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- 模型加速与压缩 | 剪枝乱炖
- 闲话模型压缩之网络剪枝(Network Pruning)篇
- 2019-04-30-神经网络压缩综述
这类方法通常是提出一个判断神经元是否重要的度量标准,依据这个标准计算出衡量神经元重要性的值,将不重要的神经元剪掉。在神经网络中可以用于度量的值主要分为:Weight / Activation / Gradient / Error
include Weight and Gradient
Towards Optimal Filter Pruning with Balanced Performance and Pruning Speed [CVPR '20]
Channel Pruning via Automatic Structure Search | PyTorch(Author) [CVPR '20]
Learning Filter Pruning Criteria for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Acceleration [CVPR '20]
HRank: Filter Pruning using High-Rank Feature Map | code [arXiv '20]
Filter sketch for network pruning | code [arXiv '20]
Model compression using progressive channel pruning [IEEE '20]
Progressive local filter pruning for image retrieval acceleration [arXiv '20]
Importance Estimation for Neural Network Pruning [CVPR '19]
Play and Prune: Adaptive Filter Pruning for Deep Model Compression [CVPR '19] |
Gate decorator: Global filter pruning method for accelerating deep convolutional neural networks [CVPR '19] | GBN | FLOPs
Filter pruning via geometric median for deep convolutional neural networks acceleration [CVPR '19] | magnitude-based | FPGM
Filter- based deepcompression with global average pooling for convolutional networks 2019
Compressing convolutional neural networks via factorized convolutional filters [CVPR '19]
Centripetal SGD for pruning very deep convolutional networks with complicated structure. [arXiv '19]
Pruning filter via geometric median for deep convolutional neural networks acceleration [CVPR '19]
Meta filter pruning to accelerate deep convolutional neural networks [arXiv '19]
Asymptotic soft filter pruning for deep convolutional neural networks [IEEE '2019]
2PFPCE: Two-phase filter pruning based on conditional entropy [arXiv '18]
Layer-compensated pruning for resource-constrained convolutional neural networks [arXiv '18]
RePr: Improved Training of Convolutional Filters [arXiv '18]
Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource Efficient Inference [ICLR '17] | Taylor
Pruning Filters for Efficient ConvNets [ICLR '17] | 权重的绝对值 | filter pruning 开山之作
Structured Pruning of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [arXiv '15] | 结构化剪枝开山之作
feature map; using the evolutionary particle fifiltering approach
方法的主要思想是定 义显著性变量并进行贪婪剪枝,提出核内定步长粒 度将细粒度剪枝转化为粗粒度剪枝如通道剪枝或卷 积核剪枝.
Structured Compression by Weight Encryption for Unstructured Pruning and Quantization [CVPR '20]
EagleEye: Fast Sub-net Evaluation for Efficient Neural Network Pruning | code [ECCV '20]
Differentiable Joint Pruning and Quantization for Hardware Efficiency [ECCV '20] first
Multi-Dimensional Pruning: A Unified Framework for Model Compression [CVPR '20] first
SNIP: Single-shot Network Pruning based on Connection Sensitivity [ICLR '19]
NeST: A neural network synthesis tool based on a grow-and-prune paradigm [CVPR '19]
The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks [ICLR '19] |
The lottery ticket hypothesis [5] sets the weights below a threshold to zero, rewinds the rest of the weights to their initial confifiguration, and then retrains the network from this confifiguration.
提出The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis,即一个随机初始化,密集的网络包含一个子网络,这个子网络如果沿用原网络的权重初始化,在至多同样迭代次数训练后就可以比肩原网络的测试精度。同时它还给出了找这种子网络结构的方法。文章认为这个子结构和它的初始值对训练的有效性至关重要,它们被称为『winning logttery tickets』。
Learning-compression algorithms for neural net pruning [CVPR '18] |
提出Learning和Compression两步交替优化的pruning方法,在Compression操作中,通过将原参数向约束表示的可行集投影来自动找到每层的最优sparsity ratio。因为此类方法不需要计算量较大的sensitivity analysis,也减少了超参数的引入。
To prune, or not to prune: exploring the efficacy of pruning for model compression [ICLR '18] |
A novel channel pruning method for deep neural network compression [CVPR '18] | 遗传算法
Faster gaze prediction with dense networks and Fisher pruning [CVPR '18] 二阶taylor
Netadapt: Platform-aware neural network adaptation for mobile applications [ECCV '18] | Greedy strategy
StructADMM: A systematic, high-efficiency framework of structured weight pruning for DNNs [arXiv '18]
Progressive weight pruning of deep neural networks using ADMM [CVPR '18]
Deep network compression learning by in-parallel pruning-quantizatio [CVPR '18]
A systematic DNN weight pruning framework using alternating direction method of multipliers [ECCV '18]
Neural network pruning based on weight similarity 2018 | 权值相似性
Soft Weight-Sharing for Neural Network Compression [ICLR '17]
Learning to prune deep neural networks via layer-wise optimal brain surgeon [NIPS '2017]
Fine-pruning: Joint fifine-tuning and compression of a convolutional network with bayesian ptimization | 贝叶斯
Designing Energy-Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks using Energy-Aware Pruning [CVPR '17] | 能耗 + 最小二乘法
Net-trim: Convex pruning of deep neural networks with performance guarantee [NIPS '17]
Dynamic Network Surgery for Efficient DNNs [NIPS '16] |
