# 不需要进入到虚拟环境中
sudo apt-get install pyqt5-dev-tools
sudo pip3 install lxml
git clone https://github.com/tzutalin/labelImg.git
cd labelImg
make qt5py3 # 用make all 会导致先识别pyqt4.
python3 labelImg.py #打开labelImg
Open Dir可打开文件夹目录,然后可以用Next Image和Prev Image查看所有图片。
Change Save Dir可以更改xml文件保存的路径。
Verify Image可更改xml文件的内容。
项目源码:github源码下载地址:git clone https://github.com/qqwweee/keras-yolo3
到yolo官网,下载yolo3预训练权重:https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights 下载后放到根目录
Tiny YOLOv3的权重文件下载:https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/
在https://github.com/lakshayg/tensorflow-build下载 --------》未成功
pip install tensorflow-cpu==1.15.0 -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ #直接在命令行安装
pip install tensorflow==1.12.0
pip install Keras==2.2.4
pip install Pillow==8.2.0
cuda 8.0
python 3.6
conda install tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0
conda install keras
conda create -n zs python=3.6 # 使用python3.6创建你的虚拟环境
conda remove -n zs --all # 删除虚拟环境zs
conda activate zs #激活环境
deactivate #退出环境
python yolo_video.py --image
import os
import random
trainval_percent = 0.1
train_percent = 0.9 # 全部划分为训练集,因为yolo3在训练时依旧会划分训练集与测试集,不需要在此划分
xmlfilepath = 'Annotations'
txtsavepath = 'ImageSets/Main'
total_xml = os.listdir(xmlfilepath)
num = len(total_xml)
list = range(num)
tv = int(num * trainval_percent)
tr = int(tv * train_percent)
trainval = random.sample(list, tv)
train = random.sample(trainval, tr)
ftrainval = open('ImageSets/Main/trainval.txt', 'w')
ftest = open('ImageSets/Main/test.txt', 'w')
ftrain = open('ImageSets/Main/train.txt', 'w')
fval = open('ImageSets/Main/val.txt', 'w')
for i in list:
name = total_xml[i][:-4] + '\n'
if i in trainval:
if i in train:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from os import getcwd
sets=[('2007', 'train'), ('2007', 'val'), ('2007', 'test')]
# classes = ["aeroplane", "bicycle", "bird", "boat", "bottle", "bus", "car", "cat", "chair", "cow", "diningtable", "dog", "horse", "motorbike", "person", "pottedplant", "sheep", "sofa", "train", "tvmonitor"]
classes = ["dabao"] #这里是我定义的大宝,此处修改
def convert_annotation(year, image_id, list_file):
in_file = open('VOCdevkit/VOC%s/Annotations/%s.xml'%(year, image_id))
root = tree.getroot()
for obj in root.iter('object'):
difficult = obj.find('difficult').text
cls = obj.find('name').text
if cls not in classes or int(difficult)==1:
cls_id = classes.index(cls)
xmlbox = obj.find('bndbox')
b = (int(xmlbox.find('xmin').text), int(xmlbox.find('ymin').text), int(xmlbox.find('xmax').text), int(xmlbox.find('ymax').text))
list_file.write(" " + ",".join([str(a) for a in b]) + ',' + str(cls_id))
wd = getcwd()
for year, image_set in sets:
image_ids = open('VOCdevkit/VOC%s/ImageSets/Main/%s.txt'%(year, image_set)).read().strip().split()
list_file = open('%s_%s.txt'%(year, image_set), 'w')
for image_id in image_ids:
list_file.write('%s/VOCdevkit/VOC%s/JPEGImages/%s.jpg'%(wd, year, image_id))
convert_annotation(year, image_id, list_file)
python convert.py yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights model_data/yolo.h5
filters=18 # 3*(5+len(classes)) # 我训练一种类别 即 3*(5+1) = 18
mask = 6,7,8
anchors = 10,13, 16,30, 33,23, 30,61, 62,45, 59,119, 116,90, 156,198, 373,326
classes=1 # 一种类别
ignore_thresh = .5
truth_thresh = 1
random=1 # 显存小就改为0
val_split = 0.1 # 训练集与测试集划分比例
batch_size = 5 # 每次训练选择样本数
epochs = 300 # 训练三百次
Retrain the YOLO model for your own dataset.
