《Few-Shot Classification with Feature Map Reconstruction Networks》论文笔记&代码


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《Few-Shot Classification with Feature Map Reconstruction Networks》论文笔记&代码_第1张图片
N w a y − K s h o t N way - K shot NwayKshot e p i s o d e episode episode下(图中N=K=3,有3个类,每类有3张图片), X s X_s Xs表示支持图片的集合.当有单张查询图片 x q x_q xq的时候,我们希望能预测它的标签 y q y_q yq.

灰色的梯形代表卷积特征提取器, x q x_q xq经过它产生的一个大小为 r × d r×d r×d大小的特征图输出(记作 Q Q Q),其中 r = h × w r = h×w r=h×w代表空间大小, d d d是通道数.

对于 C C C个类别,我们把每个类的 k k k个图片通过卷积特征提取器转换成特征图 S c S_c Sc,大小为 k r × d kr×d kr×d(因为有k个图片的特征,每个特征图大小为 r × d r×d r×d)

我们想找到矩阵 W W W,这样把 Q Q Q表示为矩阵乘法 W × S c ≈ Q W ×S_c ≈ Q W×ScQ,求出最优 W ˉ \bar{W} Wˉ等于求解线性最小二乘问题
W ˉ = arg ⁡ min ⁡ W ∥ Q − W S c ∥ 2 + λ ∥ W ∥ 2 \bar{W}=\underset{W}{\arg \min }\left\|Q-W S_{c}\right\|^{2}+\lambda\|W\|^{2} Wˉ=WargminQWSc2+λW2
通过岭回归公式可以得出最优的 W ˉ \bar{W} Wˉ Q c ˉ \bar{Q_c} Qcˉ
W ˉ = Q S c T ( S c S c T + λ I ) − 1 Q ˉ c = W ˉ S c \begin{aligned} &\bar{W}=Q S_{c}^{T}\left(S_{c} S_{c}^{T}+\lambda I\right)^{-1} \\ &\bar{Q}_{c}=\bar{W} S_{c} \end{aligned} Wˉ=QScT(ScScT+λI)1Qˉc=WˉSc
对于给定的类c,把 Q Q Q Q c ˉ \bar{Q_c} Qcˉ之间距离定义为欧氏距离,然后用 1 r \frac{1}{r} r1进行放缩。在所有C个类上,距离乘上 − γ -\gamma γsoftmax,公式如下:
⟨ Q , Q ˉ c ⟩ = 1 r ∥ Q − Q ˉ c ∥ 2 P ( y q = c ∣ x q ) = e ( − γ ⟨ Q , Q ˉ c ⟩ ) ∑ c ′ ∈ C e ( − γ ⟨ Q , Q ˉ c ′ ⟩ ) \begin{aligned} \left\langle Q, \bar{Q}_{c}\right\rangle &=\frac{1}{r}\left\|Q-\bar{Q}_{c}\right\|^{2} \\ P\left(y_{q}=c \mid x_{q}\right) &=\frac{e^{\left(-\gamma\left\langle Q, \bar{Q}_{c}\right\rangle\right)}}{\sum_{c^{\prime} \in C} e^{\left(-\gamma\left\langle Q, \bar{Q}_{c^{\prime}}\right\rangle\right)}} \end{aligned} Q,QˉcP(yq=cxq)=r1QQˉc2=cCe(γQ,Qˉc)e(γQ,Qˉc)

求解公式 W ˉ = arg ⁡ min ⁡ W ∥ Q − W S c ∥ 2 + λ ∥ W ∥ 2 \bar{W}=\underset{W}{\arg \min }\left\|Q-W S_{c}\right\|^{2}+\lambda\|W\|^{2} Wˉ=WargminQWSc2+λW2的难度是变化的:

  • 如果kr > d, 解出来是比较容易的
  • 如果kr < d, 解出来很麻烦,这个时候就需要改进公式了

为了保证训练的稳定性,于是决定用 1 k r \frac{1}{kr} kr1改进 λ \lambda λ,这有一个额外的好处,使我们的模型在某种程度上健壮.
另外 λ \lambda λ应该是学习来的参数。改变 λ \lambda λ有多样的效果:大的 λ \lambda λ避免过分依赖 W W W的权重,但是也降低了重建的效果、增加了重建的error、限制了可区分的能力。

We therefore disentangle the degree of regularization from the magnitude of Qc by introducing a learned recalibration term ρ:
因此,我们通过引入学习的重新校准项,从 Qc 的大小中解开正则化程度 ρ

