

1.      游戏界面的编写,首先使用viewport3D这个控件来建立一个3D的场景,其中有camera,ModelVisual3D。然后在ModelVisual3D的content属性上使用了Model3DGroup,最后在这个group中加入一些3D模型,比如光源,一些GeometryModel3D(这个是有material和MeshGeometry3D组成的)。其实上面讲的这些是一颗树的关系,大家可以用笔画一下就知道了,其实在WPF中写界面程序,每个程序都是一个tree的概念,一层套一层。

2.      棋的规则的实现,这个问题是游戏的核心问题。我使用了一个二维matrix来代替棋盘,给每个棋子起了标示(比如一个正整数),在matrix中放上对应的数字就可以的。当有棋子移动的时候,在matrix上也相应的移动,如果它的移动式去吃棋子,这时候就会在matrix中原来的地方变为没棋的状态,而在它吃棋的地方放上他的标示,然后在棋盘上删去被吃的棋子;如果他只是移动的,就只要在matrix的原来的地方变为没棋的标示,在移动到的地方放上这个标示。这其中还有就是你移动棋子的合法性判断,这个也完全可以通过matrix来判断,比如说“车”,只要判断它到目的地之间没有其他棋子就好了,也就是只要判断matrix中间全部都是没棋的状态。

3.      联系界面和matrix的是鼠标事件,主要使用的技术就是hittest技术,可以在我们的前面的博客中知道怎么使用。鼠标事件主要分为三种.1)选中要移动的棋子,使用左键选择棋子,对其合法选中的棋子进行记录和改变其外观。2)取消刚才选中的棋子,使用右键取消刚才选中的棋,让其恢复到原来的样子。3)选要移动的目标,如果没有违反棋的规则,就移动到目的地。


我的游戏是在windows7和visual studio 2010上编译生成的。



1 sing System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Linq;
4 using System.Text;
5 using System.Windows;
6 using System.Windows.Controls;
7 using System.Windows.Data;
8 using System.Windows.Documents;
9 using System.Windows.Input;
10 using System.Windows.Media;
11 using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
12 using System.Windows.Navigation;
13 using System.Windows.Shapes;
14 using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
15 using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
16 namespace WPF3D1
17 {
18 /// <summary>
19 /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
20 /// </summary>
21 public partial class MainWindow : Window
22 {
23 Canvas Panel = new Canvas();
24 Viewport3D vp = new Viewport3D();
25 AxisAngleRotation3D rotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D();
26 Model3DGroup mg = new Model3DGroup();
27 const int BorderNum = 32 ; const int ChessHeight = 15 ; const double PanelHeight = 50 ;
28 const double radius = 19.125 ; const int red = 1 ; const int black = - 1 ;
29 // const int RedPlayer = 1; const int BlackPlayer = -1;
30 const double Delta = 35.75 ;
31 String s = " rotation " ;
32 int RotationFlag = 0 ;
33 int [,] BoardMatrix = new int [ 10 , 9 ];
34 List < string > ListForNmae = new List < string > ();
35 // assume that the first player is red
36 int Player = red; bool FirstChoosing = true ;
37 chess CurrentChess = new chess();
38 int FlagForClick = 0 ;
39 public MainWindow()
40 {
41 initBoardMatrix();
42 InitializeComponent();
43 this .Content = Panel;
44 DrawPanel();
45 Canvas.SetLeft(vp, 50 ); Canvas.SetTop(vp, 50 );
46 SetupCamera();
47 GetModelVisual3D();
48 DrawButton();
49 }
50 private void DrawPanel()
51 {
52 this .Width = 1000 ; this .Height = 750 ;
53 SolidColorBrush myBrush = new SolidColorBrush();
54 myBrush.Color = Colors.Black;
55 Panel.Background = myBrush;
56 }
57 private void SetupCamera()
58 {
59 vp.Width = 800 ; vp.Height = 600 ;
60 PerspectiveCamera camera = new PerspectiveCamera();
61 camera.Position = new Point3D( 600 , 0 , 600 );
62 camera.UpDirection = new Vector3D( 0 , 0 , 1 );
63 camera.LookDirection = new Vector3D( - 6 , 0 , - 6 );
64 vp.Camera = camera ;
65 }
66 private void GetModelVisual3D()
67 {
68 ModelVisual3D mv = new ModelVisual3D();
69 mv.Content = GetModelGroup();
70 mv.Transform = GetRotation();
71 vp.Children.Add(mv);
72 vp.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(vp_MouseLeftButtonDown);
73 vp.MouseRightButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(vp_MouseRightButtonDown);
74 Panel.Children.Add(vp);
75 }