Faster CNNs with Direct Sparse Convolutions and Guided Pruning [arXiv '16]
Deep Compression: Compressing Deep Neural Networks with Pruning, Trained Quantization and Huffman Coding [ICLR '16] | Threshold | first
Learning both Weights and Connections for Efficient Neural Network | 引用 2546 [arXiv '15] | l2-norm | 经典
include Activation and Error
Accelerating CNN Training by Pruning Activation Gradients [ECCV '20]
Frequency-domain dynamic pruning for convolutional neural networks [NIPS '18]
An entropy-based pruning method for cnn compression. [arXiv '17]
Scalpel: Customizing DNN Pruning to the Underlying Hardware Parallelism [17]
proposed a neuron pruning method by introducing a binary mask sampled from a trainable scaling factor for each FM
Network trimming: A data-driven neuron pruning approach towards efficient deep architectures [arXiv '16] | Average Percentage of Zeros | APoZ
pre-training --> keep the most important filters weights --> fine-tuning
Discrimination-aware channel pruning for deep neural networks [NIPS '18] | 判别力驱动损失函数 + 贪婪算法
Soft filter pruning for accelerating deep convolutional neural networks [arXiv '18] | l1-norm | SFP
Discrimination-aware channel pruning for deep neural networks [NIPS '2017] | DCP
NISP: Pruning Networks Using Neuron Importance Score Propagation [arXiv '17] |
Channel pruning for accelerating very deep neural networks [ICCV '17] | lasso + 最小二乘法
ThiNet: A Filter Level Pruning Method for Deep Neural Network Compression [ICCV '17] | greedy algorithm | 经典
Pruning filters for efficient convnet [ICLR '17] | sparsity of outputs
Learning to prune deep neural networks via layerwise optimal brain surgeon [NIPS '2017] | Taylor | layer-wise surgeon
DSA: More Efficient Budgeted Pruning via Differentiable Sparsity Allocation [ECCV '20]
Group Sparsity: The Hinge Between Filter Pruning and Decomposition for Network Compression | code [CVPR '20]
Towards optimal structured cnn pruning via generative adversarial learning [CVPR '19] | 生成对抗学习
Toward compact ConvNets via structure-sparsity regularized filter pruning 2019
Variational convolutional neural network pruning [CVPR '19] | scaling factor of BN
Rethinking the smaller-norm-less-informative assumption in channel pruning of convolution layers [ICLR '19] | l1
Full deep neural network training on a pruned weight budget [cs.LG '19] | magnitude of gradients
Data-Driven Sparse Structure Selection for Deep Neural Networks [ECCV '18]
MorphNet: Fast & Simple Resource-Constrained Structure Learning of Deep Networks [CVPR '18]
Compression of deep convolutional neural networks under joint sparsity constraints [CVPR '18]
NestedNet: Learning nested sparse structures in deep neural networks [CVPR '18]
Tetris: Tile-matching the tremendous irregular sparsity [NIPS '18] | block-wise weight sparsity
Hybrid pruning: Thinner sparse networks for fast inference on edge devices [arXiv '18]
Deep gradient compression: Reducing the communication bandwidth for distributed training [arXiv '17]
Learning efficient convolutional networks through network slimming [ICCV '17] | L1 regularization on BN | time
Exploring sparsity in recurrent neural networks [arXiv '17]
Less Is More: Towards Compact CNNs [ECCV '16] | 优化l1 l2
Learning Structured Sparsity in Deep Neural Networks [arXiv '16] | 首篇引入正则化
Rethinking the Value of Network Pruning [ICLR '19]
the structure of the pruned model is more important than the inherited “important” weights
Recovering from Random Pruning: On the Plasticity of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [arXiv '18]
另外,在文献[13]中作者指出,裁剪之后仍能保 持模型性能并不是归功于所选择的特定裁剪标准, 而是由于深层神经网络的固有可塑性,这种可塑性 使得网络在精调后能够恢复裁剪造成的精度损失, 因此随机裁剪也可以达到在保证精度的同时极大地 压缩网络的目标。
Pruning from Scratch [arXiv '19]
包括但不局限于:Meta-learning 、NAS 、
DMCP: Differentiable Markov Channel Pruning for Neural Networks | code [CVPR '20] | NAS + Channel Pruning
Meta-Learning with Network Pruning [ECCV '20]
Comparing Rewinding and Fine-tuning in Neural Network Pruning | code [ICLR '20]
DHP: Differentiable Meta Pruning via HyperNetworks | code star 27 [ECCV '20]
A Signal Propagation Perspective for Pruning Neural Networks at Initialization [ICLR '20]
Metapruning: Meta learning for automatic neural network channel pruning [ICCV '19] | first automatic
Network pruning via transformable architecture search. 2019.
Autocompress: An automatic dnn structured pruning framework for ultra-high compression rates 2019
ADC: automated deep compression and acceleration with reinforcement learning 2019 | 强化学习
Autoprune: Automatic network pruning by regularizing auxiliary parameters [NIPS '19]
AutoPruner: An end-to-end trainable filter pruning method for efficient deep model inference [arXiv '18]
Constraint-aware deep neural network compression [ECCV '18]
AMC: Automl for model compression and acceleration on mobile devices [ECCV '18] | 强化学习
Auto-balanced filter pruning for efficient convolutional neural networks [AAAI '18]
Runtime neural pruning [NIPS '17]