loadURDF('URDF_model/bmirobot_description/urdf/robotarm_description.urdf',flags=9) #加载机械臂,flags=9代表取消自碰撞,详细教程可以参考pybullet的官方说明文档
ang_target = 3.14 * 0.5 + 3.1415925438 * random.random()
orn_target = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, ang_target])
targetUid = p.loadURDF("URDF_model/cube_small_target_push.urdf",
[xpos_target, ypos_target, zpos_target],
orn_target, useFixedBase=1)
required |
fileName |
string |
a relative or absolute path to the URDF file on the file system of the physics server. |
optional |
basePosition |
vec3 |
create the base of the object at the specified position in world space coordinates [X,Y,Z]. Note that this position is of the URDF link position. If the inertial frame is non-zero, this is different from the center of mass position. Use resetBasePositionAndOrientation to set the center of mass location/orientation. |
optional |
baseOrientation |
vec4 |
create the base of the object at the specified orientation as world space quaternion [X,Y,Z,W]. See note in basePosition. |
optional |
useMaximalCoordinates |
int |
By default, the joints in the URDF file are created using the reduced coordinate method: the joints are simulated using the Featherstone Articulated Body Algorithm (ABA, btMultiBody in Bullet 2.x). The useMaximalCoordinates option will create a 6 degree of freedom rigid body for each link, and constraints between those rigid bodies are used to model joints. Enabling useMaximalCoordinates for bodies that don't have links/joints can improve performance a lot, such as objects picked up by a robot. |
optional |
useFixedBase |
int |
force the base of the loaded object to be static |
optional |
flags |
int |
The following flags can be combined using a bitwise OR, |: URDF_MERGE_FIXED_LINKS: this will remove fixed links from the URDF file and merge the resulting links. This is good for performance, since various algorithms (articulated body algorithm, forward kinematics etc) have linear complexity in the number of joints, including fixed joints. URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE: by default, Bullet recomputed the inertia tensor based on mass and volume of the collision shape. If you can provide more accurate inertia tensor, use this flag. URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION: by default, Bullet disables self-collision. This flag let's you enable it. You can customize the self-collision behavior using the following flags: URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_INCLUDE_PARENT will enable collision between child and parent, it is disabled by default. Needs to be used together with URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION flag. URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION_EXCLUDE_ALL_PARENTS will discard self-collisions between a child link and any of its ancestors (parents, parents of parents, up to the base). Needs to be used together with URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION. URDF_USE_IMPLICIT_CYLINDER, will use a smooth implicit cylinder. By default, Bullet will tesselate the cylinder into a convex hull. URDF_ENABLE_SLEEPING, will allow to disable simulation after a body hasn't moved for a while. Interaction with active bodies will re-enable simulation. URDF_INITIALIZE_SAT_FEATURES, will create triangle meshes for convex shapes. This will improve visualization and also allow usage of the separating axis test (SAT) instead of GJK/EPA. Requires to enableSAT using setPhysicsEngineParameter. URDF_USE_MATERIAL_COLORS_FROM_MTL, will use the RGB color from the Wavefront OBJ file, instead of from the URDF file. URDF_ENABLE_CACHED_GRAPHICS_SHAPES, will cache and re-use graphics shapes. It will improve loading performance for files with similar graphics assets. URDF_MAINTAIN_LINK_ORDER, will try to maintain the link order from the URDF file. Say in the URDF file, the order is: ParentLink0, ChildLink1 (attached to ParentLink0), ChildLink2 (attached to ParentLink0). Without this flag, the order could be P0, C2, C1. |
optional |
globalScaling |
float |
globalScaling will apply a scale factor to the URDF model. |
optional |
physicsClientId |
int |
if you are connected to multiple servers, you can pick one. |
obs = [
end_pos.flatten(),#折叠消除一个维度a = np.mat([[1,2,],[2,3],[3,4]]),a.flatten()=matrix([[1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]])
# block_relative_linear_velocity.flatten()
blockPos, blockOrn_temp = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(self.blockUid)
blockPos = np.array(blockPos)#位置
blockOrn = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(gripperOrn_temp)
blockOrn = np.array(blockOrn)#迷的操作,为何要用夹爪的姿态来代替方块姿态
#在trian function中会通过evn.reset()或者初始observation
def reset(self):
obs = self._get_obs()
self._observation = obs
return self._observation
def _get_obs(self):
return {
'observation': obs.copy(),
'achieved_goal': achieved_goal.copy(),
'desired_goal': target_pos.flatten(),
3.奖励函数在环境类的def step中
reward = self.compute_reward(obs['achieved_goal'], self.goal, info)
def compute_reward(self, achieved_goal, goal, info):
# Compute distance between goal and the achieved goal.
d = goal_distance(achieved_goal, goal)
if self.reward_type == 'sparse':
return -(d > self.distance_threshold).astype(np.float32)#https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/159397435
return -d
critic_loss = (target_q_value - real_q_value).pow(2).mean()
target_q_value = r_tensor + self.args.gamma * q_next_value
q_next_value = self.critic_target_network(inputs_next_norm_tensor, actions_next)
#另外,inputs_next_norm_tensor是夹爪和方块与目标状态[obs_next_norm, g_next_norm]组合而成
# the actor loss
actions_real = self.actor_network(inputs_norm_tensor)
actor_loss = -self.critic_network(inputs_norm_tensor, actions_real).mean()
actor_loss += self.args.action_l2 * (actions_real / self.env_params['action_max']).pow(2).mean()
actor_loss = -torch.mean(self.critic_network(inputs_norm_tensor, self.actor_network(inputs_norm_tensor)))