76 void vp_MouseRightButtonDown( object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
77 {
78 if ( ! FirstChoosing)
79 {
80 FlagForClick = (FlagForClick + 1 ) % 2 ;
81 FirstChoosing = true ;
82 Model3DCollection mc = mg.Children;
83 for ( int i = 1 ; i < mc.Count; i ++ )
84 {
85 // MessageBox.Show("remove");
86 GeometryModel3D gm = mc.ElementAt(i) as GeometryModel3D;
87 MeshGeometry3D meshg = gm.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D;
88 if (clac( new Point3D(CurrentChess.GetPosition().X, CurrentChess.GetPosition().Y,ChessHeight), meshg.Positions.Last()) < radius)
89 {
90 // MessageBox.Show(ListForNmae.ElementAt(Math.Abs(BoardMatrix[x, y]) - 1));
91 DiffuseMaterial dm = new DiffuseMaterial();
92 ImageBrush imageBrush = new ImageBrush();
93 imageBrush.ImageSource =
94 new BitmapImage(
95 new Uri(CurrentChess.GetName() + " .bmp " , UriKind.Relative)
96 );
97 dm.Brush = imageBrush;
98 gm.Material = dm;
99 break ;
100 }
101 }
102 }
103 }
104 void vp_MouseLeftButtonDown( object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
105 {
106 FlagForClick = (FlagForClick + 1 ) % 2 ;
107 Point mouseposition = e.GetPosition(vp);
108 Point3D testpoint3D = new Point3D(mouseposition.X, mouseposition.Y, 0 );
109 Vector3D testdirection = new Vector3D(mouseposition.X, mouseposition.Y, 10 );
110 PointHitTestParameters pointparams = new PointHitTestParameters(mouseposition);
111 RayHitTestParameters rayparams = new RayHitTestParameters(testpoint3D, testdirection);
112 VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(vp, null , HTResult, pointparams);
113 }
114 public HitTestResultBehavior HTResult(System.Windows.Media.HitTestResult rawresult)
115 {
116 RayHitTestResult rayResult = rawresult as RayHitTestResult;
117 if (rayResult != null )
118 {
119 RayMeshGeometry3DHitTestResult rayMeshResult = rayResult as RayMeshGeometry3DHitTestResult;
120 Point3D p = new Point3D();
121 if (rayMeshResult != null )
122 {
123 // this is the top geometrymodel3D to be clicked.
124 GeometryModel3D hitgeo = rayMeshResult.ModelHit as GeometryModel3D;
125 MeshGeometry3D mg = hitgeo.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D;
126 Point3D p1 = mg.Positions.ElementAt(rayMeshResult.VertexIndex1); double weight1 = rayMeshResult.VertexWeight1;
127 Point3D p2 = mg.Positions.ElementAt(rayMeshResult.VertexIndex2); double weight2 = rayMeshResult.VertexWeight2;
128 Point3D p3 = mg.Positions.ElementAt(rayMeshResult.VertexIndex3); double weight3 = rayMeshResult.VertexWeight3;
129 p = new Point3D(p1.X * weight1 + p2.X * weight2 + p3.X * weight3 ,p1.Y * weight1 + p2.Y * weight2 + p3.Y * weight3 , p1.Z * weight1 + p2.Z * weight2 + p3.Z * weight3);
130 if (FirstChoosing && p.Z > 0 && FlagForClick == 1 )
131 {
132 if (GetChoosedChess(p, Player))
133 {
134 FirstChoosing = false ;
135 }
137 }
138 else if ( ! FirstChoosing && FlagForClick == 0 )
139 {
140 if (IsLegal(p))
141 {
142 // MessageBox.Show(MoveChess(p).ToString());
143 if (MoveChess(p) ==- 5 )
144 {
145 MessageBox.Show( " game Over! " );
146 }
147 FirstChoosing = true ;
148 Player = - Player;
149 // AutoBeginAnimation();
150 }
151 }
152 }
153 }
154 return HitTestResultBehavior.Continue;
155 }
156 private Model3DGroup GetModelGroup()
157 {
158 // light source
159 DirectionalLight dl = new DirectionalLight();
160 dl.Color = Colors.White; dl.Direction = new Vector3D( 0 , 0 , - 1 );
161 // 3D model,contains material and mesh.
