如何进行2D旋转矩形的碰撞检测,可以使用一种叫OBB的检测算法(Oriented bounding box)方向包围盒。这个算法是基于SAT(Separating Axis Theorem)分离轴定律的。而OBB不仅仅是计算矩形的碰撞检测,而是一种算法模型。简单解释一下概念,包围盒和分离轴定律。
分离轴定律:两个凸多边形物体,如果我们能找到一个轴,使得两个在物体在该轴上的投影互不重叠,则这两个物体之间没有碰撞发生,该轴为Separating Axis
P点为矩形在X轴上的投影点,矩形在垂直轴上的投影点为原点。这里也能看出来,点P所在的矩形轴, 在X轴上的投影长度为OP,如果矩形逆时针绕远点O旋转,OP在X轴上的投影长度变小,直到为0,OP垂直于X轴。也就是,OP在X轴上的投影长度的最大与最小值。这也解释了,为什么我们选择检测轴为垂直于多边形边的轴,因为在这些轴上我们能取到极值,中间的那些轴就没必要检测了。
假设P点的坐标为(px, py), 那么向量P就是(px, py),点P在X轴上的投影点Q坐标是(qx, qy),那么向量Q就是(qx, qy)。我们假设X轴上的单位向量是(1, 0)。那么向量P和X轴上单位向量点乘有:
向量P * X轴单位向量 = |P| * |X轴单位向量| * cosPQ = px * 1 + py * 0 = px
[cpp] view plain copy
- /**
- * dot-multiply
- */
- private float dot(float[] axisA, float[] axisB) {
- return Math.abs(axisA[0] * axisB[0] + axisA[1] * axisB[1]);
- }
这里float[] 存放的是一个点的x ,y 坐标。axisB 为单位向量,这个结果就是axisA向量在,单位向量axisB上投影的长度。
单位向量是用单位圆来描述的。假设这个圆的半径为1,那么圆上的任何一个坐标到原点构成的向量都可以看作一个单位向量,并且长度为1。这般,明显的点P就是一个单位向量。点P在单位圆上移动,那么这个单位向量就在旋转,向量P就和角A建立了关系。很明显的得出,cosA 就是向量P的X坐标,sinA 就是向量P的Y坐标。
那么矩形的另一个边对应的单位向量S如何表示呢,向量S和向量P是垂直的,我们可以得出, S(-sinA, cosA), 向量S 点乘 向量P = 0
[cpp] view plain copy
- // unit vector of x axis
- private float[] axisX;
- // unit vector of y axis
- private float[] axisY;
- // 0 -360
- private float rotation;
- /**
- * Set axis x and y by rotation
- *
- * @param rotation float 0 - 360
- */
- public OBB setRotation(float rotation) {
- this.rotation = rotation;
- this.axisX[0] = MathUtils.cos(rotation);
- this.axisX[1] = MathUtils.sin(rotation);
- this.axisY[0] = -MathUtils.sin(rotation);
- this.axisY[1] = MathUtils.cos(rotation);
- return this;
- }
[cpp] view plain copy
- private float halfWidth;
- private float halfHeight;
- /**
- * Get axisX and axisY projection radius distance on axis
- */
- public float getProjectionRadius(float[] axis) {
- // axis, axisX and axisY are unit vector
- // projected axisX to axis
- float projectionAxisX = this.dot(axis, this.axisX);
- // projected axisY to axis
- float projectionAxisY = this.dot(axis, this.axisY);
- return this.halfWidth * projectionAxisX + this.halfHeight * projectionAxisY;
- }
[cpp] view plain copy
- /**
- * OBB is collision with other OBB
- */
- public boolean isCollision(OBB obb) {
- // two OBB center distance vector
- float[] centerDistanceVertor = {
- this.centerPoint[0] - obb.centerPoint[0],
- this.centerPoint[1] - obb.centerPoint[1]
- };
- float[][] axes = {
- this.axisX,
- this.axisY,
- obb.axisX,
- obb.axisY,
- };
- for(int i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) {
- // compare OBB1 radius projection add OBB2 radius projection to centerDistance projection
- if(this.getProjectionRadius(axes[i]) + obb.getProjectionRadius(axes[i])
- <= this.dot(centerDistanceVertor, axes[i])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
[java] view plain copy
- /**
- * @author scott.cgi
- * @since 2012-11-19
- *
- * Oriented bounding box
- */
- public class OBB {
- private float[] centerPoint;
- private float halfWidth;
- private float halfHeight;
- // unit vector of x axis
- private float[] axisX;
- // unit vector of y axis
- private float[] axisY;
