
​ 了解前面两个机制后,你自然会想到一个问题。就是消息如何进行路由?也即是两个相关联的问题。

  • Producer会根据消息的key选择Partition,具体如何通过key找Partition呢?
  • 一个消费者组会共同消费一个Topic下的多个Partition中的同一套消息副本,那Consumer节点是不是可以决定自己消费哪些Partition的消息呢?

​ 这两个问题其实都不难,你只要在几个Config类中稍微找一找就能找到答案。


	public static final String PARTITIONER_CLASS_CONFIG = "partitioner.class";
    private static final String PARTITIONER_CLASS_DOC = "A class to use to determine which partition to be send to when produce the records. Available options are:" +
    " + "
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.DefaultPartitioner: The default partitioner. " + "This strategy will try sticking to a partition until the batch is full, or linger.ms is up. It works with the strategy:" + "
      " + "
    • If no partition is specified but a key is present, choose a partition based on a hash of the key
    • "
      + "
    • If no partition or key is present, choose the sticky partition that changes when the batch is full, or linger.ms is up.
    • "
      + "
    + "
  • "
    + "
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.RoundRobinPartitioner: This partitioning strategy is that " + "each record in a series of consecutive records will be sent to a different partition(no matter if the 'key' is provided or not), " + "until we run out of partitions and start over again. Note: There's a known issue that will cause uneven distribution when new batch is created. " + "Please check KAFKA-9965 for more detail." + "
  • "
    + "
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.UniformStickyPartitioner: This partitioning strategy will " + "try sticking to a partition(no matter if the 'key' is provided or not) until the batch is full, or linger.ms is up." + "
  • "
    + "
+ "

Implementing the org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Partitioner interface allows you to plug in a custom partitioner.";

​ 这里就说明了Kafka是通过一个Partitioner接口的具体实现来决定一个消息如何根据Key分配到对应的Partition上的。你甚至可以很简单的实现一个自己的分配策略。

​ 消息发送者主要实现了两种分配策略,RoundRobinPartitioner是在各个Partition中进行轮询发送。DefaultPartitioner和UniformStickyPartitioner主要都是基于sticky策略,这种策略会尽量在Producer与Partition之间建议一种平均分配并且稳定的对应关系。

​ 比如说有两个同组的Producer,Producer1和Producer2,然后Topic下有五个Partition,partition0~4。那么UniformStickyPartitioner策略就会先将五个partition尽量平均的分配给Producer。比如Producer1对应Partiton0,Partition2,Partition4。Producer2对应Partition1,Partition3。那往后这一批消息中,Producer1和Producer2都会尽量固定的发往自己对应的Partition。



 public static final String PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY_CONFIG = "partition.assignment.strategy";
    private static final String PARTITION_ASSIGNMENT_STRATEGY_DOC = "A list of class names or class types, " +
        "ordered by preference, of supported partition assignment strategies that the client will use to distribute " +
        "partition ownership amongst consumer instances when group management is used. Available options are:" +
    " + "
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor: Assigns partitions on a per-topic basis.
  • "
    + "
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RoundRobinAssignor: Assigns partitions to consumers in a round-robin fashion.
  • "
    + "
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.StickyAssignor: Guarantees an assignment that is " + "maximally balanced while preserving as many existing partition assignments as possible.
  • "
    + "
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CooperativeStickyAssignor: Follows the same StickyAssignor " + "logic, but allows for cooperative rebalancing.
  • "
    + "
+ "

The default assignor is [RangeAssignor, CooperativeStickyAssignor], which will use the RangeAssignor by default, " + "but allows upgrading to the CooperativeStickyAssignor with just a single rolling bounce that removes the RangeAssignor from the list.

+ "

Implementing the org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerPartitionAssignor " + "interface allows you to plug in a custom assignment strategy.


​ 同样,Kafka内置了一些实现方式,在通常情况下也都是最优的选择。你也可以实现自己的分配策略。

​ 从上面介绍可以看到Kafka默认提供了三种消费者的分区分配策略

  • range策略: 比如一个Topic有10个Partiton(partition 0~9) 一个消费者组下有三个Consumer(consumer1~3)。Range策略就会将分区0~3分给一个Consumer,4~6给一个Consumer,7~9给一个Consumer。
  • round-robin策略:轮询分配策略,可以理解为在Consumer中一个一个轮流分配分区。比如0,3,6,9分区给一个Consuerm,1,4,7分区给一个Consuerm,然后2,5,8给一个Consumer
  • sticky策略:粘性策略。这个策略有两个原则:1、在开始分区时,尽量保持分区的分配均匀。比如按照Range策略分(这一步实际上是随机的)。2、分区的分配尽可能的与上一次分配的保持一致。比如在range分区的情况下,第三个Consumer的服务宕机了,那么按照sticky策略,就会保持consumer1和consumer2原有的分区分配情况。然后将consumer3分配的7~9分区尽量平均的分配到另外两个consumer上。这种粘性策略可以很好的保持Consumer的数据稳定性。