162 GeometryModel3D gm = new GeometryModel3D();
163 MeshGeometry3D meshg = new MeshGeometry3D();
164 Point3DCollection pc = new Point3DCollection();
165 pc.Add( new Point3D( 203 , 185 , 0 )); pc.Add( new Point3D( - 225 , 185 , 0 ));
166 pc.Add( new Point3D( - 225 , - 185 , 0 )); pc.Add( new Point3D( 203 , - 185 , 0 ));
167 pc.Add( new Point3D( 203 , 185 , - PanelHeight)); pc.Add( new Point3D( - 225 , 185 , - PanelHeight));
168 pc.Add( new Point3D( - 225 , - 185 , - PanelHeight)); pc.Add( new Point3D( 203 , - 185 , - PanelHeight));
169 meshg.Positions = pc;
170 Int32Collection ic = new Int32Collection();
171 ic.Add( 0 ); ic.Add( 1 ); ic.Add( 2 ); ic.Add( 0 ); ic.Add( 2 ); ic.Add( 3 );
172 ic.Add( 4 ); ic.Add( 6 ); ic.Add( 5 ); ic.Add( 4 ); ic.Add( 7 ); ic.Add( 6 );
173 ic.Add( 0 ); ic.Add( 5 ); ic.Add( 1 ); ic.Add( 0 ); ic.Add( 4 ); ic.Add( 5 );
174 ic.Add( 0 ); ic.Add( 3 ); ic.Add( 7 ); ic.Add( 0 ); ic.Add( 7 ); ic.Add( 4 );
175 ic.Add( 3 ); ic.Add( 6 ); ic.Add( 7 ); ic.Add( 3 ); ic.Add( 2 ); ic.Add( 6 );
176 ic.Add( 1 ); ic.Add( 6 ); ic.Add( 2 ); ic.Add( 1 ); ic.Add( 5 ); ic.Add( 6 );
177 meshg.TriangleIndices = ic;
178 PointCollection tpc = new PointCollection();
179 tpc.Add( new Point( 1 , 1 )); tpc.Add( new Point( 1 , 0 ));
180 tpc.Add( new Point( 0 , 0 )); tpc.Add( new Point( 0 , 1 ));
181 meshg.TextureCoordinates = tpc;
182 DiffuseMaterial dm = new DiffuseMaterial();
183 ImageBrush imageBrush = new ImageBrush();
184 imageBrush.ImageSource =
185 new BitmapImage(
186 new Uri( " board2.bmp " , UriKind.Relative)
187 );
188 dm.Brush = imageBrush;
189 gm.Geometry = meshg;
190 gm.Material = dm;
191 mg.Children.Add(dl);
192 mg.Children.Add(gm);
193 List < chess > ListOfChess = GetAllPosition();
194 for ( int i = 0 ; i < ListOfChess.Count; i ++ )
195 {
196 mg.Children.Add( GetChess(ListOfChess.ElementAt(i)));
197 }
198 return mg;
199 }
200 private RotateTransform3D GetRotation()
201 {
202 RotateTransform3D CCTransform = new RotateTransform3D();
203 this .RegisterName(s,rotation);
204 rotation.Axis = new Vector3D( 0 , 0 , 1 );
205 rotation.Angle = 0 ;
206 CCTransform.Rotation = rotation;
207 return CCTransform;
208 }
209 private List < chess > GetAllPosition()
210 {
211 List < chess > ListC = new List < chess > ();
212 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rrook " , 1 , new Point( 162 , 143 ), red)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Rrook " , 1 , new Point( 162 , 143 - 8 * Delta), red));
213 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rkngt " , 2 , new Point( 162 , 143 - Delta), red)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Rkngt " , 2 , new Point( 162 , 143 - 7 * Delta), red));
214 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rbishop " , 3 , new Point( 162 , 143 - Delta * 2 ), red)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Rbishop " , 3 , new Point( 162 , 143 - Delta * 6 ), red));
215 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rassist " , 4 , new Point( 162 , 143 - Delta * 3 ), red)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Rassist " , 4 , new Point( 162 , 143 - Delta * 5 ), red));
216 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rking " , 5 , new Point( 162 , 143 - Delta * 4 ), red));
217 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rgunner " , 6 , new Point( 162 - Delta * 2 , 143 - Delta), red)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Rgunner " , 6 , new Point( 162 - Delta * 2 , 143 - Delta * 7 ), red));
218 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rpawn " , 7 , new Point( 162 - 3 * Delta, 143 ), red)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Rpawn " , 7 , new Point( 162 - 3 * Delta, 143 - 2 * Delta), red));
219 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rpawn " , 7 , new Point( 162 - 3 * Delta, 143 - 4 * Delta), red)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Rpawn " , 7 , new Point( 162 - 3 * Delta, 143 - 6 * Delta), red));