- // 0 -360
- private float rotation;
- private float scaleX;
- private float scaleY;
- private float offsetAxisPointDistance;
- /**
- * Create default OBB
- *
- * @param x bornCenterX x
- * @param y bornCenterY Y
- * @param halfWidth
- * @param halfHeight
- */
- public OBB(float bornCenterX, float bornCenterY, float halfWidth, float halfHeight) {
- this.halfWidth = halfWidth;
- this.halfHeight = halfHeight;
- this.scaleX = 1.0f;
- this.scaleY = 1.0f;
- this.centerPoint = new float[] {
- bornCenterX,
- bornCenterY
- };
- this.axisX = new float[2];
- this.axisY = new float[2];
- float[] offsetAxisPoint = new float[] {
- bornCenterX - Director.getHalfScreenWidth(),
- bornCenterY - Director.getHalfScreenHeight()
- };
- this.offsetAxisPointDistance = (float) Math.sqrt(this.dot(offsetAxisPoint, offsetAxisPoint));
- this.setRotation(0.0f);
- }
- /**
- * Create default OBB with born in center screen
- *
- * @param halfWidth
- * @param halfHeight
- */
- public OBB(float halfWidth, float halfHeight) {
- this(Director.getHalfScreenWidth(), Director.getHalfScreenHeight(), halfWidth, halfHeight);
- }
- /**
- * Get axisX and axisY projection radius distance on axis
- */
- public float getProjectionRadius(float[] axis) {
- // axis, axisX and axisY are unit vector
- // projected axisX to axis
- float projectionAxisX = this.dot(axis, this.axisX);
- // projected axisY to axis
- float projectionAxisY = this.dot(axis, this.axisY);
- return this.halfWidth * this.scaleX * projectionAxisX + this.halfHeight * this.scaleY * projectionAxisY;
- }
- /**
- * OBB is collision with other OBB
- */
- public boolean isCollision(OBB obb) {
- // two OBB center distance vector
- float[] centerDistanceVertor = {
- this.centerPoint[0] - obb.centerPoint[0],
- this.centerPoint[1] - obb.centerPoint[1]
- };
- float[][] axes = {
- this.axisX,
- this.axisY,
- obb.axisX,
- obb.axisY,
- };
- for(int i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) {
- // compare OBB1 radius projection add OBB2 radius projection to centerDistance projection
- if(this.getProjectionRadius(axes[i]) + obb.getProjectionRadius(axes[i])
- <= this.dot(centerDistanceVertor, axes[i])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * dot-multiply
- */
- private float dot(float[] axisA, float[] axisB) {
- return Math.abs(axisA[0] * axisB[0] + axisA[1] * axisB[1]);
- }
- /**
- * Set axis x and y by rotation
- *
- * @param rotation float 0 - 360
- */
- public OBB setRotation(float rotation) {
- this.rotation = rotation;
- this.axisX[0] = MathUtils.cos(rotation);
- this.axisX[1] = MathUtils.sin(rotation);
- this.axisY[0] = -MathUtils.sin(rotation);
- this.axisY[1] = MathUtils.cos(rotation);
- this.setCenter(this.centerPoint[0], this.centerPoint[1]);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Set OBB center point and will add offsetAxis value
- */
- public OBB setCenter(float x, float y) {
- float offsetX = this.offsetAxisPointDistance * MathUtils.cos(this.rotation);
- float offsetY = this.offsetAxisPointDistance * MathUtils.sin(this.rotation);
