参考 Flash_Programming_1 for KIT_AURIX_TC397_TFT, 本例展示了如何烧写PFLASH
(Program Flash memory) 和 DFLASH
(Data Flash memory).
, Data Memory Unit)控制执行在PFLASH和DFLASH上的命令序列, 连接FSI
(Flash Standard Interface)和PFI
(Programming Flash Interface).TC39x Program Flash Memeory:
TC39x Data Flash memory:
所有闪存操作均通过命令序列执行, DMU具有命令序列解释器(CSI, Command Sequence Interpreter)来处理命令序列, 用于对程序闪存或数据闪存进行编程的最小命令序列如下:
Address Range | Size | Description | Read | Write |
A000 0000H - A02F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 0 (PF0) | Access | SRIBE |
A030 0000H - A05F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 1 (PF1) | Access | SRIBE |
A060 0000H - A08F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 2 (PF2) | Access | SRIBE |
A090 0000H - A0BF FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 3 (PF3) | Access | SRIBE |
A0C0 0000H - A0EF FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 4 (PF4) | Access | SRIBE |
A0F0 0000H - A0FF FFFFH | 1 Mbyte | Program Flash 5 (PF5) | Access | SRIBE |
: A bus access is terminated with a bus error on the SRI(SRI上的总线错误终止总线访问)
Address Range | Size | Description | Read | Write |
AF00 0000H - AF0F FFFFH | 1 Mbyte | Data Flash 0 EEPROM (DF0) Host Comd. Sequence Interpreter | Access | Access 1) |
AF10 0000H - AF3F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Reserved | SRIBE | SRIBE |
AF40 0000H - AF40 5FFFH | 24 Kbyte | Data Flash 0 UCB (DF0) | Access | SRIBE |
AF40 6000H - AF7F FFFFH | - | Reserved | SRIBE | SRIBE |
AF80 0000H - AF80 FFFFH | 64 Kbyte | Data Flash 0 CFS (DF0) | Access | SRIBE |
AF81 0000H - AFBF FFFFH | - | Reserved | SRIBE | SRIBE |
AFC0 0000H - AFC1 FFFFH | 128 Kbyte | Data Flash 1 EEPROM (DF1) HSM Comd. Sequence Interpreter | Access | Access 2) |
直接搬运官方的例程来看, 此例中, 程序闪存(PFLASH)的64个字节随后被烧写并验证. 此外, 烧写并验证了64字节的数据闪存(DFLASH). 在进行任何写操作之前, 将擦除闪存, 如果闪存烧写并验证成功, 则将打开每个测试内存的LED.
闪存中可以编程的最小数据量是页(Page), 程序闪存(Program Flash)页由32字节组成, 数据闪存(Data Flash)页由8字节组成, 所以64字节对应PFLASH的2页, DFLASH的8页.
Cpu0_Main.c 代码如下:
#include "Ifx_Types.h"
#include "IfxCpu.h"
#include "IfxScuWdt.h"
IFX_ALIGN(4) IfxCpu_syncEvent g_cpuSyncEvent = 0;
#include "Ifx_Types.h"
#include "IfxFlash.h"
#include "IfxCpu.h"
void initLEDs(void); /* Function that initializes the LEDs */
void writeProgramFlash(void); /* Function that flashes the Program Flash memory calling the routines from the PSPR*/
void writeDataFlash(void); /* Function that flashes the Data Flash memory */
void verifyProgramFlash(void); /* Function that verifies the data written in the Program Flash memory */
void verifyDataFlash(void); /* Function that verifies the data written in the Data Flash memory */
#define PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH IFXFLASH_PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH /* 0x20 = 32 Bytes (smallest unit that can be
* programmed in the Program Flash memory (PFLASH)) */
#define DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH IFXFLASH_DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH /* 0x8 = 8 Bytes (smallest unit that can be
* programmed in the Data Flash memory (DFLASH)) */
#define FLASH_MODULE 0 /* Macro to select the flash (PMU) module */
#define PROGRAM_FLASH_0 IfxFlash_FlashType_P0 /* Define the Program Flash Bank to be used */
#define DATA_FLASH_0 IfxFlash_FlashType_D0 /* Define the Data Flash Bank to be used */
#define DATA_TO_WRITE 0x07738135 /* Dummy data to be written into the Flash memories */
#define PFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS 0xA00E0000 /* Address of the PFLASH where the data is written */
#define DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS 0xAF000000 /* Address of the DFLASH where the data is written */
#define PFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH 2 /* Number of pages to flash in the PFLASH */
#define PFLASH_NUM_SECTORS 1 /* Number of PFLASH sectors to be erased */
#define DFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH 8 /* Number of pages to flash in the DFLASH */
#define DFLASH_NUM_SECTORS 1 /* Number of DFLASH sectors to be erased */
/* Reserved space for erase and program routines in bytes */
#define ERASESECTOR_LEN (100)
#define WAITUNBUSY_LEN (100)
#define LOADPAGE2X32_LEN (100)
#define WRITEPAGE_LEN (100)
#define ERASEPFLASH_LEN (0x100)
#define WRITEPFLASH_LEN (0x200)
/* Relocation address for the erase and program routines: Program Scratch-Pad SRAM (PSPR) of CPU0 */
