Yukari's Birthday


Today is Yukari's n-th birthday. Ran and Chen hold a celebration party for her. Now comes the most important part, birthday cake! But it's a big challenge for them to place n candles on the top of the cake. As Yukari has lived for such a long long time. Though she herself insists that she is a 17-year-old girl.

To make the birthday cake look more beautiful, Ran and Chen decide to place them like r ≥ 1 concentric circles. They place ki candles equidistantly on the i-th circle, where k ≥ 2, 1 ≤ i ≤ r. And it's optional to place at most one candle at the center of the cake. In case that there are a lot of different pairs of r and k satisfying these restrictions, they want to minimize r × k. If there is still a tie, minimize r.


There are about 10,000 test cases. Process to the end of file.

Each test consists of only an integer 18 ≤ n ≤ 1012.


For each test case, output r and k.

Sample Input




Sample Output

1 17

2 10

3 10









pow(int, double) 用于long long 的时候可能会出错,比如爆掉。

所以要重新写一个计算long long 的pow函数


#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

long long powForLL(long long a, int b)    //long long 的pow函数


    long long ans = 1;


    for (int i = 0; i < b; ++i)

        ans *= a;


    return ans;


int main()


    long long n, r, k;


    while (cin >> n)


        r = 1, k = n-1;


        for (int i = 2; i <= 45; ++i) //why 45?


            long long ll = 2, rr = pow(n, 1.0/i), mm;    // ll rr mm都是关于k的 i是关于r的 


            while (ll <= rr)


                mm = (long long)(ll+rr)/2;


                long long ans = (mm-powForLL(mm,(double)i+1))/(1-mm);//等比数列求和公式别说你不懂 


                if (ans == n || ans == n-1)    //中间不插蜡烛为n,插就n-1 


                    if (mm*i < r*k)


                        r = i, k = mm;




                else if (ans > n)


                    rr = mm-1;




                    ll = mm+1;





        cout << r << ' ' << k << endl;


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