1. Android ( 机器人 )
Android is a software stack for mobile devices including an operating system, middleware and key applications. It is being developed by the Open Handset Alliance, a group of more than 30 technology and mobile companies. Android was built from the ground-up to enable developers to create compelling mobile applications that take full advantage of all a handset has to offer. Developers can create applications for the platform using the Android SDK.
是一个软件(栈、堆),它是为具有操作系统、中间件和核心应用程序的移动设备提供的。它由 Open Handset Alliance (开放手机联盟,包括 30 多个移动科技公司)开发。
开发人员可以使用 ANDROID SDK 为平台创建应用程序。
2. AJAX Search API
The Google AJAX Search API lets you use JavaScript to embed a simple, dynamic Google search box and display search results in your own web pages, or use search results programmatically in innovative ways. If you don't feel like coding, you can even use our code wizards to add custom AJAX search controls to your web page in just a few steps.
你可以使用 JavaScript 在您自己的页面上嵌入一个简单的、动态的 GOOGLE 搜索工具条,并展示搜索结果;或者以全新的方式展示搜索结果。如果您不喜欢编写代码,您还可以使用代码向导,只需要几个简单的步骤,就可以向网页添加自定义的 AJAX 搜索控制程序。
3. Calendar APIS and TOOLS
The Google Calendar Data API and other tools enable you to do many things: create a web front end for your group's calendar, generate a public calendar based on your organization's event database, create Calendar Gadgets, and much more.
使用它,您可以为自己的日历创建一个网络前端程序 ; 可以基于公司的事件(日程表)数据库产生一个公共的日历,还可以创建 Calendar Gadgets.
4. Checkout( 检验 校验 ) API
Google Checkout provides a streamlined e-commerce checkout process that can be integrated with Google AdWords and Analytics to attract more leads and drive better conversion rates. The Checkout API allows you to integrate your site with Google Checkout, either by spending 5 minutes and dropping in simple "Buy Now" buttons, or by stepping through a complete integration of your order management system with Checkout. It's a message-based REST XML API involving synchronous and asynchronous interactions between Google and the merchant's server.
它提供了一个可以与 GOOGLE Adwords 和 analytics 结合的简化的电子商务的校验过程。你可以在网站中使用 CHECKOUT ,通过简单的点击“ Buy now ”按钮(这只需要花上 5 分钟的时间),或者走一个更复杂的流程,将你的命令管理系统与 Checkout 完全整合起来。它是一个基于消息的 REST XML API , 涉及 google 和 merchant (用户?)的服务器之间的同步的和异步的交互。
5. Gadgets API
Google Gadgets are simple HTML and JavaScript mini-applications served in iFrames that can be embedded in webpages and other apps. Built-in JavaScript libraries make it easy to create gadgets that include tabs, Flash content, persistent storage, dynamic resizing, and more. Many gadgets are viewed millions of times per week and generate significant traffic for their authors.
是简单的 HTML 和 JavaScript 小型应用程序,它能够嵌入在网页和其他应用程序中。内置的 JavaScript 库 , 使创建含有标签、动画内容、 persistent storage 、 dynamic resizing 的 gadgets 变得更加容易。许多 gadget 每周被浏览高达几百万次,可以为它的作者带来显著的点击率。
6. Google Gears
Google Gears is an open source browser extension that lets you create web applications that run offline. It lets you store and serve application resources locally, store data locally in a fully-searchable relational database, and run asynchronous JavaScript to improve application responsiveness.
一个开源的浏览器扩展工具,你可以使用它创建离线工作的网络应用程序。你可以在本地存储和使用应用程序,在可搜索的关系型数据库中存储本地数据,然后运行异步的 JavaScript 来改进应用程序的响应效率。
7. Maps API
The Google Maps API allows you to create innovative online mapping applications and helps integrate maps and geo-coding into your websites. With it, you can easily present your geo-referenced content in any web browser.
8. OpenSocial
OpenSocial provides a common set of APIs for social applications across multiple websites. Using standard JavaScript and HTML, they enable developers to create apps that access a social network's friends and update feeds.
Common APIs mean you have less to learn to build for multiple websites. OpenSocial is being developed by Google in conjunction with members of the web community. The ultimate goal is for any social website to be able to implement the APIs and host 3rd party social applications.
Common APIs mean you have less to learn to build for multiple websites. OpenSocial is being developed by Google in conjunction with members of the web community. The ultimate goal is for any social website to be able to implement the APIs and host 3rd party social applications.
