React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用


React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用_第1张图片




# Yarn
$ yarn add react-search-box
$ npm i react-search-box
import React, { Component } from "react";
import ReactSearchBox from "react-search-box";

2.将ReactSearchBox 组件添加到应用程序中



export default class App extends Component {
  data = [
      key: "react",
      value: "React Native",
      key: "vue",
      value: "Vue Component",
    // ...
  render() {
    return (


 * The placeholder text for the input box.
placeholder: string;
 * The name attribute for the input box.
name?: string;
 * An array of objects which acts as the source of data for the dropdown. This prop is required.
data: { key: string; value: string }[];
 * Configs to override default Fuse configs.
fuseConfigs?: {};
 * Focus on the input box once the component is mounted.
autoFocus?: boolean;
 * A function which acts as a callback when any record is selected. It is triggered once a dropdown item is clicked.
onSelect: (record: Record) => void;
 * A function which acts as a callback when the input is focussed.
onFocus?: () => void;
 * A function which acts as a callback when the input value is changed.
onChange: (value: string) => void;
 * Color of the text in the input box.
inputFontColor?: string;
 * Color of the border of the input box.
inputBorderColor?: string;
 * Size of the font of the input box.
inputFontSize?: string;
 * Height of the input box.
inputHeight?: string;
 * Background color of the input box.
inputBackgroundColor?: string;
 * Background color on hover of the dropdown list items.
dropdownHoverColor?: string;
 * Border color of the dropdown.
dropdownBorderColor?: string;
 * Clear the input value when any record is selected.
clearOnSelect?: boolean;
 * Icon to be rendered on the left of the input box.
leftIcon?: ReactNode;
 * The size of the icon (based on the leftIcon prop).
iconBoxSize?: number | string;
 * The type of the input.
type?: string;


React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用_第2张图片

The postAutocomplete Search Box For Reactappeared first onReactScript.

以上就是React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用的详细内容,更多关于React 轻量级自动搜索框的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!

你可能感兴趣的:(React 程序设计简单的轻量级自动完成搜索框应用)