- this.centerPoint[0] = x + offsetX;
- this.centerPoint[1] = y + offsetY;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Set OBB scale x, y
- */
- public OBB setScale(float scaleX, float scaleY) {
- this.scaleX = scaleX;
- this.scaleY = scaleY;
- return this;
- }
- public float getRotation() {
- return this.rotation;
- }
- public float getCenterX() {
- return this.centerPoint[0];
- }
- public float getCenterY() {
- return this.centerPoint[1];
- }
- public float getHalfWidth() {
- return this.halfWidth * this.scaleX;
- }
- public float getHalfHeight() {
- return this.halfHeight * this.scaleY;
- }
- }
c 代码:
[cpp] view plain copy
- /*
- * OBBRect.h
- *
- * Created on: 2013-2-11
- * Author: scott.cgi
- */
- #ifndef OBBRect_Rect_H_
- #define OBBRect_Rect_H_
- #include
- #include "Mojoc/Graphics/Draw/Rect.h"
- #include "Mojoc/Toolkit/Def/CodeStyle.h"
- #include "Mojoc/Toolkit/Utils/AMathUtils.h"
- #include "Mojoc/Toolkit/Def/StructMember.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- typedef struct OBBRect OBBRect;
- /**
- * Oriented bounding box in Rect shape
- * Use openGL world coordinate system
- */
- struct OBBRect {
- float centerX;
- float centerY;
- /** Set origin(0,0) when obbRect create */
- float originX;
- float originY;
- /** Clockwise [0 - 360] */
- float rotation;
- float scaleX;
- float scaleY;
- Get(
- /** Unit vector of x axis */
- StructMember(Vector2, xAxis);
- /** Unit vector of y axis */
- StructMember(Vector2, yAxis);
- Rect* rect;
- /** Distance of center point to origin(0, 0 */
- float offsetDistance;
- /** Degree of vector which center point to origin(0, 0 */
- float offsetDegree;
- float halfWidth;
- float halfHeight;
- );
- };
- typedef struct {
- OBBRect* (*create) (Rect* rect);
- void (*init) (Rect* rect, Out(OBBRect* obbRect));
- /**
- * Set obbRect rotation or origin x,y called updateCenter for
- * update obbRect center x,y
- */
- void (*updateCenter)(OBBRect* obbRect);
- /**
- * Set obbRect rotation
- */
- void (*setRotation) (OBBRect* obbRect, float rotation);
- /**
- * OBBRect is collision with other OBBRect
- */
- bool (*isCollision) (OBBRect* obbRect, OBBRect* otherObb);
- /**
- * Get real width with scaleX
- */
- float (*getWidth) (OBBRect* obbRect);
- /**
- * Get real height with scaleY
- */
- float (*getHeight) (OBBRect* obbRect);
- } _AOBBRect;
- extern _AOBBRect AOBBRect;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* OBBRect_H_ */
[cpp] view plain copy
- /*
- * OBBRect.c
- *
- * Created on: 2013-2-11
- * Author: scott.cgi
- */
- #include
- #include
- #include "Mojoc/Physics/OBBRect.h"
- #include "Mojoc/Toolkit/Utils/AMathUtils.h"
- #include "Mojoc/Toolkit/Platform/Log.h"
- static void updateCenter(OBBRect* obbRect) {
- obbRect->centerX = obbRect->originX +
- obbRect->offsetDistance * obbRect->scaleX *
- AMathUtils_Cos(obbRect->rotation + obbRect->offsetDegree);
- obbRect->centerY = obbRect->originY +
- obbRect->offsetDistance * obbRect->scaleY *
- AMathUtils_Sin(obbRect->rotation + obbRect->offsetDegree);
- }
- static void setRotation(OBBRect* obbRect, float rotation) {