# 防止显存占用过多
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.3
import numpy as np
import keras.backend as K
from keras.layers import Input, Lambda
from keras.models import Model
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard, ModelCheckpoint, ReduceLROnPlateau, EarlyStopping
from yolo3.model import preprocess_true_boxes, yolo_body, tiny_yolo_body, yolo_loss
from yolo3.utils import get_random_data
def _main():
annotation_path = '2007_train.txt' #此处修改成你的训练文件
log_dir = 'logs/000/' #此处可以自定义成你的路径
classes_path = 'model_data/my_classes.txt' #此处修该成你的配置文件
anchors_path = 'model_data/yolo_anchors.txt'
# anchors_path = 'model_data/dabao.txt'
class_names = get_classes(classes_path)
num_classes = len(class_names)
anchors = get_anchors(anchors_path)
input_shape = (416,416) # multiple of 32, hw
is_tiny_version = len(anchors)==6 # default setting
if is_tiny_version:
model = create_tiny_model(input_shape, anchors, num_classes,
freeze_body=2, weights_path='model_data/tiny_yolo_weights.h5')
model = create_model(input_shape, anchors, num_classes,
freeze_body=2, weights_path='model_data/yolo_weights.h5') # make sure you know what you freeze
logging = TensorBoard(log_dir=log_dir)
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(log_dir + 'ep{epoch:03d}-loss{loss:.3f}-val_loss{val_loss:.3f}.h5',
monitor='val_loss', save_weights_only=True, save_best_only=True, period=3)
reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.1, patience=3, verbose=1)
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0, patience=10, verbose=1)
val_split = 0.25 #此处可以根据你的数据集量做修改
with open(annotation_path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
num_val = int(len(lines)*val_split)
num_train = len(lines) - num_val
# Train with frozen layers first, to get a stable loss.
# Adjust num epochs to your dataset. This step is enough to obtain a not bad model.
if True:
model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss={
# use custom yolo_loss Lambda layer.
'yolo_loss': lambda y_true, y_pred: y_pred})
batch_size = 4 #此处可以根据你的情况调整,调整显存的,显存小的可以调小
print('Train on {} samples, val on {} samples, with batch size {}.'.format(num_train, num_val, batch_size))
model.fit_generator(data_generator_wrapper(lines[:num_train], batch_size, input_shape, anchors, num_classes),
steps_per_epoch=max(1, num_train//batch_size),
validation_data=data_generator_wrapper(lines[num_train:], batch_size, input_shape, anchors, num_classes),
validation_steps=max(1, num_val//batch_size),
callbacks=[logging, checkpoint])
model.save_weights(log_dir + 'trained_weights_stage_1.h5')
# Unfreeze and continue training, to fine-tune.
# Train longer if the result is not good.
if True:
for i in range(len(model.layers)):
model.layers[i].trainable = True
model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-4), loss={'yolo_loss': lambda y_true, y_pred: y_pred}) # recompile to apply the change
print('Unfreeze all of the layers.')
batch_size = 4 # note that more GPU memory is required after unfreezing the body
print('Train on {} samples, val on {} samples, with batch size {}.'.format(num_train, num_val, batch_size))
model.fit_generator(data_generator_wrapper(lines[:num_train], batch_size, input_shape, anchors, num_classes),
steps_per_epoch=max(1, num_train//batch_size),
validation_data=data_generator_wrapper(lines[num_train:], batch_size, input_shape, anchors, num_classes),
validation_steps=max(1, num_val//batch_size),
callbacks=[logging, checkpoint, reduce_lr, early_stopping])
model.save_weights(log_dir + 'trained_weights_final.h5') # 训练生成的模型,log_dir在前面可以自定义成你的存放位置
