[Beta]Daily Scrum 2, Nov. 8th


Current Day’s Work

Next Day’s Work


Ao Tang

Task 468 Learn how to judge whether some words are human names

Continue with Task 468


Yue Wu

Task 453 Display Current Author-Org lines

Task 448 Layout--Connect Teacher-Current Author with lines

Task 457 Layout--Calculate the coordinate of each advisee

Continue Task 453, 457

Task 454 Sort all advisees by AuthorName

Task 458 Display items when no advisors or advisees


Haifeng Xu

Task 442 Students Count Points and Border color halo

Task 449 Org Item Design(include both blue and orange ones)


Zhe Song

Task 480 Create Dummy data

Continue with Task 480


Jianxun Lian

Task 461 Learn how to extract the area which contains students' names

Task 462 Extract all areas


Jing Zhang

Task 447 Calculate advisor coordinates

Task 455 Calculate the coordinate of each advisees


Deniz Binay

Task 605 Crawl data from Academictree.org

Task 606 Helping the UI to deal with the event for the rectangle

Task 607 Match the Academictree data to the MAS data

Task 608 Merging relationship data from MGP and Academictree


[Beta]Daily Scrum 2, Nov. 8th_第1张图片

[Beta]Daily Scrum 2, Nov. 8th_第2张图片

Note: 在上周的planning阶段并未给Deniz分配task id,今天将其补上,故而奔荡图的趋势发生了一点点不同寻常的变化。