- obbRect->xAxis->x = AMathUtils_Cos(rotation);
- obbRect->xAxis->y = AMathUtils_Sin(rotation);
- obbRect->yAxis->x = -AMathUtils_Sin(rotation);
- obbRect->yAxis->y = AMathUtils_Cos(rotation);
- obbRect->rotation = rotation;
- }
- /**
- * Get axisX and axisY projection radius distance on unit axis
- */
- static inline float getProjectionRadius(OBBRect* obbRect, Vector2* axis) {
- // axis, axisX and axisY are unit vector
- // projected axisX to axis
- float projectionAxisX = AMathUtils_DotMultiply2(axis->x, axis->y, obbRect->xAxis->x, obbRect->xAxis->y);
- // projected axisY to axis
- float projectionAxisY = AMathUtils_DotMultiply2(axis->x, axis->y, obbRect->yAxis->x, obbRect->yAxis->y);
- return obbRect->halfWidth * obbRect->scaleX * projectionAxisX +
- obbRect->halfHeight * obbRect->scaleY * projectionAxisY;
- }
- static bool isCollision(OBBRect* obbRect, OBBRect* otherObb) {
- // two OBBRect center distance vector
- Vector2 distanceVec = {
- obbRect->centerX - otherObb->centerX,
- obbRect->centerY - otherObb->centerY,
- };
- Vector2* axes[] = {
- obbRect->xAxis,
- obbRect->yAxis,
- otherObb->xAxis,
- otherObb->yAxis,
- };
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- // compare OBBRect1 radius projection add OBBRect2 radius projection to centerDistance projection
- if (getProjectionRadius(obbRect, axes[i]) + getProjectionRadius(otherObb, axes[i]) <=
- AMathUtils_DotMultiply2(distanceVec.x, distanceVec.y, axes[i]->x, axes[i]->y)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- static float getWidth(OBBRect* obbRect) {
- return (obbRect->halfWidth * 2) * obbRect->scaleX;
- }
- static float getHeight(OBBRect* obbRect) {
- return (obbRect->halfHeight * 2) * obbRect->scaleY;
- }
- static inline void initOBBRect(OBBRect* obbRect, Rect* rect) {
- obbRect->rect = rect;
- obbRect->halfWidth = (rect->right - rect->left) / 2;
- obbRect->halfHeight = (rect->bottom - rect->top) / 2;
- obbRect->scaleX = 1.0f;
- obbRect->scaleY = 1.0f;
- obbRect->originX = 0.0f;
- obbRect->originY = 0.0f;
- obbRect->centerX = rect->left + obbRect->halfWidth;
- obbRect->centerY = rect->top - obbRect->halfHeight;
- obbRect->offsetDistance = sqrtf(AMathUtils_DotMultiply2(obbRect->centerX, obbRect->centerY, obbRect->centerX, obbRect->centerY));
- obbRect->offsetDegree = AMathUtils_Atan2(obbRect->centerX, obbRect->centerY);
- LogD("centerX = %f, centerY = %f", obbRect->centerX, obbRect->centerY);
- LogD("offsetDistance = %f, offsetDegree = %f",
- obbRect->offsetDistance, obbRect->offsetDegree);
- setRotation(obbRect, 0.0f);
- }
- static OBBRect* create(Rect* rect) {
- OBBRect* obbRect = (OBBRect*) malloc(sizeof(OBBRect));
- initOBBRect(obbRect, rect);
- return obbRect;
- }
- static void init(Rect* rect, Out(OBBRect* obbRect)) {
- initOBBRect(obbRect, rect);
- }
- _AOBBRect AOBBRect = {
- create,
- init,
- updateCenter,
- setRotation,
- isCollision,
- getWidth,
- getHeight,
- };
本文来自 qing101hua 的CSDN 博客 ,全文地址请点击:https://blog.csdn.net/qing101hua/article/details/52997160?utm_source=copy