RNA 1. 基因表达那些事–基于 GEO
RNA 2. SCI文章中基于GEO的差异表达基因之 limma
RNA 3. SCI 文章中基于T CGA 差异表达基因之 DESeq2
RNA 4. SCI 文章中基于TCGA 差异表达之 edgeR
RNA 5. SCI 文章中差异基因表达之 MA 图
RNA 6. 差异基因表达之-- 火山图 (volcano)
RNA 7. SCI 文章中的基因表达——主成分分析 (PCA)
RNA 8. SCI文章中差异基因表达–热图 (heatmap)
RNA 9. SCI 文章中基因表达之 GO 注释
RNA 10. SCI 文章中基因表达富集之–KEGG
RNA 11. SCI 文章中基因表达富集之 GSEA
RNA 12. SCI 文章中肿瘤免疫浸润计算方法之 CIBERSORT
RNA 13. SCI 文章中差异表达基因之 WGCNA
RNA 14. SCI 文章中差异表达基因之 蛋白互作网络 (PPI)
RNA 15. SCI 文章中的融合基因之 FusionGDB2
RNA 16. SCI 文章中的融合基因之可视化
RNA 17. SCI 文章中的筛选 Hub 基因 (Hub genes)
RNA 18. SCI 文章中基因集变异分析 GSVA
RNA 19. SCI 文章中无监督聚类法 (ConsensusClusterPlus)
RNA 20. SCI 文章中单样本免疫浸润分析 (ssGSEA)
RNA 21. SCI 文章中单基因富集分析
RNA 22. SCI 文章中基于表达估计恶性肿瘤组织的基质细胞和免疫细胞
RNA 23. SCI文章中表达基因模型的风险因子关联图(ggrisk)
RNA 24. SCI文章中基于TCGA的免疫浸润细胞分析 (TIMER)
RNA 25. SCI文章中估计组织浸润免疫细胞和基质细胞群的群体丰度(MCP-counter)
RNA 26. SCI文章中基于转录组数据的基因调控网络推断 (GENIE3)
RNA 27 SCI文章中转录因子结合motif富集到调控网络 (RcisTarget)
Topic 1. 临床标志物生信分析常规思路
Topic 2. 生存分析之 Kaplan-Meier
Topic 3. SCI文章第一张表格–基线表格
Topic 4. 临床预测模型构建 Logistic 回归
Topic 5. 样本量确定及分割
Topic 6 计数变量泊松回归
Topic 7. 临床预测模型–Cox回归
Topic 8. 临床预测模型-Lasso回归
Topic 9. SCI 文章第二张表—单因素回归分析表
Topic 10. 单因素 Logistic 回归分析—单因素分析表格
Topic 11. SCI中多元变量筛选—单/多因素表
Topic 12 临床预测模型—列线表 (Nomogram)
Topic 13. 临床预测模型—一致性指数 (C-index)
Topic 14. 临床预测模型之校准曲线 (Calibration curve)
Topic 15. 临床预测模型之决策曲线 (DCA)
Topic 16. 临床预测模型之接收者操作特征曲线 (ROC)
Topic 17. 临床预测模型之缺失值识别及可视化
Topic 18. 临床预测模型之缺失值插补方法
本期教程展示了如何使用 RcisTarget 获取基因列表上富集的转录因子结合 motif?