220 ListC.Add( new chess( " Rpawn " , 7 , new Point( 162 - 3 * Delta, 143 - 8 * Delta), red));
221 ListC.Add( new chess( " Brook " , 1 , new Point( - 162 , 143 ), black)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Brook " , 1 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - 8 * Delta), black));
222 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bkngt " , 2 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - Delta), black)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Bkngt " , 2 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - 7 * Delta), black));
223 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bbishop " , 3 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - Delta * 2 ), black)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Bbishop " , 3 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - Delta * 6 ), black));
224 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bassist " , 4 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - Delta * 3 ), black)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Bassist " , 4 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - Delta * 5 ), black));
225 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bking " , 5 , new Point( - 162 , 143 - Delta * 4 ), black));
226 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bgunner " , 6 , new Point( - 162 + Delta * 2 , 143 - Delta), black)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Bgunner " , 6 , new Point( - 162 + Delta * 2 , 143 - Delta * 7 ), black));
227 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bpawn " , 7 , new Point( - 162 + 3 * Delta, 143 ), black)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Bpawn " , 7 , new Point( - 162 + 3 * Delta, 143 - 2 * Delta), black));
228 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bpawn " , 7 , new Point( - 162 + 3 * Delta, 143 - 4 * Delta), black)); ListC.Add( new chess( " Bpawn " , 7 , new Point( - 162 + 3 * Delta, 143 - 6 * Delta), black));
229 ListC.Add( new chess( " Bpawn " , 7 , new Point( - 162 + 3 * Delta, 143 - 8 * Delta), black));
230 return ListC;
231 }
232 private GeometryModel3D GetChess(chess c)
233 {
234 GeometryModel3D gm = new GeometryModel3D();
235 MeshGeometry3D meshg = new MeshGeometry3D();
237 Point3DCollection pc = new Point3DCollection();
238 Point3D center = new Point3D(c.GetPosition().X, c.GetPosition().Y, ChessHeight);
239 double ConstAngle = 360 / BorderNum;
240 for ( int i = 0 ; i < BorderNum; i ++ )
241 {
242 pc.Add( new Point3D(radius * Math.Cos(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 ) + center.X,radius * Math.Sin(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 ) + center.Y,ChessHeight));
243 }
244 for ( int i = 0 ; i < BorderNum; i ++ )
245 {
246 pc.Add( new Point3D(radius * Math.Cos(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 ) + center.X, radius * Math.Sin(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 ) + center.Y, 0 ));
247 }
248 pc.Add(center);
249 meshg.Positions = pc;
250 Int32Collection ic = new Int32Collection();
251 for ( int i = 0 ; i < BorderNum - 1 ; i = i + 1 )
252 {
253 ic.Add( 2 * BorderNum); ic.Add(i); ic.Add(i + 1 );
254 ic.Add(i); ic.Add(i + BorderNum); ic.Add(i + 1 );
255 ic.Add(i + 1 ); ic.Add(i + BorderNum); ic.Add(i + BorderNum + 1 );
256 }
257 ic.Add( 2 * BorderNum); ic.Add(BorderNum - 1 ); ic.Add( 0 );
258 ic.Add(BorderNum - 1 ); ic.Add(BorderNum); ic.Add( 0 );
259 ic.Add(BorderNum - 1 ); ic.Add( 2 * BorderNum - 1 ); ic.Add(BorderNum);
260 meshg.TriangleIndices = ic;
261 PointCollection tpc = new PointCollection();
262 for ( int i = 0 ; i < BorderNum; i = i + 1 )
263 {
264 tpc.Add( new Point( 0.5 + c.GetRedOrBlack() * 0.5 * Math.Sin(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 ) , 0.5 + c.GetRedOrBlack() * 0.5 * Math.Cos(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 ) ) );
265 }
266 for ( int i = 0 ; i < BorderNum; i = i + 1 )
267 {
