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结构光投影三维成像目前是机器人3D 视觉感知的主要方式,结构光成像系统是由若干个投影仪和 相机组成, 常用的结构形式有: 单投影仪-单相机、单投影仪-双相机 、单投影仪-多相机、单相机-双投影 仪和单相机-多投影仪等典型结构形式。
结构光投影三维成像的基本工作原理是:投影仪向目标物体投射特定的结构光照明图案,由相机摄取被目标调制后的图像,再通过图像处理和视觉模型求出目标物体的三维信息. 常用的投影仪主要有下列几种类型:液晶投影(LCD)、数字光调制投影(DLP)[如数字微镜器件 (DMD)]、激光 LED图案直接投影. 根据结构光投影次数划分,结构光投影三维成像可以分成单次投影3D和多次投影3D方法.
参考链接:结构光简史 - 知乎
Structured-light 3D surface imaging: a tutorial
Real-time structured light profilometry a review
A state of the art in structured light patterns for surface profilometry
Phase shifting algorithms for fringe projection profilometry: a review
Overview of the 3D profilometry of phase shifting fringe projection
Temporal phase unwrapping algorithms for fringe projection profilometry:a comparative review
- Build Your Own 3D Scanner: Optical Triangulation for Beginners
- https://github.com/nikolaseu/thesis
- CS6320 3D Computer Vision, Spring 2015
- 高效线结构光视觉测量系统标定方法
- 一种新的线结构光标定方法
- 一种结构光三维成像系统的简易标定方法
- 基于单应性矩阵的线结构光系统简易标定方法
- 线结构光标定方法综述
- 三线结构光视觉传感器现场标定方法
- 单摄像机单投影仪结构光三维测量系统标定方法
- 超大尺度线结构光传感器内外参数同时标定
- 单摄像机单投影仪结构光三维测量系统标定方法
- 三维空间中线结构光与相机快速标定方法
- 线结构光传感系统的快速标定方法
单次投影结构光主要采用空间复用编码和频率复用编码形式实现 ,常用的编码形式有:彩色编码 、灰度索引、 几何形状编码和随机斑点. 目前在机器人手眼系统应用中,对于三维测量精度要求不高的场合,如码垛、拆垛、三维抓取等,比较受欢迎的是投射伪随机斑点获得目标三维信息 。
- One-shot pattern projection for dense and accurate 3D acquisition in structured light
- A single-shot structured light means by encoding both color and geometrical features
- Dynamic 3D surface profilometry using a novel colour pattern encoded with a multiple triangular mode
- Review of single-shot 3D shape measurement by phase calculation-based fringe projection techniques
- Robust pattern decoding in shape-coded structured light
但是格雷码方法仅能在投射空间内进行离散的划分,空间分辨率受到成像器件的限制. 为了提高空间分辨率,需要增加投影条纹幅数,投射条纹宽度更小的格雷码条纹图,但条纹宽度过小会导致格雷码条纹的边缘效应,从而引 起解码误差.
正弦光栅条纹投影克服了格雷码空间离散划分的缺点,成为使用率最高的结构光类型之一. 众所周知,对于复杂外形,如有空洞、阶梯、遮挡等,采用正弦单频相移法条纹投影时,存在相位解包裹难题.另外为了能够从系列条纹图中求出相位绝对值,需要在条纹中插入特征点,比如一个点、一条线作为参考相位点,但是这些点或线特征标志有可能投影在物体的遮挡或阴影区域,或受到环境光等干扰等,发生丢失,影响测量结果的准确性. 因此,对于复杂轮廓的物体,常采用多频相移技术.
- 三维重建的格雷码-相移光编码技术研究
- Pattern codification strategies in structured light systems
- Binary coded linear fringes for three-dimensional shape profiling
- 3D shape measurement based on complementary Gray-code light
- Phase shifting algorithms for fringe projection profilometry: a review
- Overview of the 3D profilometry of phase shifting fringe projection
- Temporal phase unwrapping algorithms for fringe projection profilometry:a comparative review
- A multi-frequency inverse-phase error compensation method for projectornon linear in3D shape measurement
对于粗糙表面,结构光可以直接投射到物体表面进行视觉成像测量;但对于大反射率光滑表面和镜面物体3D 测量,结构光投影不能直接投射到被测表面,3D测量还需要借助镜面偏折技术 .
- Principles of shape from specular reflection
- Deflectometry: 3D-metrology from nanometer to meter
- Three-dimensional shape measurement of a highly reflected specular surface with structured light method
- Three-dimensional shape measurements of specular objects using phase-measuring deflectometry
由于单次投影曝光和测量时间短,抗振动性能好,适合运动物体的3D测量,如机器人实时运动引导,手眼机器人对生产线上连续运动产品进行抓取等操作. 但深度垂直方向上的空间分辨率受到目标视场、镜头倍率和相机像素等因素的影响,大视场情况下不容易提升。
多次投影方法(如多频条纹方法)具有较高空间分辨率,能有效地解决表面斜率阶跃变化和空洞等难题. 不足之处在于:
- 对于连续相移投影方法,3D重构的精度容易受到投影仪、相机的非线性和环境变化的影响;
- 抗振动性能差,不合适测量连续运动的物体;
- 在Eye-in-Hand视觉导引系统中,机械臂不易在连续运动时进行3D成像和引导;
- 实时性差,不过随着投影仪投射频率和CCD/CMOS图像传感器采集速度的提高,多次投影方法实时3D 成像的性能也在逐步改进;
Other Papers
- 基于面结构光的三维重建阴影补偿算法
- Enhanced phase measurement profilometry for industrial 3D inspection automation
- Profilometry of three-dimensional discontinuous solids by combining two-steps temporal phase unwrapping, co-phased profilometry and phase-shifting interferometry
- 360-Degree Profilometry of Discontinuous Solids Co-Phasing 2-Projectors and1-Camera
- Coherent digital demodulation of single-camera N-projections for 3D-object shape measurement Co-phased profilometr
- High-speed 3D image acquisition using coded structured light projection
- Accurate 3D measurement using a Structured Light System
- Structured light stereoscopic imaging with dynamic pseudo-random patterns
- Robust one-shot 3D scanning using loopy belief propagation
- Robust Segmentation and Decoding of a Grid Pattern for Structured Light
- Rapid shape acquisition using color structured light and multi-pass dynamic programming
- Improved stripe matching for colour encoded structured light
- Absolute phase mapping for one-shot dense pattern projection
- 3D digital stereophotogrammetry: a practical guide to facial image acquisition
- Method and apparatus for 3D imaging using light pattern having multiple sub-patterns
- High speed laser three-dimensional imager
- Three-dimensional dental imaging method and apparatus having a reflective member
- 3D surface profile imaging method and apparatus using single spectral light condition
- Three-dimensional surface profile imaging method and apparatus using single spectral light condition
- High speed three dimensional imaging method
- A hand-held photometric stereo camera for 3-D modeling
- High-resolution, real-time 3D absolute coordinate measurement based on a phase-shifting method
- A fast three-step phase shifting algorithm
- https://github.com/jakobwilm/slstudio
- https://github.com/phreax/structured_light
- https://github.com/nikolaseu/neuvision
- https://github.com/pranavkantgaur/3dscan