#define RELOCATION_START_ADDR (0x70100000U)
/* Definition of the addresses where to relocate the erase and program routines, given their reserved space */
/* Definition of the LEDs port pins */
#define LED1 &MODULE_P13,0 /* LED connected to Port 13, Pin 0 */
#define LED2 &MODULE_P13,1 /* LED connected to Port 13, Pin 1 */
#define MEM(address) *((uint32 *)(address)) /* Macro to simplify the access to a memory address */
/*------------------------------------------------Function Prototypes------------------------------------------------*/
void erasePFLASH(uint32 sectorAddr);
void writePFLASH(uint32 startingAddr);
void copyFunctionsToPSPR(void);
typedef struct
void (*eraseSectors)(uint32 sectorAddr, uint32 numSector);
uint8 (*waitUnbusy)(uint32 flash, IfxFlash_FlashType flashType);
uint8 (*enterPageMode)(uint32 pageAddr);
void (*load2X32bits)(uint32 pageAddr, uint32 wordL, uint32 wordU);
void (*writePage)(uint32 pageAddr);
void (*eraseFlash)(uint32 sectorAddr);
void (*writeFlash)(uint32 startingAddr);
} Function;
/*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/
Function g_commandFromPSPR;
/*---------------------------------------------Function Implementations----------------------------------------------*/
/* Function to initialize the LEDs */
void initLEDs()
/* Configure LED1 and LED2 port pins */
IfxPort_setPinMode(LED1, IfxPort_Mode_outputPushPullGeneral);
IfxPort_setPinMode(LED2, IfxPort_Mode_outputPushPullGeneral);
/* Turn off the LEDs (LEDs are low-level active) */
IfxPort_setPinState(LED1, IfxPort_State_high);
IfxPort_setPinState(LED2, IfxPort_State_high);
/* This function copies the erase and program routines to the Program Scratch-Pad SRAM (PSPR) of the CPU0 and assigns
* function pointers to them.
void copyFunctionsToPSPR()
/* Copy the IfxFlash_eraseMultipleSectors() routine and assign it to a function pointer */
memcpy((void *)ERASESECTOR_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_eraseMultipleSectors, ERASESECTOR_LEN);
g_commandFromPSPR.eraseSectors = (void *)ERASESECTOR_ADDR;
/* Copy the IfxFlash_waitUnbusy() routine and assign it to a function pointer */
memcpy((void *)WAITUNBUSY_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_waitUnbusy, WAITUNBUSY_LEN);
g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy = (void *)WAITUNBUSY_ADDR;
/* Copy the IfxFlash_enterPageMode() routine and assign it to a function pointer */
memcpy((void *)ENTERPAGEMODE_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_enterPageMode, ENTERPAGEMODE_LEN);
g_commandFromPSPR.enterPageMode = (void *)ENTERPAGEMODE_ADDR;
/* Copy the IfxFlash_loadPage2X32() routine and assign it to a function pointer */
memcpy((void *)LOAD2X32_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_loadPage2X32, LOADPAGE2X32_LEN);
g_commandFromPSPR.load2X32bits = (void *)LOAD2X32_ADDR;
/* Copy the IfxFlash_writePage() routine and assign it to a function pointer */
memcpy((void *)WRITEPAGE_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_writePage, WRITEPAGE_LEN);
g_commandFromPSPR.writePage = (void *)WRITEPAGE_ADDR;
/* Copy the erasePFLASH() routine and assign it to a function pointer */
memcpy((void *)ERASEPFLASH_ADDR, (const void *)erasePFLASH, ERASEPFLASH_LEN);
g_commandFromPSPR.eraseFlash = (void *)ERASEPFLASH_ADDR;
/* Copy the erasePFLASH() routine and assign it to a function pointer */
memcpy((void *)WRITEPFLASH_ADDR, (const void *)writePFLASH, WRITEPFLASH_LEN);
g_commandFromPSPR.writeFlash = (void *)WRITEPFLASH_ADDR;
/* This function erases a given sector of the Program Flash memory. The function is copied in the PSPR through
* copyFunctionsToPSPR(). Because of this, inside the function, only routines from the PSPR or inline functions
* can be called, otherwise a Context Type (CTYP) trap can be triggered.
void erasePFLASH(uint32 sectorAddr)
/* Get the current password of the Safety WatchDog module */
uint16 endInitSafetyPassword = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline();
/* Erase the sector */
IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */
g_commandFromPSPR.eraseSectors(sectorAddr, PFLASH_NUM_SECTORS); /* Erase the given sector */
IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */
/* Wait until the sector is erased */
g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, PROGRAM_FLASH_0);
/* This function writes the Program Flash memory. The function is copied in the PSPR through copyFunctionsToPSPR().