为由多个网站组成的社会网站提供一套通用的 API 。 使用标准的 JavaScript 和 HTML ,开发者能够创建应用程序,使其可以访问网络上的其他网站(同一组织的),并且更新 FEED 。
Common API 的意思是:你可以不必了解很多,就能在多个网站上创建程序。 google 正在与网络社区的成员协力开发 OpenSocial 。
9. Web Toolkit
The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source Java software development framework that helps you produce user-friendly AJAX applications. With GWT, you can use your favorite Java development tools to build AJAX applications without having to tackle the steep learning curve of JavaScript/CSS browser quirks.
是一个开源的 JAVA 软件开发框架,可以使你写出用户界面友好的 AJAX 应用程序。使用它,你可以选择你喜欢的 JAVA 开发工具来创建 AJAX 应用程序,而无需应付 JavaScript/CSS 浏览器中难懂的曲线。
10. Picasa Web Albums Data API
The Picasa Web Albums Data API allows websites and client applications to view and update Picasa Web Albums content. Using Google Data API feeds, you can retrieve and update photo albums, add new comments and photos, and even tag photos automatically. It's the easy way to get photos and albums into your own website or application.
允许网站和客户端程序浏览、更新 Picasa Web Albums 的内容。您可以更新相册、添加评论和照片,甚至自动为照片添加标签。它可以方便的、简单的向您的网站或应用程序中添加照片或相册。
11. YouTube data API
YouTube offers open access to key parts of the YouTube video repository and user community, via an open API interface and RSS feeds. Using our APIs, you can easily integrate online videos from YouTube's rapidly growing repository of videos into your application.
通过开放的 API 接口和 RSS FEED ,您可以访问 YOUTUBE 视频库和用户社区的关键部分。使用我们的 API ,您可以轻松的整合 YOUTUBE 中快速更新的在线视频到您的应用程序。
12. Feedburner API
FeedBurner offers web services for interacting with their feed management and awareness-generating capabilities. Using the features this library provides, anyone with a FeedBurner account may perform some of the most common actions available on the FeedBurner service programmatically.
使用该库提供的功能,任何拥有 Feedburner 帐户的用户都可以(以可编程的方式)使用 Feedburner 服务的几项最基本的功能。
13. Documents List Data API
The Google Documents List Data API allows client applications to view and search through documents stored in Google Documents using Google Data API feeds. Your client application can request a list of a user's word processing documents and/or spreadsheets and upload existing documents to Google Documents.
允许客户端程序浏览、搜索存储在 GOOGLE DOCUMENTS 的文档(通过使用 GOOGLE DATA API FEEDS )。您的客户端程序可以请求获取用户的 word 文档和电子表格文件的列表,并且可以将文档上传到 GOOGLE DOCUMENTS 。
14. Mapplets
Google Mapplets are mini-applications that you can embed within the Google Maps site. Examples include real estate search, current weather conditions, and distance measurement. Mapplets are Google Gadgets that can manipulate the map using JavaScript calls that are derived from the Google Maps API.
是小型应用程序,您可以将它嵌入到 google 地图的网站。它包含的实例有:地点搜索、当前天气状况、距离测量。 Mapplet 是 GOOGLE GADGET 的一种,它可以使用派生自 GOOGLE MAPS API 的
JavaScript call( 函数? ) 操作地图。
15. Mashup Editor
Google Mashup Editor is an AJAX development framework and a set of tools that enable developers to quickly and easily create simple web applications and mashups with Google services like Google Maps and Google Base. Creating applications with Google Mashup Editor is simple, using our declarative XML tags, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
( 网络聚合应用,有一个或者多个信息源整合起来的网站或者网络应用 ” )
是一个 AJAX 开发框架和一套工具,开发者使用 GOOGLE 服务(如 GOOGLE MAPS 和 GOOGLE BASE ),可以快速、容易的创建简单的网络应用程序和聚合程序。使用我们已经定义好的 XML 标记, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, 用 Mashup Editor 建立应用程序将是一件轻松的事。
16. Orkut
As a developer, you can create social applications for Orkut users. Orkut supports OpenSocial, a common set of APIs, HTML, and JavaScript designed to let developers easily build social applications
As a developer, you can create social applications for Orkut users. Orkut supports OpenSocial, a common set of APIs, HTML, and JavaScript designed to let developers easily build social applications
作为一个开发者,你可以为 Orkut 的用户创建公共的应用程序。 Orkut 支持 OpenSocial (使开发者能够轻松的创建公共的应用程序的一套公共的 API 、 HTML 、 JavaScript )。
17. Safe Browsing APIs
The Safe Browsing API is an experimental API that allows client applications to check URLs against Google's constantly-updated blacklists of suspected phishing and malware pages. Your client application can use the API to download an encrypted table for local, client-side lookups of URLs that you would like to check.
