



A - Substring Problem
Time Limit:600MS     Memory Limit:0KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu
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String Matching is an important problem in computer science research and finds applications in Bioinformatics, Data mining,pattern recognition, Internet security and many more areas.

The problem we consider here is a smaller version of it. You are given a string M and N other strings smaller in length than M. You have to find whether each of these N strings is a substring of M. All strings consist of only alphanumeric characters.

You are required to write a C/CPP code to solve the problem.


Input to the program consists of a series of lines. The first line contains the string M (no more than 100000 characters long). The next line contains an integer N (<1000) the number of query strings. Each of the next N lines contain a string S (each of which is no more than2000 characters long).


Output should consist of N lines each with a character 'Y'/'N' indicating whether the string S is a substring of String M or not.

Sample Input




Note: The test data for this problem not only consist of the official test cases from the contest,as well some cases of my own.

A testcase is added on 25.7.2010,after rejudging 3 users loose accepted.


#include <iostream>

#include <cstdio>

#include <cstring>

#include <algorithm>

#include <queue>

using namespace std;

const int maxn = 1000050 ;

const int sigma_size = 52 ;

int ID[1010] , tot ;

char text[100050] , word[2111] ;

bool flag[1010] ;

int son[maxn][sigma_size] , val[maxn] , f[maxn] , last[maxn] , q[maxn], sz ;

inline int idx(char c) {

    if(c<='Z') return c - 'A' ;

    else return c - 'a' + 26 ;


int Insert(char *s){

    int u = 0 ;

    for(int i=0 ; s[i] ; i++) {

        int v = idx(s[i]) ;

        if(!son[u][v]) son[u][v] = ++sz ;

        u = son[u][v] ;


    if(!val[u]) val[u] = ++tot ;

    return val[u];


void get_fail() {

    int rear = 0 ;

    f[0] = 0 ;

    for(int c=0; c<sigma_size ; c++) {

        int u = son[0][c] ;

        if(u) f[u] = last[u] = 0 , q[rear++] = u ;


    for(int _i=0; _i<rear ; _i++) {

        int u = q[_i] ;

        for(int c=0; c<sigma_size; c++){

            int v = son[u][c] ;

            if(!v) { son[u][c] = son[f[u]][c] ; continue ; }

            q[rear++] = v;

            int x = f[u] ;

            while(x && !son[x][c]) x = f[x] ;

            f[v] = son[x][c] ;

            last[v] = val[f[v]] ? f[v] : last[f[v]] ;




void print(int u){

    while(u) {

        flag[val[u]] = true ;

        u = last[u] ;



void Find(char *s){

    int j = 0;

    for(int i=0; s[i] ; i++) {

        int c=idx(s[i]);

        while(j && !son[j][c]) j = f[j] ;

        j = son[j][c] ;

        print(j) ;



int main()


    gets(text) ;

    int n ;

    scanf("%d", &n) ; getchar() ;

    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) {

        scanf("%s" , word) ;

        ID[i] = Insert(word);


    Find(text) ;

    for(int i=1; i<=n; i++) {

        if(flag[ ID[i] ]) puts("Y") ;

        else puts("N") ;


    return 0 ;

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