contingency reserve, the project manager should use what technology?

  •  A:风险审计
    risk audit
  •  B:趋势分析
    trend analysis
  •  C:储备分析
    Reserves analysis
  •  D:技术绩效衡量
    Technical performance measurement

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:所属过程组:监控过程组。所属知识领域:项目风险管理。 考点:风险监督的工具和技术:储备分析。

答题时间:2020-08-23 20:26:09