268 tpc.Add( new Point( 0.5 + c.GetRedOrBlack() * 0.5 * Math.Sin(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 ), 0.5 + c.GetRedOrBlack() * 0.5 * Math.Cos(i * ConstAngle * Math.PI / 180 )));
269 }
270 tpc.Add( new Point( 0.5 , 0.5 ));
271 meshg.TextureCoordinates = tpc;
272 DiffuseMaterial dm = new DiffuseMaterial();
273 ImageBrush imageBrush = new ImageBrush();
274 imageBrush.ImageSource =
275 new BitmapImage(
276 new Uri(c.GetName() + " .bmp " , UriKind.Relative)
277 );
278 dm.Brush = imageBrush;
279 gm.Geometry = meshg;
280 gm.Material = dm;
281 // use the imagebrush
282 return gm;
283 }
284 private void initBoardMatrix()
285 {
286 BoardMatrix[ 0 , 0 ] = - 1 ; BoardMatrix[ 0 , 1 ] = - 2 ; BoardMatrix[ 0 , 2 ] = - 3 ; BoardMatrix[ 0 , 3 ] = - 4 ; BoardMatrix[ 0 , 4 ] = - 5 ;
287 BoardMatrix[ 0 , 5 ] = - 4 ; BoardMatrix[ 0 , 6 ] = - 3 ; BoardMatrix[ 0 , 7 ] = - 2 ; BoardMatrix[ 0 , 8 ] = - 1 ;
288 // gunner for black
289 BoardMatrix[ 2 , 1 ] = - 6 ; BoardMatrix[ 2 , 7 ] = - 6 ;
290 //
291 BoardMatrix[ 3 , 0 ] = - 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 3 , 2 ] = - 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 3 , 4 ] = - 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 3 , 6 ] = - 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 3 , 8 ] = - 7 ;
292 // gunner for red
293 BoardMatrix[ 7 , 1 ] = 6 ; BoardMatrix[ 7 , 7 ] = 6 ;
294 //
295 BoardMatrix[ 6 , 0 ] = 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 6 , 2 ] = 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 6 , 4 ] = 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 6 , 6 ] = 7 ; BoardMatrix[ 6 , 8 ] = 7 ;
296 BoardMatrix[ 9 , 0 ] = 1 ; BoardMatrix[ 9 , 1 ] = 2 ; BoardMatrix[ 9 , 2 ] = 3 ; BoardMatrix[ 9 , 3 ] = 4 ; BoardMatrix[ 9 , 4 ] = 5 ;
297 BoardMatrix[ 9 , 5 ] = 4 ; BoardMatrix[ 9 , 6 ] = 3 ; BoardMatrix[ 9 , 7 ] = 2 ; BoardMatrix[ 9 , 8 ] = 1 ;
298 ListForNmae.Add( " rook " ); ListForNmae.Add( " kngt " ); ListForNmae.Add( " bishop " ); ListForNmae.Add( " assist " );
299 ListForNmae.Add( " king " ); ListForNmae.Add( " gunner " ); ListForNmae.Add( " pawn " );
300 }
301 private bool GetChoosedChess(Point3D p, int CurrentPlayer)
302 {
303 int x = ( int )Math.Round((p.X + 162 ) / Delta); int y = ( int )Math.Round((p.Y + 143 ) / Delta);
304 // MessageBox.Show(BoardMatrix[x, y].ToString());
305 if (BoardMatrix[x, y] * CurrentPlayer > 0 ) // it's ok
306 {
307 Point newp = new Point(Delta * x - 162 , Delta * y - 143 );
308 CurrentChess.SetFlag(Math.Abs(BoardMatrix[x, y]));
309 CurrentChess.SetPosition(newp);
310 CurrentChess.SetRedOrBlack(CurrentPlayer);
311 if (CurrentPlayer == red) { CurrentChess.SetName( " R " + ListForNmae.ElementAt(BoardMatrix[x, y] - 1 )); }
312 else { CurrentChess.SetName( " B " + ListForNmae.ElementAt( - BoardMatrix[x, y] - 1 )); }
313 Model3DCollection mc = mg.Children;
314 for ( int i = 1 ; i < mc.Count; i ++ )
315 {
316 // MessageBox.Show("remove");
317 GeometryModel3D gm = mc.ElementAt(i) as GeometryModel3D;
318 MeshGeometry3D meshg = gm.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D;
319 if (clac( new Point3D(newp.X,newp.Y,p.Z), meshg.Positions.Last()) < radius)
320 {
321 // MessageBox.Show(ListForNmae.ElementAt(Math.Abs(BoardMatrix[x, y]) - 1));
322 DiffuseMaterial dm = new DiffuseMaterial();
323 ImageBrush imageBrush = new ImageBrush();
324 imageBrush.ImageSource =
325 new BitmapImage(
326 new Uri(ListForNmae.ElementAt(Math.Abs(BoardMatrix[x, y]) - 1 ) + " .jpg " , UriKind.Relative)
327 );
329 dm.Brush = imageBrush;
330 gm.Material = dm;
331 break ;
332 }
333 }
334 return true ;
335 }
336 else { MessageBox.Show( " Please choose your own chess! " ); return false ; }
337 }
338 private bool IsLegal(Point3D p)
339 {
340 int x = ( int )Math.Round((p.X + 162 ) / Delta); int y = ( int )Math.Round((p.Y + 143 ) / Delta);
341 // MessageBox.Show(x.ToString()+y.ToString());
342 if (x > 9 || x < 0 || y < 0 || y > 8 || BoardMatrix[x, y] * CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack() > 0 )
343 {
344 // it says that you want move a chess to a your own chess.