RcisTarget是用于识别在基因表中过度表现的转录因子(TF)结合 motif。
RcisTarget基于之前在i-cisTarget (web界面,基于区域)和iRegulon (Cytoscape插件,基于基因)中实现的方法。软件包安装如下:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
Species: Species of the input gene set. Available values: Human (Homo sapiens), mouse (Mus musculus) or fly (Drosophila melanogaster) Scoring/search space: determine the search space around the transcription start site (TSS). Available values: 500 bp uptream the TSS, 5kbp or 10kbp around the TSS (e.g. 10kbp upstream and 10kbp downstream of the TSS). Number of orthologous species taken into account to score the motifs (e.g. conservation of regions). Available values: 7 or 10 species
我们这里选择 human 可以直接找到下载链接下载,也可以通过以下方式下载:
featherURL <- "https://resources.aertslab.org/cistarget/databases/homo_sapiens/hg19/refseq_r45/mc9nr/gene_based/hg19-tss-centered-10kb-7species.mc9nr.feather"
download.file(featherURL, destfile=basename(featherURL)) # saved in current dir
# Load gene sets to analyze. e.g.:
geneList1 <- read.table(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget'), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]
geneLists <- list(geneListName=geneList1)
# geneLists <- GSEABase::GeneSet(genes, setName="geneListName") # alternative
# Select motif database to use (i.e. organism and distance around TSS)
motifRankings <- importRankings("~/databases/hg19-tss-centered-10kb-7species.mc9nr.feather")
# Motif enrichment analysis:
motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- cisTarget(geneLists, motifRankings,
除了数据库的完整版本(20k motif)之外,软件包还提供了一个子集,其中只包含来自cisbp的4.6k motif(仅针对人类:rcistarget .hg19. motifdbs . cisbponly500bp)。这些子集在Bioconductor中可用于演示目的。将为现有的图案提供相同的AUC分数。然而,当然在实际分析数据时强烈建议使用完整版本(~20k motifs)以获得更准确的结果,因为motif的归一化富集评分(NES)取决于数据库中motif的总数。
# Select motif database to use (i.e. organism and distance around TSS)
motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly
## Rankings for RcisTarget.
## Organism: human (hg19)
## Number of genes: 22284 (22285 available in the full DB)
## Number of MOTIF: 4687
## ** This database includes rankings up to 5050
## Subset (4.6k cisbp motifs) of the Human database scoring motifs 500bp upstream the TSS (hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr)
### Load your gene sets As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set:
txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file("examples", package = "RcisTarget")), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt",
sep = "/")
geneLists <- list(hypoxia = read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[, 1])
### Load databases Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance
### around TSS (See the vignette for URLs to download) motifRankings <-
### importRankings('./cisTarget_databases/hg19-tss-centered-10kb-7species.mc9nr.feather')
# Motif - TF annotation:
data(motifAnnotations_hgnc) # human TFs (for motif collection 9)
motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc
## motif TF directAnnotation inferred_Orthology
## 1: bergman__Abd-B HOXA9 FALSE TRUE
## 2: bergman__Aef1 ZNF8 FALSE TRUE
## 3: bergman__Cf2 ZNF853 FALSE TRUE
## 4: bergman__EcR_usp NR1H2 FALSE TRUE
## 5: bergman__EcR_usp NR1H3 FALSE TRUE
## ---
## 163188: yetfasco__YPR104C_2203 FOXN4 FALSE TRUE
## 163189: yetfasco__YPR104C_2203 FOXR1 FALSE TRUE
## 163190: yetfasco__YPR104C_2203 FOXR2 FALSE TRUE
## 163191: yetfasco__YPR186C_1321 ZNF366 FALSE TRUE
## 163192: yetfasco__YPR186C_1321 ZNF710 FALSE TRUE
## inferred_MotifSimil annotationSource
## 1: TRUE inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology
## 2: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## 3: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## 4: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## 5: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## ---
## 163188: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## 163189: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## 163190: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## 163191: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## 163192: FALSE inferredBy_Orthology
## description
## 1: gene is orthologous to ENSMUSG00000038227 in M. musculus (identity = 98%) which is annotated for similar motif cisbp__M1008 ('HOXA6[gene ID: "ENSG00000106006" species: "Homo sapiens" TF status: "inferred" TF family: "Homeodomain" DBDs: "Homeobox"]; HOXB9[gene ID: "ENSG00000170689" species: "Homo sapiens" TF status: "inferred" TF family: "Homeodomain" DBDs: "Homeobox"]; HOXC9[gene ID: "ENSG00000180806" species: "Homo sapiens" TF status: "inferred" TF family: "Homeodomain" DBDs: "Homeobox"]; Hoxa9[gene ID: "ENSMUSG00000038227" species: "Mus musculus" TF status: "direct" TF family: "Homeodomain" DBDs: "Homeobox"]; Hoxb9[gene ID: "ENSMUSG00000020875" species: "Mus musculus" TF status: "inferred" TF family: "Homeodomain" DBDs: "Homeobox"]; NP_032296.2[gene ID: "NP_032296.2" species: "Mus musculus" TF status: "inferred" TF family: "Homeodomain" DBDs: "Homeobox"]'; q-value = 0.0006)
## 2: motif is annotated for orthologous gene FBgn0005694 in D. melanogaster (identity = 21%)
## 3: motif is annotated for orthologous gene FBgn0000286 in D. melanogaster (identity = 15%)
## 4: gene is orthologous to FBgn0000546 in D. melanogaster (identity = 37%) which is directly annotated for motif
## 5: gene is orthologous to FBgn0000546 in D. melanogaster (identity = 40%) which is directly annotated for motif
## ---
## 163188: gene is orthologous to YPR104C in S. cerevisiae (identity = 20%) which is directly annotated for motif
## 163189: gene is orthologous to YPR104C in S. cerevisiae (identity = 20%) which is directly annotated for motif
## 163190: gene is orthologous to YPR104C in S. cerevisiae (identity = 20%) which is directly annotated for motif
## 163191: motif is annotated for orthologous gene YPR186C in S. cerevisiae (identity = 25%)
## 163192: motif is annotated for orthologous gene YPR186C in S. cerevisiae (identity = 24%)
一旦加载了基因列表和数据库,就可以由 cisTarget() 按顺序运行三个步骤:
motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- cisTarget(geneLists, motifRankings, nesThreshold = 3.5,
geneErnMethod = "aprox", nCores = 2)
## [1] 5050
motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings, nCores = 1)
auc <- getAUC(motifs_AUC)["hypoxia", ]
hist(auc, main = "hypoxia", xlab = "AUC histogram", breaks = 100, col = "#ff000050",
border = "darkred")
nes3 <- (3 * sd(auc)) + mean(auc)
abline(v = nes3, col = "red")
重要motif的选择是基于标准化富集评分(NES)。根据基因集所有基序的AUC分布[(x-mean)/sd]计算每个基序的网元。通过给定阈值(默认为3.0)的 motif 被认为是重要的。
此外,这一步还允许添加注释到 motif 的TF。
motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, nesThreshold = 3, motifAnnot = motifAnnotations_hgnc,
highlightTFs = list(hypoxia = "HIF1A"))
## [1] "data.table" "data.frame"
## [1] 17 8
head(motifEnrichmentTable[, -"TF_lowConf", with = FALSE])