The Safe Browsing API is an experimental API that allows client applications to check URLs against Google's constantly-updated blacklists of suspected phishing and malware pages. Your client application can use the API to download an encrypted table for local, client-side lookups of URLs that you would like to check.
是一个正在实验的 API ,允许客户端程序根据 GOOGLE 持续更新的恶意 URL 黑名单(疑似为网络钓鱼或者恶意网页)来检查 URL 。您的客户端程序可以使用 API 来下载加密的表格,您可以在这张表格中查找您想检查的 URL 。
18. Transit Feed Specification 运输 规范
The Google Transit Feed Specification is a common format that transit agencies and other interested parties can use to make public transportation information available through Google Transit Trip Planner, Google Earth, Google Maps, and other tools.
它是一个通用格式,提供给运输代理和其他对此感兴趣的组织使用, 以便 使公共运输信息在 Google Transit Trip Planner, Google Earth, Google Maps 和其他工具上可用。
19. AdSense API
The AdSense API enables you to integrate AdSense signup, ad unit management, and reporting into your web or blog hosting platform. You and your users can generate revenue from your users' web content on your site by showing relevant ads and referring products
使您能够整合 AdSense 签名 ,广告单元管理,向网络或博客主机平台添加报告。您的广告客户通过在您的网站上放置广告,客户和您都可以从中获得收入。
20. Adwords API
The AdWords API beta enables advertisers and third parties alike to integrate directly with the AdWords advertising platform. Armed with direct access, you can design a suite of applications that automate reporting, data integration, campaign and bid management.
Adwords API beta 版使广告客户和第三方以相似的方式与 Adwords 广告平台直接结合。通过直接的访问(存取)方式,您可以设计一套具有 自动生成报告、数据集成、竞价管理的应用程序。
Google's AJAX APIs let you implement rich, dynamic web sites entirely in JavaScript and HTML. You can add a map to your site, a dynamic search box, or download feeds with just a few lines of JavaScript
使您能够完全以 JavaScript 和 HTML 来实现丰富、动态的网页。您可以通过加入短短几行 JavaScript 代码,将地图、动态搜索工具条、下载种子加入您的网站。
22. AJAX Feed API
The AJAX Feed API makes it easy to access and use data feeds in your JavaScript applications. You used to need a server to proxy feeds before you could read and manipulate them in mashups; now you can load RSS and Atom feeds from different sources with a few lines of JavaScript code.
在您的 JavaScript 应用中,它使访问和使用数据种子更加容易。过去,您需要得到一个服务器或者代理服务器的种子之后,才可以在聚合器中阅读、操作他们;现在您只要使用几行 JavaScript 代码就可以从不同的源下载到 RSS 种子。
23. AJAX Search API
The Google AJAX Search API lets you use JavaScript to embed a simple, dynamic Google search box and display search results in your own web pages, or use search results programmatically in innovative ways. If you don't feel like coding, you can even use our code wizards to add custom AJAX search controls to your web page in just a few steps.
您可以使用 JavaScript 将一个简单的、动态的 GOOGLE 搜索工具条嵌入您的网页并展示搜索结果,或者编程用全新的方式展示搜索结果。如果你不喜欢编码,您可以使用我们的代码向导,只经过短短几步,就可以向您的网页中添加自定义的 AJAX 搜索控制。
The Google Data APIs provide a simple, standard protocol for reading and writing data on the web. Google Data API is a protocol based on the Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 syndication formats, plus the Atom Publishing Protocol. Several Google services provide a Google Data API, including Google Base, Blogger, Google Calendar, Google Spreadsheets and Picasa Web Albums.
提供在网络上读写数据的简单、标准协议。它基于 Atom 1.0 和 RSS 2.0 企业联合组织版本、 Atom Publishing 协议。有几种 GOOGLE 服务提供了 GOOGLE DATA API ,包括 Google Base, Blogger, Google Calendar, Google Spreadsheets 和 Picasa Web Albums.