345 // MessageBox.Show("illegal moving!");
346 return false ;
347 }
348 int currentx = ( int )((CurrentChess.GetPosition().X + 162 ) / Delta); int currenty = ( int )((CurrentChess.GetPosition().Y + 162 ) / Delta);
349 switch (CurrentChess.GetFlag())
350 { // for different chess,the action is different
351 case 1 : //
352 { // just moving or want to eat one chess
353 if (x == currentx)
354 {
355 int miny = y > currenty ? currenty : y; int maxy = y > currenty ? y : currenty;
356 for ( int iy = miny + 1 ; iy < maxy; iy ++ ) { if (BoardMatrix[x, iy] != 0 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
357 return true ;
358 }
359 else if (y == currenty)
360 {
361 int minx = x > currentx ? currentx : x; int maxx = x > currentx ? x : currentx;
362 for ( int ix = minx + 1 ; ix < maxx; ix ++ ) { if (BoardMatrix[ix, y] != 0 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
363 return true ;
364 }
365 else
366 { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; }
367 // break;
368 }
369 case 2 : //
370 {
371 if (currenty - y == 2 && Math.Abs(currentx - x) == 1 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx, currenty - 1 ] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
372 if (currenty - y == - 2 && Math.Abs(currentx - x) == 1 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx, currenty + 1 ] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
373 if (currentx - x == 2 && Math.Abs(currenty - y) == 1 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx - 1 , currenty ] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
374 if (currentx - x == - 2 && Math.Abs(currenty - y) == 1 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx + 1 , currenty] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
375 MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ;
376 // break;
377 }
378 case 3 : //
379 {
380 if (CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack() == red) { if (x < 5 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
381 else { if (x > 4 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; }}
382 if (currentx - x == 2 && currenty - y == 2 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx - 1 , currenty - 1 ] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
383 if (currentx - x == 2 && currenty - y == - 2 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx - 1 , currenty + 1 ] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
384 if (currentx - x == - 2 && currenty - y == - 2 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx + 1 , currenty + 1 ] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
385 if (currentx - x == - 2 && currenty - y == 2 ) { if (BoardMatrix[currentx + 1 , currenty - 1 ] == 0 ) return true ; else { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
386 MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ;
387 // break;
388 }
389 case 4 : //
390 {
391 if (CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack() == red) { if (x < 7 || y < 3 || y > 5 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
392 else { if (x > 2 || y < 3 || y > 5 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
393 if (currentx - x == 1 && currenty - y == 1 ) { return true ; }
394 if (currentx - x == - 1 && currenty - y == 1 ) { return true ; }
395 if (currentx - x == - 1 && currenty - y == - 1 ) { return true ; }
396 if (currentx - x == 1 && currenty - y == - 1 ) { return true ; }
397 MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ;
398 // break;
399 }
400 case 5 : //
401 {
402 if (CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack() == red) { if (x < 7 || y < 3 || y > 5 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
403 else { if (x > 2 || y < 3 || y > 5 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
404 if (currentx - x == 0 && currenty - y == 1 ) { return true ; }
405 if (currentx - x == 0 && currenty - y == - 1 ) { return true ; }
406 if (currentx - x == - 1 && currenty - y == 0 ) { return true ; }
407 if (currentx - x == 1 && currenty - y == 0 ) { return true ; }
408 MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ;
