一. 开题说明:
二. 梗概:
三. 问题背景:
四. 模型建立:
1. 数据下载
2. 导入必要的包
3. 定义函数
4. 定义类(Dataset以及DNN)
5. 特征选择
6. 定义超参数
7. 定义DataLoader
8. 训练与预测
五. 可视化分析
六. 优缺点分析与改进建议
通过Sample Code的运行,在Kaggle平台上可取得在Private和Public Score上分别为1.91281,1.89565的分数,本文在Sample Code的基础上,更进了Feature Selection,DNN,Optimizer以及learning rate,最终取得Private和Public Score上分别为1.08889,1.02013的分数。
Based on the survey results of the past 5 days in specific states of the United States, the percentage of new positive cases on the fifth day is predicted. Through this training, we should achieve the following objectives:
P.S. 数据集能够通过pip指令下载,也能够从Kaggle平台上直接下载:
!gdown --id '1kLSW_-cW2Huj7bh84YTdimGBOJaODiOS' --output covid.train.csv
!gdown --id '1iiI5qROrAhZn-o4FPqsE97bMzDEFvIdg' --output covid.test.csv
# Numerical Operations
import math
import numpy as np
# Reading/Writing Data
import pandas as pd
import os
import csv
# For Progress Bar
from tqdm import tqdm
# Pytorch
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader, random_split
# For plotting learning curve
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
def same_seed(seed):
'''Fixes random number generator seeds for reproducibility.'''
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
if torch.cuda.is_available():
def train_valid_split(data_set, valid_ratio, seed):
'''Split provided training data into training set and validation set'''
valid_set_size = int(valid_ratio * len(data_set))
train_set_size = len(data_set) - valid_set_size
train_set, valid_set = random_split(data_set, [train_set_size, valid_set_size], generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(seed))
return np.array(train_set), np.array(valid_set)
def predict(test_loader, model, device):
model.eval() # Set your model to evaluation mode.
preds = []
for x in tqdm(test_loader):
x = x.to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
pred = model(x)
preds = torch.cat(preds, dim=0).numpy()
return preds
def trainer(train_loader, valid_loader, model, config, device):
criterion = nn.MSELoss(reduction='mean') # Define your loss function, do not modify this.
# Define your optimization algorithm.
# TODO: Please check https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/optim.html to get more available algorithms.
# TODO: L2 regularization (optimizer(weight decay...) or implement by your self).
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config['learning_rate'])
writer = SummaryWriter() # Writer of tensoboard.
if not os.path.isdir('./models'):
os.mkdir('./models') # Create directory of saving models.
n_epochs, best_loss, step, early_stop_count = config['n_epochs'], math.inf, 0, 0
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
model.train() # Set your model to train mode.
loss_record = []
# tqdm is a package to visualize your training progress.
train_pbar = tqdm(train_loader, position=0, leave=True)
for x, y in train_pbar:
optimizer.zero_grad() # Set gradient to zero.
x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device) # Move your data to device.
pred = model(x)
loss = criterion(pred, y)
loss.backward() # Compute gradient(backpropagation).
optimizer.step() # Update parameters.
step += 1
# Display current epoch number and loss on tqdm progress bar.
train_pbar.set_description(f'Epoch [{epoch+1}/{n_epochs}]')
train_pbar.set_postfix({'loss': loss.detach().item()})
mean_train_loss = sum(loss_record)/len(loss_record)
writer.add_scalar('Loss/train', mean_train_loss, step)
model.eval() # Set your model to evaluation mode.
loss_record = []
for x, y in valid_loader:
x, y = x.to(device), y.to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
pred = model(x)
loss = criterion(pred, y)
mean_valid_loss = sum(loss_record)/len(loss_record)
print(f'Epoch [{epoch+1}/{n_epochs}]: Train loss: {mean_train_loss:.4f}, Valid loss: {mean_valid_loss:.4f}')
writer.add_scalar('Loss/valid', mean_valid_loss, step)
if mean_valid_loss < best_loss:
best_loss = mean_valid_loss
torch.save(model.state_dict(), config['save_path']) # Save your best model
print('Saving model with loss {:.3f}...'.format(best_loss))
early_stop_count = 0
early_stop_count += 1
if early_stop_count >= config['early_stop']:
print('\nModel is not improving, so we halt the training session.')
class COVID19Dataset(Dataset):
x: Features.