25. Blogger Data API
The Blogger Data API allows client applications to view and update Blogger content in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can use the Google Data API to create new blog posts, edit or delete existing posts, and query for posts that match particular criteria
允许客户端程序通过 GOOGLE DATA API 种子浏览、更新博客的内容。您的客户端程序可以使用 GOOGLE DATA API 来创建博客的内容模块,编辑或者删除已存在的模块,根据相应条件来查询模块。
26. Google Account Authentication 帐户认证
The ClientLogin API lets you incorporate programmatic login into desktop or mobile applications, while the AuthSub API gives web applications the ability to access a user's Google account without handling the user's login information
ClientLogin API 使您能够以编程方式登录到桌面或者移动设备; AuthSub API 使网络应用程序可以访问用户的 GOOGLE 帐户,而无需掌握用户的登陆信息。
27. Apps APIs
Google Apps also universally supports individual service extensibility with Google Gadgets, Calendar, Spreadsheets, and Talk
通过运用 Google Gadgets, Calendar, Spreadsheets, and Talk , 普遍支持个人服务扩展。
28. Base Data API
With the Google Base Data API, you can query Google Base data to create applications and mashups, as well as input and manage Google Base items programmatically. Your application can upload new data, update or delete existing items, and execute specialized queries to find matches for complex attribute criteria. For more information, please see the section on Google Data APIs.
可以使用它来查询基本的数据,用来创建应用程序、聚合程序、以编程方式输入和管理 GOOGLE BASE 的内容。您的应用程序可以上传新的数据、更新或者修改已经存在的数据,还能执行具有复杂查询条件的查询功能。
29. Code Search Data API
The Google Code Search Data API allows client applications to view data from Code Search in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can use the Google Code Search Data API to query for public source code, function definitions, and sample code.
使客户端程序能够从 Code Search 中以 Google Data API 种子的方式来浏览数据。您的客户端程序可以使用 Code Search Data API 来查询开源的代码、函数定义、示例代码。
30. Desktop SDK sdk 软件开发工具包
Ever wanted to add more content and functionality to people's desktops? With the Google Desktop APIs, you can easily build simple yet powerful mini-applications that seamlessly integrate with the user's desktop and offer access to web services without requiring a browser. You can also incorporate desktop search support into your own applications, or create indexing plug-ins that let users search more file types.
31. KML
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser, such as Google Earth, Google Maps and Google Maps for mobile. KML uses a tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes and is XML-based. Google Earth and Google Maps have millions of users, so there's already a wide audience awaiting your content.
KML 是一种文件格式,用来在 Earth 浏览器(如 Google Earth, Google Maps and Google Maps for mobile. )中展示地理数据。 KML 使用基于标签的结构,含有嵌套的元素和属性,是基于 XML 的。 Google Earth 和 Google Maps 已经有数百万用户,所以有很多的观众在期待您将要分享的内容。
32. Google Notebook Data API
The Google Notebook Data API allows client applications to view stored data in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can request a list of a user's public notebooks, or query the content of an existing public notebook
客户端程序可以以 Google Data API 种子的形式浏览已存储的数据。您的客户端程序可以请求获得用户公有笔记本的列表,或者查询一个已经存在的公共笔记本的内容。
33. Google Search Appliance(器具) APIs
The Search Protocol is a simple HTTP-based protocol for serving search results. Search administrators have complete control over how search results are requested and presented to end users. The Feeds Protocol allows a customer or a third-party developer to write a custom connector to feed a data source into the Google Search Appliance for processing, indexing, and serving. The Authorization Protocol allows a customer's web service to authorize users to access specific documents for searching in real-time, leveraging their existing security and access control environment.
Search Protocol 是一个简单的、基于 HTTP 的、为搜索结果服务的协议。搜索管理员对搜索结果如何被请求和如何展示给最终用户具有 完全的控制。 Feeds Protocol 允许客户或者第三方的开发人员编写自定义的连接器,以将一个数据源添加到 Google Search Appliance ,以进行处理、检索和服务。 Authorization( 授权 ) Protocol 允许网络服务批准用户访问实时搜索到的特定的一部分文档,均衡现有的安全和存取控制环境。
34. Spreadsheets Data API
The Google Spreadsheets Data API allows client applications to view and update Spreadsheets content in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can request a list of a user's spreadsheets, edit or delete content in an existing Spreadsheets worksheet, and query the content in an existing Spreadsheets worksheet.