409 // break;
410 }
411 case 6 : //
412 {
413 if (BoardMatrix[x, y] == 0 )
414 {
415 // MessageBox.Show(currentx.ToString() + x.ToString());
416 if (x == currentx)
417 {
418 int miny = y > currenty ? currenty : y; int maxy = y > currenty ? y : currenty;
419 // MessageBox.Show(y.ToString()+currenty.ToString());
420 for ( int iy = miny + 1 ; iy < maxy; iy ++ ) { if (BoardMatrix[x, iy] != 0 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
421 return true ;
422 }
423 else if (y == currenty)
424 {
425 int minx = x > currentx ? currentx : x; int maxx = x > currentx ? x : currentx;
426 for ( int ix = minx + 1 ; ix < maxx; ix ++ ) { if (BoardMatrix[ix, y] != 0 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } }
427 return true ;
428 }
429 }
430 else if (BoardMatrix[x, y] * CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack() < 0 )
431 {
432 // MessageBox.Show((BoardMatrix[x, y] * CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack()).ToString());
433 if (x == currentx)
434 {
435 int miny = y > currenty ? currenty : y; int maxy = y > currenty ? y : currenty;
436 int count = 0 ;
437 for ( int iy = miny + 1 ; iy < maxy; iy ++ ) { if (BoardMatrix[x, iy] != 0 ) { count ++ ; } }
438 if (count != 1 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; }
439 return true ;
440 }
441 else if (y == currenty)
442 {
443 int minx = x > currentx ? currentx : x; int maxx = x > currentx ? x : currentx;
444 int count = 0 ;
445 for ( int ix = minx + 1 ; ix < maxx; ix ++ ) { if (BoardMatrix[ix, y] != 0 ) { count ++ ; } }
446 if (count != 1 ) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; }
447 return true ;
448 }
449 }
450 // MessageBox.Show( (BoardMatrix[x, y]*CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack()).ToString());
451 MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ;
452 // break;
453 }
454 case 7 : //
455 {
456 if (CurrentChess.GetRedOrBlack() == red)
457 { if (x > currentx) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } if (currentx >= 5 ) { if (x == currentx) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } } }
458 else
459 { if (x < currentx) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } if (currentx <= 4 ) { if (x == currentx) { MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ; } } }
460 if (currentx == x && Math.Abs(y - currenty) == 1 ) { return true ; }
461 if (currenty == y && Math.Abs(currentx - x) == 1 ) { return true ; }
462 MessageBox.Show( " illegal moving! " ); return false ;
463 // break;
464 }
465 }
466 return false ;
467 }
468 private int MoveChess(Point3D p)
469 {
470 int x = ( int )Math.Round((p.X + 162 ) / Delta); int y = ( int )Math.Round((p.Y + 143 ) / Delta);
471 int currentx = ( int )((CurrentChess.GetPosition().X + 162 ) / Delta); int currenty = ( int )((CurrentChess.GetPosition().Y + 162 ) / Delta);
472 Point newp = new Point();
473 int IsKing = BoardMatrix[x, y];
474 if (BoardMatrix[x, y] != 0 )
475 {
476 // MessageBox.Show("begin!:::"+p.X.ToString()+":::"+p.Y.ToString()+"::::"+p.Z.ToString());
477 // MessageBox.Show((x * Delta - 162).ToString() + "::::" + (y * Delta - 143).ToString());
478 BoardMatrix[x, y] = CurrentChess.GetFlag() * Player;
479 BoardMatrix[currentx, currenty] = 0 ;
480 Model3DCollection mc = mg.Children;
481 int len = mc.Count;
482 List < int > index = new List < int > ();
483 for ( int i = 2 ; i < len; i ++ )
484 {
485 GeometryModel3D gm = mc.ElementAt(i) as GeometryModel3D;
486 MeshGeometry3D meshg = gm.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D;
487 if (clac(p, meshg.Positions.Last()) < radius)
488 {
489 newp.X = meshg.Positions.Last().X; newp.Y = meshg.Positions.Last().Y;
490 // MessageBox.Show("remove1");
491 index.Add(i);
492 }
493 if (clac( new Point3D(CurrentChess.GetPosition().X, CurrentChess.GetPosition().Y, ChessHeight), meshg.Positions.Last()) < radius)
494 {
495 // MessageBox.Show("remove2");
496 index.Add(i);
497 }
498 if (index.Count == 2 ) { break ; }
499 }
500 for ( int i = 0 ; i < index.Count; i ++ )
501 {
502 mg.Children.RemoveAt(index.ElementAt(i) - i);
503 }
504 CurrentChess.SetPosition(newp);