得到公式 Q ˉ c = ρ W ˉ S c \bar{Q}_{c}=\rho \bar{W} S_{c} Qˉc=ρWˉSc

λ \lambda λ ρ \rho ρ 被参数化为 e α e^α eα e β e^β eβ 以确保非负性,并且初始化为零。

λ = k r d e α ρ = e β Q ˉ c = ρ W ˉ S c = ρ Q S c T ( S c S c T + λ I ) − 1 S c P ( y q = c ∣ x q ) = e ( − γ ⟨ Q , Q ˉ c ⟩ ) ∑ c ′ ∈ C e ( − γ ⟨ Q , Q ˉ c ′ ⟩ ) \begin{gathered} \lambda=\frac{k r}{d} e^{\alpha} \quad \rho=e^{\beta} \\ \bar{Q}_{c}=\rho \bar{W} S_{c}=\rho Q S_{c}^{T}\left(S_{c} S_{c}^{T}+\lambda I\right)^{-1} S_{c} \\ P\left(y_{q}=c \mid x_{q}\right)=\frac{e^{\left(-\gamma\left\langle Q, \bar{Q}_{c}\right\rangle\right)}}{\sum_{c^{\prime} \in C} e^{\left(-\gamma\left\langle Q, \bar{Q}_{c^{\prime}}\right\rangle\right)}} \end{gathered} λ=dkreαρ=eβQˉc=ρWˉSc=ρQScT(ScScT+λI)1ScP(yq=cxq)=cCe(γQ,Qˉc)e(γQ,Qˉc)
该算法只引入了3个可以学习的参数: α , β , γ \alpha,\beta,\gamma α,β,γ

公式 Q ˉ c = ρ W ˉ S c = ρ Q S c T ( S c S c T + λ I ) − 1 S c \bar{Q}_{c}=\rho \bar{W} S_{c}=\rho Q S_{c}^{T}\left(S_{c} S_{c}^{T}+\lambda I\right)^{-1} S_{c} Qˉc=ρWˉSc=ρQScT(ScScT+λI)1Sc

  • k r < d kr \lt d kr<d的时候容易计算。因为最麻烦的一步是求 k r × k r kr×kr kr×kr矩阵的逆,和d没有关系;从左到右计算矩阵乘积也避免了在内存中存储一个可能很大的d×d矩阵
  • 但是在特征图很大或者 d < k r d \lt kr d<kr的时候,这个公式将会很麻烦。此时可以将公式变为下面的公式,最昂贵的步骤是 d × d d × d d×d矩阵的求逆,从右到左计算乘积避免了内存中保存大型 k r × k r kr×kr kr×kr b r × k r br×kr br×kr矩阵。
    Q ˉ c = ρ W ˉ S c = ρ Q ( S c T S c + λ I ) − 1 S c T S c \bar{Q}_{c}=\rho \bar{W} S_{c}=\rho Q\left(S_{c}^{T} S_{c}+\lambda I\right)^{-1} S_{c}^{T} S_{c} Qˉc=ρWˉSc=ρQ(ScTSc+λI)1ScTSc


《Few-Shot Classification with Feature Map Reconstruction Networks》论文笔记&代码_第2张图片



  1. 代码没找到Auxiliary Loss的实现


The code for the auxiliary loss can be found in trainers/frn_train.py, lines 9-26.

  1. 代码和代码获取 S c S_c Sc的方式不一样
    论文中的 S c S_c Sc明明是特征图变幻得来,代码中却变成了learnable parameter,奇怪。

The paper and code get Sc in different ways.
In the code , Sc is a learnable parameter in the FRN model.
In the figure2 of paper, the support Images(N way - K shot) gets the feature map [k,d,h,w] through convolutional feature extractor, and reshape the feature map into [khw,d].


The source of S_c depends on whether you are training or pretraining the FRN model.
When pretraining, S_c is indeed a learned layer at the top of the network. This is only used for mini-ImageNet experiments in the pretraining stage.
Otherwise, S_c corresponds to the reshaped pool of support features (using get_neg_l2_distance() instead of forward_pretrain() in models/FRN.py).

  1. 代码没找到Reconstruction Visualization的实现


We hadn’t planned on publishing the visualization code but I’m happy to share what we do have.
Unfortunately we had to do a fair amount of adaptation from our working code to the github version, so what I’m sending is mildly sanitized working code and not nicely integrated.
It’s a jupyter notebook - you will have to set some values and imports manually, but after that it should run straightforwardly (load a feature extractor, train the image decoder, evaluate reconstruction error, generate figures).