# Further training if needed.
def get_classes(classes_path):
'''loads the classes'''
with open(classes_path) as f:
class_names = f.readlines()
class_names = [c.strip() for c in class_names]
return class_names
def get_anchors(anchors_path):
'''loads the anchors from a file'''
with open(anchors_path) as f:
anchors = f.readline()
anchors = [float(x) for x in anchors.split(',')]
return np.array(anchors).reshape(-1, 2)
def create_model(input_shape, anchors, num_classes, load_pretrained=True, freeze_body=2,
'''create the training model'''
K.clear_session() # get a new session
image_input = Input(shape=(None, None, 3))
h, w = input_shape
num_anchors = len(anchors)
y_true = [Input(shape=(h//{0:32, 1:16, 2:8}[l], w//{0:32, 1:16, 2:8}[l], \
num_anchors//3, num_classes+5)) for l in range(3)]
model_body = yolo_body(image_input, num_anchors//3, num_classes)
print('Create YOLOv3 model with {} anchors and {} classes.'.format(num_anchors, num_classes))
if load_pretrained:
model_body.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True, skip_mismatch=True)
print('Load weights {}.'.format(weights_path))
if freeze_body in [1, 2]:
# Freeze darknet53 body or freeze all but 3 output layers.
num = (185, len(model_body.layers)-3)[freeze_body-1]
for i in range(num): model_body.layers[i].trainable = False
print('Freeze the first {} layers of total {} layers.'.format(num, len(model_body.layers)))
model_loss = Lambda(yolo_loss, output_shape=(1,), name='yolo_loss',
arguments={'anchors': anchors, 'num_classes': num_classes, 'ignore_thresh': 0.5})(
[*model_body.output, *y_true])
model = Model([model_body.input, *y_true], model_loss)
return model
def create_tiny_model(input_shape, anchors, num_classes, load_pretrained=True, freeze_body=2,
'''create the training model, for Tiny YOLOv3'''
K.clear_session() # get a new session
image_input = Input(shape=(None, None, 3))
h, w = input_shape
num_anchors = len(anchors)
y_true = [Input(shape=(h//{0:32, 1:16}[l], w//{0:32, 1:16}[l], \
num_anchors//2, num_classes+5)) for l in range(2)]
model_body = tiny_yolo_body(image_input, num_anchors//2, num_classes)
print('Create Tiny YOLOv3 model with {} anchors and {} classes.'.format(num_anchors, num_classes))
if load_pretrained:
model_body.load_weights(weights_path, by_name=True, skip_mismatch=True)
print('Load weights {}.'.format(weights_path))
if freeze_body in [1, 2]:
# Freeze the darknet body or freeze all but 2 output layers.
num = (20, len(model_body.layers)-2)[freeze_body-1]
for i in range(num): model_body.layers[i].trainable = False
print('Freeze the first {} layers of total {} layers.'.format(num, len(model_body.layers)))
model_loss = Lambda(yolo_loss, output_shape=(1,), name='yolo_loss',
arguments={'anchors': anchors, 'num_classes': num_classes, 'ignore_thresh': 0.7})(
[*model_body.output, *y_true])
model = Model([model_body.input, *y_true], model_loss)
return model
def data_generator(annotation_lines, batch_size, input_shape, anchors, num_classes):
'''data generator for fit_generator'''
n = len(annotation_lines)
i = 0
while True:
image_data = []
box_data = []
for b in range(batch_size):
if i==0:
image, box = get_random_data(annotation_lines[i], input_shape, random=True)
i = (i+1) % n
image_data = np.array(image_data)
box_data = np.array(box_data)
y_true = preprocess_true_boxes(box_data, input_shape, anchors, num_classes)
yield [image_data, *y_true], np.zeros(batch_size)
def data_generator_wrapper(annotation_lines, batch_size, input_shape, anchors, num_classes):
n = len(annotation_lines)
if n==0 or batch_size<=0: return None
return data_generator(annotation_lines, batch_size, input_shape, anchors, num_classes)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 运行train.py,进行训练模型
python train.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Class definition of YOLO_v3 style detection model on image and video
# 防止显存占用过多
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.3
import colorsys
import os
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numpy as np