The Google Spreadsheets Data API allows client applications to view and update Spreadsheets content in the form of Google Data API feeds. Your client application can request a list of a user's spreadsheets, edit or delete content in an existing Spreadsheets worksheet, and query the content in an existing Spreadsheets worksheet.
允许客户端程序以 Google Data API 种子的形式浏览和更新电子表格的内容。您的客户端程序可以请求获得用户电子表格的列表,编辑或者删除现有电子表格的内容,在已有电子表格中查询相关内容。
35. Google Talk XMPP
Talk uses XMPP for its communications protocol. An FAQ outlines how to use a standard Jabber client to communicate with Google Talk. This makes for a very nice programmatic interface for IM. Google also offers Libjingle, a set of C++ components to interoperate with Google Talk's peer-to-peer and voice calling capabilities. For details, see the Libjingle Developer Guide. There are multiple interfaces in a great variety of languages including Python, PHP, Java, and C#. The Jabber Software Foundation maintains a healthy list of libraries on their site.
使用 XMPP 作为其通信协议。 FAQ 说明了如何使用标准的 Jabber 客户端来与 google talk 进行通信。这为 IM (即时通信)提供了非常好的编程接口。不同语言的编程接口包括 Python, PHP, Java, C# 。
36. Toolbar API
The Google Toolbar API lets you create custom buttons for the Google Toolbar (version 4 and above) using XML. Buttons can navigate to and search a site, display an RSS feed in a menu, and change their icon dynamically.
您可以使用 XML 为 GOOGLE 工具条创建自定义按钮(版本 4 及以上)。按钮可以搜索一个站点,在菜单中展示 RSS 种子,并且可以动态的改变它们的图标。
37. Gmail Atom Feeds
This feed mechanism lets you read your Gmail inbox or labels via any aggregator that supports the Atom XML feed format
在种子( FEED )机制下,您应该使用支持 Atom XML 种子格式的聚合器,来阅读 Gmail 收件箱中的信件或者其他信息。
38. Coupon Feeds
Google coupon feeds enable businesses to provide coupon listings that will be included in Google search results. Coupon feeds enable merchants to easily distribute coupons for free via the web. Consumers can also search for, print and redeem coupons for free.
商人可以提供优惠券的列表,这些信息可以在 GOOGLE 中被搜索到。 Coupon 种子使商人可以方便的在网上分发优惠券。消费者也可以免费搜索、打印、兑换优惠券。
39. News Feeds
Users can subscribe to both topic and news search feeds.
40. Search History Feeds
Personalized Search users can get an RSS feed of their Search History, including their recent searches and clicks on Google Web Search, News, Google Product Search and more.
个人用户可以获取他的搜索历史的 RSS 种子,包括他在 google 网络搜索、新闻、 GOOGLE 产品搜索上最近的搜索和点击。
41. Code Search
Google Code Search helps you find function definitions and sample code by giving you one place to search publicly accessible source code hosted on the Internet. With Google Code Search, you can:
· Use regular expressions to search more precisely
· Restrict your search by language, license or filename
· View the source file with links back to the entire package and the webpage where it came from
l 使用常规的关键字来进行更精确的搜索;
l 通过语言、文件名来限定您的搜索;
42. Sitemaps
Enables Google crawlers to quickly find what pages are present and which have recently changed. You create a file conforming to the Sitemap Protocol on your webserver; this file informs and direct Google crawlers, improving the time to inclusion in the index. We have an open-source project that helps in the creation of these sitemaps, and many third party Sitemap tools are available.
您在 WEB 服务器上遵循 Sitemap Protocol 创建一个文件,这个文件可以指导网站的用户。我们有一个开源的项目,它帮助建立网站地图,其中许多第三方的网站地图工具是可用的。
43. Analytics
The Google Analytics Tracking Code lets you embed a simple JavaScript snippet into your website in order to see how people find your site, how they explore it, and how they converted. You can custom ize the tracking code functionality using JavaScript to implement solutions for ecommerce, campaign tracking, event tracking, and more.
Google Analytics Tracking Code ,您可以在自己的网站上嵌入简单的 JavaScript 代码片断,借此可以知道别人是如何找到你的网站。您可以使用 JavaScript 来定制跟踪代码,以实施电子商务解决方案、军事跟踪、体育追踪等等。