






ACM computing surveys 
ACM transactions on graphics 
Computer graphics EI
Computers & graphics 
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 
Graphical models 
IEEE transactions on image processing 
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 
IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 
IEEE communications letters 
IEEE computer graphics and applications
IET Image Processing 
Image and vision computing 
International journal of biomedical imaging    EI
International journal of imaging systems and technology
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence
Journal of digital imaging 
Journal of flow visualization and image processing    EI
Journal of image guided surgery 
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision
Journal of medical imaging and radiation oncology 
Journal of real-time image processing   EI
Journal of signal processing systems for signal, image, and video 

Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science 
Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and 

Journal of visual communication and image representation 
Machine graphics & vision 
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
Medical image analysis 
Pattern recognition 
Pattern recognition letters 
Pattern recognition and image analysis    EI
Progress in biomedical optics and imaging    EI
Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal    EI
Signal Image and Video Processing EI
Signal processing. Image communication 
The Visual computer 
The Journal of imaging science and technology 
The international journal of cardiovascular imaging