505 mg.Children.Add(GetChess(CurrentChess));
506 }
507 else
508 {
509 BoardMatrix[x, y] = CurrentChess.GetFlag() * Player;
510 BoardMatrix[currentx, currenty] = 0 ;
511 Model3DCollection mc = mg.Children;
512 for ( int i = 2 ; i < mc.Count; i ++ )
513 {
514 GeometryModel3D gm = mc.ElementAt(i) as GeometryModel3D;
515 MeshGeometry3D meshg = gm.Geometry as MeshGeometry3D;
516 if (clac( new Point3D(CurrentChess.GetPosition().X, CurrentChess.GetPosition().Y, ChessHeight), meshg.Positions.Last()) < radius)
517 {
518 // MessageBox.Show("remove");
519 mg.Children.RemoveAt(i);
520 break ;
521 }
522 }
523 CurrentChess.SetPosition( new Point(x * Delta - 162 ,y * Delta - 143 ));
524 mg.Children.Add(GetChess(CurrentChess));
525 }
526 return (IsKing * Player);
527 }
528 private double clac(Point3D p1, Point3D p2)
529 {
530 return Math.Sqrt((p1.X - p2.X) * (p1.X - p2.X) + (p1.Y - p2.Y) * (p1.Y - p2.Y) + (p1.Z - p2.Z) * (p1.Z - p2.Z));
531 }
532 private void DrawButton()
533 {
534 StackPanel rightPanel = new StackPanel();
535 rightPanel.Width = 125 ;rightPanel.Height = 600 ;
536 Canvas.SetLeft(rightPanel, 850 );Canvas.SetTop(rightPanel, 50 );
537 rightPanel.Background = Brushes.Black;
538 Button RotateHalf = new Button();
539 RotateHalf.Width = 70 ; RotateHalf.Height = 50 ;
541 RotateHalf.Background = Brushes.White;
542 string str = " Switch User! " ;
543 RotateHalf.Content = str;
544 RotateHalf.Name = " rotate180 " ;
545 DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation();
546 // da.From = RotationFlag * 180; da.To = RotationFlag*180+180;
547 Duration duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2 ));
548 da.Duration = duration;
549 da.RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior( 1 );
550 Storyboard.SetTargetName(da,s);
551 Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da, new PropertyPath(AxisAngleRotation3D.AngleProperty));
552 Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();
553 sb.Children.Add(da);
554 RotateHalf.Click += delegate ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
555 {
556 da.From = RotationFlag * 180 ; da.To = RotationFlag * 180 + 180 ;
557 sb.Begin(RotateHalf);
558 if (RotationFlag == 0 ) { RotationFlag = 1 ; } else { RotationFlag = 0 ; }
559 rotation.Angle = rotation.Angle % 360 ;
560 };
561 rightPanel.Children.Add(RotateHalf);
562 Panel.Children.Add(rightPanel);
563 }
564 private void AutoBeginAnimation()
565 {
566 DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation();
567 // da.From = RotationFlag * 180; da.To = RotationFlag*180+180;
568 Duration duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 2 ));
569 da.Duration = duration;
570 da.RepeatBehavior = new RepeatBehavior( 1 );
571 da.From = RotationFlag * 180 ; da.To = RotationFlag * 180 + 180 ;
572 Storyboard.SetTargetName(da, s);
573 Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da, new PropertyPath(AxisAngleRotation3D.AngleProperty));
574 Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();
575 sb.Children.Add(da);
577 if (RotationFlag == 0 ) { RotationFlag = 1 ; } else { RotationFlag = 0 ; }
578 rotation.Angle = rotation.Angle % 360 ;
579 }
580 }
581 public class chess
582 {
583 private string name;
584 private int flag;
585 private Point position;
586 private int RedOrBlack;
587 public chess()
588 { }
589 public chess( string name, int flag,Point position, int RedOrBlack)
590 {
591 this .name = name; this .position = position;
592 this .flag = flag; this .RedOrBlack = RedOrBlack;
593 }
594 public string GetName()
595 {
596 return name;
597 }
598 public int GetFlag()
599 {
600 return flag;
601 }
602 public Point GetPosition()
603 {
604 return position;
605 }
606 public int GetRedOrBlack()
607 {
608 return RedOrBlack;
609 }
610 public void SetName( string name)
611 {
612 this .name = name ;
613 }
614 public void SetFlag( int flag)
615 {
616 this .flag = flag;
617 }
618 public void SetPosition(Point p)
619 {
620 this .position = p;
621 }
622 public void SetRedOrBlack( int RedOrBlack)
623 {
624 this .RedOrBlack = RedOrBlack;
625 }
626 }
627 }


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