2022.11.4 英语背诵

trim 整齐的 ~ suburban gardens

telex 用户电报,直通专用电传

 waggon 货车 drag a waggon of rag fragments

imminent 迫近的,紧迫的 a new trade agreement is ~

dispute 争论,争执

horticulture 园艺 The area has a log tradition of ~

semblance 外貌,外表 At least a ~ of normality has been restored to parts of the country.

impair 损害,削弱 The illness had ~ed his ability to think and concentrate

dismay 灰心丧气,惊愕

dash 撞击,冲 Suddenly she ~ed down to the cellar

outlying 远离中心的,偏僻的 one of the ~ suburbs

catching 传染性的

deter 阻止,使不敢

influx 汇集,流入

deplore 哀悼 pathos 引起怜悯的因素 th e~ of the woman trying to keep her lover

namely 即,也就是

relinguish 放弃,撤回

sole 脚底

thaw 融化,使变得友善 The lake ~ed in March.

fling 掷,抛 He flung his coat over the back of a chair

morality 道德,美德,伦理体系

shave 剃,刮

liaison 联络

flip 把.....往上抛 We `ed a coin to see who wuould go first.

shear 剪

hover 盘旋,翱翔

wax 蜡,蜂蜡

gaily 快乐地,娱乐的 

lump 团,肿块 Strain the custard to remove the lumps

inspection 检查,审视 An ~ was carried out at the school.

arena 竞技场,比赛场所

economical 节约的

magnetic 有磁性的,有吸引力的

fluff 绒毛

cashier 出纳员

maiden 少女 

startle 使大吃一惊 I didn't to mean to ~ you

chill 寒冷,感冒

reserve 保存,预定

substitute 代替人,代用品

auditorium 会堂,礼堂 a high school ~

esteem 尊重,珍重  be ~ed by the people

nanifest 明白的,明显的


underneath 在下面,底下

hoist 升起,扯起

capacity 容量,容积

fuel 燃料,刺激感情之物

incidentally 偶然的,顺便的

giggle 傻笑

escort 护卫者,护航舰 a police ~

deplete 耗尽

fort 要塞,堡垒

delude 欺骗,哄骗  try to ~ me

ingenious 机灵的,制作精巧的

compare 比较,对照

inland 内地的,内陆的

pretext 借口

flap 拍打,挥动

obsolete 过时的,已经废弃的

oath 誓约


metric 十进制的

plead 辩护

wrench 猛拉 I ~ed the packet from his grasp

huddle乱堆,挤作一团 We lay ~ed together for warmth

dock 船坞,码头

eccentric 古怪的,偏执的,不同心的  have a reputation as an ~

coverage 保证金;新闻报道 live ~ of the match

obstinate 顽固的,顽强的 He wa the most man I 've ever met.

string 线,细绳,弦

laden 装满的,载满的 snow-laden branches

instinct 本能

end 末端,尽头,结束

extinct 消灭了的,熄灭了的,绝种的

theme 题目,主题

prologue 序言,开端

diagram 图解

fitting 恰当的,适合的

install 任命,安装,安置

odds 机会,可能

swirl 打旋,旋动

reassure 使放心

casualty 伤亡人员

match 比赛

decade 十年

cosmopolitan 全世界的,世界主义的

Christian 基督教的

consign 运送,交付

lease 出租

wane 衰退