from keras import backend as K
from keras.models import load_model
from keras.layers import Input
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
from yolo3.model import yolo_eval, yolo_body, tiny_yolo_body
from yolo3.utils import letterbox_image
import os
from keras.utils import multi_gpu_model
class YOLO(object):
_defaults = {
# "model_path": 'model_data/yolo.h5',
"model_path": 'trained_weights_final.h5', # 此处修改成你的训练模型
"anchors_path": 'model_data/yolo_anchors.txt',
# "classes_path": 'model_data/coco_classes.txt',
"classes_path": 'model_data/my_classes.txt', # 此处修改成你的类别
"score" : 0.3, # 此处可根据你的识别情况做修改
"iou" : 0.45,
"model_image_size": (416, 416),
"gpu_num" : 1,
def get_defaults(cls, n):
if n in cls._defaults:
return cls._defaults[n]
return "Unrecognized attribute name '" + n + "'"
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__dict__.update(self._defaults) # set up default values
self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # and update with user overrides
self.class_names = self._get_class()
self.anchors = self._get_anchors()
self.sess = K.get_session()
self.boxes, self.scores, self.classes = self.generate()
def _get_class(self):
classes_path = os.path.expanduser(self.classes_path)
with open(classes_path) as f:
class_names = f.readlines()
class_names = [c.strip() for c in class_names]
return class_names
def _get_anchors(self):
anchors_path = os.path.expanduser(self.anchors_path)
with open(anchors_path) as f:
anchors = f.readline()
anchors = [float(x) for x in anchors.split(',')]
return np.array(anchors).reshape(-1, 2)
def generate(self):
model_path = os.path.expanduser(self.model_path)
assert model_path.endswith('.h5'), 'Keras model or weights must be a .h5 file.'
# Load model, or construct model and load weights.
num_anchors = len(self.anchors)
num_classes = len(self.class_names)
is_tiny_version = num_anchors==6 # default setting
self.yolo_model = load_model(model_path, compile=False)
self.yolo_model = tiny_yolo_body(Input(shape=(None,None,3)), num_anchors//2, num_classes) \
if is_tiny_version else yolo_body(Input(shape=(None,None,3)), num_anchors//3, num_classes)
self.yolo_model.load_weights(self.model_path) # make sure model, anchors and classes match
assert self.yolo_model.layers[-1].output_shape[-1] == \
num_anchors/len(self.yolo_model.output) * (num_classes + 5), \
'Mismatch between model and given anchor and class sizes'
print('{} model, anchors, and classes loaded.'.format(model_path))
# Generate colors for drawing bounding boxes.
hsv_tuples = [(x / len(self.class_names), 1., 1.)
for x in range(len(self.class_names))]
self.colors = list(map(lambda x: colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x), hsv_tuples))
self.colors = list(
map(lambda x: (int(x[0] * 255), int(x[1] * 255), int(x[2] * 255)),
np.random.seed(10101) # Fixed seed for consistent colors across runs.
np.random.shuffle(self.colors) # Shuffle colors to decorrelate adjacent classes.
np.random.seed(None) # Reset seed to default.
# Generate output tensor targets for filtered bounding boxes.
self.input_image_shape = K.placeholder(shape=(2, ))
if self.gpu_num>=2:
self.yolo_model = multi_gpu_model(self.yolo_model, gpus=self.gpu_num)
boxes, scores, classes = yolo_eval(self.yolo_model.output, self.anchors,
len(self.class_names), self.input_image_shape,
score_threshold=self.score, iou_threshold=self.iou)
return boxes, scores, classes
def detect_image(self, image):
start = timer()
if self.model_image_size != (None, None):
assert self.model_image_size[0]%32 == 0, 'Multiples of 32 required'
assert self.model_image_size[1]%32 == 0, 'Multiples of 32 required'
boxed_image = letterbox_image(image, tuple(reversed(self.model_image_size)))
new_image_size = (image.width - (image.width % 32),
image.height - (image.height % 32))
boxed_image = letterbox_image(image, new_image_size)
image_data = np.array(boxed_image, dtype='float32')
image_data /= 255.
image_data = np.expand_dims(image_data, 0) # Add batch dimension.