* Because of this, inside the function, only routines from the PSPR or inline functions can be called,
* otherwise a Context Type (CTYP) trap can be triggered.
void writePFLASH(uint32 startingAddr)
uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */
uint32 offset; /* Variable to cycle over all the words in a page */
/* Get the current password of the Safety WatchDog module */
uint16 endInitSafetyPassword = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline();
/* Write all the pages */
for(page = 0; page < PFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */
uint32 pageAddr = startingAddr + (page * PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */
/* Enter in page mode */
/* Wait until page mode is entered */
g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, PROGRAM_FLASH_0);
/* Write 32 bytes (8 double words) into the assembly buffer */
for(offset = 0; offset < PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH; offset += 0x8) /* Loop over the page length */
g_commandFromPSPR.load2X32bits(pageAddr, DATA_TO_WRITE, DATA_TO_WRITE); /* Load 2 words of 32 bits each */
/* Write the page */
IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */
g_commandFromPSPR.writePage(pageAddr); /* Write the page */
IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */
/* Wait until the page is written in the Program Flash memory */
g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, PROGRAM_FLASH_0);
/* This function flashes the Program Flash memory calling the routines from the PSPR */
void writeProgramFlash()
boolean interruptState = IfxCpu_disableInterrupts(); /* Get the current state of the interrupts and disable them*/
/* Copy all the needed functions to the PSPR memory to avoid overwriting them during the flash execution */
/* Erase the Program Flash sector before writing */
/* Write the Program Flash */
IfxCpu_restoreInterrupts(interruptState); /* Restore the interrupts state */
/* This function verifies if the data has been correctly written in the Program Flash */
void verifyProgramFlash()
uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */
uint32 offset; /* Variable to cycle over all the words in a page */
uint32 errors = 0; /* Variable to keep record of the errors */
/* Verify the written data */
for(page = 0; page < PFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */
uint32 pageAddr = PFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS + (page * PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */
for(offset = 0; offset < PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH; offset += 0x4) /* Loop over the page length */
/* Check if the data in the Program Flash is correct */
if(MEM(pageAddr + offset) != DATA_TO_WRITE)
/* If not, count the found errors */
/* If the data is correct, turn on the LED1 */
if(errors == 0)
IfxPort_setPinState(LED1, IfxPort_State_low);
/* This function flashes the Data Flash memory.
* It is not needed to run this function from the PSPR, thus functions from the Program Flash memory can be called
* inside.
void writeDataFlash()
uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */
/* --------------- ERASE PROCESS --------------- */
/* Get the current password of the Safety WatchDog module */
uint16 endInitSafetyPassword = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword();
/* Erase the sector */
IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */
IfxFlash_eraseMultipleSectors(DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS, DFLASH_NUM_SECTORS); /* Erase the given sector */
IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */
/* Wait until the sector is erased */
IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, DATA_FLASH_0);
/* --------------- WRITE PROCESS --------------- */
for(page = 0; page < DFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */
uint32 pageAddr = DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS + (page * DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */
/* Enter in page mode */
/* Wait until page mode is entered */
IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, DATA_FLASH_0);
/* Load data to be written in the page */
IfxFlash_loadPage2X32(pageAddr, DATA_TO_WRITE, DATA_TO_WRITE); /* Load two words of 32 bits each */
/* Write the loaded page */
IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */
IfxFlash_writePage(pageAddr); /* Write the page */
IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */
/* Wait until the data is written in the Data Flash memory */
IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, DATA_FLASH_0);
/* This function verifies if the data has been correctly written in the Data Flash */
void verifyDataFlash()
uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */
uint32 offset; /* Variable to cycle over all the words in a page */
uint32 errors = 0; /* Variable to keep record of the errors */
/* Verify the written data */
for(page = 0; page < DFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */
uint32 pageAddr = DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS + (page * DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */
for(offset = 0; offset < DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH; offset += 0x4) /* Loop over the page length */
/* Check if the data in the Data Flash is correct */
if(MEM(pageAddr + offset) != DATA_TO_WRITE)
/* If not, count the found errors */
/* If the data is correct, turn on the LED2 */
if(errors == 0)
IfxPort_setPinState(LED2, IfxPort_State_low);
void core0_main(void)
* Enable the watchdogs and service them periodically if it is required
/* Wait for CPU sync event */
IfxCpu_waitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent, 1);
/* Initialize the LEDs */
/* Flash the Program Flash memory and verify the written data */
/* Flash the Data Flash memory and verify the written data */
编译运行程序, 两个LED亮表示Flash操作成功.
调试运行, Memory窗口中, 添加地址0xA00E0000
, Resume程序, 第一个断点停止, 将显示0或0xEEEEEEEE, 因为它无法读取已擦除的内存, 再Resume, 第二个断点停止后, 应显示64个字节, 内容为0x07738135
同理, DFLASH查看地址0xAF000000
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