y: Targets, if none, do prediction.
def __init__(self, x, y=None):
if y is None:
self.y = y
self.y = torch.FloatTensor(y)
self.x = torch.FloatTensor(x)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if self.y is None:
return self.x[idx]
return self.x[idx], self.y[idx]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.x)
class My_Model(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_dim):
super(My_Model, self).__init__()
# TODO: modify model's structure, be aware of dimensions.
self.layers = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_dim, 64),
nn.Linear(64, 32),
nn.Linear(32, 16),
nn.Linear(16, 8),
nn.Linear(8, 1),
def forward(self, x):
x = self.layers(x)
#x = nn.functional.dropout(x,p=0.01,training=self.training)
x = x.squeeze(1) # (B, 1) -> (B)
return x
from google.colab import drive
def select_feat(train_data, valid_data, test_data, select_all=True):
'''Selects useful features to perform regression'''
y_train, y_valid = train_data[:,-1], valid_data[:,-1]
raw_x_train, raw_x_valid, raw_x_test = train_data[:,:-1], valid_data[:,:-1], test_data
if select_all:
feat_idx = list(range(raw_x_train.shape[1]))
feat_idx = [53, 69, 85, 101] # TODO: Select suitable feature columns.
return raw_x_train[:,feat_idx], raw_x_valid[:,feat_idx], raw_x_test[:,feat_idx], y_train, y_valid
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
config = {
'seed': 5201314, # Your seed number, you can pick your lucky number. :)
'select_all': False, # Whether to use all features.
'valid_ratio': 0.2, # validation_size = train_size * valid_ratio
'n_epochs': 3000, # Number of epochs.
'batch_size': 256,
'learning_rate': 1e-4,
'early_stop': 400, # If model has not improved for this many consecutive epochs, stop training.
'save_path': './models/model.ckpt' # Your model will be saved here.
# Set seed for reproducibility
# train_data size: 2699 x 118 (id + 37 states + 16 features x 5 days)
# test_data size: 1078 x 117 (without last day's positive rate)
train_data, test_data = pd.read_csv('./covid.train.csv').values, pd.read_csv('./covid.test.csv').values
train_data, valid_data = train_valid_split(train_data, config['valid_ratio'], config['seed'])
# Print out the data size.
print(f"""train_data size: {train_data.shape}
valid_data size: {valid_data.shape}
test_data size: {test_data.shape}""")
# Select features
x_train, x_valid, x_test, y_train, y_valid = select_feat(train_data, valid_data, test_data, config['select_all'])
# Print out the number of features.
print(f'number of features: {x_train.shape[1]}')
train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = COVID19Dataset(x_train, y_train), \
COVID19Dataset(x_valid, y_valid), \
# Pytorch data loader loads pytorch dataset into batches.
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=True, pin_memory=True)
valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_dataset, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=True, pin_memory=True)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=config['batch_size'], shuffle=False, pin_memory=True)
# Start Training !!!
model = My_Model(input_dim=x_train.shape[1]).to(device) # put your model and data on the same computation device.
trainer(train_loader, valid_loader, model, config, device)
# Start Predicting !!!
def save_pred(preds, file):
''' Save predictions to specified file '''
with open(file, 'w') as fp:
writer = csv.writer(fp)
writer.writerow(['id', 'tested_positive'])
for i, p in enumerate(preds):
writer.writerow([i, p])
model = My_Model(input_dim=x_train.shape[1]).to(device)
preds = predict(test_loader, model, device)
save_pred(preds, 'pred.csv')
%reload_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir=./runs/
1. 本文从相关性出发针对性地选取了前四天的tested_positive,同时利用优化后的全连接层完成了回归预测。
2. 对优化器进行了改进,利用Adam使Loss下降更加平稳,同时稍提高learning rate以增加Loss的收敛速度
1. 由于能力受限,无法对整个数据集中的所有指标进行相关性分析
2. learning rate不能随着学习过程的变化进行动态更替,导致训练后期并不能收敛到一个较低的值,而是进行反复地上下波动
3. 未考虑是否存在过拟合情况
1. 查阅文献,可采用余弦退火的技巧对learning rate进行动态更新
2. 可利用sklearn中的特征选择方法对Feature Selection进行更改,同时可对各个指标进行归一化
3. 在DNN模型定义中加入L2正则化,Dropout等方法防止模型过拟合