out_boxes, out_scores, out_classes = self.sess.run(
[self.boxes, self.scores, self.classes],
self.yolo_model.input: image_data,
self.input_image_shape: [image.size[1], image.size[0]],
K.learning_phase(): 0
print('Found {} boxes for {}'.format(len(out_boxes), 'img'))
font = ImageFont.truetype(font='font/FiraMono-Medium.otf',
size=np.floor(3e-2 * image.size[1] + 0.5).astype('int32'))
thickness = (image.size[0] + image.size[1]) // 300
for i, c in reversed(list(enumerate(out_classes))):
predicted_class = self.class_names[c]
box = out_boxes[i]
score = out_scores[i]
label = '{} {:.2f}'.format(predicted_class, score)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
label_size = draw.textsize(label, font)
top, left, bottom, right = box
top = max(0, np.floor(top + 0.5).astype('int32'))
left = max(0, np.floor(left + 0.5).astype('int32'))
bottom = min(image.size[1], np.floor(bottom + 0.5).astype('int32'))
right = min(image.size[0], np.floor(right + 0.5).astype('int32'))
print(label, (left, top), (right, bottom))
if top - label_size[1] >= 0:
text_origin = np.array([left, top - label_size[1]])
text_origin = np.array([left, top + 1])
# My kingdom for a good redistributable image drawing library.
for i in range(thickness):
[left + i, top + i, right - i, bottom - i],
[tuple(text_origin), tuple(text_origin + label_size)],
draw.text(text_origin, label, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=font)
del draw
end = timer()
print(end - start)
return image
def close_session(self):
def detect_video(yolo, video_path, output_path=""):
import cv2
vid = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
if not vid.isOpened():
raise IOError("Couldn't open webcam or video")
video_FourCC = int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC))
video_fps = vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
video_size = (int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)),
isOutput = True if output_path != "" else False
if isOutput:
print("!!! TYPE:", type(output_path), type(video_FourCC), type(video_fps), type(video_size))
out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, video_FourCC, video_fps, video_size)
accum_time = 0
curr_fps = 0
fps = "FPS: ??"
prev_time = timer()
while True:
return_value, frame = vid.read()
image = Image.fromarray(frame)
image = yolo.detect_image(image)
result = np.asarray(image)
curr_time = timer()
exec_time = curr_time - prev_time
prev_time = curr_time
accum_time = accum_time + exec_time
curr_fps = curr_fps + 1
if accum_time > 1:
accum_time = accum_time - 1
fps = "FPS: " + str(curr_fps)
curr_fps = 0
cv2.putText(result, text=fps, org=(3, 15), fontFace=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,
fontScale=0.50, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2)
cv2.namedWindow("result", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imshow("result", result)
if isOutput:
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = './img/1.jpg'
image = Image.open(path)
print('Open Error! Try again!')
r_image = yolo.detect_image(image)
import sys
import argparse
from yolo import YOLO, detect_video
from PIL import Image
if __name__ == '__main__':
config = {
"model_path": "logs/000/trained_weights_final.h5", # 加载模型(你的模型)
"score": 0.3, # 超出这个值的预测才会被显示
"iou": 0.5, # 交并比
yolo = YOLO(**config)
image = Image.open("./img/dabao1.jpg")
r_image = yolo.detect_image(image)
https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ #YOLO官网
# 以下是文章参考博文,感谢以下博主分享
https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_26917383/article/details/75633754 # 感谢博主分享
# 在使用keras时候会出现总是占满GPU显存的情况,可以通过重设backend的GPU占用情况来进行调节。
import tensorflow as tf
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.3
num_cores = 4
config = tf.ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores,
allow_soft_placement=True, device_count={'CPU': 4})
session = tf.Session(config=config)
# 说明
device_count, 告诉tf Session使用CPU数量上限,如果你的CPU数量较多,可以适当加大这个值
allow_soft_placement=True, 有时候,不同的设备,它的cpu和gpu是不同的,如果将这个选项设置成True,那么当运行设备不满足要求时,会自动分配GPU或者CPU。
ons.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.3
- #### tensorflow + CPU充分使用(cpu环境中)
num_cores = 4
config = tf.ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores,
allow_soft_placement=True, device_count={'CPU': 4})
session = tf.Session(config=config)
# 说明
device_count, 告诉tf Session使用CPU数量上限,如果你的CPU数量较多,可以适当加大这个值
allow_soft_placement=True, 有时候,不同的设备,它的cpu和gpu是不同的,如果将这个选项设置成True,那么当运行设备不满足要求时,会自动分配GPU或者CPU。