## geneSet motif NES AUC highlightedTFs TFinDB
## 1: hypoxia cisbp__M6275 4.41 0.0966 HIF1A **
## 2: hypoxia cisbp__M0062 3.57 0.0841 HIF1A
## 3: hypoxia cisbp__M6279 3.56 0.0840 HIF1A
## 4: hypoxia cisbp__M6212 3.49 0.0829 HIF1A
## 5: hypoxia cisbp__M2332 3.48 0.0828 HIF1A
## 6: hypoxia cisbp__M0387 3.41 0.0817 HIF1A
## TF_highConf
## 1: HIF1A (directAnnotation).
## 2:
## 3: HMGA1 (directAnnotation).
## 4: EPAS1 (directAnnotation).
## 5:
## 6:
重要提示:确保motifRankings 是相同的步骤1。
motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, rankings = motifRankings,
geneSets = geneLists)
## [1] 5050
## [1] 17 11
geneSetName <- "hypoxia"
selectedMotifs <- c("cisbp__M6275", sample(motifEnrichmentTable$motif, 2))
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
getSignificantGenes(geneLists[[geneSetName]], motifRankings, signifRankingNames = selectedMotifs,
plotCurve = TRUE, maxRank = 5000, genesFormat = "none", method = "aprox")
## [1] 5050
RcisTarget的最终输出的data.table包含有关motif 富集的以下信息:
motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes_wLogo <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable)
resultsSubset <- motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes_wLogo[1:10,]
datatable(resultsSubset[,-c("enrichedGenes", "TF_lowConf"), with=FALSE],
escape = FALSE, # To show the logo
filter="top", options=list(pageLength=5))
anotatedTfs <- lapply(split(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes$TF_highConf, motifEnrichmentTable$geneSet),
function(x) {
genes <- gsub(" \\(.*\\). ", "; ", x, fixed = FALSE)
genesSplit <- unique(unlist(strsplit(genes, "; ")))
## [1] "HIF1A" "HMGA1" "EPAS1" "HES6" "FOXP1" "FOXP2" "FOXP3" "FOXP4" "FOXG1"
signifMotifNames <- motifEnrichmentTable$motif[1:3]
incidenceMatrix <- getSignificantGenes(geneLists$hypoxia, motifRankings, signifRankingNames = signifMotifNames,
plotCurve = TRUE, maxRank = 5000, genesFormat = "incidMatrix", method = "aprox")$incidMatrix
## [1] 5050
edges <- melt(incidenceMatrix)
edges <- edges[which(edges[, 3] == 1), 1:2]
colnames(edges) <- c("from", "to")
画出各种布局的 调控网络
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## decompose, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
## union
mugh<- graph_from_incidence_matrix(incidenceMatrix, directed = F)
## IGRAPH c8e0192 UN-B 174 56 --
## + attr: type (v/l), name (v/c)
## + edges from c8e0192 (vertex names):
## [1] cisbp__M6275--AK4 cisbp__M6275--BHLHE40 cisbp__M6275--BNIP3L
## [4] cisbp__M6275--C7orf68 cisbp__M6275--CADM1 cisbp__M6275--CAV1
## [7] cisbp__M6275--CITED2 cisbp__M6275--DDIT4 cisbp__M6275--DTNA
## [10] cisbp__M6275--GADD45B cisbp__M6275--INSIG2 cisbp__M6275--KDM3A
## [13] cisbp__M6275--KDM4B cisbp__M6275--MAFF cisbp__M6275--MET
## [16] cisbp__M6275--MXI1 cisbp__M6275--P4HA2 cisbp__M6275--PGK1
## [19] cisbp__M6275--RBPJ cisbp__M6275--RRAGD cisbp__M6275--SERPINE1
## [22] cisbp__M6275--STC2 cisbp__M6275--VLDLR cisbp__M6275--WSB1
## + ... omitted several edges
V(mugh)[c(1:5)]$color = 'red'
V(mugh)[c(6:20)]$color ='green'
E(mugh)[grep("cisbp__M6275",as_ids(E(mugh)))]$color <- "red"
E(mugh)[grep("cisbp__M6279",as_ids(E(mugh)))]$color <- "blue"
E(mugh)[grep("cisbp__M0062",as_ids(E(mugh)))]$color <- "green"
E(mugh)[grep("cisbp__M4575",as_ids(E(mugh)))]$color <- "yellow"
E(mugh)[grep("cisbp__M4476",as_ids(E(mugh)))]$color <- "pink"
layouts <- grep("^layout_", ls("package:igraph"), value=TRUE)[-1]
# Remove layouts that do not apply to our graph.
layouts <- layouts[!grepl("bipartite|merge|norm|sugiyama|tree", layouts)]
## [1] 15
par(mfrow=c(3,5), mar=c(1,1,1,1))
for (layout in layouts) {
l <- do.call(layout, list(mugh))
plot(mugh, edge.arrow.mode=1, layout=l, main=layout) }
motifs <- unique(as.character(edges[,1]))
genes <- unique(as.character(edges[,2]))
nodes <- data.frame(id=c(motifs, genes),
label=c(motifs, genes),
title=c(motifs, genes), # tooltip
shape=c(rep("diamond", length(motifs)), rep("elypse", length(genes))),
color=c(rep("purple", length(motifs)), rep("skyblue", length(genes))))
visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>% visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE,
nodesIdSelection = TRUE)
我们这期主要介绍转录因子结合motif富集到调控网络 (RcisTarget)。当然这种方法也可以应用于单细胞的数据,目前单细胞测序的费用也在降低,单细胞系列可算是目前的测序神器,有这方面需求的老师,联系桓峰基因,提供最高端的科研服务!
Aibar. et al. (2016) RcisTarget: Identify transcription factor binding motifs enriched on a gene list. R/Bioconductor package.
Aibar et al. (2017) SCENIC: single-cell regulatory network inference and clustering. Nature Methods. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4463